CRIME, Chicagoan killed in Stone Park [SP]
Chicago Tribune:
Does Ceasefire organize for Stone Park killings?
In Stone Park, Jesus Gonzalez, 18, of the 1700 block of North Austin Avenue in Chicago, was fatally shot early Sunday as he drove a car with several passengers, police said. Police received a report of gunfire about 1 a.m. near Mannheim Road and Le Moyne Street, Stone Park police said. Officers found a car in the middle of the street, and Gonzalez dead from an apparent gunshot wound to the head, police said. He was pronounced dead about 8:20 a.m. at Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood.
Does Ceasefire organize for Stone Park killings?
I guess Stone Park is having some little problems,Hey?
I wonder why there is so many empty businesses on Manheim Rd.?
Must it be that all the Mayor's realtives,all 100, work for the village, thats why they don't have a money to stop gangs and drugs or attract businesses?
Where is the reform?
Anonymous, at 11:21 AM, September 20, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:11 PM, September 20, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:54 AM, September 21, 2006
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Anonymous, at 12:12 AM, September 22, 2006
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Anonymous, at 12:15 AM, September 22, 2006
Don't post under "anonymous"; use a pseudonym.
Multiple people posting under "anonymous" makes the discussion difficult to follow.
Carl Nyberg, at 12:00 PM, September 22, 2006
So if the police solved the case then why haven't they said anything pulic about it, or why hasn't carl nyberg posted anything about who did it, or what they final outcome of the case was. I wanna know how, why, who, oh and what happended to the other people in the car nobody says anything about them. Were they gang members from Franklin Park aka "THE JUNGLE"???
Anonymous, at 11:06 PM, September 22, 2006
Can we please stick to the issue in question. Someone was shot and killed.Was it solved? From these testamoneys from a stonepark citizen that the crime was solved in 48 hours. So in a few months we will hear if the right individual was arrested.(HA HA HA) As for all the back and forth with you don't have the correct info and saying "ALL YOU HATERS WHO DIDN'T BEAT HIM NEED TO GET YOURSELVES A LIFE AND STOP WORRYING ABOUT A TOWN THAT HAS NOTHING YO DO WITH YOU"
I know you are talking about Melrose Park. Yeah, lets leave the election in the past, what last year !!! Lets take it to sending your Stone Park people to CAFE 2000 to talk about the next political action you can take on in Melrose Park. Stone Park Trustee buying a home in Melrose Park, FACT published in the (HERALD). We can keep on asking why nothing is being built on the property located on North Ave in Stone Park. At this point who cares ! Why not ask yourself WHY LOS COCOS left Stone Park to go to Melrose Park. I really don't think TAXES where the issue!!!!
Anonymous, at 2:17 PM, September 23, 2006
First off it was Melrose park police who cought the black vehicle that had the three memebers who were involved in the shooting (Midnight Shift). Once they were taken into custody they told stone park who was driving the ohter (white ) vehicle. So please Stone Park police did not solve the crime it was M.P.P.D. anyone could have solved this crime once melrose park handed them the men involved. GET YOUR FACTS FIRST BEFORE POSTING.
Anonymous, at 3:41 PM, September 25, 2006
He Ementi Im on your Side! M.P.P.D. used you just like they used all of us till we can not do anymore for them.
Anonymous, at 6:22 PM, September 25, 2006
Anonymous, at 7:04 PM, September 25, 2006
Wow ! Please step away from the computer and run back to your Ho.
Anonymous, at 7:22 PM, September 25, 2006
Hey melroseparker and almostagoner, what happened, can't come up with any more dirt?
I knew it, you's melroseparkers are full of crap, along with your fat ass Mayor and his nechman,Orgie and Ptassi!
F*&^%k yous guys, and we are going to kick your asses in april, and maybe before that!
Come tell me some more of your stories................ I knew it you don't have more!
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, September 26, 2006
Melroseparker where am I ?
I am right here. Reading all this great garbage. You want to start calling people names. That is so BIG OF YOU !! Couldn't respond to the fact Los Cocos couldn't count the days down fast enough to get out of there. Lets see whats left over there on North Ave. UM ! Nothing but SURE LIGHT! WOW, its probably the only business that keeps Stone Park from falling off the map. Cafe 2000 is not actually the best place to have your POW WOWS at. Jesus running for MAYOR of Melrose Park ! You didn't denie it, your going to kick our --- in April. You still have two 1/2 more years to TRY, I have heard it all....Whos backing him up ? STAR COM,OR will Cafe 2000 be collateral ?????????
My last note regarding who sloved the shooting Stone Park in 48 hours or was it the MIDNIGHT shift from Melrose Park. It still isn't completely SOLVED now is it !!!!!!
I will be waiting for your response.
As for almostagoner I have seen those F.A.C.T.S. I just wish more people who lived in Stone Park could read ENGLISH or have a HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION.
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM, September 27, 2006
E said...
I don't need anyone from melrose on my side, I am in a better place now and thankfully you guys can eat eachother up and make eachother look like half asses.
Well I was A good friend to you when you were here! And stuck up for you even when you told your one sided story! But Now I know Everyone was right! Another reason why you will never last as a Police Officer or Stay with one Village for any amount of time! Take care Ementi,Remember Melrose Park was once a better place then Northlake? (SEE A PATTERN).
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM, September 27, 2006
How can some uneducated,high school flunkies,nerds and weasals in high school,who can't read or write,neither in english,italian or spanish,become Mayor of a hillybilly,illegal alien town?
Now they want to take over Melrose Park, because Serpico is weak and Melrose wants and needs there style of corruption.
Can't wait till they try donig something so we can finally put them out of the miseries.
Anonymous, at 7:48 PM, September 27, 2006
1. How does a crooked Melrose Park cop, who could'nt pass the police exam and was about to be indicted become Police chief in Stone Park?
2.How does a crooked police chief of Stone Park afford a coffee shop and a auto collusion shop ,which is known to rip off insurance companies with bogus claims????
3.How does a coffee shop have a liquor license,serves to under age patrons and is right a cross from a church????
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, September 27, 2006
Is it true the feds are looking into a cover up at Mardis Gra when the cop got hurt. Off duty cops working from which includes a cople from Northlake. A protection cover up whith kickbacks?
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM, September 28, 2006
Stone Park said,"The Mayor has been offfice only five years not fifteen don't confuse him for the ex-con/ex-mayor."
Mazzula=Burdi=Martinez=Castaldo=International bank=Porn shops=Strip clubs=lies=deceit=murder=gang affilations=Mob=Drugs=Corrution=Federal indictments=federal time=10 years!
The differance between the ex-mayor and you guys, is at least the ex-mayor had the bussinesses flourishing, and he did his time for small petty crimes. You guys are worse, your bigger thieves,have destroyed Stone Park,bled it dry and now your $30 million in the whole.Now you high school drop outs want to take over Melrose Park and destroy it and rob it blind!
Come on in, we can't wait to see you guys cry.
Anonymous, at 10:01 AM, September 28, 2006
Stone Park said,"The Mayor has been offfice only five years not fifteen don't confuse him for the ex-con/ex-mayor."
Mazzula=Burdi=Martinez=Castaldo=International bank=Porn shops=Strip clubs=lies=deceit=murder=gang affilations=Mob=Drugs=Corrution=Federal indictments=federal time=10 years!
The differance between the ex-mayor and you guys, is at least the ex-mayor had the bussinesses flourishing, and he did his time for small petty crimes. You guys are worse, your bigger thieves,have destroyed Stone Park,bled it dry and now your $30 million in the whole.Now you high school drop outs want to take over Melrose Park and destroy it and rob it blind!
Come on in, we can't wait to see you guys go crying to jail!
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM, September 28, 2006
OK ! There are two Melrose Parkers with response's on this matter.
Almostagoner You will be surprised the backing you have from this side of town. Many people are fully aware of the lies that Stone Park has compiled.
Its now seeing how Melrose Park will come together to make sure Mayor Serpico gets in the Mayors seat for another 4 years.
I just hope these other MELROSEPARKERS getting into this conversation back up the fact that if we do get another Mayor you can kiss this town GOODBYE.
I am really confussed when you brought up International Bank. They want nothing to do with Stone Park. They never backed up BENNIE!
Do you know that the Village of Stone Park CODE INFORCER don't need to mention names went into the bank and closed down the elevator said it wasn't up to code...hello the building was only up a little after a year, and your telling me the elevator wasn't up to code. Thats the type of SCUM you have in Stone Park.
You can say all you want on these blogs, what does it do gets Stonepark citizens pants in an up roar...Yes, because in this weeks HEALD the Chief points out that it took the neighboring towns to help with this case. He thanks those neighboring towns. So now he feels we should all put this to rest.
I guess we all will get back on another blog when something else goes down......
Anonymous, at 12:46 PM, September 28, 2006
WOW - You Melrose Parkers should really worry about what is going on in your own town and not worry about Stone Park. From what i know your Police Department doesn't have such a great record. If i recall wasn't the FBI just there not to long ago OHHHHH i think it was twice that i know about. So if you want to talk about Chiefs take a look at your own.......
Anonymous, at 5:54 PM, September 28, 2006
What chief. Where so screwed up here we dont even have one! I just love this police department I work for, We have no leader no respectful brass. This is just a real mess.Sorry but there is just no other way to put it. THANKS SCAVO! Boy did you F$ck up this town and department!
Anonymous, at 10:33 PM, September 28, 2006
Hey I used to live and work for stone park. What they have to do is to get rid of the garbage thats running that town. Like the MUTT MAYOR, his PLAYBOY GREASY HAIR BROTHER IVANO, and don't forget the movie star oper#1. He is only a legend in his own mind. And do NOT forget all the others involved. Hey MUTT, Hey Movie star why you only run the soap program only at the blue dolphin and not by carls or the pig pen. Hmmmm I wonder HOW MUCH IS INVOLVED with them. They must have a big wheel barrel every month for yous 2. Just remember there all abusers. Hey they could not pay there coppers one year, so they had to start the soap program up in january to make pay roll and its all in the records and its all public to look at. Soon every one thats involved and they know who they are, will be in the COLD BAR HOTEL eating wish sandwichs with no meat, and made by PRINCE with a little lung butter on it. Yes MUTT you still using the INS to pay your food tabe every day. Sleep Tight MOES.
Anonymous, at 12:27 PM, September 29, 2006
Anything on that federal subpoena sent to the chief?
Anonymous, at 2:48 PM, September 29, 2006
Just remember about stone park, if you do NOT donate to the mayor's funds, monies or free stuff for his special parties. You will be harassed every which way he can think of. Hey check Linda Tuckers records, she has a hit list with all kinds of names on it. If you are on his side you won't recieve any tickets from the police department. If you are against him you will be ticketed for anything they make up, and its all in the records. Hey I know one operator from stone park that donated $1000.00 cash to his reelection fund and it was never reported. Hmmmm maybe thats the monies he used to rent the hotel rooms? Hey MUTT and everyone else who's involved your day coming. Yep I'm a former operator of stone park and I know everything, MUTT now its my turn MOE.
Anonymous, at 3:08 PM, September 29, 2006
What cheif ? Melrose Park or Stone Park ??
The story is too confusion. This blog started about someone shot in STONE PARK. Then it turns into Melrose Park Bashing. Anyone out there with a high school education??.
The cops that get on this and write I use to work there, I once was a cop. You can all go eat each other up ! What is that supposed to mean.
This is probably why you are not a Police Officer anymore.
Go write a book !!!!!!!!!
Its you guys you get hired because you are friends with the cheif or some Village employee.That is why the towns in Proviso are so horriable. Go to any other place and you find most police officers have a COLLEGE degree.
If we went through all the police officers in Stone Park they are lucky to pass High School with there C AVERAGEs.
Don't even bring up the name TUCKER we all know how and why she got her job. Like i said here is someone who should've never had a badge. FAVORS FROM THE MAYOR !!!
I AM DONE !!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM, September 29, 2006
rmfHey, they will dep. everyone thats involved in the soap program, former and current officers. All they have 2 do is look at all the records that that are stored in pat odells office. Oh yeh PLUS the other records that the Movie Star hides. But so everyone knows PAT ODELL controls all the soap records. At least when I was there. Someone said that stone park doesn't keep soap record in # order. Well Pat Odell can bring up every ticket that any of there officers wrote. Its stone park way of telling more BULLSHIT 2 the people. I can keep on going on with a lot more but thats in a later date. I think NOW that both the MOVIE STAR AND THE MUTT just invested in stock DEPENDS UNDER GARMENTS. And a dude named BUBA waiting for them in the big house...
a former operator ???????#
Anonymous, at 5:11 PM, September 29, 2006
Were going to kick Melrose Park out of everything and especially Ronnie and his guys come April.
No more attitudes, were going to take a broom to the police station and cleen out all those bums come april as well as in the fire dept. No more deals and begging us to keep you on.Serpico is done and Stone Park will be the new bosses, just smile when you see us.
Anonymous, at 8:41 AM, September 30, 2006
Hey almostagoner AMEN !Screw Stoned Park.U and I know they lost a good Policeman. Its a shame u and me have witnessed two suckhole police departments in our time. You cant change what has always been!Just like when we talked two weeks ago REMEMBER? F&&k all these people. P.S. Thanks for your call yesterday. ALL IS WELL.
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, September 30, 2006
what do Cafe 2000 and Starcom and Chief Capece have to do with any of this? Cafe 200 as collateral? Collateral for what. And you said the current Chief of Stone Park is currupt? He is a personal friend of mine, and he, along with the mayor, is the reason Stone Park has gone through so much change. Anyone have any educated comments. And please be civil.
Anonymous, at 9:16 PM, October 04, 2006
Lets get back on the subject here. THE POLICE DEPT. Think of who runs Stone Park Police. One would think its Joe Capece, right? It's not. The real chief should be Louie Fatta. He does all the real work anyhow. Joe Capece is as crooked as they come. You can make a Martin Scorcesse film from this guy's crooked life. The scams he pulls with is auto repair place. How he misuses police funds. Come on people. Everyone knows how he has his moron son working for him. The kid gets paid even when he's not at work. He gets more days off then anyone else. What's worse is he carries a gun when he has no certification. The kid is a high school drop out who does not know left from right. His daughter sleeps with black guys and his other son has been arrested several times for possession of marijuana. What the heck is this guys problem? He can't even raise his kids right. How the heck did he get the job in the first place? Ok he's related to the mayor, but are there no state required tests? Lord knows he would fail them. The feds are watching Joe...Be careful what you do. They always get thier man.
Anonymous, at 3:54 PM, October 06, 2006
Check out the mayor and his party member
Anonymous, at 4:40 PM, October 06, 2006
Mosdef, that was hillarious! Any more picuters of his honorable and his girlfriends?
B Wayne great insight, about time someone exposed those clowns.Continue the great work and waiting for my "stone Park Expose"!
Anonymous, at 8:36 PM, October 06, 2006
Whoever just talked smack about Joe Capece must have done something stupid to get on the Chief's bad side. Crooked, are you kidding me? Well, i know him, and you dont. His daughter doesnt sleep with black guys, his oldest son graduated from the police academy this month, and is CERTIFIED. his other son has NEVER been arrested for possesion. btw, like i said, im a close friend of them. idk about how the dept is run since im not involved in their work lives, but in regaurds to their body shop, children, and education, i know. and joe graduated from the FBI academy, and has degrees from Northwestern. Shits. BTW funny ass picture whoever posted that. I think thats hillarious.
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM, October 06, 2006
Hey Mav,
Bad side? Wait he's got a good side? Holy crap!
Are you getting kick backs from Capece too? You must be if you are one of his "friends". First off his daughter is a shine lover, that's why he had his first heart attack. Second his oldest is a friggin retard. Monkey's have higher I/Q's. Certified my ass. Kid don't even have a G.E.D. He should be working at McDonalds serving not at a police department protecting. Shame how daddy pay's him to do nothing. The other kid is a pot head. I have people who know him and where he buys his Mary Jane. Don't think so? Ask Franklin Park Police. Oh and the FBI academy...That's too funny. Guess they like to profile the criminals they investigate and let them think it's an academy...More like a federal indictment
Anonymous, at 11:07 PM, October 06, 2006
Skip Drish
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM, October 06, 2006
Ok Let's Talk About Melrose Park
Former Mayor JAIL....
Police Chief Scavo GOING TO JAIL...
And so many more GOING TO JAIL..
Castellan well thats another story he goes into these bars with the fashion show girls badge hanging out and goes into the locker room while the girls are changing and wants to see them naked guess it's just his way of getting a lap dance...him and his short, fat, bald headed side kick GRECO who has his head so far up CASTELLANS Azz that his hillbilly wife can't find him half the time. Wonder if she knows that her husband along with CASTELLAN are getting their lap dances...People should really worry what is going on in there own backyard everyone is so worried about Stone Park I don't recall seeing the FBI going into the Village of Stone Park. Clean up your own town.
Anonymous, at 11:26 PM, October 06, 2006
Anonymous, at 12:21 AM, October 07, 2006
Anonymous, at 1:05 AM, October 07, 2006
Re: Anoymous blogger who is too stupid to create a username (sorry buddy, anoymous has been used before) and can't spell.
I think the biggest shame of the Stone Park Village is the school system. Clearly this person is too brain dead to spell and consult a dictionary, too racist to think outside of the box, and too dim-witted to create an argument that isn't geared towards innocent kids. I am sorry that your day is consumed with following around the Capece kids and wondering what goes on behind closed doors. If you are that BIG of a person, leave your trailor and talk to capece. I think it's a shame that you wasted space on this page with your poor spelling, poor grammar, and even worse sense of humor. I think if the worst thing they do is sleep with black people, they are a lot better off than you are as your future will be marred with mediocrity. The Capece children are good, hard-working kids. They didn't have ANYTHING handed to them on a silver platter. The fact that you would use them to further your agenda is a damn shame. Obviously you don't have kids, and if you do, they are probably out on the streets of your Sham of a town doing worse things than you accused these kids of while you're sitting in your trailor typing this blog from your dial-up connection. Do yourself a favor: If you want to get something done, consult a vocabulary book because you're not going to get anything accomplished with such short insight and sheer stupidity. As far as the mayor and his extracurricular activities, when the FBI comes a-knockin', they will be armed with names, bra sizes, and perhaps some hotel pictures to pit his righteous wife against him. Whether she knows or not, the FBI will be the cheapest and most efficient private investigator she could ever get. For future reference thier=their, guys problem is guy's problem, etc., etc. But, the mayor's flandering ways are the least of this village's problems.
Anonymous, at 1:12 PM, October 07, 2006
who made those pictures. some pissed off stone parker, or an ignorant melrose parker. either way, they like to hide their faces behind the computer. got a name Mr Mos Def
Anonymous, at 9:15 PM, October 08, 2006
Anonymous, at 1:42 AM, October 10, 2006
I read to be amused, not to make comments.
If you are my neighbors on SHERMAN come knock on my door !!!!!!!
We don't care about Stone Park that was done and over with in April 2004.
Apparently, you people haven't gotten over it. There is alot more people then Melrose Parkers that know more about Stone Park.
Why, don't you worry about your own lives and check your closets.
and don't worry about mine.
Anonymous, at 1:48 PM, October 10, 2006
Is it true that the reason that Greco broad ran against Stone Park last time was become she was a scorned woman? Did'nt she used to date both Mazzullo's and Martinez and Capece? Did'nt she have a child with one of them?? Is it true that they cut her loose once they found out she loved crack and had been involved in an orgy,where all the Mazzullo's,the chief and all the mexicans did a trasin on her?/????
Anonymous, at 2:34 PM, October 10, 2006
The Bull and It's Rider
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM, October 10, 2006
In case more stupid blogs are written about the incorrect date of the Stone Park election, it was April 2005.
Its been so long.....
The Greco's
In response to the other blog....apparently you live a sheltered life......and need someone to HUG !
Anonymous, at 2:58 PM, October 10, 2006
Hey Greco how did the Mexican train feel? Did you feel dirty adterwards when we did "Bukake" on you?
If your small dick boyfriend wants me to bang you again, then come on by and run again, We sure loved it how you swallowed and then we spit in your face?
PS your fake tits are saggy just like your ass! See Cow women.,
Love Donkey Dick!
Anonymous, at 3:30 PM, October 10, 2006
One of our greatest Trustees
Anonymous, at 3:50 PM, October 10, 2006
Hey Greco did'nt you lose the lection by a landslide?? I thought so, did'nt do to well ! I was wondering did you give all your supporters head at the post election party? Also what are doing now a days, walking the streets on Melrose Park on Mannheim Rd?
P.S. I heard your gang of coppers are all going to jail sonn, why don't you teach them a few "Tricks",like swallowing,and how to take it up your ass without vaseline, the way we did it to you,remember??
Love, Black man
Anonymous, at 3:59 PM, October 10, 2006
Hey Ivano..Learn how to write/type and leave the Greco woman alone. Don't you have some beaner bastard kid to look after? Better yet, you're daughter is still young last time I checked. Careful now...Hope you did not pick up any of your father's bad habits!
Anonymous, at 4:22 PM, October 10, 2006
You guys are going to screw everything up for everyone if you know what I mean. Stop the hate, stop slamming or village!!!
The IRS is already up our ass's. If you didn't claim you 1099's or the cash we got at Carls, Tommys or U know where then your on your own. Its called a 1040X get your ass's going or its bad times.
Anonymous, at 5:38 PM, October 10, 2006
HEY E ! Dont tell me that was you I seen working for SUCKHOLE Memorial Park! WOW Those guys are the biggest buch of Jag#ffs around loser wanna be cops. They all failed countless police test and are trying to pretend they are police officers. So E How long do you think it will be ?
Anonymous, at 10:57 AM, October 15, 2006
Scavo blows,
It takes one to know one, can't wait to clock one of you ass-holes.
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM, October 16, 2006
Scavo blows...What the hell you talking about? How long to what? How long to what I ask, how long to what?
If you really got something to say you loser then say it.
Dates and time about your real name. I am going to sue the shit out of you and the rest of you punk ass bitch's. Wait and see I'll be back. And you guys will be working for meeeeeeeee....
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM, October 16, 2006
MPD rules said...
Scavo blows,
It takes one to know one, can't wait to clock one of you ass-holes.
OHH see thats what makes you a wannabe loser "I Cant wait To Clock One Of You" grow up you are not A REAL Police Officer ! You are a WANNABE fake auxiliary pretend Police Person. Now go watch cops and pass a real police test go thru the police training you need ! Until then keep pretending you Memorial Park Loser. OHH I hope you dont CLOCK Me! what a FAT Dork
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM, October 16, 2006
stone park is surrounded by melrose on 3 sides, northlake has the fourth. but w.e.
Anonymous, at 8:52 PM, October 19, 2006
Anonymous, can you please explain what you are getting at.
Anyone who can read a map knows Melrose Park surrounds Stone Park on Three sides and Northlake one.
Was there a point you are trying to get at?
I think the point is Melrose Park should take over Stone Park wipe it right off the map.
Have you seen any new business come to that town. North Avenue is pretty DEAD !!!!!! All I see are signs that say for sale.....
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM, October 20, 2006
Just some jerk, not even a cop anymore trying to stir it up.
Anonymous, at 9:25 AM, October 24, 2006
Anonymous, at 4:12 PM, October 26, 2006
Hey reality check, whats your source? Your ass! Ain't no change, cause Capece rules !!! Now I heard that he'll soon be the chief in Melrose Park!
Hey by the way, how does it feel to talk to feds? Does your asshole pucker? Have you rated all your friends out?
Hey, is your Mayor quitting after the next election? I heard he is and that the new mayor will come from the"West"!
Anonymous, at 6:22 PM, October 26, 2006
Hey Reality Check...Is there a reason your not using your real name. Maybe because you don't know what the hell your talking about.
Anonymous, at 8:01 AM, October 27, 2006
THE TRUTH !!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:14 PM, October 28, 2006
OK. I saw the mayor on Halloween riding down 37th on a horse. What kind of clown do we have running this town?
Anonymous, at 10:20 PM, November 02, 2006
Again, using ANNOYMOUS......
Can't any of you get CREATIVE......
As for the CLOWN running the town of STONE PARK.
You idiot voters, voted him in.
None of you listened to issues in the 2005 election.
Just wait time will tell, you will find out who pulls the strings in the POLICE STATION.
Basically I will give you a clue, it can't even bend down to tie its shoe.........
Anonymous, at 3:21 PM, November 06, 2006
Does Stone Park have any elections this spring,April 2007? How many trustees are up? Is anybody challenging them??
Also who is the fat man running the police station in Stone Park?
Why is Mazulla going around acting like a "Big Shot" and stating " I have more money than Ronnie" and has cards made out with his name on it as the mayor of Melrose Park ?
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, November 06, 2006
Tel Me:
Use some names you chicken shit so we can sue your balls off. Put one letter of my name on this and I'll own your house, er trailer that is.
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM, November 07, 2006
And your name is ?????????????
Anonymous, at 1:51 PM, November 07, 2006
OH..........By the way people in GLASS houses shouldn't throw STONES.
What is SPPD so afraid of that they want to sue someone for there house or trailer.
Don't you guys get paid enough over there ???????
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM, November 07, 2006
who the hell is the fat guy everyone is talking about that is suppose to come and replace capece? and u realize he cant replace capece unless there is a new mayor
Anonymous, at 10:37 PM, November 07, 2006
Can I please update you on the question at hand.
Do you know anything going on in Melrose Park ?
Well let me put you up to speed.
Scavo retired and he was the Chief. So if he is gone then whos chief?
The Mayor appoints a new Chief.
The Chiefs job is an appointed position.
So Basically if the position is not being uphold. The Mayor can ask for the person to step down, at that time he can then name his new apponited Chief.
You don't need a new Mayor to get a new Chief.
Anonymous, at 2:50 PM, November 08, 2006
you didnt understand MY question. I asked who is suppose to replace capece. someone said a fat guy is gonna replace capece. now you are talign batou scavo. you cant replace capece unless you get a new mayor because the current mayor won ask capece to step down. thats what i meant by you need a new mayor. now, for anyone other than "just some information", can you please help me and answer my question? i want the name of the "fat guy" that "can't fit in capece's shoes"
Anonymous, at 8:43 PM, November 09, 2006
They don't have the BALLS to give their own names...They certainly don't have the BALLS to give you the name of the guy they are talking about.
Anonymous, at 11:35 PM, November 09, 2006
What would Tuco say about the blogs. I will tell you not much. Ok he might say if the food is free bring a bigger plate
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM, November 10, 2006
Tuco is back.
Anonymous, at 3:32 PM, November 10, 2006
Tuco has a new toy. It's you
That's right you.
Anonymous, at 3:35 PM, November 10, 2006
Good news castellan haters.
I just learned the Mayor got rid of one of them. We have hope they all will get the boot.
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM, November 10, 2006
Yah, he got the boot, but he left
a f$&*king millionaire!
Anonymous, at 4:35 PM, November 10, 2006
Which one of them got the boot?
Anonymous, at 7:51 AM, November 11, 2006
None of you can get creative!
As for anyone being fired from Melrose Park.....Hate to inform you no one got fired. There are changes alright. I can say its about time.
As for the one who says we have hope they will get rid of all of them. Whos all of them...The police officers????
What did they do to you ?
The problem is you are one of them and they got rid of you !!!!!
It was about time, I say.
You just wish they could pin something on someone else.
If you were any kind of a man you wouldn't hide behind ANONYMOUS.....
Anonymous, at 12:58 PM, November 13, 2006
why do you say it's about time? Explain, was a service not performed that other towns do better? Melrose Park has the finest departments in the US as far as street and water. If you do don't agree name a town that is better. If you can not then I think you should terminate yourself for being a jackass.
Anonymous, at 7:50 PM, November 13, 2006
Oh, aren't you cute!
Another one calling people names and you sign the blog ANONYMOUS.
What are you one of those people who are just lucky enough to live in the WINSTON PARK area. Where basically your living in the best part of town. Hopefully your right behind the track sniffing up the horse shit that your mouth and the track are fying.........
Melrose Park wonderful, oh please the school system is one of the shitiest around. Did you do a count in the KINDERGARTEN class lately 40 kids in one class and let me clarify that they all speak one language and I will tell you its not ENGLISH.
In my last blog I said no one got fired!!!!!
Yes, there were changes and its about time.
Anonymous, at 4:49 PM, November 15, 2006
Have to agree with you on the schools in Melrose we can't even send our kids there. It really sucks when you have a school right down the street and you have to send your kids out of town to go to other schools.
Anonymous, at 7:37 PM, November 15, 2006
You are all idiots. Can't you post your dumb ass Melrose shit on your own blog? This is Stone Park, you freaks from Melrose think your shit don't stink and now you even take over a Stone Park blog like you own everything.
You guys ran that shit town down the drain by not doing anything and going along with the same old people. Look at Stone Park now and look at what we were years ago. We are a lot better and Melrose is a lot worse.
Anonymous, at 9:51 AM, November 16, 2006
Dump is right !!!
Lets see the Mayor of Stone Park doesn't even send his kids to school in his town. He drives them to the school in Northlake. Neither hear nore there, who really cares.
Dummping Melrose Park shit on your blog....tell me then DUMB AZZ !!!
Who brought up Castellan ???????
That someone got fired in Melrose Park??????
You would just love to hear something bad going down in Melrose Park.
Lets see what else we can say about Stone Park !!!!!!
Should we bring up the fat guy..???
Oh don't need to.....It will only take another 30 days...
The Information will be due...
Lets see who in the SPPD building is wearing a brown nose....
Its funny, those police officers at one time were all friends. Then they all got greedy...They don't care who they hurt as long as they get something.
Now look at you fools, waiting till someones back is turn to run to the mayor and tell him I got info on such and such....
I wish your town would fall off the map...
We wouldn't have to worry about the girls who work in the Village dressing up as PROSTITUTE so that the Village can make money with there SOAP BUST......
So listen here BUDDY.....things are never rosy where anyone is....then if your town is so great why don't you ask Jesse why he moved to Melrose Park ????
Oh, thats right he wants to be a TRUSTEE here then get his foot in the door to be the next MAYOR....
Anonymous, at 2:05 PM, November 18, 2006
Who is the fat guy you are talking about and what will only be another 30.
Anonymous, at 5:29 PM, November 18, 2006
Stone park = Corruption (Everyone knows this fact) Starting from the Mayor to the Police Department.
Anonymous, at 12:58 PM, November 19, 2006
okay, if you are going to say that, you need to back it up. everyone knows? well i sure as hell don't, so educate me. cmon, you are under annoynmous anyway, so whatever you say "can not and wil not be used against you."
Anonymous, at 3:48 PM, November 20, 2006
Franklin Park....someone from your town wants to make noise...OH PLEASE! your mayor is just as bad..
Eough already people.
All the PARKS have problems, Its that none of the towns people are strong enough to fight against them. We are a blue collar community.......
We as the people living in the town need to work together to get the right people to run the town.
Anonymous, at 10:05 AM, November 21, 2006
Whats this a Melrose Park LT. with a lot of time on the job is being sued by fellow Mexican police Officers for using Racial remarks toward them. Boy times are changing. Hey Carl why not look into this!
Anonymous, at 11:44 PM, December 03, 2006
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM, December 04, 2006
BAD APPLES IN STONE PARK! Just to remind everyone where it starts at is on the top.. From the MUTT Mayor down to the want to be movie star DUMB ASS and I do me DUMB ASS Chief of Police Joey "the snake" Capece. And I'm being nice now. I seen it all when I worked for the P.D.. I've worked with a great bunch of coppers, and all the upper brass does including the Mutt Mayor is try to ruin everyones lives. Common F.B.I, State Police and the I.R.S. whats holding you up. Take all the scum from this village out. NOW.
Just remember these 2 names, Benny "the mutt" and Joey "the snake" do not ever turn your back on these two, why you get stabbed in the back and or broke off right up your ASS!
A former operator
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM, December 12, 2006
there we go, another west-suburbanite talking out of his ass again. figures. you messed up this time because no one calls him Joey anyway, you tool. C'mon man. You could have at least TRIED to make your "joey the snake" line convincing, but you messed up the most important part: the line. who comes up with this shit anyway? a former operator? no wonder your pissed off. you answer phones all day. i am suppose to trust my life with someone who plays silly games like this? and you emphasized "mutt" like thats a bad thing. hes a mutt, so that means he has a variety of cultures. this makes him worldly, so hes worldly, and classy. and your.... a racist white dude? c mon man. you got pissed off because you got fired for not being able to answer a damn phone. so stop the personal attacks, and get your G.E.D. And you posted at 1:34 in the afternoon. You shouldn't be posting on a silly blog at 1 o clock, you should be at work. Haha, answering phones. Until next time folks...
Anonymous, at 9:55 PM, December 12, 2006
Just remember there new names, Benny "the mutt" and Joey "the snake" Hey moe i never answered phones and no was never fired. Got out of there in a nick of time. Hey mav i'm not his flunky son. Get your shit together moe. If you knew what I knew, about those 2 nitt wits knuckle heads dumb ass's inbred pricks disgrace to there own race rejects. Its called the element of surprise, its going to be broke off in there ass this time. So come on F.B.I. State Police And the I.R.S., take them all to jail. From the top all the way down hill. Hmmmmm maybe some of there local supports should go to jail with them.
A Former Operator
Anonymous, at 5:51 AM, December 13, 2006
So lets all remember the new names for the Chief Joey "the snake", Benny "the mutt" and oh yeh do not forget his brother Ivano "slick". And I have to name this person now, Skip Drisch "pretty boy floyd"
or should I say "two face floyd", doesnt matter there all garbage...
Anonymous, at 2:59 PM, December 13, 2006
you know, after 117 (going on 118) comments, I've really learned a lot. Here is a list of things I have learned:
1. School districts in proviso SUCK. So tell you're city leaders to up the taxes so that next time one of these linguists puts something on here, I can figure out what they are TRYING to say.
2. Unemployment in Proviso Township has got to be at seventy-percent or above. I know this because the ex-cops and ex-politicians are posting blogs at noon and one o'clock; when they should be at work.
3. Since there are apparently no police officers out on the streets (because they are striving to make us all dumber by posting here) who is patrolling the streets?
4. There is no corruption in Stone Park. If there was, the state would have dealt with it. Now, I know someone is going to refute this logic, so when you do, pretend to make an intelligent argument...
Anonymous, at 1:17 AM, December 18, 2006
WOW NO CORRUPTION IN STONE PARK! Holy shit dude are you off your meds, feeling a little sleepy lately. Are you still on your weekend pass from the mental hospital from last year. For christ sake moe better get your eyes and ears checked. Hmmm better yet you must be one of his supporters. Or you must be his shoe shine BOY. Which is it MOE.
Anonymous, at 11:09 AM, December 18, 2006
c'mon guy, what's the corruption? Who is doing it huh? Who is involved, and if you are going to name names, then back it up. What have they done? No generalities, details. You got nothing.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, December 18, 2006
You must be one of his pivot boys. Or YOU must be on the mayors police or an want to be copper? Are you that freakin stupid. At least I do not have to sleep with one eye open nor look behind me when I walk some where. How much do you donate to the mutts fund every year, to keep your star?
A former operator
Anonymous, at 4:56 PM, December 18, 2006
like i said, you got nothing, so you regress to being a 15 year old and start calling me names. now im in on it right. whatever guy. you got no facts, because there are no facts. you can name call all you want, and try to degrade me all you want, but you arent accomplishing anything. i mean really, i have nothing against you personally, this is just a silly blog; but if you are going to say there is corruption, then back it up with facts, not fictitions.
Anonymous, at 7:58 PM, December 18, 2006
Wanted any information leading to the arrest and conviction of Benny "the mutt" and Joey "the snake" please post here so we can pass it on. Oh yeh any others that are involved in the stone park scandle.
Anonymous, at 5:26 PM, December 19, 2006
Hello and wake up !!!!!!
Lets see sending your own Village employess to do TRICKS!!!!!
Yes, I said it. Having one of the clearks dress up as a "HOE" and go up to cars at the car wash and ask if she can do anything to make your day !
What did she learn that line from too many Client Eastwood movies??
Lets see the mayor and the chief where to commit on it and they had no commit why because now its on tape and there is no dening the fact that is what they were doing.
So lets see who is in charge of this wonderful SOAP......lets see the FAT GUY!!!!!!!!!!
Oh come on you have no idea who the fat guy is?????
Please there is only one person in that station who could play the role of SANTA CLAUSE.......
The only problem is you don't want to sit on his lap.....hes got his other girls at the bar to do that for him...
As for people on the computer. Listen MORON......any one can be on the computer at anytime..Computers are every where at home, work, and school....lets see the Library....then again you are too stupid to know that....
I have been away from this BLOG because it is the HOLIDYAS and I too do have better things to do.
It would be my News Years Wish to stand in front of the Stone Park Police Station and watch as they escort Mayor and Chief away in handcuffs........
Anonymous, at 11:58 PM, December 29, 2006
Hello Anonymous
Lets see it was on the news and in the paper.......
Doing tricks at the car wash.....
Using Village employes to do it.
Is Stone Park that poor, that they need to set up there SOAP operation at a car wash.
Please tell me, I don't have my facts!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, December 31, 2006
Anyone know a guy the name of Anthony Cericeno from Stone Park?
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM, January 11, 2007
New entry to discuss if local PDs are crooked.
What local police departments do you suspect of failing to prosecute people because of their political connections?
Carl Nyberg, at 11:40 AM, January 29, 2007
Melrose Park
Anonymous, at 12:14 AM, January 31, 2007
To G-Man
I know anthony cerocino. who and why are you looking for him?
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM, February 06, 2007
Hey G-Man
How come you dont answer now? you wanted to know if anyone knew Anthony Cerecino and I said wat did you want to know and now i get no response? you must not want to find out what evr it is you wanted to know. I will be looking for you to respond soon.
Anonymous, at 9:47 AM, February 14, 2007
hey g-man
Bro I know anthony but i don't think he works in stone park anymore. Could we be talking about the same anthony?
Anonymous, at 11:43 AM, February 23, 2007
Yeah, Melrose for Life.....
Cafe 2000 is a gay spot..
Are you sure its not MAXWELLS next door.
Heard that owner is a little
Who cares about Anthony...
Then to respond to anything, got to remember that it is read and of course that takes a day or two before it is posted then again you sign ANNONYMOUS....
What are you afraid of????
I came back on this blog to see what else everyone was digging up !
Anonymous, at 7:23 PM, March 18, 2007
Anthony C. works for Maywood P.D.
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM, April 14, 2007
Stone Park is totally corrupt. I was falsely arrested in one of their sting operations. In the end it cost me $800 and they messed up my car.
Anonymous, at 1:52 PM, November 02, 2008
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