ED, another head rolls at PMSA [D209]
Melvin Berry, the director of Proviso Math and Science Academy, was relieved of his duties today. He has been charged with committing sexual harassment two or three years ago while he worked at Proviso East.
The woman alleged to be Berry’s accuser is a member of former Democratic Committeeman Eugene Moore’s political organization. In the past Berry was an also active in Moore’s organization and invited members of District 209 staff to join and become active.
On September 1, Rick Bryant (who was then co-director of PMSA with Berry) was relieved of his duties. The previous day finance director Nikita Johnson filed a police report over missing money. In the police report Bryant was one of two suspects making he said/she said allegations against each other.
Why is District 209 purging PMSA leadership?
One theory holds that board president Chris Welch is punishing PMSA leadership for two Forest Park parents who criticized District 209’s management of PMSA at the August board meeting. See Forest Park Review (Carl Nyberg).
Or perhaps it’s a management technique. If Welch and Fields sow enough fear and chaos they believe it will give them control.
[UPDATE1: From Proviso Insider:
[Any comments on Proviso Insider's coverage?]
[UPDATE2: Forest Park Review (Josh Adams):
[What's wrong with Williams statement? Nominally District 209 canned Rich Bryant and Melvin Berry for misconduct. Presumably District 209 only recently discovered the misconduct, right? But Williams statement makes it seem like terminating Bryant and Williams is part of the evolution of the school. Bryant and Berry had accomplished what they could and now it's time to get new leaders to meet PMSA's existing challenges.
[Williams statement let's you know what the real deal is. Bryant and Berry were fired because the people calling the shots in District 209 want to go in a new direction with PMSA. So the question that needs to be answered is: how are the policies and goals of PMSA going to change? Or are the firings the first step in invoking the "Bob Libka defense"? The Libka defense is roughly, "There have been so many 'unexpected' personnel moves I can't be held accountable for the problems under my cognizance."]
The woman alleged to be Berry’s accuser is a member of former Democratic Committeeman Eugene Moore’s political organization. In the past Berry was an also active in Moore’s organization and invited members of District 209 staff to join and become active.
On September 1, Rick Bryant (who was then co-director of PMSA with Berry) was relieved of his duties. The previous day finance director Nikita Johnson filed a police report over missing money. In the police report Bryant was one of two suspects making he said/she said allegations against each other.
Why is District 209 purging PMSA leadership?
One theory holds that board president Chris Welch is punishing PMSA leadership for two Forest Park parents who criticized District 209’s management of PMSA at the August board meeting. See Forest Park Review (Carl Nyberg).
Or perhaps it’s a management technique. If Welch and Fields sow enough fear and chaos they believe it will give them control.
[UPDATE1: From Proviso Insider:
Sources tell the Insider that several district 209 employees have launched serious allegations of impropriety toward Berry that must be investigated.
[Any comments on Proviso Insider's coverage?]
[UPDATE2: Forest Park Review (Josh Adams):
Though the school is without either of its top administrators and is roughly six weeks into the school year, Welch said parents should not be concerned....
Carl Williams, president of the PMSA Parent-Teacher-Student Association said Friday he was not aware of Berry's suspension. However, Williams too, expressed confidence in Fields' decision to suspend Berry despite having no knowledge of the reasons for doing so.
"I love the leadership and the energy that (Fields) brings," Williams said. "Mr. Bryant and Mr. Berry were good for PMSA but their time has come. It's time to move on."
[What's wrong with Williams statement? Nominally District 209 canned Rich Bryant and Melvin Berry for misconduct. Presumably District 209 only recently discovered the misconduct, right? But Williams statement makes it seem like terminating Bryant and Williams is part of the evolution of the school. Bryant and Berry had accomplished what they could and now it's time to get new leaders to meet PMSA's existing challenges.
[Williams statement let's you know what the real deal is. Bryant and Berry were fired because the people calling the shots in District 209 want to go in a new direction with PMSA. So the question that needs to be answered is: how are the policies and goals of PMSA going to change? Or are the firings the first step in invoking the "Bob Libka defense"? The Libka defense is roughly, "There have been so many 'unexpected' personnel moves I can't be held accountable for the problems under my cognizance."]
I have a hearsay source who says canning Berry was discussed at Monday's board meeting.
So, the day before District 209 escorted Berry from the premises the district restricted access to Proviso Probe.
Conspiracy or coincidence?
Carl Nyberg, at 9:44 PM, September 28, 2006
All the right moves. At last comes the house cleaning that's been overdue for so long.
Some chairs are feeling the heat too. You ain't seen nothun' yet.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, September 28, 2006
You are really sick.
Anonymous, at 10:24 PM, September 28, 2006
chris cross, who else should be fired?
Carl Nyberg, at 11:44 PM, September 28, 2006
dispirited, please explain what happened with teacher pay. thanks.
Carl Nyberg, at 11:24 AM, September 30, 2006
I mentioned some time ago that Proviso was in the midst of a unique transition. Also I said that lines were being fashioned in an effort to determine who fits in and who is slated to be amongst the unwelcomed, if not dismissed.
All this is necessary as the school remains as if stuck in a kind of performance rut. Blaming the kids (skills deficits and social disabilities) is no longer going to justify in accounting for such dismal history, especially since there is research out there that indicates such challenges can successfully be overcome.
Teachers are now viewed as one of the central factors, if not the most important, in accomplishing turnarounds in achievement. The only ones who need be afraid are those who lack what are the essential competencies. Evidence suggests that we have an abundance of such types.
The signs are there for anyone to see. It's a new day. There is an offense plan in place where heretofore such activity had been either deferred or not adopted out of concerns about reprisals. There is no such fear of this kind today.
Where there are perceived gaps, plans are in place to close them in decisive fashion. The Insider is but one small strategy, and so far she is doing a great job. The larger and far more important objective is to have essentially reconstituted the district in as fast a time as possible. One must be and do what is expected of a professional. Anything less and you're subject to be shown the door.
Anonymous, at 5:42 PM, September 30, 2006
Pamela says: to guess who said. Teachers can't up the standards if the admin. won't let them. Every grading period teachers are called in to justify their F's. Shouldn't a kid who is absent 15 days unexcused get an F? Shouldn't a kid who does absolutely nothing in class get an F? The stupid grading policy is also still in effect. if a kid gets a C the first 9 weeks and does nothing or doesn't ciome the rest of the semester, HE STILL PASSES! Proviso needs to give teachers the tools needed to improve education. Fields has already said he's not spending any money on teacher education. Does he sound like a reformer to you?
Anonymous, at 6:03 PM, September 30, 2006
Pamela says to dispiritedunionmember: Wow! I agree with you on everything. Fields needs the teachers on his side to create positive changes in the schools. If he and Nikita come off like bad guys, they will get nothing accomplished. When you're trying to turn a school around, you need ALL parties on the same page.
Anonymous, at 8:33 PM, September 30, 2006
To guess who, what the hell were you doing then for the past 51/2 years?? Did'nt you always say the same? Create the Magnet School and everything will be better.Now you fire the man who got it started and state "he does'nt know what he was doing" and " that Fields now will be in charge of the PMSA"? What experience does Fields have with Magnet schools"? NONE!
Fields used to be prinicpal at Morton in Cicero, is he also a poltical Hack of Eddie Vrdolak and Betty Loren Maltase? My sources say yes, he worked for the Cicero Republican Party and was considered for Superintendent there but did'nt want to wait!So Chris, why did you hire a Republican hack from the Cicero Organization????? Are you a Republican ? Did Morton improve under his corrupt administration? Was not Fields about to be fired from Mundelian, but yet you thought he was well qualified???Chirs I can't believe your such a piece of shit, especially after you came from poverty and from Proviso and now you instead of trying to improve the lot of education for others just like you, instead you fuck all the minorities!!! God forgive you for destroying everything around you and God forgive you for your sins! Fields is a big pile of shit.If fields was truely going to stop corruption I'm all for it, but if he is working to cover up your shit and your people's shit, which he is, will be seeing you and him in a court of law.It's to bad that Kim Lightford is such a piece of shit, just like you, because maybe in her positon, she could do something to stop your madness, but it appears that only Yarbrough,Peraica and the people are the only one who will be able to do something. Shame on you Welch, and Shame on Lightfors and Fields, but remeber your day will come!
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM, September 30, 2006
Do you feel capable of influencing decisions that are made in the school?
Do you feel capable of expressing views freely on important school matters?
How skillful are you at bringing into the classroom the instructional materials and equipment you need, despite budget restrictions?
How much do you do to get through to the most difficult students?
How much can you do to promote learning when there is lack of support from the home?
How much can you do to keep students on task on difficult assignments?
How much can you do to increase students’ memory of what they have been taught in previous lessons?
How much can you do to motivate students who show low interest in schoolwork?
How much can you do to get students to work together?
How much can you do to overcome the influence of adverse community conditions on students’ learning?
How much can you do to get children to do their homework?
How much can you do to get children to follow classroom rules?
How much can you do to control disruptive behavior in the classroom?
How much can you do to prevent problem behavior on the school grounds?
How much can you do to get parents to become involved in school activities?
How much can you assist parents in helping their children do well in school?
How much can you do to make parents feel comfortable coming to school?
How much can you do to get community groups involved in working with the schools?
How much can you do to get churches involved in working with the school?
How much can you do to get businesses involved in working with the school?
How much can you do to get local colleges and universities involved in working with the school?
How much can you do to make the school a safe place?
How much can you do to make students enjoy coming to school?
How much can you do to get students to trust teachers?
How much can you help other teachers with their teaching skills?
How much can you do to enhance collaboration between teachers and the administration to make the school run effectively?
How much can you do to reduce school dropout?
How much can you do to reduce school absenteeism?
How much can you do to get students to believe they can do well in schoolwork?
Anonymous, at 7:29 AM, October 01, 2006
A little birdie told me that Ms. Robinson a dean at PE accused Berry of harrassment. Now, could this be the same Dean Robinson, who looks like a hooker from the corner of Madison and Pulaski?
I predict PMSA will be closed by 2008, what a waste of taxpayers money, but at least Welch and his family profitted.
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM, October 04, 2006
When it comes to forming my opinion I'm not one who listens to the rhetoric and venting. I watch for the actions because as we all know, they speak louder than words.
Mr. Fields' actions in cleaning house suit me fine because our schools have performed miserably in academics and finances for at least the past 20 years that I've been here. Like Mr. Williams, I like Fields being a man of action. If this man identifies the underperforming areas and fires those how should be accountable, then a big thumbs-up from me. I also believe Mr. Williams is a man of deep integrity and I trust his judgement as much as anyone I know in this community. He has always given his money and time to our kids. It gives me confidence that he supports Mr. Fields' work so far.
I think a litmus test for Mr. Fields integrity will be in how he handles Mr. Lipka, who is a nice enough guy but hasn't done much to improve things in 209.
Anonymous, at 12:12 AM, October 05, 2006
To 1st Ave Walker:
You stated:
"I think a litmus test for Mr. Fields integrity will be in how he handles Mr. Lipka, who is a nice enough guy but hasn't done much to improve things in 209".
Well, Libka was promoted and given a job for $150,000 right after Stan Fields was hired. In other words, Stan Fields' "handled" Libka by approving his salary and position.
Does this give you confidence in Fields'? These minor cosmetic changes are surface level at best and will do nothing to actually change the environment at District 209. You can't fire a scapegoat and expect real change. It's nothing more than a facade to appear about the business when in actuality it's a diversion to draw the public away from the real issues and corruption plaguing PMSA and the district. We have 2 schools on the academic watch list, nepotism by the board president Chris Welch and his constituents Shirley Madlock, Danny Adams and Sue Henry, excessive lawyer fees, low graduation rate, poor planning and a top heavy administration with over budget salaries.
Personally, I have no confidence in Fields’ based on his actions thus far. Fields’ in his very first board meeting violated the Open Meetings Act. At this board meeting, Fields’ was extremely rude, mocking, condescending and accused board members with misinformation fed to him by the board president. Fields acting out on behalf of the board president is not only tacky but is an embarrassment to the community and undermines the process of the board meeting. Fields will not gain the trust from this community by adhering to unprofessional behavior and petty displays of misguided political grandstanding.
Need more info on Fields’…then check this out:
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM, October 05, 2006
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