District 209 budget
The Proviso Township High Schools (District 209) budget for academic year 2007-08 is on display this month. See the D209 website (pdf).
Has anybody studied the budget? What have they learned?
Has anybody studied the budget? What have they learned?
Labels: budget, District 209
I'm no accountant, but it looks like they're diverting over a million dollars from the Education Capital Outlay Fund (used for all educational services other than salaries) to the Operations Capital Outlay Fund (used for building maintenance). Help me out with this one, Carl.
shakespeare, at 7:45 PM, September 10, 2007
Put it this way, only couple years ago District was strapped with deficit in excess of $20 million. Deficit was cut to approximately $14 in one year, now N. Johnson suggests taking it down to near zero. You think going from $20 mil to near zero (in only couple years) will be painless? Heck no! In fact, such drastic measures will have rippling effects throughout both the school and local economy.
How well the quality of instruction can sustain this kind of choke is not too hard to forecast. Education improvement has effectively been placed on hold. The District is essentially bankrupt. There can be no strategic spending of any real import, and 209 has essentially become a crippled ship.
How can performance measures be expected to improve when there are no monies to invest in quality of training? No instructional coaches, no supplements in areas of vitally needed support; there are only greater pressures in the form of dealing with what is an already overburdened and overwhelmed workload.
I predict more burnout, more capitulation, greater exodus of talent, and eventual collapse and reconstitution. This is a budget wherein the handwriting is on the wall for all to see. It's a formula for chaos, perhaps Proviso's darkest hour.
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM, September 11, 2007
Shiiit Carl could'nt help you out with a wet paper bag
Anonymous, at 7:11 PM, September 11, 2007
Chris Welch has ruined District 209. He is absolutely the worst President that 209 has ever had. He and his side-kick Geno Moore, Libka, Johnson, and other blood-suckers have literally sucked the vitality and resources out of the school system. Each election has yielded yet another group of new bloodsuckers that take the places of the others. Have these people no moral compasses? The poor children of Proviso (mostly black and Hispanic) will not be prepared for the work world. Sad
Anonymous, at 8:27 AM, September 13, 2007
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