OPEN, what's on your mind?
I was outa town for the weekend, but I'm still alive.
We're four weeks from election day. In what contest are you emotionally invested?
We're four weeks from election day. In what contest are you emotionally invested?
I read on Todd Stroger's web site that the following Mayors from Proviso Township were supporting Mr. Todd Stroger,
Eugene 'Gene' Moore - Cook County Recorder of Deeds
Suburban Cook County
Frank Pasquale - Mayor of the Village of Bellwood
Henry Vicenik - Mayor of the Village of Broadview
Joseph T. Tamburino - Mayor of the Village of Hillside
Hendersen Yarbrough - Mayor of the Village of Maywood
Richard N. Scheek - Mayor of the Village of North Riverside
Paul Gatusso - Mayor of the Village of Westchester
Anthony Calderone - Mayor of the Village of Forest Park
James Discipio - Mayor of the Village of LaGrange Park
Beniamino Mazulla - Mayor of the Village of Stone Park
My question is I thought Mazzullo was a bout honest goverment, but with the endorsment of Stroger it appears that it is true that he is a charlatan and a hypocrite.After all the shit and crap he talked about Serpico,Natale,HerrellPasquale and Yarbrough, he now supports them in getting Stroger elected.
I can't wait until he comes up for re-election again, along with those other Mayors to kick him and those others out of office.
Pay back's a bitch!!! Right Benny boy!
Anonymous, at 8:29 PM, October 09, 2006
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Anonymous, at 8:39 PM, October 09, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:02 PM, October 09, 2006
Just remember about stone park, if you do NOT donate to the mayor's funds, monies or free stuff for his special parties. You will be harassed every which way he can think of. Hey check Linda Tuckers records, she has a hit list with all kinds of names on it. If you are on his side you won't recieve any tickets from the police department. If you are against him you will be ticketed for anything they make up, and its all in the records. Hey I know one operator from stone park that donated $1000.00 cash to his reelection fund and it was never reported. Hmmmm maybe thats the monies he used to rent the hotel rooms? Hey MUTT and everyone else who's involved your day coming. Yep I'm a former operator of stone park and I know everything, MUTT now its my turn MOE.
Anonymous, at 9:07 PM, October 09, 2006
You can't allege irrelevant stuff about people's sex lives. And you can't gratuitously drag family members into the discussion.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:45 PM, October 09, 2006
Hey bingo, you hit the nail on the head. Poor little Benny boy is on the road to disaster. The word is out or it may be just a rumor about the towing scam they had going on and the kick back from the bars and porno joints that run wildly undercover on the mannheim strip. Is Benny really involved in setting up motorist in a scam for the towing of thier vehicles so he can get kicked back? Does anyone have any information about any sort of scam in the village? It must be true because the Stone Park PD has stopped all drug resistance operatiions until the investigation is over.
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM, October 09, 2006
Poor Benny is getting attacked because he won't kowtow to Serpico.
Anonymous, at 7:31 AM, October 10, 2006
What's the big deal with Stone Park's corruption.Everyone knows that there current Mayor and his trustees are all corrupt, but who cares,that town has always been crooked.Why is Melrose Park,Bellwood and Maywood mad at Stone Park's mayor?When is Stone Park going to have a Mexican Mayor? Or a police chief or Fire Chief that's Mexican? Who represents the Mexicans in Stone Park?
Anonymous, at 9:27 AM, October 10, 2006
[UPDATE: Proviso Insider says I should expect a subpoena.
If you [Carl Nyberg] have not received them already, you should be receiving subpoenas very soon.
[I guess I'm gonna find out soon if Proviso Insider should change his name to "Proviso Bullshitter".]
Ok, have you received your subpoenas from the Proviso Bullshitter?
let me take a wild guess...No
Anonymous, at 12:22 PM, October 10, 2006
The Feds after to see it to believe it !
We heard it so many times.
When you have the proof, rent the BLIMP and announce it all over town. (then I want to see it on channel 7 w/ Chuck )
I want to answer the question about the Mexican running the town.
2005 Instead of a FEMALE trying to run against BENNY BOY why didn't a Mexican come forward and run against him ? NO !!!
1) too much money can't afford it
2) most of the residents are not even illegal.....or they don't even live in that house anymore.
Hey you want a Mexican to run that town give it to Jesus Martinez, and keep him out of Melrose Park.
Anonymous, at 1:23 PM, October 10, 2006
Didn't anyone hear about Melrose Park Trustee, Rubin Lomelli's arrest this weekend for assult and Battery at Serpico field . I heard Stone Park police arrested him because Melrose Park did not respond to the call!!!
I heard Ivano,Benny "I'm the Mayor" Mazzulla and Capece arrested him and that he had to pay them $5000 cash to spunge his arrest!
Anonymous, at 1:59 PM, October 10, 2006
I just want to say something good about the best police force in the world, and thats about Melrose Park Police Dept. There the best force,bar none, if you live in Melrose Park you'll know that your safe from starngers,gangs and criminals. Melrose Park Police desrve kudos for there great service and remember,you guys are the best!
Anonymous, at 9:47 PM, October 10, 2006
Well not the Forest Park police department. You guys and gals and your leader, Lyin' Jim Ryan are the new definition of mediocrity. Your the laughing stock of the 4th district. You have set the bar so low that you have been surpassed by Melrose Park. Problem with both of these police forces is that none of these cops have any balls when it comes to standing up to their horses ass chiefs and mayors. Talk all you want about how tough you are. Kicking some gang bangers ass with back up isn't tough, tough is doing what is right and not buying into these crooked politicians little money games. Now go pat yourselves on the back. You should all be real proud of yourselves.
Anonymous, at 10:57 PM, October 10, 2006
Hey Carl,
Stan Fields' seems to be severely under qualified and "embattled", was he actually the best candidate for District 209?
I would like to see the resumes of Stan Fields and Dr. James Harris (the runner-up in the superintendent search process) to compare and see how their resumes and work experience differ. Is this information available to post?
I think the public, parents and concerned citizens should have full disclosure of the candidate’s credentials so that we can have confidence in the decision made by this board. We should also have the right to question decisions made by our board members especially when it directly affects our township. This is also necessary due to the fact that the firm that conducted the superintendent search was tainted and presented a conflict of interest (Eric King on the search firms board of directors and a superintendent applicant). Why did we continue with a search firm that was dishonest, displayed a blatant conflict of intrest and attempted to corrupt the process?
I’m confident that if we compare the resumes of these two applicants, we will find flaws in the selection process and will probably give us just cause to question the board and search firms decision and recommendations. If there was impropriety in this process, the township should be informed and the perpetrators of this impropriety should be held accountable regardless of who they are and their status.
Anonymous, at 9:46 AM, October 11, 2006
In response to Chris Welch's question about the man that he hired at district 88:
Joe Burdi and Stone Park Next On District 88 Hit List
The Insider has learned through confidential sources that Joe Burdi, the Director of Transportation of Bellwood School District 88, is next on the hit list. On Monday, October 9, 2006, board member Antonette Doris reached out to other board members trying to solicit support to terminate Burdi. Doris alleges Burdi is nothing but a Mazzulla, Pasquale, Welch, Moore puppet, and he needs to go. As you learned here last week, the Bellwood School Board voted to oust James J. Roche & Associates, the employer of Chris Welch. Welch was on the hit list as well. Prior to Welch, Janiece Jackson (Director of Personnel) and Sam Gardner (Director of Buildings and Grounds) met the ax of those board members carrying out Rep. Karen Yarbrough's seek and destroy mission. Stay tuned. Next week, Elaine Holmes.
What do you think about the latest hit? Should Joe Burdi be fired because he's politically connected? What has occurred in District 88 in the last few months and years that has been about kids?
Mr. Welch you anwsered your own question.Since you have been the attorney of district 88 and your control of the board, you have fired numerous superindentendts, prinicipals,techers and employees and have hired your stooges to do your bdding, and nothing, nothing was done for the children! Mr. Burdi should be fired because ,1.Not qualified for the postion
2.No experience for the job
3. Nobody in that postion should make $80,000,period!
4.He did not graduate from High school
5.The slary shjould be no more than $45,000.
6.He was hired because the Mayor of Stone Park(Mazullo) and his Trustee(Martinez) supported you in the race for State Rep.
7. District 88 is made up of all black ans latino students, so maybe we can find a black or lation to fill that job at a low salary.
7.If Dorris did try to get support for that move, she'll win her next election by a landslide!! Because nobody liikes Stone Park or there corrupt politics and nobody likes you,Mr. Welch!
8.Dorris do the right thing and get rid of the bum!!!
Anonymous, at 11:00 AM, October 11, 2006
IRT posting the resumes of Stan Fields and other candidates that competed for the job:
The board of education has a right to hire anyone who is qualified. Since Fields is qualified, it seems somewhat backward-looking to rehash the debate over whether Harris or Fields was more qualified.
What point would you be hoping to make?
If I'm going to go backward and cover the ins and outs of the process, it seems like there should be a specific reason.
Carl Nyberg, at 12:03 PM, October 11, 2006
I disagree with your comments, but I respect and understand your view.
As a community, we receive very little information from District 209 regarding decisions made by our serving board members and their decision making process. As tax payers, we have to live with the outcome of these decisions, therefore knowing the process and knowing how our elected officials came to these decisions is a crucial step towards accountability. Our board members make decisions that affect our lives and careers. As citizens, we need to make sure that the process in which they make these decisions are free from conflict of interests, politics and corruption.
In my opinion, reviewing the process and the information given to make these decisions is a step in the right direction. It will either give us confidence in our boards’ decision or it will cause us to question their logic; either way, as a community we win. Education and the sharing of information can only make us a stronger community. Our lackadaisical attitude towards our own well-being is disturbing. We continue to allow things to happen, yet in the end, we are all up in arms over the outcome. By not reviewing the decision making process, we are destined to relive the tainted processes of the past and still fall ignorant to why it happened.
Anonymous, at 1:30 PM, October 11, 2006
Hey Carl,
I've heard that one of Welch's cronies is going to get the Director of Security job for 209, and its not Brandon Gale.
Have you heard anything?
Anonymous, at 5:29 PM, October 11, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:15 PM, October 11, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:18 PM, October 11, 2006
Oh yes Gale, thats how Welch operates he uses people and then moves on when someone else who can offer him something in return comes along, the only thing Gale can offer is putting out signs. Anyone can do that.
Anonymous, at 8:26 PM, October 11, 2006
The new chief of Security for 209 was named today by Welch, they are Burdi and Mazzulla.
Anonymous, at 9:36 PM, October 11, 2006
Proviso Outsider, if the process of hiring Fields is important to you, there's no reason you can't post any information you have.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:39 PM, October 11, 2006
No, I have not received the subpoena Proviso Insider said was coming.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:41 PM, October 11, 2006
eyes of stone park, email me, RadioNyberg circled "a" Yahoo spot com, or call me, 43O-3538 in the 773.
If a MP trustee was arrested and shaken down for a bribe that's a story I want to cover.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:43 PM, October 11, 2006
Please don't post under "anonymous". It gets confusing with more than one person posting as "anonymous".
Carl Nyberg, at 10:45 PM, October 11, 2006
Re: Melrose Trustee, ask on the other two blogs, either Melrose or the Stone Park murder blog as this one seems still unknown. It happened at a homecoming football game for children and charges were made against him by an Elmwood Park Pop Warner coach. Someone must have this on video as it was a homecoming game or at least have knowledge of what has occurred. Hopefully you can nail the story down or create a blog about it. This should be a very interesting story when you have the facts.
Anonymous, at 12:51 AM, October 12, 2006
Wow looking at the 209 messes i wonder does this happen in york High Schols or Lagarnge. How sad that two political factions have destroyed the operations of a School District. Welch is a power hungry ego maniach and Kelly is not much better. Jobs and kick backs are what 209s education is all about. If Welch isnt elected watch out Hillside he running for mayor. then all his relatives and criminal firends will be on your public payroll. Ive been watching i know alot more. RC anderson is this the same guy who shot someone in the early 90s at Bellwood fest and associated with the Vice Lord street gang. Well if a crack smoking Mayor can be re elected in Washington DC., then the Proviso community cant be much better. Ill stop in again and share some more some time.
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM, October 12, 2006
To: "I'm Watching", but not paying attention.
Theresa Kelly has done more for the students and citizens of Proviso Township than any other board members past and current.
If you read her bio, awards and accomplishments, you would understand the value she brings to this district.
Anonymous, at 9:14 AM, October 16, 2006
To Pay Attention, what are you smoking? Is Kelly paying you to say good things about her? Dude, puff puff pass, not puff puff puff. pass it.
Kelly is stealing from our children at proviso. I attended the board meeting that left her speechless. She needs to be held accountable for her spending habits. She is not interested in our children succeeding in our district. Her only concern is how she can benefit financially. She has traveled across the globe on taxpayers money.
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM, October 16, 2006
To: Puff
Are you referring to the meeting when Chris Welch and his new political attack dog Stan Fields attacked Theresa Kelly? If so, you have a lot to learn.
What can 7.5 million dollars do for a school district? Well, that's what Theresa Kelly brought back to District 209 from her attendance at National School Board conventions. Please contest this fact. Please...It will fun!
Who started the Dad's Program? Theresa Kelly, and of course, Kelly learned about this program at one of the conventions.
Who started the National Algebra Project in Proviso Township?
Theresa Kelly, this nationally recognized program with a monetary grant attached was attained by Kelly when she networked with the founder of this program at another national school board conference.
Who started Project Read Proviso?
Theresa Kelly
Who started Take your parents to school day?
Theresa Kelly
Who founded the Alumni Wall of Fame?
Theresa Kelly. The Alumni Wall of Fame was started to recognize successful District 209 graduates and their accomplishments. The Alumni Wall of Fame doled out scholarships to select students and gave all students a chance to see what lengths they can aspire invaluable program.
Who received the highest award a school board member can receive for their work on the school board, the Illinois State Board of Education "Award of Excellence"?
Theresa Kelly.
Who helps chaperone the taps program (teenage pregnancy)?
Theresa Kelly
Who helps chaperone the band? Better yet, who helped chaperone the band when the teachers were on strike, so these students could have a chance to play and tour college campuses?
Theresa Kelly
Which board member can you find at nearly every public event giving support to our students and being available for our citizens?
Theresa Kelly
It seems to me that all the puffing you're doing has affected your short-term memory. Either way it shows your ignorance. If you would like for me to post more of Theresa Kelly’s accomplishments at District 209…get at me!
Anonymous, at 9:31 AM, October 17, 2006
Kelly is smart in her own little sick way. For every 1 (one) thing Kelly accomplishes she has done 10 (ten) things underhanded for her own financial gain. Kelly's accomplishments are a cover up.
Kelly takes a trip to a conference, compliments of proviso taxpayers. She brings back one idea. $15,000 in conferences to bring back one idea. You can google (search engine) to find programs for school district for free. Do some of your own research, Kelly. Stop taking from the taxpayers.
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM, October 17, 2006
Our schools are falling apart under the mismanagement and lack of leadership from the school board president Chris Welch.
Under Chris Welch's leadership, District 209's daily attendance has dropped. Our graduation rate has drastically fallen. The Prairie State Achievement test states that 85% of our student body is not making adequate yearly progress. 85%! In other words, Proviso Township High schools under the watch of Chris Welch, is failing our students and our community. This is absolutely not acceptable and pathetic!
Under Theresa Kelly's tenure as president, daily attendance, test scores, graduation rates and student achievement were on a gradual rise as reported in that current years' Pioneer Press.
What is the cause of this major decline? Chris Welch and his nepotism, cronyism, partisan politics and lack of effective leadership. Another cause for this decline is Welch's dismantling of the initiatives that were started under Theresa Kelly's tenure. When Theresa Kelly implemented a slew of initiatives, the educational climate changed for the better. The Pioneer Press reported Kelly's initiatives are working.
We have to get Chris Welch out of Proviso Township! Everything Welch touches is marred by controversy and selfish intentions. Chris Welch must resign and leave our township now!
So puffy...what's Chris Welch's excuse?
Did you say 15,000? Funny...I'm talking about 7.5 million dollars that Theresa Kelly is credited to bringing back to this district and you're stuck on $15,000. You're playing in the minor leagues smokey! Step up to the majors!
Google that!
Anonymous, at 10:40 AM, October 17, 2006
Lies, Lies, Lies. Why is Kelly taking credit for someone else's ideas while she was board president.
Do you think people are stupid? The National School Board gave proviso a grant. Grants have to be applied for and approved. No organization is giving away money because Kelly showed up at a conference. It's a process Kelly. It's not that easy.
Do your own extra credit, Kelly. Stop taking credit for everyone else's ideas.
Anonymous, at 11:07 AM, October 17, 2006
Puffy/extra credit/Chris Welch
Call it what you will. Your baseless argument still doesn’t negate the fact that under Theresa Kelly’s leadership, these programs were founded and implemented. A leader leads…plain and simple. Leaders give directions and oversee the process. This is how grants are applied for…someone directs someone to apply. And the outcome, District 209 received 7.5 million dollars and viable educational programs. That’s a positive outcome!
We need more positive leaders like Theresa Kelly.
And to answer your question, I don't think people are stupid, although you have proven to be.
People can read and research everything I have written and they will find these facts to be true.
Anonymous, at 11:25 AM, October 17, 2006
CHRIS IS A PUNK ASS says: People, people, people, Chris is a PUNK ASS BITCH! Chris likes to attack women because he envies powerful successful women. Chris wants to one day be able to afford that sex change he has long for. Let's ignore this jerk, buy him some new red panties, and work on destroying all of his future political aspirations. His days of glory and stealing from children are over. Come April the people will make the right choice and vote Welch and his cronies out. Welch can't take the heat his lipgloss and mascara wil start to run.
Anonymous, at 1:12 AM, October 18, 2006
After reading the forest park review regarding proviso township spending, it seems as if Kelly justifies her stealing from taxpayers by claiming she brought a 7.5 million dollar grant to proviso. She is entitled to spend excessively and stay in hotels on dearborn ave. downtown because she claims that grant was due to her attending a conference. Grants have to be applied for Kelly. This is not the free cheese giveaway from back in the day.
This is sad. A board member is a non-paid position yet Kelly is making up her own paycheck. Kelly YOU need to RESIGN! It takes only 15-20 minutes get downtown and you claim it is not safe for you to commute because you are a senior citizen and might get mugged at night. So let me get this straight, there are no seniors downtown after a conference that most likely ends at 4 o'clock. It's still daylight at 4 o'clock. Kelly is pathetic!
Kelly take off you ski mask and stop robbing Proviso!
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM, October 18, 2006
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