CRIME, neighborhood crime prevention and intervention meeting [FP]
Thanks to Proviso Probe reader MA for drawing attention to this.
6:30 PM, Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Village Hall, lower level, 517 Des Plaines Ave.
6:30 PM, Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Village Hall, lower level, 517 Des Plaines Ave.
As a result of an unusual amount of criminal behavior in and around your area, Mayor Calderone will host a Neighborhood Crime Prevention and Intervention meeting.
Please join the Mayor, Police Chief Jim Ryan, and his staff as they review recent criminal actions and discuss prevention methods. Find our how to identify suspicious characters and activities. Learn what the Police are doing to curb criminal incidents and become skilled at helping the police combat neighborhood crime....
no need to RSVP....
For more information please contact Mayor Calderone's Office at 708-366-2323 x 158.
My understanding is that this meeting was at least partially inspired by a Forest Park home being hit by a stray bullet.
The risk from stray bullets is pretty low if one considers the strict probability. But the front page of today's Sun-Times reminds us, sometimes stray bullets are fatal. For some reason I can't find the article on the S-T website. But you probably heard about the girl killed by a stray bullet while playing video games in the basement.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:01 PM, August 08, 2006
My understanding is that these two clowns have not attempted to prevent crime in this town since they got here. All they're interested in is PR for themselves and trying to pull their sorry asses up by their boot straps and make themselves look good. What a farce this Tony "Snoops" Calderone and Jim Lyin, I mean Ryan are.
Anonymous, at 6:29 PM, August 08, 2006
It was actually a very interesting meeting.
The jist is, there is a bad element renting apartments in Forest Park and that the Police need the help of the home owners, rental property owner, and neighbors to report over crowding in the apartments, drug dealing, and the like.
Unfortnetly, there are several neglectiful landlords who have no idea who are renting their properties and for what purpose.
There were several rental property owners who want to do the right thing and would like to band together and get help from the village to learn more about protecting their property.
Then, of course, the entire discussion went off on several tangents. Like the number of Section 8 housing, unleashed dogs, and litter.
As a comment about the unleashed dogs, I've seen the person who made the comment and the dog on the street, and that dog needs some serious training. No dog should walk you, you walk the dog.
Monica, at 9:28 AM, August 09, 2006
And exactly where did the honorable mayor and chief announce this neighborhood crime meeting? On the village website? NOT. You go to the news page and it talks about the French Market and No Gloves tournament. Geez.
When and where was this home hit by a bullet?
And just now the mayor and chief have discovered that there's trouble with the rental units in town. Get a grip. I lived on the north side of the village in the 70's and Washington was then a den of nothing but trouble. A lot of the rental units in this village are very scary indeed. Look at the gangsta element in the 3 flats on the 1100 block of Hannah.
And so what, you call the village about problems and what do they do? NOTHING.
Seems like a posturing event to garner votes. Like Calderone and Ryan actually know what's going on.
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM, August 09, 2006
Hey Forest Park citizen, why don't you ask Doolin is a foolin, Frwaley,Harder,Johnson and Steinbach why they had $100,000 cash in there home and why they are known to take orders from maywood gangleaders!
I'm sure those gangbangers are paying for protection in town, and last I saw, Doolin wants to be mayor,and then wants to fire Ryan and then name either Johnson,Hader or Frawley as the police chief! Makes you wonder what's going on with gangstas and all that cash on hand!
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, August 11, 2006
Frawley, Harder (and probably Chief Ryan) don't even live in Forest Park. And neither Frawley or Harder are even working.
Why would a commissioner ask a police officer why they had cash in their house? They do not report to the commissioners. If anything, they all take orders from Calderone.
And I don't believe Calderone did this for any reason other than to start his campaigning.
Anonymous, at 11:54 AM, August 14, 2006
To Forest Park Citizen: Doolin should resign from the board, because he is very close friends, with Frawley and Harder and Johnson, and he,Doolin ,either needs to publically condem them, and inquire about the reason so much money was in there home, or he should be man enough to admit, the truth, which is he knew along about the cash and the activites involved in how three police men and a village trustee got the money!
Doolin's act of being so honest,so full of integrity, and his act of publically condeming others, for what he feels are miscues of integrity,his being the judge and jury of integrity,makes us ask him now,where did his integrity go and laspe of judgement about his close friends! Also should we be like him and start making false claims,allegations and start rumors,about his involvement into the $100,000?
Mr. Doolin has lots of expalinig to do, and if he does'nt or if he decides to lie and decieve the voters and citizens of forest park about his realtionships with these three corrupt officers, then he will be treated with the same stick he has used on others!
I like Doolin, but he needs to explain his association with them, and also to staright with the voters, on why are the FBI investigating him,Johnson,Harder and Frawley, along with those Maywood Gang leaders!
Anonymous, at 11:51 PM, August 15, 2006
Why would Doolin inquire about anything? After all, you claim the FBI is investigating this right? Out of curiosity, how do you know what the FBI is doing anyway? I would assume they will contact him during the course of their investigation if there is even an investigation. Which, by the way seems rather doubtful based on your rant.
Anonymous, at 1:04 AM, August 16, 2006
Frawley and Harder are good friends.
Doolin and Johnsen are good friends, right?
But to link Doolin to Frawley's brother's fishy money seems a stretch.
If you are willing to accept such guilt by association logic, it would seem other local politicians might suffer even worse taintings than Doolin.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:31 PM, August 16, 2006
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