PO-PO, part-time cop abuses power [NL]
A woman received mysterious parking ticket. Her husband recalled a woman threatening him in the Northlake Sam's Club parking lot by saying, "I got a good parking place anyway. You just watch what happens when you [expletive] with the law."
See Chicago Tribune (Tom Rybarczyk).
Here's my question for defenders of the Calderone part-time cop program in Forest Park.
Would a normal police officer risk his pension to get back at someone who took his wife's parking spot?
Do you see how part-time cops have much less to lose when they abuse their police powers?
Joseph Misuraca, the part-time police officer who wrote that ticket, was fired Tuesday night by the department after a quick investigation, Chief Charles Forsyth said Wednesday.
See Chicago Tribune (Tom Rybarczyk).
Here's my question for defenders of the Calderone part-time cop program in Forest Park.
Would a normal police officer risk his pension to get back at someone who took his wife's parking spot?
Do you see how part-time cops have much less to lose when they abuse their police powers?
And do you see how a politician who wanted to use cops as his personal enforcers would be able to take his abuses further with part-time cops?
Just so we're clear that we're not talking about remote theoreticals, in the last two weeks Melrose Park Mayor Ron Serpico threatened me with arrest and the Bellwood Police seemed to be doing something that look more like security work for drug dealers than legitimate police work.
Carl Nyberg, at 11:53 AM, February 10, 2006
Specious reasoning at best.
Cops get fired all of the time when they get caught doing stupid things. Their concern for their pensions doesn't seem to stop them from screwing up.
This part-time cop in the article got caught, and got fired - immediately. Only difference is part-time cops can't abuse the Fire and Police Commission hearing process like cops who are caught can do. Seems much more efficient way to root out bad seeds than with the process required to fire full-time cops.
And so what if other towns misuse their police force? Go after them instead of imagining a problem that doesn't exist in Forest Park. The only political arrests that happened in Forest Park involved a police officer who is opposed to the Mayor who made both arrests.
Should that cop get fired, Carl? Or should he keep his job because he doesn't like the Mayor, no matter what he does?
Get your facts straight Nyberg.
Anonymous, at 1:59 PM, February 10, 2006
Why are people so vicious? Did the Mayor drop out of school? If so, so what? He does a good job for a high school drop out. He put Forest Park on the map as a destination place rather than "drunken village." He increased property values, encourage pride of our town. Not perfect but is doing a good job.
Anonymous, at 9:23 PM, February 11, 2006
Calderone and Gillian are ther cause of all ther problems in Forest Park! Both of these drunken sailors are spending are money like it is out of style!
Look at Gillian at the Township, and that just reflects what he does in Forest Park! Gillian just pushed to hire Eugene Moore's and Jim Peralli's insurance companies to run the Township Insurance! What is going on!!! Does Gillian get kick backs, or other favors, from Eugene Moore and Jimmie Peralli? Why is Gillian giving everything away to Gene Moore and Welch? First he hires two ghost payrollers,in Robbins and Tom Walsh to lobby for the Township, now he gives Eugene Moore another commission check along with Moore's buddy Jimmie Peralli! Is Gillian aDemocrat or a Republican?
Is Gillian Morally Challenged, or does he want to be known as the most corrupt and dirty politician in Proviso? Being known for that in Proviso is really big, due to all the corruption in Proviso, but Gillian is a serious contender for the Oscar for Most Corrupt and Dirty ,slimest,lyingest Politician in Proviso!
I can't wait to when he and Calderone run again, so I and my friends can go and work the campaign to useat those two bums!
Calderone and Gillian, YOUR OUT OF HERE!
Anonymous, at 8:24 PM, February 12, 2006
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