N06, Green Party candidate on corruption
Rich Whitney is running for governor of Illinois. The Green Party has a full slate of candidates who have qualified to run for statewide offices.
This is Whitney's press release on corruption.
What do you think?
This is Whitney's press release on corruption.
Rich Whitney, the Green Party's candidate for Illinois Governor, unveiled a comprehensive ethics plan for clean government in Illinois, at the
State Capitol on Monday.
Speaking to members of the media, Whitney indicated that Illinois has a poor reputation as being a haven for crooked politicians, and a Wild West for campaign spending, buying candidates and buying favors, and illegal job patronage.
Included in the plan is a ban on campaign contributions from state contractors, their owners and officers -- and barring the awarding of contracts to any company whose owners or officers had made such a contribution to an incumbent. Also included is a complete ban on corporate campaign contributions in Illinois.
"Our Party and our campaign have already been setting a good example by refusing corporate campaign contributions as a matter of principle," said Rich Whitney.
Other features of the plan include capping individual campaign contributions to $500 per candidate per campaign, and the establishment of an independent hiring and promotion bureau.
"I also promise to appoint an Inspector General from an opposition party, to prevent and root out illegal job patronage and help remove the cloud of corruption over our State," said Rich Whitney.
What do you think?
While I think the Green Party has little chance of winning in the up coming governor's race. I plan on voting for the green party. For several reasons,
1. Both Repulicans and Democrates are scared of this new party coming into the race, and think if they ignore them, they will go away.
2. Both of the major parties have crooks in them, in office and in their closets.
3. The biggie is that both parties need to wake up to what the average voters, and non-voters alike really want in a politicain.
Anonymous, at 6:37 PM, October 02, 2006
Rich Whitney's platform is flawless, his downfall will be the fact that he and the Green Party are unknown to the average voter in Illinois.
He is the only legitmate candidate in my honest opinion. The other two have been absolutely marred by allegations of corruption, I like Judy far more than Blago but at the same time I feel she would be the second coming of George Ryan with the only difference being that she wears a skirt...
With more exposure and transmission of information to the voter, Rich Whitney could and would be an absolute juggernaut in this election. To bad the average dolt won't care enough to look into what he has to offer to be able to make a truly informed decision...
Anonymous, at 8:19 PM, October 04, 2006
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