PO-PO, Calderone/Ryan continue to punish cops for disloyalty [FP]
On Tuesday, the Forest Park Police Department conducted a formal interrogation of Officer Tom Hall for lying under oath in the hearings to terminate Sgt. Dan Harder.
Forest Park Review (Bob Skolnik):
So now Chief Jim Ryan and presumably Mayor Anthony Calderone are going to abuse their authority to mess with Tom Hall’s life. I think the message is perfectly clear. Cops that say stuff that embarrasses Calderone and Ryan will be punished. It’s obvious, heavy-handed management by intimidation.
The opening gambit was to offer Hall a five-day suspension if he admitted guilt. Since Hall didn’t feel like admitting guilt of perjury for testifying truthfully he rejected the offer.
Here’s what I’d like to see done. Hall and the FOP—the union actually defends its members from management, right? It’s not just for justifying police brutality?—should demand the Forest Park Police Department should present its evidence to the State’s Attorney for prosecution. Perjury is a crime. Let’s try Hall for the supposed crime he committed.
Of course, Ryan and Calderone won’t do this because they know the State’s Attorney will tell them to quick playing political fuck-fuck games and to stop wasting everybody’s time.
Forest Park Review (Bob Skolnik):
Stevens won a rare procedural victory when hearing officer Charles Hervas ruled that an affidavit that Lucansky tried to introduce from former Cook County State's Attorney Frank Serio was inadmissible hearsay. Lucansky had tried to introduce the affidavit to contradict testimony from Forest Park Police Officer Tom Hall. Hall had testified that Serio told him of a conversation between Cook County State's Attorney Richard Devine and Ryan in which Devine had allegedly told the police chief that Sgt. Mike Murphy should either be fired or buried in the evidence room.
So now Chief Jim Ryan and presumably Mayor Anthony Calderone are going to abuse their authority to mess with Tom Hall’s life. I think the message is perfectly clear. Cops that say stuff that embarrasses Calderone and Ryan will be punished. It’s obvious, heavy-handed management by intimidation.
The opening gambit was to offer Hall a five-day suspension if he admitted guilt. Since Hall didn’t feel like admitting guilt of perjury for testifying truthfully he rejected the offer.
Here’s what I’d like to see done. Hall and the FOP—the union actually defends its members from management, right? It’s not just for justifying police brutality?—should demand the Forest Park Police Department should present its evidence to the State’s Attorney for prosecution. Perjury is a crime. Let’s try Hall for the supposed crime he committed.
Of course, Ryan and Calderone won’t do this because they know the State’s Attorney will tell them to quick playing political fuck-fuck games and to stop wasting everybody’s time.
Do you remember when certain people expressed concern about Calderone's part-time cop program because it would be an opportunity for the mayor to bully cops into being his goon squad?
For example and another example.
And when the council voted 4-1 in favor of the part-time cop program, who voted against it?
Carl Nyberg, at 12:24 PM, August 25, 2006
For the answer see Forest Park Review (Seth Stern).
Carl Nyberg, at 12:26 PM, August 25, 2006
I see Doolin's tatics are shifting from personally attacking the Mayor and Ploice chief, and instead using Carl Nyberg and the Forest Park review to do his dirty work!
Why does everyone blame the Mayor for investigating alleged wrong duty in the Police Force? If a police officer can lie on the jury to protect himself, what opinion would you have Carl of him, if he lied to protect himself against a lawsuit of Police brutality brought on by a Black person or Hispanic person?
Let's be fair here, The point of your blogging about this event is to actually smear Calderone,Ryan and the rest of the police force of Forest Park and there citizens!
By implying that we use code words to complain about to many blacks and hispanics is not only plain WRONG, but SLANDEROUS,and a BOLD FACE LIE!
Mr. Nyberg I wish you desist in your personal and delusional attacks on our village,our police force and our people!If you think we made a mistake electing Mayor Calderone , as well as our board that is for us to decide not an outsider,like yourself, whose agenda it is to create chaos,and in your vision of the world,the perfect utopia,The hate America crowd,hate of the white european,which your leading us to is Maywood and your's and Doolin's masters!
Forest Park and Calderone may not perfect, but thanks to you, we now know who wants to create HATE and DESTRUCTION, and that is DOOLIN, along with his minions, which you are playing for!!!
Mr. Nyberg I think that both you and Doolin should move to Maywood where both of you think is a better community with better policing!!!!
Anonymous, at 4:24 PM, August 25, 2006
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Anonymous, at 12:38 AM, August 26, 2006
"Mayor Calderone may not be perfect" Now that is the understatement of the year folks.
What does Doolin have to do with this anyway? Why don't you just hold your man Calderone accountable?
Anonymous, at 2:54 AM, August 26, 2006
The following appears on Forest Park Mayor Anthony Calderone's blog www.forestparkfirst.blogspot.com. This guy Calderone is a joke. What do you think of his "critic" of you Carl? The word desperate goofball comes to my mind. Talk amongst yourselves.
"Have you ever looked at some of the many blog sites that proliferate the WWW landscape in this world we live in. I have and have found several of those to be most disgusting and hideous.
In particular there is one call Proviso Probe which is administered by a so called journal junky.
Worse yet I think this person lives in Forest Park. If you haven't seen this blog and you want to disgust yourself take a look at it.
I would have expected a better monitoring of comments he allows to be posted at that site. But he does not.
The owner of that blog seems to be most interested in written assassination and to demoralize our great community. Liberally falling back on free speech I can only assume he feels he is doing justice to our community by allowing anyone to say anything without any factual basis to support a posters writing.
If you have an intellectual thought about these types of WWW public discourse please share them."
Anonymous, at 3:34 AM, August 26, 2006
Carl it is no wonder that Chris Welch sued you as you walk a very tight line between journalism (ha) and very defamatory comments. IF these folks were not public officials you would either be broke or behind bars.
What makes you think that just because a police chief takes action appropriate for the disipline of the department that something had to do with disloyalty? Are you crazy?
And what makes you think that a consiracy is always in the making? You are a fool and your friends are the fools friend.
Get a hair cut so you can see straight, because things are twisted in your mind.
Anonymous, at 2:16 PM, August 26, 2006
Of course, we have all learned to relax our expectations where email and blogs are concerned, but the level of misspelling, erroneous punctuation, wrong wording, illogical expression and unsupported claims in the post from “Congratulations to Calderone and Ryan” is way too high. I have annotated the post to point out clear mistakes.
I see Doolin's tatics[s/b tactics] are shifting from [implies a “to” will follow, but it doesn't] personally attacking the Mayor and Ploice [s/b Police] chief, and instead using Carl Nyberg and the Forest Park review to do his dirty work!
Why does everyone blame the Mayor for investigating alleged wrong duty [presumably means “doing”] in the Police Force? If [implies a “then” explicit or implicit will follow, but it doesn't] a police officer can lie on [to?] the jury to protect himself, what opinion would you have Carl [should be set off by commas to indicate Carl is addressed] of him, if he lied to protect himself against a lawsuit of Police brutality brought on [other than bringing President Bush to mind, what is the meaning or purpose of “on” here?] by a Black person or [missing “a” for this parallel construction] Hispanic person?
Let's be fair here, The point of your blogging about this event is to actually smear [s/b “actually to smear” - the split infinitive fractures sense] Calderone,Ryan and the rest of the police force of Forest Park and there [homonym error – s/b “their] citizens!
By implying that we use code words to complain about to many blacks and hispanics [s/b capitalized as above] is not only plain WRONG, but SLANDEROUS,and a BOLD FACE [s/b bold-faced] LIE!
Mr. Nyberg I wish you [missing “to”] desist in [s/b from] your personal and delusional attacks on our village,our police force and our people!If you think we made a mistake electing Mayor Calderone , as well as our board that is for us to decide not an outsider,like yourself, [prior commas are neither needed nor helpful] whose agenda it is to create chaos, [this is where this collection of words, punctuated as a sentence, wanders off into some desert of diatribe where the concept of sentence has been utterly abandoned] and in your vision of the world,the perfect utopia,The [should NOT be capitalized if the prior comma holds]hate America crowd,hate of the white european [s/b capitalized],which your [another homonym error – s/b you're] leading us to [comma needed to complete punctuation of the clause beginning with “which” although eliminating the first comma and replacing “which” with “that” would be better] is Maywood and your's [s/b your] and Doolin's masters!
Forest Park and Calderone may not perfect, but thanks to you, we now know who wants to create HATE and DESTRUCTION, and that is DOOLIN, along with his minions, which you are playing for [meaning unclear – who are the minions, and what's the game?]!!!
Mr. Nyberg [missing comma] I think that both you and Doolin should move to Maywood where both of you think is a better community with better policing [awkward and wordy] !!!!
In general such emotional outbursts fail to persuade precisely because they are so emotional. If they are full of spelling, grammar and logic errors as well, they not only fail to persuade, they suggest that the positions they attack are probably right.
RetiredPastorNancy, at 10:24 AM, August 27, 2006
To Pastor Nancy, why don't you get a life and do something meaningful !
I bet your part of those religious groups,along with Jimmy(I hate America,Blame America first,Give the Southwest of the USA back to Mexico)Cater who loves to go visit Saddam Hussien and other Dictators around the world and then state your talking for the American People!
Go back to Iriaq and complain about our soldiers,like you and your friends do, and maybe we will be lucky enough to see the Jihadists Kidnapp you!
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM, August 27, 2006
I applaud our Mayor and Police chief for getting down to the bottom of the corruption in the Forest Park police station.It seems like an onion being peeled away,layer by layer,first Johnson,then Harder,then Frawley,now Hall. How deep is the corruption in our police force? Why is Doolin so angry and outraged about the Chief and Majority Board and Mayor wanting to root out corruption?
I just ask one things from our mayor and Chief and that is to be sincere and to take the investigation to where ever it may lead. This sort of corruption is rampant in Maywood, but there politicians won't allow investigations, thank god we have a Mayor,a majority board and a police chief who are willing to do what is needed to stop corruption. I'm just sorry that Doolin does'nt agree about the need to stop the corruption, what does he want done?
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM, August 27, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:19 AM, August 27, 2006
"Mankind is composed of two sorts of men - those who love and create(Calderone,Gillian,Ryan,Forest Park residents) and those who hate and destroy(Doolin,Nyberg,Harder,Johnson,Frawley,and Hall), ."
Abe Lincoln
Anonymous, at 12:15 PM, August 27, 2006
King Henry V, Act IV, scene iii, 35
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;.
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
We are with Mayor Calderone and Gillian and Ryan against the evil,wicked ways of Doolin and his corrupt gang and against his friends from the Maywood Gangs!
If Doolin wants a war, then a WAR he will get!
Anonymous, at 12:20 PM, August 27, 2006
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Anonymous, at 2:25 PM, August 27, 2006
I deleted the comments posted by "anonymous". I do this b/c it gets confusing to read comments from more than one "anonymous" in a discussion.
Please use a pseudonym. Thanks.
Carl Nyberg, at 3:01 PM, August 27, 2006
Hey Calderone's Patriotic Army...
When does your head start spinning around and green muckety muck start oozing from your piehole?
"If Doolin want's a war, then a WAR he will get!"
Ooohhh. That must really scare Doolin. It's just a local election. No need to rattle your saber there big guy.
Anonymous, at 12:20 AM, August 30, 2006
Doolin is accused of being "angry" and "hateful"; yet all I see are negative attacks on this forum from Calderone supporters.
Doolin continually addresses the public in a professional, polite and factual manner.
Perhaps, all that is left for the "Calderone Camp Members" are haughty remarks while pointing a finger to anyone with an opposing view. Last time I checked, this was America and people are entitled to their opinions.
The very thing you accuse Doolin of "hate" and "destruction" is what comes out of you campers daily.
I say debate on the issues and excuse yourselves from petty 5th grade antics.
If not, then you all have nothing of value to add.
Anonymous, at 8:13 AM, August 31, 2006
Hey absolutely everyone is entitled to their opinion, so quit double talking.
And who said Calderone supporters are bashing Doolin Foolin.
Bashing Doolin does not need to come from a Calderone supporter.
Bashing Doolin comes from regular citizens.
This aint no Calderone - Doolin thing, this is about Droolin Doolin doing the bullshit thing
Anonymous, at 5:39 PM, August 31, 2006
I don't see your value added comments Mr. Blah, blah, blah.
Bash away and maitain the title of 5th grade antics.
I'm merely stating we all have opinions but some of us are grown ups and can express our opinions differently without baseless unwarranted personal attacks.
If you consider yourself a "regular citizen"; let me be the first to tell you that you haven't quite yet made that league. Good day!
Anonymous, at 5:46 PM, August 31, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:51 PM, August 31, 2006
"If Doolin want's a war, then a WAR he will get!" Where did this come from? The WAR started long ago by using the F&P Commission as a political tool for smiting non supporters of the mayor. Dirty politics, call it what it is.
Anonymous, at 9:43 AM, September 01, 2006
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