ED, two District 88 issues [D88]
I have received some documents pertaining to District 88, but don't have time to fully cover them. I'm going to see Frank Thomas' return to U.S. Cellular....
The Illinois Department of Labor has given District 88 30 days to address some infrastructure problems at McKinley Elementary School. The notice is dated May 17, 2006.
Also, the Illinois Attorney General responded to an email sent by Board Member John Wicks. The short version is the AG told him to seek help from the board attorney or the states attorney. The AG also provided Wicks with opinions and case law.
The Illinois Department of Labor has given District 88 30 days to address some infrastructure problems at McKinley Elementary School. The notice is dated May 17, 2006.
Also, the Illinois Attorney General responded to an email sent by Board Member John Wicks. The short version is the AG told him to seek help from the board attorney or the states attorney. The AG also provided Wicks with opinions and case law.
John Wicks and his crew should be ashamed of themselves. What are they doing to fix the problem at McKinley other than complain? The other faction puts a plan forward and John Wicks and his crew keep running to the Mayor trying to put the brakes on it.
Anonymous, at 10:13 PM, May 22, 2006
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "Hate is too great a burden to bear."
The problem with the so-called plans supported by the board majority to fix McKinley is that they have the students, faculty and staff working in an unhealthy building for at least two years while other infrastructure issues take priority.
Maria Castrejon gets all smug and points out the flaws in other people's plans. She then declares that because other plans are imperfect they shouldn't be considered. She refuses to acknowledge the significant problem with the plan she's supporting. It keeps young children, teachers and staff in a grossly unhealthy building.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:19 AM, May 23, 2006
Hello Carl,
I am glad that you put a cap on the "Hate" Blogger. But anyway i have been at the recent d209 and d88 board meetings and there is a much bigger problem at the school on eastern than the whole board is telling the parents. That school is condemed to the point that it is not conducive to learning. the children are sick, the staff are sick, the principal has developed heart problems, children are having asthma attacks...what more do these 7 stooges want to happen before they all end up in civil court in some messy class action law suite? Wicks sits there like he is the big bad power broker from the Yarbrough Camp while for the last few months Ms. Thurman has been trying to reach out to him to bring the board togeather but he refuses to even return her calls. Sound Familiar?
Yarbrough VS Moore........
Wicks VS Thurman..........
Mr. Wicks you need to choose your mentors more carefully in the future. When your board President calls you it is only out of respect that you return the call.dont be an asshole all your life. who really cares about the children. This board is trying to patch up an entire roof at Mckinley School and all of the inside is rotten from the floor up to the ceiling tiles.where are the reports from the state. at the last meeting of d88, the Supt. stated that they were waiting on more reports to get in before they made any further decissions. what is the problem with this "disfunctional board"..
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM, May 23, 2006
Sorry, but Maria Castrejon does not matter. She is a disappointment to all Latinos, Mexicans , and anybody that speaks Spanish. What is currently going on in the Mexican community, one would think that she would want the best for Mexican and Black children. She could care less about ANYONE, BUT HERSELF AND HER LIVE IN DICK! She is pitful and it proves she can be bought for DINEROS. MODERN DAY PROSTITUTION!
As for Thurman she is a bigger joke. She is probably calling Wicks to make a political deal. When has she started to care about the children and reach out to other members of the board? She has what she wants and that is to be the WICKED WITCH of district 88. District is 88 is going to hell with Castrejon, Thruman, Anderson, and Miller. The state needs to come in and take over 88. That new supt. has no idea what she has gotten herself into, A BUNCH OF DUMB NIGGAS FIGHTING OVER SCRAPES, WHILE THE CHILDREN SUFFER! GET THEM DAMN KIDS OUT OF THAT BUILDING! THE COMMUNTIY NEEDS TO GET MILITANT ON THESE DUMB ASS BOARD MEMBERS! I BET THURMAN, CASTREJON, MILLER, and ANDERSON UGLY ASS KIDS DON'T GO TO McKINLEY!
Anonymous, at 8:11 PM, May 23, 2006
The Board is already addressing the problem in question. The roof repairs will be done during the month of June. The interior repairs will be done in July, well before students return in August. I also hear a plan is in the works to have a new McKinley within a year or two. Sounds like the majority is making the right moves, and the minority is just upset they are not calling the shots. Sounds like Proviso politics to me.
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, May 24, 2006
Sounds like somebody is about to get paid.
I'm interested to see who gets the contracts to perform this work.
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, May 24, 2006
The Board of Ed. in 88 is not addressing the problem which has been existing in that school since Ms. thurman took seat on the boaard.She is the most senior member and she knows where all the "bodies are buried".she knows about all the bogus contracts that she has pushed through past administrations and she was the sole lobbiest for the new middle school. Its time to call these peopke out for what they really are. Its time to get agencies involved in SD88 so these people can be held accountable, past and present. It is rumored that a visit has been made to the SD88 meetings by the State and FBI twice in the past month or so...Thank God. they finally got in to see the first hand under the table deals. We have to ask ourselves one important question. Who is there for the children? why wont they entertain the mobile classrooms instead of spending money to repair the old school? WHY? WHY? WHY? Did the district really need a new middle school? Did James Graham and Dr. Mack stumble up on something that may land a few past board members in jail? Did the state audit unfold some bogus information about no-bid contracts? Its going to be real busy at the Federal building this summer!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 10:56 PM, June 07, 2006
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