HC & M, Yarbrough to talk impeachment on Fox News
Rep. Karen Yarbrough will talk about HJR125, the resolution to impeach President George W. Bush on Fox News, Sunday, May 21, 2006 at 8:30 AM (Central).
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She looked bad, Yarbrough, looked like she was in over her head and under feet, they couldn't wait to get rid of her..
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM, May 21, 2006
Rep. Yarbrough Lands Illinois on Stephen Colbert's "Threat Down"
For yet another year, the Illinois General Assembly was faced with a host of problems. Most notably, they were grappling with the possibility of an overtime session in order to actually complete a budget for this fiscal year. But these pressing Illinois issues haven’t stopped Democrat State Representative Karen Yarbrough from wasting the General Assembly’s time by introducing a bill to invoke an obscure and obsolete law to force the United States Congress to begin impeachment proceedings against President Bush.
Thankfully, Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” provides a little levity for this laughable proposal, naming Illinois as the number 4 threat to the country in his “Threat Down”, and explaining why he dedicated a whole chapter to Illinois in his book, “Stephen Colbert’s Top 50 States That Are Destroying America”.
Anonymous, at 1:34 PM, May 21, 2006
Fair and Balanced? Not. Conaty is a die hard Bush supporter.
I'm glad Rep. Yarbrough introduced the resolution and stood up in spite of wherever this thing goes. The fact remains that less than 30% of the country appprove of the direction of the ocuntry. And this dictator should be turned out of office.
I see california has passed the same thing.
Anonymous, at 2:46 PM, May 21, 2006
What do you expect from a far right wing non-reporting news network like Fox...
Anonymous, at 5:01 PM, May 21, 2006
Not for nothing, but do you have conclusive proof that Conaty is a Diehard Bush Supporter
Or is this just bullshit...
Fox News Realllllly Reallllllllly Reallllllly sux
and they tore her apart from limb to limb..
I dont' even know why she went on there...
She hurt her cause, more than she helped it....
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM, May 21, 2006
Pamela says: Hey Nyburg, did you tell Karen about the measures needed to put together a resolution to impeach Bush? She mentioned that she was made aware of the "rule" through a blog.
Anonymous, at 6:03 PM, May 21, 2006
Pamela are you insinuating that Yarbrough put this bill together from the advice and directions from Nyberg? NOT!
Yarbrough is more than capable of representing the people in her district as an Illinois State Rep.
Pamela did any one tell you that you should not disguise yourself as Welch. We know you read the blogger Chris. Why disguise yourself as a woman? That is really strange, but not for a WELSH!
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM, May 21, 2006
Did anyone hear Danny Davis before Yarbrough?
Davis speaks so slow he didn't get to answer one question!
The announcer shot questions so fast and on top of Davis he seemed baffled.
I think Dan is a great speaker but not in this venue.
I also Condi before all of them and this guy tried to shoot her down too.
I agree with ab...ain't nothing fair and balanced about Fox.
Anonymous, at 9:24 PM, May 21, 2006
I saw Rep. Yarbrough on TV yesterday and to tell you the truth, she was horrible. She did not have a message,she looked unprepared and totally embaressed herself,her consitiuents and Proviso. To bad Conaty did not ask her to speak about her achomplishments as state rep. and now she ruined herself for any possiblility of being groomed for congress or any leadership role in the Democratic party.
Thanks for screwing it up!!
Anonymous, at 10:38 AM, May 22, 2006
Alright, here we go again.
To: Provisoguru2
Your quote: "I saw Rep. Yarbrough on TV yesterday and to tell you the truth, she was horrible."
Please focus on the keywords, "to tell you the truth"
Sounds a lot like "telling the truth"... "Triple T" you know, the plagiarizer who Carl and Russ Stewart called out in a previous posting.
You cannot escape from your signature incompetence.
Plagiarizers have no credibility; therefore, your posting is moot!
Thanks for playing.
Anonymous, at 11:42 AM, May 22, 2006
Give it a Rest
we know it was you that plagarzied
let's rememebr, the article was Pro-Yarbrough and Anti-Gene
so please, please, please
Cut the Orwellian Crap
We ain't that stupid...
Anonymous, at 12:17 PM, May 22, 2006
Actually you are...
But we'll excuse it.
But not at the polls!!!
See you there.
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM, May 22, 2006
I once saw Russ Stewart's significant other. She was damn fine.
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM, May 22, 2006
I would like to know, in addition to the house resolution sponsored by Rep. Yarbrough; what other major legislation has she been the chief sponsor on that passed during this past spring legislative session? Many of you who post comments, seem to be very political savvy and know everything about politics and Illinois state government. Can anyone please assist me in answering this question. Thanks!
Anonymous, at 4:10 PM, May 24, 2006
to springfield, the answer is nothing. She has not sponsered any legislation, nor is she inclined to pass anything. Her supporters seem to not care the least bit if she does or does not. Her staff is totally useless and misinformed. Shapiro,Flowers and Kelly have no ideas other than to figure out how to make money for themselves.
Yarbrough beat Welch for one simple reason and that was because Welch aliented many of his supporters .If Welch would have had his team together he would now be state rep.
Anonymous, at 10:55 AM, May 25, 2006
To Proviso Guru 3
Please don't answer your own questions.
Welch lost because he's scum. No better way put.
Welch is not worth the air he breathes nor the dirt he came from.
If Welch couldn't get his miniscule team together, what would ever make the community think that he can handle the state rep job?
Stay in the minor leagues son...or continue to be on the losing end of a crushing defeat.
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM, May 25, 2006
proviso guru do your own research on both llightford and yarbrough's legislative records. both are effective legislators. i resent these comments about either of them. they do their work, and look at the thanks they get. no wonder we have slugs that run for office. the people who would run would have to put up with this kind of nonsense.
grow up.
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM, May 26, 2006
Proviso Guru
I was speaking to guru3 who made the derogatory remarks. I agree that Mr. Nyberg should delete these imposters comments. It does get confusing when others use a moniker.
But to reinterate, it has got to be a hard job to be an elected official and live in the fishbowl. Most of us do not run. Why? skeletons, time committment ? not to mention the salary that they work for---I would not! Thanks to these ladies that they have put themselves forward as elected leaders.
If you check the state web-site, both have sponsored significant legislation and brought $$ home to their communities. I was only suggesting that anyone who wishes should do their own homework to check their records.
I suggest if these people who post on this site are so dissatifed, they should run for office themselves. We'll give them a good grilling and see how they stand!
But, both ladies just went through elections and creamed their opponents so ....
These people must be jealous and envious or sore losers. Get over it.
Let's have some good discourse concerning Proviso instead of this childsplay of a conversation, huh?
Again, ProvisoGuru, my Apologies.
Anonymous, at 10:08 PM, May 27, 2006
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