ETHNICITY, real-life Uncle Ruckus
In Latta, SC there's a court case challenging the dress code ban on Confederate Flag clothing. See Ft. Worth Star-Telegram (AP, Jim Davenport).
H.K. Edgerton, a Black man, marched with the group calling for the ban to be lifted.
Blacks "voluntarily" fighting for the Confederacy!? How does a slave volunteer for combat?
"Massuh, if you could get the othahs to pick mo cotton this season, Ah'd like to go fight for state's rights. I ken't read, but I'm sho it's a good cause cuz all the Christian White folk I know ah supportin it. If you approve, Massuh, Ah'd like to volunteer."
I used to think Aaron McGruder's character Uncle Ruckus was a little over-the-top, but he seems almost moderate next to Edgerton.
H.K. Edgerton, a Black man, marched with the group calling for the ban to be lifted.
"[The 15-year old plaintiff's] made a stand for her Southland," Edgerton said. A former local NAACP leader in North Carolina, he is known for dressing up in Confederate gear to emphasize what he describes as the role blacks played in voluntarily supporting the South in the Civil War.
Blacks "voluntarily" fighting for the Confederacy!? How does a slave volunteer for combat?
"Massuh, if you could get the othahs to pick mo cotton this season, Ah'd like to go fight for state's rights. I ken't read, but I'm sho it's a good cause cuz all the Christian White folk I know ah supportin it. If you approve, Massuh, Ah'd like to volunteer."
I used to think Aaron McGruder's character Uncle Ruckus was a little over-the-top, but he seems almost moderate next to Edgerton.
Crome dome, I believe your off the mark. The true Uncle Ruckus's are the board at 88, and othe bellwood voters who continue electing a white mayor who is committed in creating a trust fund for his grandchildren, so those gradchildren won't have to work again. This trust fund is being given to them through the sweat and the backs of middle class black familes of bellwood.
To describe Welch as an Unlce Ruckus is wrong and morally reprehisable.Welch has empowered blacks in Proviso ,like no other elected official has. Welch is the trailblazer of black empowerment. Like him or not, but more blacks have recieved jobs, and high paying jobs,plus black contracters, than in any other time in Proviso 's history.Wlch has hired more of our own(from Proviso) to lead our schools into the 21st century.Welch is working very hard to ensure black elected officials won't have to go and ask for handouts from "Whitey"! His commitment to this is seen in the work he is doing with James Meeks, and honestly, his education platform is the model being used by the Governor of Illinios to address school funding issues.
You might dislike Welch, but give credit where credit is due and that is that Welch has made proviso a better community to live in.
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM, May 25, 2006
I really didn't start this thread with the plan of likening any local pols to "Uncle Ruckus".
I'm pretty sure even the most stupid and venal of the local pols wouldn't describe Blacks fighting for the Confederacy as "volunteers".
Carl Nyberg, at 11:19 AM, May 30, 2006
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