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Proviso Probe

Sunday, September 17, 2006

PHOTO, youth soccer under the watch of propaganda

Since President Bush is using the term "Islamic fascism" it might be a good time to review the definition of "fascism". See Wikipedia.
Fascism is a radical political ideology that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism.

Although the broadest definitions of fascism may include every authoritarian state.... Fascism in many ways seems to have been clearly developed as a reaction against Communism and Marxism, both in a philosophic and political sense, although it opposed democratic capitalist economics along with socialism, Marxism, and liberal democracy. It viewed the state as an organic entity in a positive light rather than as an institution designed to protect collective and individual rights, or as one that should be held in check. It tended to reject the Marxist notion of social classes and universally dismissed the concept of class conflict, replacing it instead with the struggle between races, and the struggle of the youth versus their elders. This meant embracing nationalism and mysticism, and advancing ideals of strength and power as means of legitimacy, glorifying war as an end in itself and victory as the determinant of truth and worthiness.

Fascism is also typified by totalitarian attempts to impose state control over all aspects of life: political, social, cultural, and economic; in the examples given, by way of a strong, single-party government for enacting laws and a strong, sometimes brutal militia or police force for enforcing them. Fascism exalts the nation, state, or race as superior to the individuals, institutions, or groups composing it. Fascism uses explicit populist rhetoric; calls for a heroic mass effort to restore past greatness; and demands loyalty to a single leader, leading to a cult of personality and unquestioned obedience to orders (Führerprinzip).

Fascism attracted political support from diverse sectors of the population, including big business, farmers and landowners, nationalists, and reactionaries, disaffected World War I veterans, intellectuals..., conservatives and small businessmen, and the masses to whom they promised work and bread.

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  • When you have blatant political propaganda popping up around the country such as this, it's pretty hard not to get a little creeped out at the realization that we're truly edging down the road to a way of government that's closer to some we've gone to war to stop in the past.
    And the parallels with fascism, even though the term defies any concrete definition, is impossible to ignore, yet forbidden to be mentioned and taken with any seriousness.

    By Blogger The Inside Dope, at 11:07 AM, October 01, 2006  

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