ED, responding to bad taste in bad taste [D209]

This cartoon was posted in the teacher lounge at Proviso West High School. Principal Alexis Wallace then added her commentary.
I can accept that the principal of Proviso West had an issue with someone posting the original cartoon in the teacher lounge. She should be upset about it.
But her response reinforces the negative message of the cartoon.
And she comes off as kinda childish.
Anybody surprised? Surely you didn't expect professionalism from this under qualified Principal?
For those who are not aware...this is how Alexis Wallace received her job.
There was a principal position open at Proviso West. Chris Welch (board president) wanted the position to go to his godmother Alexis Wallace. There was only one minor problem. She's not qualified. Anyway, so the list of 10 candidates was given to the Superintendent Greg Jackson and he was supposed to narrow that list down to the top three candidates. Instead, Jackson narrowed that list to the top five (coincidently Alexis Wallace was number 5). Reason, Jackson (who is absolutely spineless) caved in to pressure by Chris Welch. Jackson was under the impression that if he catered to Chris Welch by pushing his godmother Alexis Wallace to a vote by the board, his job would be safe (unfortunately this patronage didn't work for Jackson, he was voted out by the same board majority and president he catered to). Jackson was well aware that if it went to a vote by the board, she would get in, and he could then say, the board hired her.
With that said, Alexis Wallace is now the under qualified principal of Proviso West and her sister Delester Palm is now the under qualified head dean. It's a family affair of inequity that's very Welch like by definition. Please excuse me, I failed to mention that the board majority voted down 2 extremely qualified candidates with PhD’s to appoint the grossly under qualified godmother Alexis Wallace.
It is crystal clear that Alexis Wallace is not part of the solution; she is part of the problem!
For shame! Maybe we can send her to evening school?
Read what she wrote. Alexis could use a couple classes on English Grammar!
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM, March 15, 2006
The picture is of a family with a teacher. The blackboard says, "Proviso West Parent/Teacher Conference".
The mother says, "We're not too concerned about college... Dale and I are pretty sure he's going to prison."
This is the version posted by someone, presumably a teacher in the Proviso West teacher's lounge.
Principal Alexis Wallace added her own commentary.
"This may be funny to those of you who should not be here. You are probably the ones who should not be here but can not find a job any place else.
"This is not funny, and whoever put this up is a real ass.
"A. Wallace
"Be man or woman enough to come to me."
Carl Nyberg, at 1:36 PM, March 15, 2006
This is a serious matter.
Cynthia, at 7:44 PM, March 15, 2006
Third year teacher says:
Of course this is a serious matter! It should have been handled in a professional manner, by a PROFESSIONAL. Alexis Wallace clearly did not act responsibly and act as an educator. The cartoon is ignorant, but Wallace legitimized the cartoon by using profanity and making that deragoragoty statement against the teachers at Proviso. This is not the first time she has acted in this manner. She curses and rants and raves at teachers, security, and parents. She incriminated herself by signing her name, and I bet she would do it again if the opportunity presented itself. She should have more training on how to deal with various circumstances. As a leader she should be immune to such ignorance. I am embarassed by the cartoon and her comments.
I am just glad that the public is able to see her true colors and what really happens at the WILD WILD WEST!
My questions are: Will she be made to apologize? Will she be put on administrative leave? This incident now has become public knowledge, will Welch openly address this issue?
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM, March 15, 2006
Wasn't Dr. Kelvin Gilchrist forced to apologize for saying District 209 had "at risk teachers teaching at risk students"?
Wallace's sentiment seems to be about the same.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:14 PM, March 15, 2006
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Anonymous, at 9:47 PM, March 15, 2006
Don't post under "anonymous". Use a pseudonym.
Select "other" when posting and put your pseudonym in the box.
Merci beaucoup.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:54 PM, March 15, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:14 PM, March 15, 2006
Proviso teacher:
Carl your comment is absolutely correct. I am no fan of Gilchrist, but Wallace is also insulting the teachers at Proviso West. I think that she did not give herself enough time to mourn or grieve, and maybe needs a vacation or a leave of absence. I believe her heart is in the right place, but she is not mentally capable of handling the job as principal. She will be in my prayers.
Anonymous, at 11:03 PM, March 15, 2006
pamela says: This is not unusual for Wallace to curse at people. She cursed at students when they wouldn't settle down at a black history assembly. I keep hearing that she is not qualified for the position. If this is true, how did they sneak her in? The NCLB has some rules about certification. The state caught Libka, why haven't they done anything about Wallace. She is too crass to be a principal. A principal should smooth things over. Stelter was highly visible last year. Wallace hides in her office behind closed doors. I heard that at PTO she was not there to answer parents questions. It's so sad that politics keep the school from getting good leaders. There are several other people in charge at West who are also incompetant. Then parents want to know why the school is failing. Answers: administrators who curse, administrators who screw up class schedules, administrators who make institute days a waste of time instead of using them to improve teaching...the list goes on.
Anonymous, at 7:14 AM, March 16, 2006
pamela says: This is not unusual for Wallace to curse at people. She cursed at students when they wouldn't settle down at a black history assembly. I keep hearing that she is not qualified for the position. If this is true, how did they sneak her in? The NCLB has some rules about certification. The state caught Libka, why haven't they done anything about Wallace. She is too crass to be a principal. A principal should smooth things over. Stelter was highly visible last year. Wallace hides in her office behind closed doors. I heard that at PTO she was not there to answer parents questions. It's so sad that politics keep the school from getting good leaders. There are several other people in charge at West who are also incompetant. Then parents want to know why the school is failing. Answers: administrators who curse, administrators who screw up class schedules, administrators who make institute days a waste of time instead of using them to improve teaching...the list goes on.
Anonymous, at 7:15 AM, March 16, 2006
The thing that grinds me is the continual increase in property taxes from which more and more money is pissed away on poor performing schools. Of course, the argument is that, to develop and sustain good schools, we need to put up more and more money. It just irks the hell out of me to know that a large portion of taxpayer's money is going to support blatantly unqualified and incompetent school personnel who would not have their jobs except for the fact that they have political connections. How responsible are these incompetents for the incompetencies of the students? Not only that, whether competent or incompetent, we pay these people high salaries with summers off, numerous holidays and other days off (hey, s/he had to attend a day workshop on color-coding grading books), and great benefits. People like Wallace who don't deserve to be in the position they're in cast a dark shadow on the whole system and bring the whole system under scrutiny. If she's unqualified, who can we contact to get her the hell out of there?
Anonymous, at 7:33 AM, March 16, 2006
Message,Message to Welch! Your a little punk, and you better stop your crap, and your posturing because everyone thinks your a joke! Your not tough, your not smart(your actually stupid, but slick), and in the big picture your a nobody!!! Stop trying to "roll" the taxpayers! Also stop the stupid radio show of your, it is dumb! Also loose some weight because your looking more and more like a turtle! And stop wearing blue eye contacts, that makes you look gay!Your a very insignificant player in Proviso!
Anonymous, at 1:33 PM, March 17, 2006
I agree with the principal of proviso west. i am a student of proviso east. who ever put that up on the wall has no bussiness working around any type of people. As a african american i take this to be racist and needs to be investigated. The parents that don't like how she said it oh well take your kids out the school. And your stupid for not being on the principal side because that person that put it up is probably the b*itch that is teaching your children. i stick with the principal 100%. likie she said be man or woman enough to come to her i think if you could dish the stuff out you might as well step up to the plate. Mrs. wallace I am behind you 110%. if the person don't want to confront her then confront me. i don't think so because your a little b*tch.
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM, March 17, 2006
Fired Teacher Forced to Resign
I heard Wallace swearing at teachers today, because they were asking questions about not being rehired for next year. Wallace and Ding Bat aka Patricia Imborguia let many teachers go today. I am glad I am leaving Proviso. The administration is not helpful and the school does not have any rules. The students can do what ever they want. The deans lead by Wallace's sister do what ever Wallace tell them. The state is going to end up taking Proviso over! GOOD RIDDENS PROVISO!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous, at 5:34 PM, March 17, 2006
Proviso East Booster Parent SPEAKS!
If the comment from the student at 4:13 P.M. is a Proviso East student then it explains why Proviso East is in the shape it is in. The profanity used by that student is a shame. A student should not use vulgar language. We should teach our young people that it is a better way to solve problems. But I guess if you have a principal cursing then it is okay for the students to curse. Proviso Township High Schools is in a STATE of EMERGENCY and no one seems to care about it!
To the students at East and West: It is not professional or is it morally right to use profanity in an educational setting. IBy using profanity shows that you have a very limited vocabulary and are ignorant. If you knew better you would do better, but I guess Proviso is not teaching the students to do better.
Anonymous, at 7:18 PM, March 17, 2006
I highly doubt the comment from the student is actually from a student.
I haven't heard too many students or adolescents use the term "step up to the plate" in this day and age.
Also, if the student was smart enough to spell "investigated" and "african american" (sans the capitol letters) correctly, then she is smart enough to capitalize her words after a period.
Good try, but you cannot fool the masses.
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM, March 20, 2006
dave says: Students use vulgar language in the halls and in the classroom at East and West. Teachers can do nothing about it. Years ago you could write up a student to the dean for cursing... not anymore. The most you can do is tell the student not to use that language in your classroom. The problem comes, when the principal uses that kind of language, what do the students think? If she can use it, they think they can too.
Anonymous, at 7:39 PM, March 20, 2006
Where is the apology from this clown, (Mrs. Wallace)
Anonymous, at 11:32 PM, March 20, 2006
Beverly says: Dave you are absolutely right. The board apparently does not think what Wallace did was wrong, because she has not been made to apologize. The teachers and staff at West are accustomed to her cursing episodes. But if a student was to do it nothing would happen, but a teacher can't do it because they are supposed to be the professional. Does Wallace count as a professional, apparently NOT.
Also, what has the teachers union done about Wallace's cursing at teachers and staff. Probably nothing, the teeachers union is worth nothing. I wish Farmer was the President. What can we do to change the President and the union
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM, March 21, 2006
barb farmer says: You have a misconception about the powers that the union has. The teachers' union is there to protect teachers' rights. It cannot be used to chastize administrators. Grievances (if that's what your aiming for) can only be filed when the contract is violated. I do believe that the current union pres. is working hard and discussing many topics with the current admin.
Anonymous, at 6:38 PM, March 22, 2006
to all the people that had somthing to say while yall trying to correct what i said bitch i'll kick your ass bitch leave a name next time I am The student from Proviso East bitch because you went to another school don't mean shit 209 is what is happening bitch. who ever had a problem with what i said can choke and die also proviso east has nothing to do with me because I am a honor student and I can be a bitch to so fuck what you saying. i don't care what your sayingproviso east booster parent yuo talking mad shit dumb bitch your child is probably one of the kids that's fucking in memorial hall. your child is probably the head bussa. To the other person your retarded because you probably don't be around teens if you do they can't speak english. And you are saying that you havent found any student that can spell investigated and african american you are beyond stupid . you saying you can't fool a masses bitch your fooled. Step your weigh up. To all yall that's hating on that principal fuck you your kids cuss about the same as any one else if your ass has any.
Sincerly 608279 if you don't know what it is proviso east id number
Anonymous, at 6:47 PM, March 22, 2006
Wow...the student writes and spells like Alexis Wallace!
You even misspelled your misspellings!
Let me guess...you're the student in the cartoon!
Honor student...yea right!
More like pleading, "not guilty" your Honor!
Anonymous, at 9:32 AM, March 23, 2006
Lester says:
Please erase that comment by the student at 5:47 P.M. It is Alexis Wallace posing as a student. She is ignorant, and the union seems to let her continue to mistreat and curse teachers. The union is worthless. I am sure if the teachers had enough courage, and were not afraid of what Wallace and Welch would do to them, they would come together and file a grievance against Mrs. Wallace for her use of vulgar language and unprofessional behavior. The union has really nothing to fight for because Welch got rid of Jackson and Gilchirst. Farmers and Johnsons requests were granted. Two big jokes! But instead they have an idiot that they can manipulate, LIBKA the clown.
Wallace needs to watch her self, because everyone is not scared of her. They might lose it and beat her down in the hall. People are CCCCCRRRRRAAAAAZZZZZYYYY now-a-days.
Anonymous, at 8:40 PM, March 23, 2006
I am a classmate of the student that posted the above comments. I totally disagree with the statments she made. It is very unprofessional of Wallace to post comments like that anywhere in a work setting. If a cartoon meant to be satire can get a principal that upset, then maybe they need to re-evaluate their career choice.
Anonymous, at 4:16 PM, May 18, 2006
I am a 2005 graduate from Proviso West and I believe that Mrs. Wallace is doing an excellent job. Not only was she extremely involved in student activities (which I would NEVER say about Stelter), but she successfully moved the graduation to the UIC pavilion, got next year's student council president an internship in Washington D.C. to gain leadership experience, had a picnic for the seniors at the end of the year, and successfully sent a hand full of kids to ivy league schools and other prestigious schools. What you people are forgetting is that Mrs. Wallace is human. Are you honestly telling me that you have never lost your temper? I'll tell you this much, with the juvenile delinquents (aka 70% of your children) that are entering West today, they need someone to lay the law down and motivate them at the same time...and that person is Alexis Wallace. As far as the cartoon goes, I agree with Mrs. Wallace 120%. Whatever teacher posted that should not be there; unmotivated and uncaring teachers are one of the reasons why the school is how it is. I was fortunate enough to be in the honors and AP track where the teachers cared about us and made sure that we did well. They pushed us to exceed their own expectations, and because of that I got into all of my first choice colleges including Northwestern University in Evanston (not the business school) and the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. So if you have not figured it out by now, to the people that say that Mrs. Wallace is out of control, I completely disagree with you. I only wish that she had been my principle during my junior and senior years after Mr. Clish left. I have no doubt in my mind that Mrs. Wallace will indeed turn proviso west around, but first, the parents need to discipline their children, not let them get away with murder (sometimes literally), make them do their work, and send them into the feeder elementary schools (which I won’t even start on) prepared. Once that happens, Mrs. Wallace will have something to work with besides the delinquents that are there today.
Anonymous, at 5:28 PM, July 10, 2006
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