N06, election results
Peraica leads Gomolinski 32,029-31,024 with 281 of 302 precincts reporting
Village of Forest Park library referenda leading 53.5-46.5 with 75% of precincts reporting
Maywood Park District Annexation leads 77.3-22.7 with 87% of precincts reporting
Maywood Village Annex leads 76.7-23.3 with 92% of precincts reporting
All Broadview tax referenda failed by wide margins.
Broadview Increase Limiting Rate failed 73.3-26.7
Broadview Increase Municipal Occupation Tax failed 64.8-35.2
Broadview Impose Municipal Use Tax failed 66.1-33.9
Eighth Legislative District (94 of 106 precincts reporting)
LaShawn Ford (Dem) 18,114
Glenn Harris (deceased, Republican) 2,579
Nathan Helsabeck (Green) 1,029
I helped Tammy Duckworth (Dem) run for Congress to succeed Rep. Henry Hyde. One observation that a friend thought was noteworthy was that Senators Dick Durbin and Barack Obama were happy to be up on the stage with Tammy when they were rallying the troops and appearing on TV on Monday. But on Tuesday when she was conceeding, it was just Tammy Duckworth and her husband on the stage.
What did you think of the elections?
[UPDATE1: Charles Flowers leads Bob Ingraffia 61.9-38.1 with 90.7% of the precincts reporting.]
[UPDATE2: The referenda question, "Shall the United States Government immediately begin an orderly and rapid withdrawal of all its military personnel from Iraq, beginning with the National Guard and Reserves?" is leading in suburban Cook County 65.8-34.2.]
[UPDATE3: The Forest Park library referendum has increased its lead to 53.7-46.3 with 83% of precincts reporting.]
Village of Forest Park library referenda leading 53.5-46.5 with 75% of precincts reporting
Maywood Park District Annexation leads 77.3-22.7 with 87% of precincts reporting
Maywood Village Annex leads 76.7-23.3 with 92% of precincts reporting
All Broadview tax referenda failed by wide margins.
Broadview Increase Limiting Rate failed 73.3-26.7
Broadview Increase Municipal Occupation Tax failed 64.8-35.2
Broadview Impose Municipal Use Tax failed 66.1-33.9
Eighth Legislative District (94 of 106 precincts reporting)
LaShawn Ford (Dem) 18,114
Glenn Harris (deceased, Republican) 2,579
Nathan Helsabeck (Green) 1,029
I helped Tammy Duckworth (Dem) run for Congress to succeed Rep. Henry Hyde. One observation that a friend thought was noteworthy was that Senators Dick Durbin and Barack Obama were happy to be up on the stage with Tammy when they were rallying the troops and appearing on TV on Monday. But on Tuesday when she was conceeding, it was just Tammy Duckworth and her husband on the stage.
What did you think of the elections?
[UPDATE1: Charles Flowers leads Bob Ingraffia 61.9-38.1 with 90.7% of the precincts reporting.]
[UPDATE2: The referenda question, "Shall the United States Government immediately begin an orderly and rapid withdrawal of all its military personnel from Iraq, beginning with the National Guard and Reserves?" is leading in suburban Cook County 65.8-34.2.]
[UPDATE3: The Forest Park library referendum has increased its lead to 53.7-46.3 with 83% of precincts reporting.]
Congatulations to Dr. Flowers in his triumph over the other guy who has been part of the wheel with no spokes for the last 25 years. Dr. Flowers will do just fine and now with the suppoort of the people who spoke on yesterday to put him in office, our schools and children in 209 will get the much deserved attention they deserve.
Anonymous, at 11:08 AM, November 08, 2006
Congraulations Dr. Flowers
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, November 08, 2006
Carl, please update your blog and election results.
1. Peraica was victorious against the Stroger,Serpico,Moore,Welch,Gattuso and Pasquale and Bruno stooge, Gomolinski.
Peraica fought a great epic battle to reform Cook County Goverment, but was defeated by the corrupt Democratic machine in Chicago and there uselful idiots from the 16th distirct.
Now that he won his seat back, I guess there be reconing for those backstabbers(Tom Walsh,Gattuso,Mazzullo) and for those corrupt and evil fellows,Moore,Welch,Serpico,Pasquale and Bruno!
The new powers of Proviso are now Peraica for the Republicans and Yarbrough and Flowers for thhe Democrats, and the three of them can't stand Serpico, Moore,Welch,Bruno,Pasquale Mazzullo,Gattuso and Calderone. Look to see the three team up to take Coglinese out from the treasurer postion,Welch and Moore's influence from 209,89 and 88, and to finally put away Seprico,Bruno andMazzullo, and watch for new Black Mayor of Bellwood and new Hispanic Mayors in Melrose Park and Stone Park and new mayors in Forest Park and Westchester and in Hillside!
The battle lines have been drawn and Welch,Moore,Serpico,Bruno,Mazzullo,Pasquale and gattusso have single handily destroyed whatever vestige of Iltailan power in Proviso because of the low IQ's and stupid beliefs that they know what the voters want!
My recommendations for right now is the following, do as Rumsfield did and resign, those that need to resign immediatly are sam Sei, Mary Herrell, Police chief Ryan from Forest Park, Tim Gillian from either Forest Park or the township, and Chris Welch!!!
Anonymous, at 4:48 PM, November 08, 2006
How does Sen. Lightford see the elction results in Proviso? If she read the results right, she would conclude that the voters of Proviso are 110% behind Yarbrough, Flowers and Peraica and that it would be smart of her to join up with winning team and promote good honest goverment. She should get away from Pasquale(who is a goner), same for Bruno(who'll soon be in a witness protection program),from Seprico,Mazzullo and from Moore and Welch. Those guys are the past, they reflect inept goverment and corrupt goverment, and she should realize that there just about keeping "whitey in power"!
No good politician would want to be seen with any of theose guys, instead they would want to hang there hat on the Yarbrough,Flowers and Peraica train!
Anonymous, at 5:45 PM, November 08, 2006
I saw the palm cards in Bellwood,Melrose Park,Stone Park,Hillside and Westchester and they all had Stroger, Gomolinski and Ingraffia?
Why did Bellwood,Hillside,Westchester,Stone Park and Melrose Park try to screw Peraica and Flowers?
Could it be that all these towns have corrupt,ITALIAN Mayors trying to hold on to power for as ever long as they can??
All these dagos bring to communities is bad schools, janators making six figures,corrupt village officials, missing TIF moneys,por shops,prostitues,gambling and stealing!
Hey, Waps, pay back's a bitch.
P.S. Stop seeing re-runs of the Godfather because that was fiction, just wait to see what we brothas and my amigo friends do to you, next election.
The clock is ticking and pretty soon you'll be kicked out of office.
Anonymous, at 5:54 PM, November 08, 2006
I'd like to see the palm cards listing Ingraffia. Email me, RadioNyberg circled "a" Yahoo spot c0m.
Carl Nyberg, at 7:08 PM, November 08, 2006
Insider reports today that Commissioner Peraica had breakfast meeting with John Daley and Bobby Steele. One has to wonder what they discussed. Also Commissioner Peraica today recieved a phone call from the White House to congratulate him and also to ask his opinion with what happenend to the Illinios republican party and what needs to be done to improve there chances in future elections.
Insider scoop two is that newly elected Superintendent of Cook County schools,Dr. Charles Flowers recieved numerous congrat calls to day,inlcuding calls from Mayor Daley, Chicago school board president Arne Duncan,Todd Storger,Anthony Peraica,William Beavers,Danny Davis, Sen. James Meeks,Con. Jesse Jackson Jr.,Con. Luis Guttierrez,Gov. Blagovich,State Attorney Dick Devine, New Sheriff of Cook,Tom Dart, and Lisa Madigan.Me thinks Chalrie is making new friends who are not only seeking his endorsment but also want to do any favors he would like done,thus getting Flowers and Yarbrough's support.
Man, I feel very sorry for Gene Moore,Chris Welch, Stan Fields,Anthony Bruno,Frank Pasquale and Ron Serpico, and all those dumb mayors who supported Ingraffia and Gomolinski.
What in the hell was Welch,Moore,Fields,Serpico,Bruno,Pasquale,Mazzullo,Gattusso,Tamborino thinking??????????
Anonymous, at 7:46 PM, November 08, 2006
Thats the problem they dont think. I would love to see how these Mayors respond to the new overwheming support that people like Mayor Daley, Todd Stroger, Arnie Duncan, Lisa Madigan, and Gov. R. Blagovich have given to Karen Yarbrough, and Charles Flowers. listen up Mayors dont lost everything on the count of "Loser" Chris Welch and "Please let me stay Recorder" Gene Moore
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM, November 08, 2006
I don't want to have to tell Chris Welch,Anthony Bruno,Ron Serpico,Ben Mazzullo and Frank Pasquale what happens in prisons but imagine having a "greyhound bus" going forward and reverse at 60 miles an hour in and out of your ass by some big black country boy. Ain't a pretty site for you wannabe wise guys!
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM, November 08, 2006
The election results were just as we needed. now let's not forgett the april election coming up.Don't for get we need new trustees in maywood.Frist we need to get Gary Woll out of office.he supported Peraica over Todd Stroger and he want's to repesent the people of maywood.how many people have we seen in PLCCA looking for services that the Strogers would give to this community.It is time that you leave the village board.You are not for the little people of this town.you are just rideing alone just to say you are the great white hope.you think that you are plantation Charlie.well you are not. Wait until april.you are OUT.
Anonymous, at 12:48 AM, November 09, 2006
To wake up:
PLCCA gets plenty of money from the county. the question is what do they do with it?
all these people who go their for service get alot of talk and reasons why they can't be helped
what's wrong with the trustees in Maywood that they need to be changed them? the board meetings seem better althoght for the life of me i don't understand perkins. she for years used to rag on the board and now that she's one of them she still rags on them. somebody needs to tell her that she's now a trustee and whatever is wrong with them is wrong with her.
Anonymous, at 8:37 AM, November 09, 2006
As a casual observer of Proviso Politics I want to make a few conclusions of this past tuesday's election results and how it will affect Proviso politics.
It is time for the old guard to exit the stage or change there strategies, just as President Bush has done in the white house.
The losers of this election,who are going to face the music after the thumping they recieved have to be Mayor Serpico,Eugene Moore, Frank Pasqualle,Anthony Bruno,Mike Castaldo and Chris Welch!
After there efforts to topple Tony Peraica and Charles Flowers and Karen Yarbrough failed , these individuals must start to look in the mirror to decide "what new direction" to go to. So much money,personal time and get out the vote effort was put out by these individuals in support of Peraica's opponenets,Flowers and Yarbrough's opponenets but yet to come up empty handed makes one wonder if the proberb"there done" should be used for them.They can always do "a Come to Daddy movement" trying to plead confusinoa dnsaying sorry to Peraica,Flowers and Yarbrough, but it may be to late.
Consider that only two years ago ,Serpico,Welch, Moore and Pasquale and Bruno were kings of Proviso. They had unfettered loyalties from the scared and intimidated voters of there villages and of the other mayors who would never dare question them. But in less than two years that have been sysytematically destroyed and appear on the brink of extiction.No better example than that is happening is Melrose Park. Mayor Serpico inherited Melrose Park and there political army from Aggust Taddeo. Mr. Serpico had the good will from the entire village and from neighboring towns.But in these years he has shown himself to be the destroyer of villages and of schools and communities.As one Melroser Parker said,Serpcio has managed to heedlessly dynamite the Melrose Park majority and influence, as well as destroyed the villages credibility." This old wise Melroser Parker,who spent time in college, also stated "Serpico was given the village by"the boys" and Serpico played with it and broke it,I wish they would just take it back, because "the boys" are just waiting ,along with all the residents and village employees,for the FEDS to take him"!Serpico destroyed the village with his hiring of his best buddy, the disbarred attornet Anthony Bruno, who between them raped and pillaged the village through TIFS and other endevours, that the FBI and Pat Fitzgerald are looking into.These two numnuts also destroyed the true fabric and richness and true strength of Melrose Park and that was that they fought there own Italian breathens and went out of there ways to destroy them, thinking in a small town nobody would notice or care. What happened was that mass defections of the regualrs soldiers defected from Serpico, by either joining other organizations or better yet leaving Melrose. Where in a distant past, Serpico would have recruited other Italians into his organization, no longer did Italians want to move inot Melrose Park. Serpcio was doomed. He now is trying to gain support with the new hispanic voters, but that won't be for long, because they'll want to run things.You know it has to be bad for Serpico, when his trustees will get challenged this up coming April, by the town's Mayor from Next Doore,Stone Park. If a dump of a town like Stone Park, with corrupt mayor is challenging Serpico, you know his he's history.
The same goes with the other Individuals, especially Pasquale, who runs Bellwood like his plantation. Pasqaule is so bold,in a town which is 90% black, that he arrested his black opponenents in his past election, and even had his house niggers make excuses for him.Pasquale also recently hired Anthony Bruno, whose being investigated by the FBI, to help him rape and pillage Bellwood with TIFS!Also Pasquale continues to work closely with Chris Welch,gene Moore and Mike Castaldo, three notorious inidivudals who have made fortunes off the poor blakcs and hispanics in Proviso.
If Yarbrough pulls her weight, and Flowers and Peraica do too, the days of these hooligans, and crooks will be over.These boys,Serpcio,Pasquale,Welch,Bruno,Moore and Castaldo won't be able to have a "come to daddy"moment.
Anonymous, at 1:31 PM, November 09, 2006
Where is the Proviso East wall of fame? I went through Proviso East today and can't find any inkling of the wall of Fame that Mrs. Kelly organized with Gary Marine, and I wondered where did all the money go for this wall of fame event?
I called Mrs. Kelly and asked her and she refused to comment, stating"it's nobody's bussiness,not the schools or anybody else!"She went on to say,"Nobody needs to know, so why don't you go ask somebody else your stupid,idiotic questions, and she abruptly hung up the cell phone which Proviso taxpayers pay for",.
Theresa Kelly is the ultimate disgrace. She refuses to be honest about her dealings,instead she blames Welch for all her problems. Why can't the Forest Park review do a story about this? Why can't the Proviso Probe do a story about Kelly's refusal to discuss these allegations about herself and her actions. If I was Yarbrough and Flowers I would stand far away as possible from her, and I would tell her for her sake to go to the media and discuss her allegations to prove them wrong, if they are wrong.
Yarbrough should also demand that she do this, because as you recently saw what happen to speaker Hasert about the Mark Foley inicident with pages, his mistake was not being proactive and immediatley report Foley and ask for an investigation.Yarbrough be careful, don't protect her if she is wrong, and also demand for her to speak up and prove these allegations wrong, if not it will linger in voters minds, and will also effect you, for your poor judgment in not exposing corruption within your organization.
Anonymous, at 4:50 PM, November 09, 2006
The Proviso Outsider has learned from numerous sources close to the president of the school board that Chris "the Proviso Insider" Welch is disturbingly obsessed with Theresa Kelly. Several board members, staff, administrators and teachers have cited the maniacal postings on the Proviso Insider as an eerily disturbing picture inside the mind of an obsessed mad man.
The Outsider has also learned through various sources that Chris "The Proviso Insider" Welch is violently unstable and poses a physical threat to Theresa Kelly. Many in the know have stated that Theresa Kelly should report Welch to the proper authorities and should request an immediate restraining order.
It's so sad...one would think that a 37 year old man could find inner peace within himself instead of being jealous of the accomplishments of another individual. It's especially disturbing to see this type of obsessive behavior aimed at a senior citizen.
What do you think, has Chris "The Proviso Insider" Welch officially lost his mind? What does Welch expect to gain from physically attacking a senior citizen? Based on his maniacal postings and apparent stalking, should Theresa Kelly put out a restraining order on Chris "The Proviso Insider" Welch? Is this the type of behavior attributed to a normal 37 year old man?
Anonymous, at 9:42 AM, November 10, 2006
Welch's obession with Kelly is of a sexual nature. This cornball wants Kelly and she won't budge. Only a jilted advancer would act the way Welch acts towards Kelly.
Get over it Chris, Tee-Tee don't want you!
Anonymous, at 6:35 PM, November 10, 2006
Now that makes sense. Welch does verbally attack women who turn him down. Chris Welch is the scum of the Earth and that is even an understatement.
Anonymous, at 7:36 PM, November 10, 2006
i hear welch not only verbally abuses women, but he physically abuses them too. time for that welch to crawl in a hole and never been heard from again. welch you scum......
Anonymous, at 7:05 PM, November 12, 2006
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