PO-PO, Reformado to take legal action against Forest Park [FP]
Forest Park officer Ken Gross used an unauthorized strike technique--multiple punches to the head--against Edison Reformado. See picture and further background and discussion.
Reformado has retained Jeanine Stevens to represent him in legal action against the Village of Forest Park. Stevens represented Officer Andrea Caines and Sgts. Maureen Frawley and Dan Harder in their sexual harassment suit against Forest Park. Later Stevens represented Harder when Chief of Police James Ryan sought to terminate Harder for swearing and excessive absenteeism. The case is still being heard before the Fire and Police Commission. So far it has taken over one percent of Dan Harder's life.
Later Ryan sought to fire Lt. Steve Johnsen, who testified on Harder's behalf, for misconduct in arresting Jim Shaw, the owner of Doc Ryan's. See Forest Park Review (Seth Stern) for background. Stevens is also representing Johnsen. Although there have been few developments in the Johnsen case. He's suspended with pay and no hearing dates have been announced as far as I know.
Reformado has retained Jeanine Stevens to represent him in legal action against the Village of Forest Park. Stevens represented Officer Andrea Caines and Sgts. Maureen Frawley and Dan Harder in their sexual harassment suit against Forest Park. Later Stevens represented Harder when Chief of Police James Ryan sought to terminate Harder for swearing and excessive absenteeism. The case is still being heard before the Fire and Police Commission. So far it has taken over one percent of Dan Harder's life.
Later Ryan sought to fire Lt. Steve Johnsen, who testified on Harder's behalf, for misconduct in arresting Jim Shaw, the owner of Doc Ryan's. See Forest Park Review (Seth Stern) for background. Stevens is also representing Johnsen. Although there have been few developments in the Johnsen case. He's suspended with pay and no hearing dates have been announced as far as I know.
Hope this costs Reformado's family a lot of money and that it is thrown out of court or Reformado has to pay. Has everyone forgotten he used a fake id to get into a bar and drink and then get thrown out and get into a fight on the street????????
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, April 11, 2006
No posting under "anonymous" on Proviso Probe. Use a pseudonym.
After you type your message there are three options under "Choose an identity". Click "Other" and type something in the dialogue box to the right of "NAME".
Reformado has been prosecuted for his transgressions. Has Gross been held accountable for his transgressions?
Carl Nyberg, at 12:56 PM, April 11, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:45 PM, April 11, 2006
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Anonymous, at 10:33 AM, April 12, 2006
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Anonymous, at 1:26 PM, April 12, 2006
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Anonymous, at 2:52 PM, April 12, 2006
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Anonymous, at 3:25 PM, April 12, 2006
Since police policies do not spell out what precise physical techniques may be used, does that me create your own physical techniques? From what I understand another individual did punched KG in the face that night and he did have the option to run…so he did! Would this be why KG lost control and used excessive force? I offer a better suggestion, how about proper training? One might take a real course at a POLICE ACADEMY for 12mths not a course at the local college for 12 wks. Did you take part in the beating, is that why you ask if all sinners should be sued?? Would one might take this has a confession of your sin that might have taken place that night. You can stomp your feet all you want. If all questions have been answered, this family might not have taken these actions. We continue to make excuses and hide the truth. Excuse are like a**holes, every one has one. Okay, he had a fake ID, felony or misdemeanor? Misdemeanor!! So, most likely this has already been thrown out of court and a small fine. Apparently we do have a bigger problem in FP then a little ID incident, if we have been sued several times. You don’t have to post anonymous, it’s too obvious that you work for FPPD. You sound like I did before I opened my eyes!
Anonymous, at 4:03 PM, April 12, 2006
It was not known by Gross that he was struck by another individual. Only Reformado.
If Reformado is the upstanding, law abider here, why did he kick another officer so hard he tore the cops pants?
Think for a moment, there is a melee in the street, you are involved in a free flowing fist fight that has taken from the inside of a building to the outside and into the street. Is it possible that in your rage, with adrenalin pumping, the fact you are focused on and attacking the people you were in the farcas with, that you didn't hear the Cop identify himself and attempt to use voice commands to calm the situation?
I would say yes, even after all the martial arts training he took.
When you fight the Cops, almost always, the Cops win. And Thank God for that.
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, April 12, 2006
Where did you get martial arts training? You do not know what you are talking about. He has never had martial arts training. You are crazy. Frazier help this idiot out, once you pull him out of the Mayor's a$$. Oh, wait a minute it is the jacka$$ Mayor. Use your elevated detective clones to do some work. Ed has never had martial arts training. However I have.
Anonymous, at 8:50 AM, April 13, 2006
Bbones I mean Mayor Quimby, you are a joke. Good luck with April 07. You say no backroom deals ever happen in your 2 door office. Did you sell us down the development drain? Did you receive a kickback on the Roos. Your filthy politics will come back to haunt you.
Anonymous, at 8:55 AM, April 13, 2006
Bbones, what happened to my question in previous post. You stated that Ken Gross tried to use his tasers three times but it was ineffective. Where did this number come from Mayor? Was it a report that crossed your desk? Did you give a copy of the findings from your investigation to Ed's parents? Are you going to answer any of these questions or will you just post on a new thread?
Anonymous, at 9:02 AM, April 13, 2006
Bbones, what happened to my question in previous post. You stated that Ken Gross tried to use his tasers three times but it was ineffective. Where did this number come from Mayor? Was it a report that crossed your desk? Did you give a copy of the findings from your investigation to Ed's parents? Are you going to answer any of these questions or will you just post on a new thread?
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM, April 13, 2006
A kick cannot tear pants. Another science mystery...
Anonymous, at 9:10 AM, April 13, 2006
Lost and Found:
FPPD department seeking truth, integrity, common sense and experience. Has anybody found our integrity and common sense we seemed to have lost it? If you find it please return it to Chief Ryan and Mayor Calderone. A reward will be offered.
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM, April 13, 2006
Here's something interesting to note:
Mayor posts on the Forest Park Board on 4/12/06 @ 11:42 p.m.
Bbones posts on the Probe a 4/12/06 @ 11:25 p.m. In almost every posts that have been made Bbones is usually folled by the Mayor or vice-versa. Bbones and Mayor same people? Survey says..YES!
Posted: April/12/06 at 11:42pm | IP Logged
Mayor why would you post on the Board so late in the evening. Could you have crooked politics on your mind? Or possibly a poorly training Police Department with no mangement on your mind? Defend your posts to Godmother. Tst, tst Mayor. You should know better. Politics is no place for a wanna be gambino. Start practicing good politics and you won't have to watch your back or spend so much time on various websites defending yourself.
The only "behind doors" godmother is in your imagination.
Do your research and you will find that I have stated that indeed I have had preliminary conversation with a proposed developer.
This took place in my office with the 2 doors wide open.
I'm amazed and amazed at your continued effort to interject fallacy in your opinion.
Having a developer visit the mayor about proposed developments is normal and I indeed subscribe to that position.
I do not make "back room" deals as you routinely suggest.
Mayor Anthony T. Calderone
Proudly Serving the Village of Forest Park
Anonymous, at 10:21 AM, April 13, 2006
The only proudly thing he ever served was another drink for himself! BOTTOMS UP! He is the most crooked Mayor we ever had in the history of FP. I'm tired of him going unopposed every year. I only hope that after the FBI is done with Melrose Park, they pay this a$$hole a visit.
Anonymous, at 10:35 AM, April 13, 2006
QUESTION: Mayor, if you have jurisdiction over all police matters, than why would you elevate a police officer who participated in sexual harrassment and discrimination to Lt.? Are you sending the message to your constituents that you condone that type of behavior. Also, Mr. Mayor, why would you allow Chief Ryan to proceed with firining of Dan Harder? Is the message your sending that anyone who speaks out on police brutality issues will be fired? Mayor you are sending very mixed messages. The buck stops at your office. Should your constituents believe that you are pro-brutality, sexual discrimination and sexual harrassment?
The Mayor of Forest Park is also the Commissioner of Public Affairs and is responsible for presiding at all meetings of the Village Council, has jurisdiction and supervision of the Police Department, executes all agreements /contracts on behalf of the Village, and has general supervision over all Departments, officers, and employees of the Village.
In addition, the Mayor also acts in the capacity of Local Liquor Commissioner. For inquiries on the application process for a local liquor license, please contact the Mayor's Office at 708-366-2323 x159.
Anonymous, at 5:14 PM, April 13, 2006
You are all ignorant fools if you think I am the Mayor.
Reformado was not abused
Anonymous, at 6:13 PM, April 13, 2006
Frazier, If the shoe fits,....
I did not drop out of highschool. However, many people have and have become very wealthl, what is your point?
No report other than what Carl has posted. I said three but it could have been 15. My point is it will take what ever number it takes until the the Non-lethal weapon has the desired effect, compliance and apprehension.
I think some of you are confusing the rest with the copy and paste deal. I would suggest you visit the other site and Participate in the conversation in a civil manner. You may find that opinions may be swayed with fact.
In the Know, Reformado wrote in his own blog he was taking martial arts classes. However, after it was noted he had some not so flatering comments on his blogg about himself and his relitives, the site was shut down. Hmmmm....
Carl, you take away from the blog when you delete entries. Anonymous is a one of the options to select. You, as a activist journalist, should embrace all who come to your blogg. Lest you desire a one sided debate. Shame on you.
Anonymous, at 12:06 AM, April 14, 2006
You didn't finish your sentence Frazier...people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones or shit. Right Frazier?
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM, April 14, 2006
It seems you all have decided to attack me instead of the issue of some young drunk punk that decided to falsify an ID, fight in the bar, fight in the street and fight with police.
It has nothing to do with ethnicity and everything to do with responsibility for ones actions. Reformado is a criminal
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM, April 14, 2006
I googled Murphy and this is what I got, from an article on Police Officers who received the Medal of Honor from Gov B.
Sergeant Michael Murphy of the Forest Park Police Department was honored for rescuing a woman from a residential fire. After receiving an initial call of shots fired, Murphy arrived to find a home fully engaged in flames and an elderly coupled trapped inside. Disregarding his own safety, Murphy entered the residence and was able to locate the unconscious subject from the residence. Once safely outside, Murphy performed a chest compression to start her breathing.
Anonymous, at 12:50 PM, April 14, 2006
Mike Murphy is no fine outstanding officer. More lies and less facts. In fact, Mike Murphy beat a defenseless and homeless man about two years ago. There was no medal accommodation for this only a trip to visit Dr. Phsyc Ward. He beat this man so severe that he broke his wrist. Once again the Village had to pay money so this could all go away. As mentioned before this board is not the only one with Bbones issue. His small mind is apparent to everyone that knows him. Here's a little tidbit. Mr. HarkPosty used to get beat up and picked on almost every day in his youth. Now he has comeback with a vengence. As AuntB stated, he has exposed himself to an old profession, only he doesn't get paid to do it. He uses it for protection and exalted esteem.
Anonymous, at 2:23 PM, April 14, 2006
I feel I've made the expectations about not posting anonymously clear. Deleting posts is my tool-of-last-resort for enforcing the rules.
In my experience it is difficult to follow discussions with multiple people posting under "anonymous". I try to give a little leeway, but I feel strongly about this point. I don't want more than one person posting as "anonymous" in any one thread.
I believe the policy makes Proviso Probe more user friendly. I'm sorry if you disagree. I hope you will continue to participate in the discussion.
Carl Nyberg, at 2:28 PM, April 14, 2006
Are you familiar with the allegations against Mike Murphy?
Carl Nyberg, at 2:30 PM, April 14, 2006
Hey, Bposty...Its a good thing Lt. Cody wasn't around, she would of got more than a chest compression.
Watch out for that one AuntB. Wear your bra with the hook and safe in front?
The men BHosty mentioned are only deserving of a good kick in the ass. They are like little mini Stalins using the power for evil and not good. Not all officers are like this but the few that FPPD has and is elevating are bad apples. They should be plucked and thrown into the fire.
Anonymous, at 2:30 PM, April 14, 2006
I disagree with you Hosty, this has everything to do with racism and police brutality. The issues are clear, this is reoccuring in your Police Department. The complaints are from African Americans and Latinos. There are more pending cases, existing cases, and past cases involving police brutality and police misconduct.
Since, I see that you have judged Reformado to be a young punk, I feel justified in saying that you do not believe in our judicial system. He is innocent until proven guilty by a court of law in this wonderful land and a jury of his peers. There is a judicial system Commissioner Hosty and you are not it. You do not understand what your friend Michael Murphy should be doing as a police officer. It is not clear to you what duties he should and shouldn't perform. You lack knowledge of the law and therefor are ignorant. It is not up to any officer to take the law into his or her own hands and use unnecessary police tactics or excessive police force, this in itself is criminal and punishable by a Court and jury as well.
Your anger and clouded racism keeps you from learning the truth. You are blinded and the only validation you have is to be used as a "tool".
Anonymous, at 2:44 PM, April 14, 2006
I am not Mark Hosty.
Reformado went to court and was sentenced for his CRIMES. What is the definition of a Criminal. I always thought it was a person that commits a crime.
All I was pointing out with the Murphy citation was that this was all I could find when I "Googled" him. I am aware of the Hooks situation. We are not speaking about Murphy. We are Speaking about Reformado the young punk that starts and participates in street fights then runs home to Mommy when he is treated like the criminal he is.
Anonymous, at 3:48 PM, April 14, 2006
Actually you were speaking about Murphy, he got a commendation, was boy scout of the year, etc. You just neglected to mention the other FACTS as you are so keen to reference Reformado's incidents. Do you hate Reformado because he is Latino? I am detecting a deep seathing hatred for this young man that you do not even know. Why is that? Do you think a criminal deserves to be beaten beyond the needed measures to affect the arrests? What are you saying exactly Mark? It seems as though you have deeper issue with this incident. Calling Reformado a punk, accusing him of running to Mommy. What else are you going to say. A beating does not justify a clean arrest. These are two different things. If your nerve was struck; its only because you have a problem with other opinions. You really believe your own opinion matters and it doesn't. People are entitled to believe what they want, just like you even though it is wrong and clouded.
Anonymous, at 3:58 PM, April 14, 2006
The thing here is that I don't feel the force used was all that excessive. If Reformado, the fine upstanding young man, that never broke a law until the evening he went ape shit, just did as he was instructed by the police when they showed up he would not have been wrestled to the ground or tasered. I have seen the FP Police stop outside the bars along Madison and give drunks rides home. They in general are not out to crack heads but keep the peace.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, April 14, 2006
Let us be reminded that Bbones is disturbed, has been for sometime now. He is the Mayor's interjection. He burps the praises of the Mayor as though he was burping the alphabet. For him its a natural regurgitation. He suffers from grand dilusions, alter ego persona and is a sociopath. He needs help. Let us show him an ounce of pity.
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, April 14, 2006
bones, is it possible that Murphy is a menace to others as has been alleged by other Forest Park police officers?
Carl Nyberg, at 4:06 PM, April 14, 2006
I think you guys are getting lost in thought, perhaps it is unfamiliar teritory for you.
Just because he has an intimidatiing personality does not make him threatening. I have not heard of any confrontation with Murphy and any of his peers.
Anonymous, at 4:15 PM, April 14, 2006
The only people qualified to determine whether or not excessive force was used in this incident would most likely be a medical expert. This should be interesting. I wouldn't dismiss the fact that taser darts output 50,000 volts of electric shock. I think that you really should consider that. One way to do this, is to get your fingers wet and touch your circuit board. That sting would not cover the unkown times that Reformado was tasered.
You can choose not to find this excessive, that is your opinion. However, when you use anger to express your point, it leads me to believe you have an agenda.
Taking you home for the evening, does not mean that all officers escort drunks off of Madison. You were just an easy pick up.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, April 14, 2006
Actually, its odd that you haven't heard it. His peers did mention this at the Harder hearing, in front of Chief Ryan, his peers and attorneys. Where were you Mr. Hosty.
Anonymous, at 4:20 PM, April 14, 2006
The thing here is that I don't feel the force used was all that excessive.
Bbones, please define "all that excessive".
Anonymous, at 4:28 PM, April 14, 2006
The problem Bbones is that this territory is very familiar. A few officers in Forest Park have been using police misconduct and police brutality as a tactic against minorities. Now, Bbones/Hosty is here to defend the FPPD. I think bringing this problem to light was very wise of Carl/Forest Park Review. Hopefully, the FPPD will be held accountable through civil courts and through you the public. It is familiar territory in a sense because it has gone on for a long time since 2003 (I can recall). I had a neighbor once who lived in a gray house in back of the police station, she told me she could hear screams and would occasionally see someone getting beat through her window. This sends chills up my spine.
The territory of torture, racism and abuse is an all to familiar territory. Its an ugly history of America. One many have tried to change with a great deal of success (a few bad officers in FPPD is the exception).
Anonymous, at 4:51 PM, April 14, 2006
Carl, have you heard anything regarding yesterday's hearing? Will you be posting it?
AuntB, wassup for Easter? HarkPosty have a Happy Easter you too Carl.
Anonymous, at 5:21 PM, April 14, 2006
Actually, I meant HarkMosty - I hope you and your family have a Happy Easter. You are always in my prayers (stregnth to you), you too Carl.
Bbones shout out to you. I'm sure we will be gabbing over the weekend. Try to get some sleep. Loose the anger so we can read your posts, read posts thoroughly so you can comprehend the important matters.
Anonymous, at 5:26 PM, April 14, 2006
Right back at ya Fraz baby? Think I'm goin to big Mamma's house. She gets down with her cooking. Check ya out later Carl - Happy Easter or whatever you celebrate.
Anonymous, at 5:31 PM, April 14, 2006
Has KG ever had a complaint logged on him?
Happy Easter all. I hope this holiday helps us all remember who truely suffers for us.
Anonymous, at 12:55 AM, April 15, 2006
Not only is Rhonda Gross a pro police brutality officer but so is their father Clarence Gross, so why wouldn't little Kenny share the same sentiment. I catch on pretty quickly. TG Jeanine is a lawyer with a set of balls. TG, Ed and his mother were not afraid to speak out and speak for their civil rights. TG they didn't let people like Bbones scare them away.
Bbones, Jesus said what you do for the least of these you do for me. Here he was discussing children, poor people, widows, homeless people (homeless like the man your friend Mike Murphy beat). Jesus did not just say help the upper crust caucasion people. Yes, I do remember why he suffered and I am vigilant upon protecting the least of these. I am vigilant about speaking out for human rights and suffering. This is a great cause different from being a suck up to a local Mayor for personal gains. Try being an advocate for those that have less than you, this is a noble idea one you can never comprehend.
God bless Harder, Johnson and their families. They spoke out against police brutality in attempts to protect the "least of these" and have endured mockery from the very community they protected. These officers are true heroes. I know it and I thank them.
Anonymous, at 8:33 AM, April 15, 2006
A Comish and Mayor would advocate for racism and police brutality. What a fatal combination to have in a police force, let alone a community. Nice family tree Gross has. No wonder Comish H and Calderone are so quick to defend Gross. Possible mob ties? Calderone hires Gross as a favor to the mobster dad Clarence, what a conspiracy. Believe me, I didn't for one minute buy the BS, the Comish was throwing out of Kenny being the top boyscout in his field. He screwed up big time. The FPPD is going through detox, intervention has been suggested, but just like alcoholics although they know they have a problem - deny, deny, deny.
What now Bbones...As mentioned before the FP closet is now opened and the dirty rotten smelly bones are coming out for all to see.
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM, April 15, 2006
I am not a Village Official.
Reformado broke the law.
Reformado fought with patrons and employees of a bar.
Reformado was involved in a STREET FIGHT.
Reformado punched and kicked police officers.
Why do you people defend this street punk?
Anonymous, at 5:16 PM, April 15, 2006
I know no one in the police department. I am not a village official. I do not think Reformado was treated in an abusive manner when he was arrested for his CRIMES. I am not angry. I wish people would take responsibility for their own actions. Reformado and his family have decided to deflect responibility on the FP PD because the kid got drunk and got in a few fights. Shame on them.
Anonymous, at 10:47 PM, April 15, 2006
Thank god this village has a 3-2 vote block against the insurgents who attempt to right a wrong. Word on the street is Reformando got his charges reduced because of some inside connection in court. Sounds like this is really a stand up kid, underage drinking, smacks a cop, gets charges reduced and than to top it off files a suit against the village!
Best yet those who are anti police try to make a case of police brutality? Why? Because they have no respect for proper police authority. They have no respect for reasonable force used to affect an arrest.
No it's too easy to scream Brutality Excessive Force and all the usual sarcasism found with insurgents.
Anonymous, at 12:51 AM, April 16, 2006
How coincidental Jeanine Stevens is representing Reformando. Just how did these two connect with one another?
Jeanine Stevens is representing Dan Harder and Steve Johnsen and now Reformando.
Ambulance chasing is probably the best way to describe the way Jeanine Stevens is blood sucking the Village of Forest Park. I hope the village does not cave in to the unethical behavior of this attorney.
I wonder what her other client list looks like.
Anonymous, at 3:15 AM, April 16, 2006
We need to stop the infilitration of the transgretions of attorny's like Jeanine Stevens they are like the shark in Jaws.
Anonymous, at 3:19 AM, April 16, 2006
Now, attack the attorney that has to clean up your dirty work. Typical of the evil that continues to lurk within our police department and of some of the new posters. Bbones since you are the Mayor's recon send him this message, certain FP residents are tired of his behind the scene deals, his unethical decisions, illlegal campaign contributions, his lack of police department management, his denial of injustice.
Bbones and the Mayor you have deflected your responsiblities of not allowing for justice to be done on the officers that use excessive police force, you are advocating for this in our community. You are putting the blame on Reformado and his family -shame on you. Your incidents date back to 2000, nothing to do with Reformado or his family but more like the few police officer in our FPPD that are really bad they give the good ones a bad name.
I am an FP resident, I'm not racial but I have seen it with my own eyes and have noted how certain bad cops are able to get away with unscrupulous behavior.
Anonymous, at 7:35 AM, April 16, 2006
Now, attack the attorney that has to clean up your dirty work. Typical of the evil that continues to lurk within our police department and of some of the new posters. Bbones since you are the Mayor's recon send him this message, certain FP residents are tired of his behind the scene deals, his unethical decisions, illlegal campaign contributions, his lack of police department management, his denial of injustice.
Bbones and the Mayor you have deflected your responsiblities of not allowing for justice to be done on the officers that use excessive police force, you are advocating for this in our community. You are putting the blame on Reformado and his family -shame on you. Your incidents date back to 2000, nothing to do with Reformado or his family but more like the few police officer in our FPPD that are really bad they give the good ones a bad name.
I am an FP resident, I'm not racial but I have seen it with my own eyes and have noted how certain bad cops are able to get away with unscrupulous behavior.
Anonymous, at 7:35 AM, April 16, 2006
I doubt a 19 year old has any connection with the courts. My understanding is that the Courts issued their charges and fines. Courts are not easily swayed like a Mayor, Commissioner, detective, or officer. You are insulting the judicial system. Word on the street is that your Chief and Mayor do nothing about your police brutality incidents and misconduct instead they chose to cover it up. Word on the street is that these incidents are racially motivated. Word on the street is that you have had incidents going back since 2000. Word on the street is that more people are looking into these so called mishaps.
Now, realtiy being what it is you are cop trying to cover this up.
No one is anti police. We are merely saying the FPPD has a problem with a few officers. Your point as anonymous is to slander lawyers, judges, Reformado and his family. I see a pattern Mr. Officer. Respect has always been a 2 way street, if an officer uses his authority for evil, then I'd say he doesn't deserve respect but should be removed from the force immediately. This is for the public's safety.
Now try to have a happy Easter. Confessional boxes are available for those that have to get something of their chest. The truth is very liberating for some.
Anonymous, at 7:48 AM, April 16, 2006
Mark Posty, Rather than some mysterious political connection maybe the charges were dropped because they were trumped up in the first place and good old fashion common sense prevailed as it should have in the courtroom. Also, God is with a capital G you and transgressions is spelled this way. You have to know how ignorant you are suggesting that the Court was swayed by a 19 year old with a fake ID. What is your proof? More accusations that cannot be verified.
I happen to know a few of your officers and think they are great so don't turn this into an anti-police propaganda agenda.
Also, why would Ms. Stevens be unethical for representing Reformado? What are you saying that lawyers are not free to represent clients only a certain kind? And Dem Buster, hang on to your blue hat, and blue polyester shirt, I'm republican. As a republican, I don't like little local government covering up for their indiscretions and using my wallet as the cash cow paying off unnecessary attorney bills. I would rather have them deal with the problem the right way, so this doesn't happen again.
Food for thougth: If a pro police brutality mindsent didn't exist than why would the Chief of Police cover up the problem as mentioned in other Review articles. The beating of Sidney Hooks should have been reported to the State. Read all the articles, then ask yourself why would the Village give a homeless man $25,000. If you like "footing the Village's liability bill" as mentioned previously, than maybe you should give Forest Park your personal checkbook. Your representation by Storino is not free.
Anonymous, at 9:28 AM, April 16, 2006
Commissioner Hosty never answered the question: What does he have against Latinos? The unanswered question is the answer.
I already know.
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM, April 16, 2006
I have yet to see any proof whatsoever that the Mayor and Police Chief are covering up anything. What I have read is the unfounded writings, this I believe is being done by those persons on the side of several malcontendents.
I am a cop and proud to be one, we have refrained from standing up for our great police department because of the current hearing.
Those on trial currently have been abusing the system for way too long and we now and finally have a Police Chief thank God who is standing up to him.
The whole notion that this Reformando arrest is racial is a joke. Racial how the kid looks most like an Italian, how is this racial?
Whan cases go to court the influnce is many times not brought by the offender but by those who the offender knows.
We are pretty certain that is what happened. Reformando didn't put the fix in someone else did it for him.
Anonymous, at 10:35 AM, April 16, 2006
HarkMosty, You are right Calderone's few supporters will lose their positions and possibly the ghost payroll as well. This is because their loyalty has been purchased. I wonder what the price of giving up a soul is worth these days?
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM, April 16, 2006
Dem Buster, what you are saying is you are proud to be a stand up cop that doesn't believe in the judicial system, that its all about who you know. Lets see bad cops wouldn't stay in their position because of who they know, would they. No all cops are stand up, right. Even if they have to beat a minority, homeless or anyone else that they feel don't deserve to breathe the same air. Do you see a problem with your thinking? YOU ARE NOT THE JUDICIAL SYSTEM. The reason you have a job in the first place, is to make sure that the alleged offender gets to Court. The judicial system handles the rest. Which by the way is proven to be more ethical than some men in blue. No just do your job effectively, that is all the public is asking for. After all part of your pension and salary are paid by us tax paying FP residents.
Anonymous, at 10:42 AM, April 16, 2006
Whan cases go to court the influnce is many times not brought by the offender but by those who the offender knows.
We are pretty certain that is what happened.
HOW ARE YOU CERTAIN? There is not "pretty certain", what are your facts? If any??
Anonymous, at 10:47 AM, April 16, 2006
A question of proof as to whether Ryan or Mayor is covering up police brutality.
Has the Mayor or Ryan handed over to the Cook County's State's Attorny "Internal Investigations" into the Sidney Hooks beating or the sexual harrassment complaints. If the answer is no, there is your proof of cover up. Now, what is your proof of a judicial systemt that favors a minority 19 year old male.
Dem Buster, do you really believe your Mayor has influence over the judge? Are you that naive...??
Anonymous, at 10:52 AM, April 16, 2006
This whole blog board is absent any fatcs whatsoever. None. Inuendo is they only basis for all the comments here.
Let's see crooked cops, bad mayor, goast payroll, lackies, you name it. This is the only cockamamie bs that festers the wrong doiers who are trying to make it right.
Reformando was wrong, he got caught and no the wrong doiers try to say excessive force, and now racial wrongdoing.
Come on, this is not Rodney King all over, this is a kid who did wrong punched the shit out of cop almost placing him unconcious and to affect the arrest which was very proper the cops get blamed.
Harder has been scamming our department for years and now a professional Police Chief gets blamed, come on. Many of us have had to sit there during the hearings, where's the wife? No where in sight only the girlfriend who happens to be a cop. What's wrong with this picture.
Quit trying to stand up for your insubordinate buddies and girlfriend.
They are plauging our police department which is in the best of shape it has been in many many years.
I don't always agree with our Mayor but he has made the right decision's for our police department the best was hiring Chief Ryan, he's a cops cop and a professioanal on top of it all.
We know we work for him.
Anonymous, at 11:03 AM, April 16, 2006
Like I said the proof is lacking at every step.
Where is your proof that the Hooks file was not turned over? You don't have any do you?
Where is your proof that there was wrong doing? You don't have any do you?
Heresay is all that you have don't you?
Anonymous, at 11:06 AM, April 16, 2006
Our Chief has refused to be video taped because the video taping is done by a partisian wierdo who is staging his groupies to run for political office.
If the taping was required by law he most certainly would comply. But is is not and the refusal is completely authorized by the Board of Fire and Police Commission.
The video guy is attempting to portray himself as a do gooder when in fact he is overtly building his political machine taping every thing he can so that he can cut and paste video's to his advantage. We know the game and thank God the law does also, otherwise the taping would be mandatory.
Anonymous, at 11:15 AM, April 16, 2006
Frazier said...
The problem is with a few cops.
You are right.
One of them is on trial right now, his name is Dan Harder.
Anonymous, at 11:16 AM, April 16, 2006
Bbones, Dem Buster, MarkPosty, and any other alter egos, your insinuations that Reformando may know the judge that dropped his charges are ridiculous. A judge that knows the law would recuse himself. If you are a policeman Demmy, you should learn the law. A judge is not on the FP payroll although some here are.
I assume your lack of response is due to your lack of facts. How twisted can you really be???
Anonymous, at 11:22 AM, April 16, 2006
Again, where are your facts????
Dem Buster/Bbones said.
We are pretty certain that is what happened.
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM, April 16, 2006
Quit trying to stand up for your insubordinate buddies and girlfriend.
Sorry, I have no insubordinate buddies or girlfriend.
Who's doing the blame game? Attorney, corrupt judges, Harder Reformado and his family, girlfriends, buddies, homeless, my mamma, your mamma...what else. You've stated your twisted opinion, now what? What do you want? What are you looking for? Who do you think you are talking to? I'm not Doolin, Carl, Harder, girlfriends, crooked judges, Reformado, Reformado's family and neither are the other people posting here. Where are just people that are fed up with the FPPD policies. We want to see them acknowledged and changed.
Now what facts do you have of a crooked judge favoring a 19 year old Latino male. Please let us know so it can be brought to the Judge's attention at once.
Anonymous, at 11:34 AM, April 16, 2006
Tom Bilyk, Assistant Cook County State's Attorney stated, he did not know anything regarding the Michael Murphy/Sidney Hooks case. He further stated, he did not have the files in their computer system or actual files for review and that the State is suppose to receive copies of the internal investigation... Now, why do you suppose he did not have the files?
Furthermore, if the incident occured within less than a 3 year period, then there is nothing that can be done.
Wow, it seems that FPPD just made that window of opportunity. Now, that you know I know files were not sent to the State, what proof do you have of a crooked judge or someone knowing somebody not related to Harder, gilfriends, Reformado, and attorneys.
Recon man, go see your Chief and Mayor ask for proof of files being sent to the State before you post anymore nonsense and fallacies. As said by Frazier, this public forum is not buying the Ryan/Calderone lies (oh I meant cover ups) any longer.
BTW, Give Mr. Bilyk a call you can save him a dime, since he was going to call your Chief as well.
Anonymous, at 12:22 PM, April 16, 2006
I'm sure the Chief would welcome his call.
The question is why hasn't he called sooner?
In terms of the Wriglyville rapist what facts do you have to prove Kozak beat him up?
Professionally trained paramedics stated in writing that the wounds that Krushank had were consistant with the type of wounds that would have presented themselves with what the victum stated she caused to him while he was trying to rape her. Yes she did try to defend herself while he had a ice pick attempting to do bodily harm to her.
Sorry this piece of crap rapist did not want to admit that in the moment of rage the women fought back and caused wounds to the rapist. What a shame that a victum would stand up for herself and fight back.
I wonder if this was your girlfriend or wife if you would still be taking the same postion.
Maybe she should have offered the rapist a cup of coffee before she beat the shit out of him.
Poor, poor rapist
Anonymous, at 1:06 PM, April 16, 2006
If Cheif Ryan wanted to retaliate against those who brought suit against Chief Pope where is Kaines and Frawley?
Why are they not being charged with anything?
It's because your stupid idea and claim that it is retaliation is false.
Nice try though
Anonymous, at 1:11 PM, April 16, 2006
And proudrepublican, maybe you could do us all a favor and provide us with the citation or law that requires the internal investigations to be sent to the state?
Can you do that?
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM, April 16, 2006
Again, where are your facts????
Dem Buster/Bbones said.
We are pretty certain that is what happened.
11:24 AM
Where's your proof of a crooked Judge? Again, with the anger.
Anonymous, at 1:30 PM, April 16, 2006
I answered your question Demmy: Where is your proof that the Hooks file was not turned over? You don't have any do you?
Now answer mine.
Again, where are your facts????
Dem Buster/Bbones said.
We are pretty certain that is what happened.
11:24 AM
Where's your proof of a crooked Judge? Again, with the anger.
Anonymous, at 1:35 PM, April 16, 2006
Does Reformado have an aunt that is a judge? I heard that and it makes sense knowing his charges were reduced.
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM, April 16, 2006
That still is a ridiculous remark to make. If the judge knew Ed, he would have to recuse himself. Did you not hear? Do you not know the law? Who is his aunt? Where is she a judge at? Maybrook? Again, ridiculous accusations with no proof to back up any of it. I checked all the judges last names, I didn't see any that said Reformado. You are an obvious joke.
How do you heard anything? Are you a sheep herder, or just a crazy man with a lot of time on his hands. Most of which you spend defending a crooked Mayor.
Anonymous, at 8:10 AM, April 17, 2006
These are Bbones stories and fallacies: Michael Murphy is a commendable officer, never beat a man, this is all in your head. FPPD does not have a problem with police brutality. Everyone got what they deserved.
Maybrook has crooked judges that know a 19 year old Latino male and put a good word in for him so charges were dropped. Judges that would throw their 30 something year career down the toilet for some kid. Someone call the FBI, we have crooked judges.
Harder and his buddies are out to get the Chief, a cops cop. That's why they are getting fired, he is such a cops cop.
Harder knew Reformado, they planned this scheme and Stevens the attorney is unethical for having them both on her client list.
Where is Harder's wife, why hasn't she said anything. Like she would want to talk to you. I believe she did and said she knew where her husband was and who he is, now get bent.
You already know what you are so its no use telling you. I just think the Mayor could of use someone with more of a spine to spread his lies. I'll say it again save your writing nobody here buys your bullshit or the Mayors.
Anonymous, at 8:29 AM, April 17, 2006
The sky is fallin chicken little grab onto your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye.
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM, April 17, 2006
bbones said...
Does Reformado have an aunt that is a judge? I heard that and it makes sense knowing his charges were reduced
Where is your proof that Reformado has an aunt who is a judge? Do you have a family tree with birth certificates? Shouldn't you inform the judge of his crooked decision. You are a joke. LOL
Anonymous, at 8:43 AM, April 17, 2006
Bbones/HarpPosty said
Heresay is all that you have don't you
IS THIS NOT CONSIDERED HEARSAY BBONES COMING FROM YOUR MOUTH. With no proof to back it up, I say that this is hearsay.
Bbones/HarkPosty said
I heard that and it makes sense knowing his charges were reduced.
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Anonymous, at 9:18 AM, April 17, 2006
Fraz, did you tell Bbones about Ed's gramma Sandra Day O'Connor. What about his papa Clarence Thomas or how about his mamma Nora Slatkin?
You so funny! You just kill me (remember, this is only an expression put away the tasers)!!
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM, April 17, 2006
Frazier, Proudrepublican, Auntbsmaybeery, HarkMosty,
I think the 4 of you should start a band of confederate amigo's to lay claim to the wrongfull acts of those that break the law and then all of you could be the fake attorneys and maybe make yourself some denaro, heck you could also call Stevens and maybe she will hire all of you.
Go get a real life.
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM, April 17, 2006
OK, THAT WAS REALLY A DUMB POST. It wasn't even funny. If your giving comedy a try, please don't give up your day jobs as crooks. You are doing really good at that.
Learn the difference between truth and hearsay. Try attending some ethic classes.
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, April 17, 2006
bbones, do you have a problem with the FPPD arresting Reformado for his "crimes" and allowing the courts to do their part?
bbones, do you want cops beating people for traffic violations and fake IDs?
Carl Nyberg, at 2:43 PM, April 17, 2006
This coming from a half of soul-less man who spends his life crawling in the dirt like a snake, kissing up to a wanna be Gambino Mayor, worming his way on websites to spread filthy evil lies about what really goes on. Expecting the public to be swallow the BS regarding FPPD's wrongdoing. Why, because you think you are better than the constituents you serve and they are not smart enough to figure what filthy crap we actually have in office.
As AuntB said, we see right through you so don't let the door hit you in your ass, DUMBASS!
Anonymous, at 2:54 PM, April 17, 2006
Kissing up to a whaaat? I don't kiss anybodys ass. Gambino wanna be just what do you mean by that?
Anonymous, at 3:18 PM, April 17, 2006
Thank God, the courts used common sense as mentioned by proudrepublican and Ed was charged with what a judge felt to be fair and appropriate charges.
One can only hope that a judge in Civil courts will be as fair.
Anonymous, at 3:20 PM, April 17, 2006
BTW, Carl, Bbones alterego Demi has now entered the building. Look out its return of the little man wanna be big man syndrome.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM, April 17, 2006
Kissing up to a whaaat? I don't kiss anybodys ass. Gambino wanna be just what do you mean by that?
He aint to concern bout lieing or being evil. Just let everyone know he don't kiss ass....haaaaaahaaaa.
Anonymous, at 3:30 PM, April 17, 2006
I heard Brian had a sister, I didn't know it was you Mark. Your dad was good people, Brian was always a nice guy what happened to his alter ego brother? You expect me to be apathetic and lay down for government because you tell me you know what's best for me and what I should believe in. If I don't believe what you say about the FPPD than I am for the criminals. Nonsense, Mark. Just do things the right way. We do not need
Anonymous, at 3:55 PM, April 17, 2006
I'll finish
...we don't need government running our lives and telling us what to think or that should we let government do our thinking for us. I'm not going to be penalized because I disagree with your opinion and vice-versa.
Criminals, convicts, alleged offenders are not suppose to endure physical confrontations by police officers while in handcuffs. Period, end of story. What happened to you?
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM, April 17, 2006
I have no problem with Reformado's arrest and subsequent adjudication. I do not think every person who is arrested needs to be arrested with physical force. Only the ones who activly resist and fight the police, like Reformado.
Yes it is hearsay that he has an aunt that is a Judge in the Chicago area, it is also hearsay he was beat while in cuffs in the Police Department. I was just wondering if anyone knew of a relative who happened to be a judge. You are a moron to think all of Reformados relatives have the same last name. You are nieve if you do not think a relative would "Put in a good word" if they were in the position to do so.
You folks are getting to be very entertaining with the belief that Village Officials are posting here. The only one might be Doolin but I doubt that as well.
Anonymous, at 7:03 PM, April 17, 2006
Easy Mark Posty,
I was just wondering if anyone knew of a relative who happened to be a judge. Is this a real question, do you know of a relative who happens to be a judge? You are a moran. It is clear to all who is posting here. So tell me Mr. Magic Ball what is the judge's name? Bbones = Big Fool.
All you have is hearsay, I herd this I herd that. None of it means shit. You are full of it boy are you full of it. WHAT A JOKE!
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, April 17, 2006
Funny how Bb said your articles are sensational journalism similar to the Enquirer but he can't wait to stick his pointy sherman peebody nose here to check out what you have to write. He bites his nails with anticipation of what you will say next, then goes back to his FPBoard to post all kinds of shit about you. Let's just say snake was too kind of a word for this LOSER.
Anonymous, at 8:04 PM, April 17, 2006
Did your brother ever lose his girly lisp.
Anonymous, at 8:05 PM, April 17, 2006
Another hearsay, Reformado actively resisted. This is common for an officer who uses excessive force to write in his report. This is hearsay because BB was not there to view it nor I. I will wait with much anticipation for the civil courts and for the facts/evidence to be disclosed.
All of Bbones buddies can continue to discuss their version of this case but the only one that matters is a civil judge. You don't think Ed's family will put a good word in witht a civil judge, do you?
Anonymous, at 8:12 PM, April 17, 2006
I can tell you I know a judge. Judge Judy, she told me to say Hi Bbones. She said your posts should be turned into comic strips they have intrigue followed by extreme laughter. LOL
Anonymous, at 8:21 PM, April 17, 2006
I know a judge, he's watching you right now Bb, he will judge you with a wrath that is warranted for your poor behavior to your fellow brethren, you will be judge according to your deeds. You will reap what you sow.
Anonymous, at 8:27 PM, April 17, 2006
I was just wondering if anyone knew of a relative who happened to be a judge. -- BPathetic
If you fishin for info - no one here will give it to you. No one here can stand you. You should wonder your ass on outa here.
You were given a list of judges, O'Connor or Thomas - pick one you jackass.
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM, April 17, 2006
Ahh, you all a marvel with your wonderful, insightful and well thought out posts
Anonymous, at 10:50 PM, April 17, 2006
If we weren't sucker, you wouldn't be here...now why the hell are you here. Searchin for mo info to take to Mayor Quimby?
Anonymous, at 7:01 AM, April 18, 2006
I thought we were looking for Andy from Mayberry.
Maybe we should find AuntB and she could fix it all.
Anonymous, at 8:53 AM, April 18, 2006
No wonder our society is so screwed up, just look at some of the postings;
Reformando does not need to have a judge with the same last name, in fact it doesn't even need to be close.
Fix's happen all the time look what happened to me.
This kid is from Franklin Park, Leydan Township home of Da Mayor Stevens any of this sounding familar.
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM, April 18, 2006
Yes its true Bbones cannot spell, but that is not his only shame. The postings do sound a bit luney. We just laugh at him. He is our source of entertainment. The jester in the room. Now, we know you are not pdoolin only a fignment of your imagination. Still funny though...you clown, you amuse me.
No one cares where the kid is from Mark.
Anonymous, at 9:42 AM, April 18, 2006
Leyden = Leyden
familar = familiar
intimidatiing = intimidating
I thought we were looking for Andy from Mayberry
Now, your just crazy,,,,a nerve was struck! You wish you had Andy, he was level headed.
Did you call your buddy in blue to see where Ed lives because we happen to know your family. Idiot you are fighting people from Forest Park that disagree with your policy and you throw Ed's township into this. This shows your immature level, you are the "true" nerd that have always been. Now every once can see it.
Can't handle the fact that you were called out on your hearsay BS theory, now you got to justify it with using the police to give out info on Ed.
No wonder his parents are suing FP...And no idiot, I am not Stevens or Doolin, or Harder or Ed. I'm the person you use to hang out with in our friend's garage. I'm the person you grew up with and now see you as a pathetic sorry excuse of half a man. Go cry to the newspapers about this.
Anonymous, at 9:54 AM, April 18, 2006
Where is your proof of a fix?
Has Collins been notified?
Anonymous, at 10:12 AM, April 18, 2006
No wonder our society is so screwed up, just look at some of the postings;
You have contributed to some of the postings too. One can only imagine, based on your postings, how you have contributed to society. As posters here are so eagerly to write, no one takes you seriously.
"Do as I say, not as I do".
Yesterday, was a sad day for Governor Ryan, as quoted by many "no one is above the law", not Mayors, Chief of Police, Commissioner or police officers. Our courts will systematically return a true verdict of one's deeds. One shall see.
Anonymous, at 10:30 AM, April 18, 2006
Don't be usin me fool to write your silly punk ass posts. This ain't a rerun of Revenge of the Nerds. You suppos to be civil come here talkin about our posters, fool that includes you - you shameful piece of crap. Civil is what you think you is, a piece of crap is what you are.
AuntB can fix your ass - comon over here, that's Addison Township, let your fingers to the walkin' to AuntB's hookup and right hook. Here's my middle finger to lead the way.
Anonymous, at 11:11 AM, April 18, 2006
What do ya know about Posty? Can you break it down?
Anonymous, at 11:24 AM, April 18, 2006
AuntB, there's nothing to know about a driftless nobody, trying to be a somebody.
Anonymous, at 11:40 AM, April 18, 2006
I can see we still are getting nowhere with you Bbones. I also would like for you to please note the fact that the police uniform pants are polyester, so a BBONER can poke a slight bitty hole in the polyester stretch pants that they wear. That might explain why the pocket was torn.
Anonymous said...
Hope this costs Reformado's family a lot of money and that it is thrown out of court or Reformado has to pay. Has everyone forgotten he used a fake id to get into a bar and drink and then get thrown out and get into a fight on the street????????
bbones said...
Does Reformado have an aunt that is a judge? I heard that and it makes sense knowing his charges were reduced.
Well, Anonymous, I mean Bbones oops! Commissioner, oh darn did it again. Useless,
If his aunt is a judge and once again all accusations, I guess you answered you own question. You have so much anger toward this kid, for what? You are so ignorant; you’re an embarrassment to yourself, our community. If this kid had died, would that make you much happier person? Would you have said he deserved it? You’re missing the point. He’s not denying he entered a bar under age or the fact that he was in a confrontation. What he is asking is why was he beat and tasered several times and punched in the head several times. I guess you make up your own physical techniques has you approach a situation! I would just love to see what you would do in this situation Bbones. I would just sit back and see how you would have handled this. I guess you would have to answer the parents of some young kid (who made a bad choice) at the city morgue. You’re a really JACKA**!! Just like a majority of my neighbor, nothing but a puppet.
Anonymous, at 12:07 PM, April 18, 2006
We here are voters, maybe a title does not follow our names, maybe we didn't graduate from Harvard and maybe I don't sit in a posh office sipping mocha coffee everyday but I have the right to vote and will excercise that vote on election day. And when I see Comish Hosey, or Mayor Q on the ballots, I'll laugh as I pencil in their opponent's name. April 07 is not too far for me, I've already marked my calendar. To think you were voted in the first place disgust me.
Anonymous, at 1:42 PM, April 18, 2006
Can you imagine Hosty yelling in the streets "Identity Thief". He is insane and his notion of being civil is just that. As mentioned earlier, he is considered to be spineless, less of man and is the big joke in town. I've never seen anyone cry over a domain name. His unfounded accusations of identity theft left the public wondering when the little men dressed in white were coming.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, April 18, 2006
Has anybody offered a concrete explanation of Reformado being connected? To whom is he connected? How?
The cops are connected closely to the prosecutors office. The prosecutors have to work with the cops in case after case.
This means the prosecutors are exceedingly reluctant to tangle with the cops.
This is one reasons cops that engage in criminal assaults and criminal batteries rarely get prosecuted. For the State's Attorney to prosecute a cop there needs to be public outcry over the incident.
This is the context of all allegations of abuses by cops. The prosecutors will bend over backwards to see the cops perspective.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:04 PM, April 18, 2006
I tried asking bb for info, but he gave no concrete evidence. He just stated that it was hearsay. So hearsay it is. I'm not sure why he would even bring it up.
I'm sure this wasn't a prosecution against a cop hearing. It was up to Ed's lawyer to defend him; obviously he did and the Judge did what was right. The State's Attorney must have had evidence that also determined this was not the case of battery to an officer but more like that of excessive force. He probably offered a plea in which Ed's lawyer probably agreed would be the best scenario. I'm not sure, one could only speculate.
Anonymous, at 5:17 PM, April 18, 2006
The point is that there isn't a level playing field when cops use excessive force.
The cops almost always get away with abusing their powers. Anyone who says differently is naive or a liar.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:20 PM, April 18, 2006
The fact that bb has said Ed admitted to having a fake ID and being in a fight leads me to believe why would he lie about being hit in handcuffs. If as bb said his aunt threw in a fix for him it makes no sense to file a complaint. If it were me, I would walk away saying that was a close one and I'm lucky. Unless, there was another side to the story one different than what was mentioned in the cops report. If I knew for a fact that the cop used excessive force and violated my rights; then I would want everyone to know, so that it wouldn't happen to someone else or worse yet as PIT mentioned being an unidentified body at the County morgue.
Despite, what bb has said, and believe me we have all read his posts...his logic does escape me. For one, he never mentioned Michael Murphy having problems Carl until you mentioned it and then he casually said the rapist (a terrible person) deserved what he got. While this maybe true it does not ring true with the law of the land. I just feel that bb is justifying brutality and it is wrong. No matter how or what the criminals are accused of doing.
If he is the Commissioner, than shouldn't he keep this information and let it play out in courts? Shouldn't he be responsible as a figure head of Forest Park? I do have a problem with his behavior towards posters. Granted there seems to be hostile posters but he is the Commissioner of Forest Park. Hosty should act in a more responsible manner no matter what is thrown his way.
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM, April 18, 2006
I guess we have the later part, liar.
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM, April 18, 2006
Everyone posting here is a liar unless you are Edward.
If you were not present you don't know the facts.
You rely on the arrested liars word. How irresponsible.
Notably, most of you had some prior contact with law enforcement which explains you anti police aggressivness.
Calm down, Calm down
Anonymous, at 6:03 PM, April 18, 2006
Carl, have you had prior police experience? I know I haven't. jbwb not everyone here is anti-police. Sorry to disappoint you, my brother is an officer. Even if he wasn't my brother, I say he is the best officer I know.
As an American citizen, I am free to form my own opinion and chose not to believe what the Village and Commissioner Hosty are trying to feed me. I do not need to be forced fed and I am very calm thank you. Notice my sentences don't follow exclamation points.
How can you say notably you all have had experience with officers? Shouldn't this be something that is proven? Notably and hearsay are words that really when it comes down to it, doesn't amount to a hill of beans.
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, April 18, 2006
How intriguing it is to always read can you prove it when I have been asking myself the same question which is can you prove it.
This is nothing more than a he said she said game of semantics.
This whole Reformado thread is merely a he said she said and nothing more than that.
Carl starts the blog because he is mostly anti police, and trust me he is. ( if I say so it is isn't it?)
Why is there any reason not to trust the police? Because a law breaking person said the police are bad? I question that assumption.
Or should we say they are bad because Carl say's so? I don't buy that either.
Anonymous, at 6:31 PM, April 18, 2006
Ok, first of all Carl has not said he is anti-police. I think its important here to distinguish fact from hearsay. Second of all, trusting you that these are Carl's feelings will not make it a fact. Unless you are Carl, then your statement is not true. Also, why should I lend any credibility to you? You are really on me about believing you, it's starting to be frightning. I don't know you so I'll end this sentence by saying who are you and why should I trust you as oppose to saying prove who you are?
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM, April 18, 2006
I was having a little bit of difficulty understanding your post (admittingly). I never said I don't believe all police officers lie or are not telling the truth. I never told you that I only believe criminals or Carl. You certainly are making a lot of assumptions about me for not knowing me. You have no basis for this.
Anonymous, at 6:45 PM, April 18, 2006
Thank God we live in America and there is a system of checks and balances. The trust and the truth is in the system and the system will work, although the wheel of justice grinds slowly, in the end the truth will come out in the courtroom.
Even for the top guy of Illinois; the truth came out and justice prevailed. I trust in the system more than one man (who has issues)or officer.
Anonymous, at 6:53 PM, April 18, 2006
FP Resident -- Momma always said be wary of the white sheet wearing man who says trust me. Ya know what I'm saying.
Anonymous, at 6:57 PM, April 18, 2006
jbwb, Who's Edward? Is he posting here? Can you prove that?
Anonymous, at 7:00 PM, April 18, 2006
AuntB, I want to know why jbwb would say we all believe what Carl says. I've checked your posts and a few others, did I miss something.
Anonymous, at 7:11 PM, April 18, 2006
Child, pay that man no mind. Desperation does weird things to people. Makes them act Gooofy. We all know he ain't God handing over the ten comandments. Oldrep say he got issues. Leavem alone, maybe he'll get tired of talkin to his Sybil self.
Anonymous, at 7:13 PM, April 18, 2006
Bbones asked...Where is your proof that the Hooks file was not turned over? You don't have any do you? (there was proof provided to your question Bbones)
The very same person later is quoted as saying...How intriguing it is to always read can you prove it.
I guess we shouldn't follow his lead. How dare us? LOL
Anonymous, at 8:39 PM, April 18, 2006
Fraz, oldrep, carl,harkmosty,fpres,evryone 'cept bb,
Ya sooooooooooo crazy! Ya'll have a goodnight. I know ya'll gotta clean conscience, no problem catchin Zzs. U know who will be writin his natsy messages for us tonight to see in the mornin. Man can't sleep devils gots his mind. Nasty cockroach. Check ya out, say ya prayers, don't let the nasty cockroachbite. Check u later.
Anonymous, at 8:46 PM, April 18, 2006
I don’t know where to begin.
I will start by saying I am not Mark Hosty, Mayor Calderone or any other elected official in any municipality.
The information I get and speak of in here can be found (Except Reformado’s blogg as he has decided to take it down for what ever reason) on this site and many others on the intrenet. In the Know asked me (850 am) “Where did you get martial arts training? You do not know what you are talking about. He has never had martial arts training. You are crazy.” This information came from Reformado’s blogg typed by him where he stated he was taking up ju-jitsu. Not my words Ed Reformado’s.
ConcernedFPCitizens (1021am) Believe because the Mayor and I surf the net as similar times we are the same person. Ask a person that can check the IP addresses of those posting and they will assure you we are not the same person.
Frazier asked (1039am) “Mr. Mayor, why did you say Ken Gross tasered Ed 3 times and the tasers were ineffective? Was this a report that crossed your desk?” I get the number three from the original text of Carl’s 1st post on this issue. There it stated the initial attempt to taser Reformado was ineffective. After some struggle, the officer had to ““Drive Stun” Reformado an unknown number of times in an attempt to get him to comply as I continued to yell for him to stop fighting and put his hands behind his back. The Taser did not seem to affect Reformado’s behavior”. From this statement I gave it a “3 Times” taser count. And again, I am not the Mayor.
Well, I don't want to make this too long, soo,....
Anonymous, at 11:30 PM, April 18, 2006
I can't help but notice that some people just can't help but take Edison's word for what happened. When someone puts forward the officer's side it is pretty much put down as BS and yet the word of the intoxicated underage student is taken with more credibility.
Now, from what witnesses have told me is that Edison and his friend stumbled into the bar, their word. Then proceeded to antagonize the DJ and bartender. After taking a shot of alcohol they then began a confrontation that prompted the bartender to climb onto the bar and point them out for ejection. Their resistance resulted in each of them getting forcibly removed by no less than 5 people each. Once outside, witness accounts I have heard back up Officer Gross's report.
Anonymous, at 1:12 AM, April 19, 2006
Bones, and Std --Std, you started out your sentence as such: Now, from what witnesses have told me
When you start your statement of hearsay, who are your witnesses, did hear witnesses from both sides? Again, if someone tells you something is that not hearsay? All I'm saying is that you have no proof. And as far as proceeding to antagonize a DJ, other articles have stated that it was the DJ that said get the fuck off the speakers so who antagonized who? The DJ was upset that his speakers may have been damaged, this I can believe. So after you weed out witnesses you depend on facts, physical facts, from both the officer and Reformando.
Once again I do not need to be forced fed your opinion. As far as Reformando's blog or statements made, I do not know this to be true. Again if what your are saying is true, maybe you can send me the whole article as opposed to just little statements that you decide to pick from. I believe if you do not bother to read the full article in its entirety it tends to lose the meaning or is taken out of context.
You had the opportunity through your many postings to address the Mayor and you posting at the same time, so why bring it up now? As far as me believing everything Ed says, I don't. I believe everything I say. I am responsible for me. I say I don't believe you and the thought of you writing three or four paragraphs of why I should trust you and believe your hearsay to be the truth is just frightning, not facts, frightning. I hope you are not Commissioner H, as you could be viewed as a person who defends police brutality and other things. Those issues may tarnish your campaign.
I have enjoyed my life as an FPresident, this community does have a lot to offer me and my family. My children have enjoyed baseball and other sports, picnics, and our wonderful park. So as a resident and voter, I would hope that the Mayor address the issue of police brutality with all seriousness. Not attempt to sweep it under the rug like what was reported with Officer Murphy.
...and if you are Commmissioner H, posting here, I believe you take away any chance of a fair or credible investigation.
Also, Commissioner H, I do not like to be attacked for my beliefs.
Once outside, witness accounts I have heard back up Officer Gross's report. Again, how does one here this unless, he is a public official in which case, he should not be publicizing this information until the results of the investigation has been given to all parties. It is my opinion, that this in itself is some kind of "fix".
Anonymous, at 6:58 AM, April 19, 2006
Mornin All, 'cept u cockroach,
Child, this ain't bout Ed. Hosey is just usin Ed. This is bout makin FP responsible for their actions for beatin regular citisens. LikeHarkMosty siad, if these police men beat so many people and FP admitted they had a problem, then the Mayor would have to pay all that money to the people the officers beat. Ain't no way Mayor C gonna do that. Nah, he gonna deny and use Ed as an example. U right they've already put a fix in the investigation. U just seen Comish H write about it.
Sue the bastards Reformando family!
Anonymous, at 7:10 AM, April 19, 2006
AuntB, I was not saying that this was about the Reformando family. I was just referring to how odd it is that a Commissioner would attack posters, me and anyone else that did not agree with his opinion; but like you said, the Mayor wouldn't want citizens to know police brutality exists in their department (for liability reasons). I understand that, however, so much time has been invested by Bbones or Commissioner Hosty to defend the Forest Park Police Department (few officers), with minimal effort/focus on how to keep the problem from reoccuring. It's not unlikely that a police department would have issues with excessive force, as pointed out Cicero is an example of that.
I read Bbones/Hosty postings and it said the attorney Stevens was an insurgent, I thought that is an absurd remark to make. Stevens does not have a personal vendetta against Forest Park. She wouldn't even know Forest Park if it weren't for the sexual harrassment problem, they had a while back. Once again, bbones/Hosty making false statements, then says he does not like when people deflect their responsibility.
I would have to say that goes ditto for us normal everyday citizes, who spend an awful lot of money through taxes paying for what we believe is an upstanding local government.
Anonymous, at 8:21 AM, April 19, 2006
Bbones/Comish Hosty,
Your own personal statement of Reformando being intoxicated cannot be proven either. No breathalizer, just a police officer that said I smelled alcohol. Smell alcohol and intoxication two different statements with different meanings, one is an opinion the other is usually proven.
Folks, I cannot tell you how sad it is to see local government use this tool/Hosty to project its propaganda. Save the leaflets boyscout, go home, unless your lost. Then ask AuntB for directions.
...And AuntB, I am not an oldrepublican I am a proudrepublican.
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM, April 19, 2006
Nice to see everyone's up so early. Sorry oldreppy, I mean proudreppy.
Anonymous, at 8:33 AM, April 19, 2006
Bbones/du std, has problems sleepin told ya so.
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM, April 19, 2006
11:30 PM - The jester enters the room.
Anonymous, at 9:21 AM, April 19, 2006
Their resistance resulted in each of them getting forcibly removed by no less than 5 people each.
This was not in the police reports, (according to the Review) are you throwing #s out again. 5 people each come on man, where do you get this crap from bb. Should the Review expect to read this in a report? Or will that report remain a mystery. hmmmmmmmmmmm
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM, April 19, 2006
He said that Lt. Steve Weiler had been going into the Forest Park police department computer system to delete Harder’s tickets.
What a freaking joke? Oh upstanding police man fixing each other's tickets. Is Lt. Weiler on the force? Was he elevated for saying he deleted Harder's tickets.
Who's fixin what Bbones/Hosey? Ha,ha,ha,ha - One thing you do prove is your an idiot. LOL
Anonymous, at 9:40 AM, April 19, 2006
You see, this is exactly what I was talking about earlier. Commissioner Hosty expects us to believe everything is status quo, well it's not. Instead of taking responsibility for their FPPD problems, its a free for all, do whatever the hell you please is the message sent to officers that abuse the system. This is my opinion based on a verified hearing with a Chief giving his sworn statement. Obviously, there are serious issues with the management of the FPPD.
Now, I'm not saying all the officers in Forest Park are bad, because that is not true. I would list all the good ones but I respect their privacy too much.
Anonymous, at 9:47 AM, April 19, 2006
FP Resident, I agree with you. It would be nice to see Commissioner H (who is in charge of Public Safety) spending less time looking up a DU student's blog and writing hearsay on various websites. He should spend more time looking into perspective FP officer's resumes and allegations of police brutality. Wow, right back at ya. This latest admittance by Jim Ryan is more than disheartening, its a blatent disregard of proper police management and the service they are to provide to we the public. Is this the same Jim Ryan, that is a cop's cop? He would allow Weiler to be employed by FP as he is deleting tickets from a public computer system. Is this the same FPPD that makes accusation of a fix? The FPPD story and road has more twists then a daytime soap opera.
I question management methods and lack of morals. I have that right.
Anonymous, at 10:50 AM, April 19, 2006
Why would the Chief keep Weiler when he was deleting tickets?
I'll tell you why, because they were Dan Harders tickets, remember don't touch me Dan because I'll claim retaliation.
You got it, Dan has placed the fear of God in everyone over there.
Thats right it is don't touch me I'm Dan Harder.
Anonymous, at 10:29 PM, April 19, 2006
You guys are a Riot.
Find a single post in this entire thread where Commissioner Hosty actually posted his remarks. This is like the old telephone game we used to play as kids. The farther the message goes the farther from the truth it gets.
Take a moment and re-read Carl's 1st post on Reformado. Just type his name in the search block at the top of the page, hit enter, then scroll to the article about him being attacked. Read the Article. Then Read the comments. Then come here and read the comments.
You guys have gone on a wild tangent.
Anonymous, at 12:35 AM, April 20, 2006
Did Dan have a gun to Weiler's head?
You can't make a person do anything he doesn't want to do. That would mean that Weiler shares culpability. Weiler could have easily said, you erase your own tickets. How old is he? Does he not have the common sense needed to be a police officer?
As far as wild tangent, why don't you read 4/18/06 Forest Park Review Article about the Harder case. Then when you get to Ryan's testimony, copy and paste all you want. Holding a police department responsible for a few of their officers that have gone on a "wild tangent" is not a bad thing. Just necessary to protect the public.
Anonymous, at 8:15 AM, April 20, 2006
Did Dqan have access to remove the tickets? If he did why would Weiler have removed them for him?
Sounds to me like Weiler had the ability where Harder did not.
Anonymous, at 8:48 AM, April 20, 2006
Are you agreeing, yes Weiler has culpability as well for abusing their power which undermines the conduct expected from an officer?
Anonymous, at 9:02 AM, April 20, 2006
Listen 0 sense: This is a "freedom of speach" website. This is not a site that is policed by Administrators other than Carl who fully supports freedom of speach. These are expressions and opinions of people who consider this and other police incidents from Forest Park to be wrong.
Who gives a shit what you consider "off topics", grammar errors, rude, or not what you want to hear? People here can say whatever the hell they feel like saying. Stay on the FP Board and do all the web policing you want. Watch out for symbol though, he's kicking ass.
Anonymous, at 11:58 AM, April 20, 2006
That's not the question open fly:
The question was why would Chief keep Weiler if he deleted Dan's tickets. Dan's already out of the picture yet, you keep another officer that was also doing wrong. I know you needed him to testify against Dan, so now that you have his loyalty, what other crooked things will Weiler do? Testify on Ryan's behalf, delete Hosey's tickets, delete Murphy, Murphy's wife's tickets. Come on wrong is wrong. If both of them were wrong, get rid of both not one. Oooh, I see you needed the other crook to testify against the other one. Wow, that makes it right. Nice fix.
Anonymous, at 2:21 PM, April 20, 2006
Actually proudpreppy,
I believe Ryan had more cause for firing Weiler than Harder. Harder called in sick too many, that's a big offense yet Weiler deletes tickets that probably violated one of our sacred ordinances. Isn't that a crime?
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM, April 20, 2006
Fraz, you're reading me wrong. All I'm saying is if two of my employees were involved in wrongdoing and I decided to let only one go (whether or not the offense was small or big) then what message am I sending. I do agree that firing Dan was in retaliation when Ryan didn't bother to let go of the other one. Being impartial would mean same consequences for both parties whether or not offenses are big or small.
I agree with you, I would rather have a cop call in sick, then have one fix tickets.
Anonymous, at 3:22 PM, April 20, 2006
This thread is too long.
Go to the new entry to discuss the Forest Park Police Department.
I'm going to change the settings on this entry so it won't take new comments.
Carl Nyberg, at 6:13 PM, April 20, 2006
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