ED, PMSA leadership shake-up [D209]
I received an email from someone connected with PMSA (Proviso Math and Science Academy). S/he wrote that there was a Friday meeting in which there was a change in the leadership of PMSA.
Is it true? What happened?
[UPDATE: According to Superintendent Stan Fields, PMSA Director Richard B. Bryant has been suspended. Tonight there will be a special board meeting to discuss Bryant's status and to make changes to the master schedule. The meeting will be at PMSA at 7 PM.
[On Thursday, business manager Nikita Johnson filed a police report about PMSA employees losing--perhaps stealing--$2,600. Bryant and Angela Jackson are named in the police report.]
[CORRECTION: The meeting was a meeting of the Parent-Teachers-Student Association, not the Board of Education. The Board of Education will consider Bryant's suspension at September 25 meeting.]
Is it true? What happened?
[UPDATE: According to Superintendent Stan Fields, PMSA Director Richard B. Bryant has been suspended. Tonight there will be a special board meeting to discuss Bryant's status and to make changes to the master schedule. The meeting will be at PMSA at 7 PM.
[On Thursday, business manager Nikita Johnson filed a police report about PMSA employees losing--perhaps stealing--$2,600. Bryant and Angela Jackson are named in the police report.]
[CORRECTION: The meeting was a meeting of the Parent-Teachers-Student Association, not the Board of Education. The Board of Education will consider Bryant's suspension at September 25 meeting.]
I hear that Mr. Bryant stole student registration fees or at least doesn't know where it is. As the leader of that building, shouldn't he at least know where it is and be held accountable for it?
Anonymous, at 5:00 PM, September 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:04 PM, September 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:08 PM, September 05, 2006
i stiil dun kow hw my school is goin to be next semester...if they changed that darn schedule all we jus got used to would change n we would have to adapt again. Also i think takin out mr. bryant was a good n bad choice...y? b/c that is my opinion, but puttin in mr berry in his place; now that was a bad choice. i wonder if our school will ever be right ?
PMSA student
Anonymous, at 9:25 PM, September 05, 2006
It is truly sad that commentators on this blog page are "speculating" such heinous crimes against Mr. Bryant without just cause or evidence. How does anyone know what really happened? If there is any such evidence, let's see it. But let's not drag someone's name into mud without any sort of evidence. Would any of you like it if I decided to spread rumours about you without evidence? I may not be a parent, but my sister goes to this school, and amongst all the politics and scandals that are plaguing this academy, the students are the ones that hurt the most. By the way, let me ask, has anyone seen Mr. Bryant be viscious or belligerent towards the students and the faculty? From what I hear through my sister and her friends and her teachers, Mr. Bryant is a compassionate man who has put in time and effort in building a curriculum for his students. He is the only faculty member that has actual experience in an academy such as the one he is aiming to build at PMSA; this comes directly from the students. So again, let's not trash Mr. Bryant without knowing both sides of the issue and without any evidence that points to Mr. Bryant being involved in such a crime.
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM, September 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:34 PM, September 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:44 PM, September 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:52 PM, September 05, 2006
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Anonymous, at 10:05 PM, September 05, 2006
Mr. Bryant sounds like a thief or at the least an ineffective leader. Mr. Berry sounds like he's definitely not the answer. Any new school is going to go through growing pains. I blame the old superintendent Mr. Jackson for hiring co directors in the first place. Any organization needs a defined leader. And that leader should have substance. Mr. Bryant had no substance.
Anonymous, at 11:06 PM, September 05, 2006
I attended the emergency meeting at PMSA last night. It was a hastily-called meeting done at the last minute and was indicative of the poor planning which plagues District 209. Furthermore, despite the fact that there was an excellent turn-out of attendees likely anticipating important and substantial information, the relevant information that was passed on could have easily been encapsulated into a paragraph on the district’s website (were it ever updated) or communicated via a phone message. But, no, instead a large number of parents had to be inconvenienced by going to PMSA for, what was in large part, a long-winded litany of self-aggrandizing statements spewed forth by Mr. Berry and whoever the other gentleman was. We got to hear how much they sacrificed for PMSA. The results of these alleged sacrifices, judging by the problems the school had and continues to have and the number of disconcerted attendees is, at best, questionable. We got to hear statements such as the budget deficit means nothing, rah, rah, rah. Of course, attitudes like this may partially or fully explain why there is a budget deficit in the first place. Then, we got to hear how complaints should be channeled through those who control the resolution of the complaints, namely, Mr. Berry and the other gentleman. When you have such a pitiful state of affairs at PMSA including constant scheduling changes, students with no books, and substitute teachers and you are concerned parent, you talk to everyone and anyone that can do something to rectify the situation including board members and legislators. After all, as was said over and over again at the meeting, our kids’ futures are at stake.
Then, of course, Mr. Libka, with his inimitable Buddha-like posture, legal pad and pen in hand, and perpetual vacuous smile, said nothing. Know nothing, say nothing, I guess. And, for this, we’re paying him over one hundred grand a year?
Anonymous, at 7:51 AM, September 06, 2006
This is interesting.
The minority board members (Charles Flowers, Gary Marine and Theresa Kelly) were not notified about this meeting.
That's not proper protocol.
This is not a coincidence. Chris Welch and his majority board blatantly called for their omission.
Chris Welch must resign from District 209 and leave our community A.S.A.P.!
Anonymous, at 10:31 AM, September 06, 2006
So much deception!
It wasn't a board meeting, but it seems board members should have been notified of the meeting anyway.
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM, September 06, 2006
Were any board members at the meeting last night? Was this a meeting for politicians?
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM, September 06, 2006
I deleted the posts under "anonymous". I do this so that reading the discussion doesn't become confusing. Having more than one "anonymous" participating makes it much more difficult to follow the discussion.
A number of the posts were useful, so I hope the people choose to re-post their thoughts and insights.
But please use a pseudonym or incorporate a monniker so readers can more easily follow the discussion.
Thanks for participating in Proviso Probe.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:55 AM, September 06, 2006
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Anonymous, at 1:43 PM, September 06, 2006
What did I write about posting under "anonymous"?
Carl Nyberg, at 3:58 PM, September 06, 2006
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Anonymous, at 4:03 PM, September 06, 2006
There has been no reason given by anyone in a leadership position as to why the schedules are being changed. The result of this change is that every student and teacher will have a new schedule four weeks into the school year. Teachers who have written their curriculum and planned their year based on a block schedule will have to re-plan their year. Planning for a 90 minute class cannot simply be chopped up into little pieces for a 50 minute class. Students, who have already been subjected to substitute teachers for weeks, will now have entirely new schedules. This will add only more stress and frustration to these students. I predict that more teachers will choose to leave, resulting in even more substitutes teaching classes. In addition, I'm guessing that parents will begin to pull their students out of the school. After one year of remarkable education and learning, PMSA will become a school that does not deliever what was promised to us parents: a small, selective-admissions math and science academy with inquiry-based teaching and block scheduling. The entire booklet explaining the school is already obsolete and inaccurate. After only one year. The question is: What was so horrible about last year that mandated these changes? What evidence exists that the school should not have continued with its mission as promised to us parents?
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM, September 06, 2006
concerned pmsa parent you should listen to all the facts before you pass judgment. all of the educators in district 209 disagree with the structure that rick bryant put in place. it just did not work, and it was not based on data driven decisions. also, the fact remains that those kids want to participate in extracurricular activities at east and west, but that schedule just doesn't allow full participation of pmsa kids at east and west. you all can't have everything you want. someone's going to be disappointed.
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM, September 06, 2006
This publicity, accompanied by what appears to be a growing doubt about the efficacy of the PMSA program could not have come at a worst time. It is absolutely critical that the Math & Science Academy perform it's mission, else face the risk of its growth potential becoming severely limited. Such could be a huge setback to the strategic plan.
The plan, of course, is to insure a steady future growth in enrollments and to tap the families who otherwise might send their children elsewhere. PMSA must survive as a viable alternative to private and other outside sources that provide educational outcomes commensurate with the needs of a global marketplace where competition is becoming increasingly fierce.
There's been a huge capital investment associated with this iniatitive and the impact on the District's capital structure has been immense.
It's not too late to get around this little bump. The situation must not be allowed to become malignant. Nothing less than depth execution is called for at this time and the leadership had better deliver or suffer what would be tantamount to a devasting impact on the quality of future programs and services.
There's no way around it, PMSA must shine and serve as a source of quality education unlike anything in the area. Its success will drive achievement at the other campuses as well.
I even go so far as to say that the PMSA is District 209's last hope.
Don't drop the ball folk.
Anonymous, at 5:29 PM, September 06, 2006
So when do they give PMSA to Forest Park, (Forest Park HS)
Anonymous, at 8:42 PM, September 06, 2006
The reason that all the board members weren't there is because the meeting wasn't a board meeting. It was simply a emergency parent meeting.
Anonymous, at 9:35 PM, September 06, 2006
O.k.now I have a question. Does everyone remember last year how there really wasn't that big of an issue with the sports? Mr. Moyer just had the scheduals so that all of the kids who went to sports had an exploritory at the end of the day. So why don't we have the scheduals like that any more? To me, it seems like Mr. Moyer leaveing was the worst thing that could have ever happened to PMSA. Everything when from bad to WORST when he left. Now, don't you think that someone on the board or anyone above him would have seen that? Do you really have to be that hard headed to not see this? Let me say also, that now that Mr. Bryant might be leaveing, there really isn't anyone left that truly believes in what the school was originaly. If Mr. Berry did, he would have been fighting right along with Mr. Moyer and Bryant and not trying to fight with us students about EVERYTHING. So tell me what has our school become? Is it now just a place that people can gain more power and money? WHAT HAS HAPPENED?!! I know that i am not the only one who feels this way, and this will not be the last time that you will be hearing this either!
Anonymous, at 10:10 PM, September 06, 2006
Disappointed student. Do you think Mr. Bryant deserves to keep his job if Mr. Moyer was the key to his success? It sounds like Mr. Moyer leaving caused Mr. Bryant to work, and it really exposed his weaknesses. It sounds like Mr. Bryant didn't know how to do the job that he relied on others to do. That's another sign of an ineffective leader. At a minimum, he should know how to do the jobs of his subordinates because no one should be bigger than the team. Also, disappointed student, i'm sure your new superintendent is already looking for a person more qualified than Mr. Berry to lead the school. You are just going threw growing pains right now, and will appreciate the school better when you see someone more capable than Mr. Bryant, Moyer or Berry running things.
Anonymous, at 9:10 AM, September 07, 2006
Wasn't this fiasco named PMSA to be anticipated? Like a bad case of erectile dysfunction, the planners were long on wishes and desires and very short on execution. One did not need a crystal ball to see that PMSA would be plagued by obstacles and prone to failure.
There have been and continue to be a number of schools such as PMSA which have demonstrated success. The planners of PMSA did not have a blank slate from which to start ... if they would have only opened their eyes and observed and noted. I know that any new project has its growing pains, but I see incompetent planning and execution written all over PMSA from cost over-runs to lack of necessary operational funds to changes in scheduling to no books for students and to the use of substitute teachers.
Listen, no matter how lofty the incompetent dreams, it is doomed to failure because s/he is incompetent. And, there are a hell of a lot, rampantly so, of incompetents in the upper echelons of District 209.
A new broom sweeps clean, and it is hoped the Mr. Fields summarily cleans out all of the big talkers who produce nothing, or worse yet, cause chaos.
PMSA can and should be successful but it needs to get rid of the impotent adminstrators who just haven't got what it takes to generate successful growth.
Anonymous, at 9:56 AM, September 07, 2006
PMSA teacher, the superintendent will NEVER find anyone better than Mr. Moyer. He was PERFECTLY capable of doing things just fine. He had a lot of things to do. He did everything. They'll never find anyone better than him.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, September 07, 2006
And I think that they should get rid of Mr. Berry and Mr. Martikean because Mr. Berry..well.. you guys don't need an explanation for that one.. but Mr. Martikean is a suck-up and he doesn't know how to teach.
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM, September 07, 2006
I'm hearing about you guys from Chicago to Omaha, NE. That should say something. Tidy things up as soon as possible, kids there need to learn.
Anonymous, at 4:41 PM, September 07, 2006
just a comment on the Block schedules, Mr Bryant did not come up with that with out data, The Block scheduling has been proven a success at IMSA one of the premire math and science Acadamies that Mr. Bryant worked at before and one that Proviso is trying to emulate
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM, September 07, 2006
pmsa is not imsa. mr. bryant was a guidance counselor at imsa and obviously didn't know how to run a school as a school leader. the only way pmsa got as screwed up as it got is because of its building leadership. wake up people. if bryant knew what he was doing, then why was the schedule messed up. it sounds like the students may know more than the parents, and it appears this moyer person is the reason pmsa worked last year. but he's gone. he resigned to go back to imsa on his own volition. also, pmsa has unique challenges. it is a public school with kids who desire to play sports. it's also a public school with financial restraints so these kids are forced to work within the current system and be involved at east and west. i hear the block schedule just caused too many problems for those kids. because the block schedule posed problems, many of the kids who wanted to be involved in extra curricular activity just decided the heck with it. also, i hear the block schedule posed problems for those who wanted to transfer in and/or out of pmsa into east, west or another school. one student who transferred from pmsa to west believes west is more challenging, and she believes bryant, berry and moyer were all bad for pmsa.
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM, September 07, 2006
The block scheduling was one of the smartest and one of the most organized things the school has done and they're taking it away completely.
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM, September 07, 2006
pmsa is not imsa. mr. bryant was a guidance counselor at imsa and obviously didn't know how to run a school as a school leader. the only way pmsa got as screwed up as it got is because of its building leadership. wake up people. if bryant knew what he was doing, then why was the schedule messed up. it sounds like the students may know more than the parents, and it appears this moyer person is the reason pmsa worked last year. but he's gone. he resigned to go back to imsa on his own volition. also, pmsa has unique challenges. it is a public school with kids who desire to play sports. it's also a public school with financial restraints so these kids are forced to work within the current system and be involved at east and west. i hear the block schedule just caused too many problems for those kids. because the block schedule posed problems, many of the kids who wanted to be involved in extra curricular activity just decided the heck with it. also, i hear the block schedule posed problems for those who wanted to transfer in and/or out of pmsa into east, west or another school. one student who transferred from pmsa to west believes west is more challenging, and she believes bryant, berry and moyer were all bad for pmsa.
Anonymous, at 7:41 PM, September 07, 2006
Moyer was great for PMSA. Bryant might not have known what he was doing but he was one of the only people who had any experience at an academy before. He worked at IMSA and another academy in South Carolina or something. PMSA is an academy. An ACADEMY. Bryant tried hard to make it seem more like an ACADEMY and not like East and West, even if he screwed up a little bit. The block schedueling was a great idea. People for sports didn't have much of a problem because at the end of the day they had an exploratory (free class) so they were able to leave without missing anything. Extracurricular activities were no problem, and if there were problems they weren't due to the block scheduling. There is going to be a new schedule on Monday where Math and Science classes are 100 minutes long or "blocked". The rest of the classes (spanish, art, etc) are only going to be 50 minutes because apparently they arent important. Starting Monday each student is going to get rid of their old schedule, the one that they've been getting used to for 4 weeks, and are going to receive a brand new schedule. Why? Not because of sports, not because of problems with the schedules, but because of the union and the contract that PMSA is under. It has nothing to do with the students. They are ruining and redesigning our system for no reason at all other than to satisfy the union. Yes, the leadership in this school is screwed up, but Bryant and Moyer did everything they could to keep things smooth.
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM, September 07, 2006
Moyer was great for PMSA. Bryant might not have known what he was doing but he was one of the only people who had any experience at an academy before. He worked at IMSA and another academy in South Carolina or something. PMSA is an academy. An ACADEMY. Bryant tried hard to make it seem more like an ACADEMY and not like East and West, even if he screwed up a little bit. The block schedueling was a great idea. People for sports didn't have much of a problem because at the end of the day they had an exploratory (free class) so they were able to leave without missing anything. Extracurricular activities were no problem, and if there were problems they weren't due to the block scheduling. There is going to be a new schedule on Monday where Math and Science classes are 100 minutes long or "blocked". The rest of the classes (spanish, art, etc) are only going to be 50 minutes because apparently they arent important. Starting Monday each student is going to get rid of their old schedule, the one that they've been getting used to for 4 weeks, and are going to receive a brand new schedule. Why? Not because of sports, not because of problems with the schedules, but because of the union and the contract that PMSA is under. It has nothing to do with the students. They are ruining and redesigning our system for no reason at all other than to satisfy the union. Yes, the leadership in this school is screwed up, but Bryant and Moyer did everything they could to keep things smooth.
Anonymous, at 8:03 PM, September 07, 2006
cut it out rick or ed. you guys were awful, and the union was fighting for the teachers and the kids. obviously the teachers didn't agree with what you were trying to do. also, rick, you were just trying to experiment on these kids to get your doctorate. are you finished with your thesis yet? ed, you are a total loser and did not have even have a type 75. you never should have been a facilitator of anything.
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM, September 07, 2006
LOL. The comment above me obviously isn't a teacher.
Anonymous, at 8:47 PM, September 07, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:16 PM, September 07, 2006
I toaly and completly agree with wallace looks good in drag. And to add to it, I think that Welch personally highered the new superintendent so that he can make things look like they are goin to get better. But as soon as Welch is done with him, he is going to be gone!
This board it totaly corupted and needs to be done away with!
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM, September 08, 2006
I am a student at PMSA and it is crazy what is going on at our school. First of all, our teachers told us that no one except Mr. Bryant certain members of the Board know why he is on administrative leave. So there is no way to be sure that money was stolen. We've also heard that Mr. Bryant AND Mr. Berry were both recommended for dismissal last year but Mr. Berry has connections so that's why he remains in his position. I'll be the first to admit that Mr. Bryant was very nice and caring to the students and parents (in my opinion) but he really wasn't doing his job at our school. Mr. Bryant (I have been told) is the one who is responsible for hiring teachers. Right now I have two classes with temporary substitutes, and they are not the only ones in the school. I feel this is unfair to me and my fellow students. Who knows when we will get permanent teachers? We will have to get used to a whole new style of teaching by these teachers. However, Mr. Berry has NOT been put on administrative leave or been under investigation (to my knowledge) when he is just as bad or even worse at his job than Mr. Bryant. Mr. Berry has yelled at students and parents at PTSA meetings. He is very rude and cocky. He does not have an attitude that a person in his position needs. Today he made visits to most of the classrooms to tell about the schedule changes, which I still am not sure exactly what they are. He was not even using proper grammer in his sentences. HOW CAN HE BE A DIRECTOR OF AN ACADEMY IF HE DOESN'T USE PROPER ENGLISH??? Mr. Moyer was the person who should be incharge of all of PMSA. HE was the one who helped teachers design their classes in such a way for students to learn. HE was the one teachers went to when they needed things. HE was the one that students got help with their homework from. HE was the one students went to with all of their problems. HE was the one who substituted for teachers when they were sick so students could continue their education, WHICH IS WHAT SHOULD BE EVERYONE'S PRIMARY CONCERN! Priorities are so messed up right now. I feel that Mr. Berry and the Board, and many others are overlooking what really matters here: THE EDUCATION OF THE STUDENTS AT PMSA. When the schedule gets switched up, we will have to start over in some of our classes and get used to everything in a different way that what we have become accustomed too, most for just four weeks, but many, myself included, for a year and four weeks. Right now I feel that I could be getting a better education at Proviso East or West, which was the point of PMSA- to be DIFFERENT from the other 209 schools. But it seems like PMSA is turning into East and West.
Okay...I'm done now.
Anonymous, at 10:31 PM, September 08, 2006
PMSAWATCHER said: Check out the Dist. 209 page. There is a letter posted from 9/7 to the parents of PMSA from Mr. Fields. In it he states that PMSA now has all its supplies. Ask the chem. kids if they have any chemicals, beakers, test tubes or bunsen burners. Ask the photography classes if they have cameras. Fields is yet another liar. The schedules will all be changed. Berry will continue to yell at kids. Supplies will trickle in slowly. This is "the best " that Proviso has to offer?
Anonymous, at 8:08 AM, September 09, 2006
In Chemistry, we do have books now, and some supplies. BUT, we don't have anything for photography. In Dr. Fields's letter he wrote that they are currently in process of purchasing 240 computers. I thought they were too broke to? Where is this money coming from?
Anonymous, at 8:46 AM, September 09, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:02 AM, September 09, 2006
1st I would like to start by saying that it's no use in defaming anyone's character. It's not going to change the fact that something is wrong. While I'm a Proviso East Alumni as well as my sister and cousins, East is not what is used to be. Politics play a major role in everything when said and done. Mr. Berry has a different tactic on getting word across, everyone wants to look at him at "mean" when in reality he is just telling it like it is. It just seems that no one wants any African-American to have any political clout or higher management clout. My daughter, as well as other students, deserve the best education and shouldn't be subjected to just East or West. If it wasn't for PMSA, my daughter would be at a school without district boundries. Let's work together to make this school succeed, not only for those students that are there, but for the students of the future!!
Anonymous, at 1:07 PM, September 11, 2006
Mr. Berry can "tell it like it is" without being a jerk about it. He continuously treats the students bad and uses a harsh tone. He is way out of line. And why are you bringing race into this? There's plenty of African-Americans holding positions in the political world. Chris Welch is the board president, and he's African-American. So is Mr. Berry, the PTSA president, Mr. Flowers, and plenty others. Think before you speak. And at this point, the students at PMSA would be getting a better education at East and West than at PMSA itself.
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM, September 11, 2006
I heard that today Mr. Bryant pulled into the PMSA parking lot and before he made it to the building, he was arrested. I don't know there is truth to this or if it's just rumors. It's possible, but I think many students would have noticed the police cars from their classrooms. And today...was hectic. The new schedule is crap. Our classes are totally mixed up and it's all just frustrating and stressful.
Anonymous, at 7:50 PM, September 11, 2006
Frustrated Student, you're right that there are a lot of African-Americans holding positions in the political world, however, in the world today, no one wants to see them succeed, just like no one wants to see PMSA succeed! It's not a matter of race, it's a matter of who can get the job done to keep the school and the admistration afloat. I believe you can get a good education at East or West; however, my opinion is why just settle?? You have a lot to learn- you thing that Mr. Berry is being a jerk because he uses a harsh tone??? Wait until you get into the "working world". You'll find out that not only to people talk to you anyway they want, but they will only look out for themselves and give a D*** about you. Think about it .......................................
Anonymous, at 9:44 PM, September 11, 2006
If it's not a matter of race then why did you bring it up in the first place? And I'm not the only person who feels that Mr. Berry is out of line. Parents, teachers AND other students feel the same way. Yeah, in the "real-world" there will be more jerks out there, but we're in HIGH SCHOOL. I'm here to get an education, not to get treated badly and to get yelled at. A director should not be putting down students, as Mr. Berry does.
Anonymous, at 1:51 PM, September 12, 2006
I am a parent, I only care about my childs education! I thought that my child getting into this academy was a great thing, the application process was tough, then you had to wait for the letter of acceptance...all for what???? I am taking my child out. I am putting my child in a school where she will get an education. I am totaly discusted with this so called academy. They are playing politics and our children deserve so much better. I feel that I have wasted time here. We are out of there and all I have to say is GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER! THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN, PLAY YOUR POLITICAL GAMES AND LEAVE THEM OUT OF IT! C-YA
Anonymous, at 12:49 AM, October 01, 2006
haha. Yea, well maybe this school isn't anything like it was suppsta be like, but is anything? The school distict, i think is going to get things together a little bit but nothing will ever be completly resolved. i talked with Mr Fields, the superintendent, and he told us that there were still going to be some issues. But to tell everyone the truth, i don't blame you if you do leave because we've givin this school plenty of chanses. so now its all up to you to leave or stay. but now that mr berry might be gone i think that it will have a great impact, and a positive one at that; as long as Dr Frankowitz doesn't become in charge!!! Then the school is completly screwed!
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM, October 01, 2006
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