KLEPT, Billy Welch incident at Proviso West [D209]
I have received a tip that there was an incident at Proviso West involving Billy Welch this morning and that Chris Welch, Billy Welch's brother and the president of the board of education has gone to the high school.
If you have any information, please call 43O-3538 in the 773 or email me, RadioNyberg circled "a" Yahoo spot com.
If you can't call or email post what you know in the comments.
If you have any information, please call 43O-3538 in the 773 or email me, RadioNyberg circled "a" Yahoo spot com.
If you can't call or email post what you know in the comments.
In the interest of full disclosure Billy and Chris Welch sued me for defamation in September, 2005.
The judge didn't sanction the Welch brothers for filing suits that lacked a legitimate purpose, but she did acknowledge I was correct that Billy Welch was indicted for drug dealing and that everything I wrote about Chris Welch on Proviso Probe was either true or political opinion protected by the First Amendment.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:12 AM, October 02, 2006
rumor has it that he punches in for his shift and then leaves the school. He then returns later to punch out. They finally decided to take him to task for it, this time.
To put it in plain speak, he's stealing from the District.
I'm sure the Proviso Insider has the scoop.
Anonymous, at 1:29 PM, October 02, 2006
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Anonymous, at 1:49 PM, October 02, 2006
To show us the tape,
You really are going to need a tape for this one. Because, Question? Where was his Supervisor LT while Billy Welch punched in and left and punched out at the end of the shift? Answer. AT HIS BROADVIEW HOME ANSWERING HIS PROVISO ISSUED RADIO WHILE THE CUSTODIANS ARE WORKING!
LT, if answering your radio from home, move to Hillside within a block away from the school. I'm tired of hearing all the static that interferes with you giving us orders from your home.
I don't think Billy Welch has missed a day at Proviso. I don't think this guy even takes his sick time. He is always in his area doing his job, so show us the tape.
SHOW US THE TAPE LT. THE TAPE OF YOU PULLING OUT THE PARKING LOT GOING HOME FOR 4 HOURS. Yes, we know your routine. You show your face at the beginning of the shift for 2 hours and then you return for the last 2 hours. We can't even call you a Ghost Payroller, because you do roll your ass to work in your Lexus everyday scammin proviso taxpayers.
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM, October 02, 2006
Clear your channel, you are right. L.T. is always at "The Touch". I mean, "The Touch of the Past" lounge in bellwood during his shift. He probably goes home after he had a couple of drinks to take a nap before he returns to work.
Anonymous, at 5:22 PM, October 02, 2006
If it was up to me I would make sure there were no blacks in charge of ANYTHING IN POVISO!! Both sides of APES, ARE destroying the school with the stealing,lazyness and stupidity!!!
How can you steal $40 million for a building and yet, the whites in Naperville and Aurora can build a stae of the art school,Nequia Valley High, for 60 million?
I for one would be inclined to start the cutting off of all the testicles of every black man in Proviso, that way they could'nt reproduce any offspring, and there women would have to hook up with whites and reproduce children, who would have a chance of success in life, just like Obama,Beyonce,Harold Ford,etc.
Anonymous, at 5:55 PM, October 02, 2006
What's L.T.s salary? Is it true he makes at least $60,000 a year?
Anonymous, at 7:00 PM, October 02, 2006
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Anonymous, at 7:10 PM, October 02, 2006
Not to give credence to the racist comments on this thread but is there any proof that the school in Naperville was built for 60 Million? If that's the truth, then we do need to start to make some people more accountable.
Anonymous, at 7:52 PM, October 02, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:26 PM, October 02, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:27 PM, October 02, 2006
Nope, you can't blame L.T. or anyone else for Billy Welch stealing from the district. Billy was totaly dishonest and that's why we're discussing this now.
If Billy is like his brother Chris, he'll blame someone else for his absence. I mean really, is anyone surprised that Chris is on here blaming L.T. for Billy stealing from the district? And had the nerve to publish L.T's salary?
To be honest with you, if I was L.T., I would beat the living daylights out of Chris for mentioning me and my salary on this blog. I mean, I would beat him like his momma should have!
Oh and people, disregard the racist comments on this blog...that's just Chris trying to divert you from the issue. Don't let it move you. Stay focused and on point.
Chris Welch and his family are embarrasing the entire Proviso Township. Chris Welch must resign and leave our community pronto! And take your relatives off District 209's payroll and take them with you!
Anonymous, at 10:37 PM, October 02, 2006
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