BLOG, where to discuss Rezko indictment
The U.S. Attorney, Northern Illinois District keeps a blog. If you have strong feelings about the indictment of Gov. Blagojevich's fundraiser Tony Rezko, you can discuss them there.
Also, the Capitol Fax Blog is always a good place. And there's Proviso Insider too.
Also, the Capitol Fax Blog is always a good place. And there's Proviso Insider too.
If only Doolin knew how to play it smart...
Anonymous, at 1:09 AM, October 12, 2006
Do you really think that is his blog
Cmon, did you just fall off the turnip truck?
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM, October 12, 2006
I'm sorry I didn't explain it.
That's not Patrick Fitzgerald keeping a blog, it's some blogger writing in the voice of PF.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:41 AM, October 12, 2006
Whatchoo talkin bout, Willis?
Patrick J. Fitzgerald, at 4:43 PM, October 12, 2006
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