PO-PO, Reformado v. Forest Park
Forest Park Review (Seth Stern) covers the story.
Which of Edison Reformado's allegations need to be proven true for Forest Park to be held liable?
What are the inconsistencies in Reformado's version of events? What are the inconsistencies in Officer Ken Gross' version?
Which of Edison Reformado's allegations need to be proven true for Forest Park to be held liable?
What are the inconsistencies in Reformado's version of events? What are the inconsistencies in Officer Ken Gross' version?
Cop right
Bad guy wrong
When the day comes that we lay more criedence on the bad guys than we do cops, we will be living in lawlessness.
Controversy is what this is about. Period.
Carl plops weird thoughts on the blog and then it engages dialouge.
Is this good? Is it bad?
Jury still out on that one.
The questions I have is;
Just what kind of positive contributions does Carl make to the Community of Forest Park?
Anonymous, at 7:24 PM, May 09, 2006
Anonymous, at 11:19 PM, May 09, 2006
This has been a sizzling hot topic. Can you blame him for encouraging round 3 or is it 4?
Anonymous, at 9:06 AM, May 10, 2006
You know what is thought provoking..... A witness told Cody that she could tell Gross was a cop from the window. At 1:00 a.m. in the morning, with the lights out across the street at the old gas station. Give me a break...definitely a full of bull shit report. Where did Cody get his witnesses from, rejects of desparate housewives club?
Anonymous, at 12:06 PM, May 17, 2006
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