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Proviso Probe

Friday, March 17, 2006

ADMIN, what's wrong with Proviso Probe?

This Sitemeter graph shows that a small amount of traffic is able to visit Proviso Probe even during Blogger's technical difficulties.

From the status portion of the Blogger website:
Thursday, March 16, 2006

The filer that we have been having trouble with in the last few days failed again. Those blogs that are stored on the bad filer are temporarily not available for publishing and viewing. We are working on replacing the filer and restoring access to the blogs affected.

Update (7 am, March 17): we are still in the process migrating data off of the bad filer. We sincerely apologize for the continuing problems.

Proviso Probe is not being singled out. Proviso Probe's unavailability is not do to an attack by hostile parties.

Thank you for the calls and emails asking about Proviso Probe. If you haven't already, please make a pledge so Proviso Probe can keep covering the community. No matter the outcome of Tuesday's election, there will still be tough issues to tackle.


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