POL, candidate forum [M06]
What would you ask the candidates?
A reminder that the Oak Park Democracy for America (DFA) group will be hosting a State Legislative Candidates Forum THIS SATURDAY MORNING!!
Interest in our upcoming event is bubbling over:
* Other candidates (including Eisendrath, Claypool and Dart) are asking to attend and meet the voters even knowing that remarks to the whole group will be limited to the State Rep/Sen candidates who have been invited
* The Forum will be videotaped and cablecast by Comcast across their Oak Park/Elmhurst service area
BASIC DETAILS – to tell your friends. There will be short remarks by each candidate and then the main event, a meet-and-greet where people can ask questions 1-on-1:
The event will be on
* Saturday, February 11th
* 10 AM – Noon
* Oak Park Public Library, Veterans Room (second floor)
All Democratic primary State Rep and Senate candidates whose district would include part of Oak Park have accepted our invitation:
* Don Harmon
* Mike Nardello
* Kimberly Lightford
* James T. Smith
* Calvin Giles
* LaShawn Ford
* Karen Yarborough
* Chris Welch
Rep. Deborah Graham, who is unopposed in her district’s primary, has also accepted our invitation.
The format will be as follows:
* 10:00 - 10:10 Assemble/Welcome
* 10:10 - 10:40 Candidate Statements and DFA Question (2 min. statement each + 1 min. response to DFA question)
* 10:40 - 12:00 “Meet and greet” with citizens able to address questions 1-on-1
Candidates will be offered the chance to speak briefly to the group in a random order to be determined by lot. The event is free and open to the public and the media and the facility is accessible to the disabled with parking in the library, which opens at 9 AM on Saturdays.
I noticed that the hit counter on the Welch website hasn't moved much.
I gave him a link, but took it down when his press secretary Emily Robinson told me that the campaign wouldn't respond to my questions.
Is the Welch campaign taking questions from other media outlets? It would be kinda pointless to be the press secretary for a campaign that refused to speak to the press.
Carl Nyberg, at 11:09 AM, February 09, 2006
Anybody surprised?
What else would you expect from a welch!
I'm sure he'll take questions from his kickback buddies and his board majority.
Carl, the problem is that your questions will require an answer...and a welch won't stand for any information given to the public that might be the truth. That would expose him more than his highschool bathroom incident.
Ok, ok, so don't ask and he won't tell!
Again, what else would you expect from a welch!
Anonymous, at 11:53 AM, February 09, 2006
Carl, thanks for mentioning the Welch website. Now I have a better scandal for you.
Take a look at the Welch platform.
The majority of the platform that Chris Welch said he "boldly initiated" he actually "boldly stole" from Theresa Kelly during her tenure as District 209 School Board President.
This is a fact!
If anyone remembers, there were a number of new programs initiated by Theresa Kelly during the 2001-2002 academic year.
Here's a laundry list of initiatives that were founded by Theresa Kelly that Chris Welch has stolen.
Mandatory Evening School for unexcused absences and for repeat tardiness led to a 14% increase in average daily attendance.
(#2 on the welch's list)
Mandatory Wednesday/Saturday School Tutoring (#3 on the welch's list)
Mandatory Summer School for students for failing two or more classes (#4 on the welch's list)
Toughened Academic Requirements (#5 on the welch's list)
Added extra semester of reading (#6 on the welch's list)
Extended classroom periods from 7 to 8 (#7 on the welch's list)
Tightened campus security (#9 on the welch's list)
Added freshmen learning communities (#10 on the welch's list)
Instituted Proviso High School’s first ever town hall meetings (#12 on the welch's list)
Introduced the Dad’s Program (#13 on the welch's list)
Take Your Parent’s To School Day (#14 on the welch's list)
These initiatives were started by Theresa Kelly to help bring a focus to the academic environment during a time of declining test scores and graduation rates.
Theresa Kelly was highly touted for her work and received the Hometown Award of Excellence based on her work and these very initiatives.
I feel this to be an ironic and sad state of affairs that Chris Welch would try to steal the initiatives implemented by the person he despises so much, Theresa Kelly, and try to use them for his own campaign.
Does this man have no morals? No integrity? No sense of self?
This is not the first time. His PR machine put out a small column in the Pioneer Press touting an award that he won based on these stolen initiatives.
The Pioneer Press ran a correction in the following issue stating that these initiatives were actually initiated by Theresa Kelly during her term as school board president.
Carl, you're a reporter. Check it out! You will find my statements to be true.
Anonymous, at 2:32 PM, February 10, 2006
"Watching and waiting", I can see "information and knowledge" isn't your forte.
The role of the school board is to oversee, create, facilitate and assist in the educational process of the township or the community in which it represents. It becomes a convoluted game when school board members are not supposed to be "politicians", yet they have to be "elected" in order to serve the public.
"Watching and waiting", I hope you have been "attending and observing" the school board meetings. If you have, you will notice that 3 people on the board want nothing more than to hire competent people at all levels and 4 people (board president included) only want those who contribute to their personal and financial well-being.
That's why board members like Shirley Matlock (you may know her as the community destroyer) can come into a meeting, vote with her majority and leave early to avoid those in attendance. That's why the school board president (who is politically and financially aligned with Eugene Moore) can do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants and to whom he wants.
The reason for a 7 member school board is to create a check and balance system and to ensure accountability. This process becomes tainted when there are political and ulterior motives; Such as the case in District 209.
I commend the district on the programs that were initiated in 2001. They were brought to fruition by the former board president (Theresa Kelly) and the newly ousted superintendents Greg Jackson and Dr. Gilchrist. For those who paid attention, you will have noticed that test scores, parental involvement, community input and graduation and attendance rates were all on the rise.
This should lead one to wonder why these superintendents that performed at a higher level under the leadership of Theresa Kelly and yet, fail miserably under the leadership of Chris Welch?
It's not a superintendent issue, it's a leadership issue or lack there of. It's the difference between education and construction. It's the difference between bringing money into the educational process as opposed to dolling money out to construction, PR and politicians for political favors. It's the difference between past successes and current failures.
Information regarding individual board members is golden! I would advise "watching and waiting" to educate him/herself on the issues that plague our township. Who knows, you might learn something!
And spell check is golden. You might want to "watch and wait" for that.
Anonymous, at 12:54 PM, February 11, 2006
I thought this thread was about the candidate forum? Well, hears my thoughts.
Graham seemed way too happy she didn't have an opponent but did well. What was with James Smith reciting the Illinois constitution? I thought it was a good opening but when he continued on... I've heard him speak on issues before- he's a wiz with stats and information but I was disappointed that he didn't go to his strength. Lightford did well, understands what the problems are with education but I hope she doesn't think raising the minimum wage to six bucks equates to a person having a "good job."
Good come back from Harmon when his opponenet said he was a political hack. His opponent definately isn't ready for prime time.
Giles was actually good. Had a good grasp of education issues.(first time I've heard him) I wished he would explain why he didn't pay his fines or better yet, why did he have them in the first place. Ford rambled. Yarbrough focused on what government is supposed to do. (moral test)
Welch need not imply that he's exempt from the responsibility of his current job of school board member. The district is a shambles and money won't help it-- it's the leadership stupid!
Enjoyed the one on one after the forum. I wish Claypool would have been there to speak, not just his signs but alas it was a state forum. Anyone know where he will be speaking?
Carl, you had your own heated debate going on with Lightford. Wasn't close enough to hear. What goes there?
Anonymous, at 9:17 PM, February 11, 2006
"Watching and waiting" I will refrain from "criticizing and chastising" your current remarks.
The bottom line is we both want a successful educational system in our township. We both want the best and most qualified people to assist each other to make District 209 successful in every aspect of the educational process.
Look beneath the surface.
Like you, I think Dr. Flowers is an asset to the community and the school board (actually, I wouldn't mind seeing him as the superintendent). I commend Gary Marine for being true to himself and fighting tooth and nail for the children of this district (Wouldn't mind seeing him as vice president). You are already familiar with my thoughts on Theresa Kelly. She has an excellent track record and I feel her heart is in the right place (wouldn't mind seeing her as board president again).
Unfortunately, I have no good words for the remainder of the board. I'm not sure if you grasp the concept, but a corrupt majority board will never hire a qualified superintendent unless he rubberstamps their kickback deals and hiring practices.
Here's another piece of information. Feel free to spin it or draw your own conclusion.
There was a principal position open at Proviso West. Chris Welch wanted the position to go to his godmother Alexis Wallace. There was only one minor problem. She's not qualified. Anyway, so the list of 10 candidates was given to the Superintendent Greg Jackson and he was supposed to narrow that list down to the top three candidates. Instead, Jackson narrowed that list to the top five (coincidently Alexis Wallace was number 5). Reason, Jackson (who is absolutely spineless) caved in to pressure by the board president. Jackson was under the impression that if he catered to the president by pushing his godmother Alexis Wallace to a vote by the board, his job would be safe( unfortunately this patronage didn't work for Jackson, he was voted out by the same board majority he catered to). Jackson was well aware that if it went to a vote by the board, she would get in, and he could then say, the board hired her.
With that said, Alexis Wallace is now the under qualified principal of Proviso West and her sister Delester Palm is now the under qualified head dean. It's a family affair of inequity that's very welch like by definition. Please excuse me, I failed to mention that the board majority voted down 2 extremely qualified candidates with PhD’s to appoint the grossly under qualified godmother Alexis Wallace.
And be on the look out for teachers submitting their resignations from Proviso West. You read it here first.
As a citizen, I demand accountability from our elected officials. It is extremely important to know who is responsible for certain programs and the direct result of those programs on our children. Knowing our officials and candidates track record gives meaning to our votes.
"Watching and waiting", I think many of us who want our community to succeed are frustrated by the current state of the district. We feel like helpless on lookers, kind of like the board minority, all we can do is watch the show, voice our displeasure, and wait for disaster to strike.
We have to make our voice heard at the polls!
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, February 12, 2006
I think neither Welch or Kelly created any of those programs, but Manzo did! Was it not Theresa Kelly who brought Welch into Proviso Politics and told him to run for 209? I think she is old enough to know better, that Welch dropped her because she wanted to be the go to girl for Moore, and Moore picked Welch instead! Did she not support the Magnet School, and then balked when she was not named President of the board and was not allowed to pick her contractors, so she could of made some money to buy herself a new cadillac? Welch and Kelly are two of the same, oppurtunistic,stupid politicians, who should be no where near a board to make decisions on education!
Anonymous, at 8:10 PM, February 12, 2006
I listened to the beginning of Welch's radio show today.
Welch's on-air team includes himself, Brian Cross (his campaign manager) and Emily Robinson (his press secretary).
Neither Cross nor Robinson were ID'd as members of Welch's state rep campaign. Robinson gave a review of Yarbrough's performance at the candidate forum. Robinson criticized Yarbrough's vocal style and eye-contact.
I would be appalled at the ethical lapse, except it's kinda modest compared to Welch's comment about yardsigns.
Of course, his campaign was putting up yardsigns on Saturday. In the past the Welch campaign has put yardsigns on private property without permission. Three Welch signs within a block of my home went up Saturday and I doubt the campaign had permission.
Back the radio show. Welch had the chutzpah to have an "I feel your pain" moment about people not liking election season because yardsigns are going up everywhere.
On Saturday Welch (probably) has his guys putting up yardsigns without persmission and on Sunday Welch is empathetic with homeowners that resent this behavior. That takes balls.
Carl Nyberg, at 10:01 PM, February 12, 2006
Wow...finally we have some good information on this blog!
The truth the lies and the welch, you make a compelling case against Chris Welch and at the same time make a compelling case for Theresa Kelly. There's a lot of information that was listed and with all information, it can be fact checked.
Fortunately, I was active in the district during Manzo's reign. Trust me, he definitely didn't start or found the programs that Chris Welch is listing.
If you take the time to research the facts you will find that there are numerous Pioneer Press archives as well as other outlets that credit Theresa Kelly for those programs.
I find the truth hurts to be nothing more than a ploy by Chris Welch and Gene Moore in hopes that someone would believe their ramblings instead of actually researching and fact checking what has been written.
If the truth hurts wants to say it was Manzo, that's fine. Any village idiot has a voice, but it still doesn't negate the fact that Welch deliberately stole someone else's work and is publicly trying to pass it off as his own.
Please vote Chris Welch and Gene Moore out of office. No room in the district for swindlers and failures.
Anonymous, at 8:48 AM, February 13, 2006
THIS IS HEAVY! Can you say Ass Kicking?
That's exactly what's happening to Moore and Welch on this blog!
This royal thrashing couldn't have happened to 2 more deserving people!
Anonymous, at 10:58 AM, February 13, 2006
Go to Provisofact.blogspot.com
Anonymous, at 1:40 PM, February 13, 2006
For all those in attendance.
provisofact.blogspot.com is pure trash! Just a bunch of tactless untruths disguised as a legitimate blog.
Just another attempt by Chris Welch to continue to swindle the Proviso Township.
No need to fall victim to his dirty game of trickery.
Anonymous, at 2:51 PM, February 13, 2006
I havent made it to see the other blog but i find it funny that you say it is "a bunch of tactless untruths disguised as a legitimate blog". what exactly would you call the probe?
Anonymous, at 3:26 PM, February 13, 2006
Click Here
Anonymous, at 5:02 PM, February 13, 2006
I welcome the addition of another political blog covering Proviso Township.
Blogs that allow comments take on a life of their own. They reflect the collective wisdom and personality of the audience.
If ProvisoFact succeeds it will have to find a voice that resonates with its audience.
We'll see how it does. I doubt there is a big market for a blog that mostly rags on me, but I'll pass along the URL to some of my ex-girlfriends.
Carl Nyberg, at 8:24 PM, February 13, 2006
Well...according to my research of the information provided by "the truth, the lies and the welch" and "beneath the surface", I would have to say that the comments on this blog are truthful, accurate and documented as public record.
Again, if anyone doubts the validity of that information, Research it! Not much to ask...
We all know "bag of tricks" has seen the other blog. Matter of fact, Chris Welch is the author. Yes, "the welch" is in attendance like a thief in the temple.
Crass and tasteless!
Anonymous, at 8:47 AM, February 14, 2006
ms. Coffee says: Almost all of the board members have put in their political hacks. Welch put in Wallace. Did we all forget the Chris Head fiasco that Teresa Kelley started. Ms. Kelley also has a goddaughter at the school. From para pros to custodians, they all have political ties. The superintendent should make suggestions to the Board. The board members may be college educated, but their expertise is not necessarily education. As to night school ...what a joke. Ask anyone at Proviso what that has become. The better attendance rate...anyone can fudge the figures.
Anonymous, at 7:59 PM, February 14, 2006
To: MS. Coffee
FROM: A member of the community that has not RUN WEST TO STRAY AWAY FROM THE BLACK COMMUNITY and a opponent of PROVISO's UNION!
Ms Coffee you sound like one of those sad ass UNION Members from Proviso. Has the union paid for your car repairs? Ms. Coffee are you mad that you did not get your dream job to sit on your ass and do nothing. It seems that Ms. Coffee has begun to drink from the cup of Bitterness.
Question for Ms. Coffee, you crticize Night School. Why? Was a job taken from you because you would not kiss Welch's ass. What is your solution Ms. "ALMIGHTY OF KNOWLEDGE". What is your solution to students that don't come to school?
In th past you have held grudges against Jasckson and Gilchrist, is it because you were not given the same attention that Crawford gave you? Remember you are not nice on the eyes. I SEE YOU! REAL MEN LIKE REAL WOMEN! The people you mention Head and Wallace. Are they qualified? According to their resumes and past experiences they are qualified. I don't like to include Head and Wallace in the same sentence because they are not cut from the same character. Wallace is a controlling dictator that preaches by day and sins by night. FALSE PROPHETS BEWARE!
Oh by the way, Head was found NOT GUILTY, but what do you care. Maybe, Proviso made a mistake. Proviso has had teachers do far worse than Head was accused of, but my bad they were White. Is this a race issue Ms. Coffee? Do you have to much cream in you coffee? I like my coffee BLACK NO CREAM NO SUGAR! Everyone you seem to pick on is Black. Let's remember, Jackson, Gilchrist, Welch, Kelly, Wallace, and Head. You would still like to have the MASTER Schneider as the coach. Did Welch not give you a job that you so desperately wanted or was your job taken from you and given to a more QUALIFIED person? I thought your wishes were granted. You did run undefeated >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ms. Coffee what is wrong with putting people in Proviso that are qualified? The only job rigging I know that occurs is with security, maintenance, and support staff.It is displayed at every board meeting. Can teacher jobs be rigged? I really doubt it with Proviso's records and history of retaining teachers and getting highly qualified people even to teach there. So what is your point? Nothing, because you are just bitter and need to get off your fat ass and stop pouting and do something to make PRoviso better. I suggest you go to Proviso's mighty union. They are the best union in the land, YEAH RIGHT! THAT IS BULL!
Proviso has teachers that can't pass the state tests. Does Wallace and others fit in that category. And by the way, the qualified teachers that Proviso does have are leaving at the end of this year because the UNION IS WORHTLESS and CORRUPT. So Ms. COffee before you go calling names out get you facts together. People with fragile faces should not throw pennies, because their face could be shattered at anytime. Remember to check your phone records because you have called WElch and Kelly a few times to kiss up, beg, and have lunch. You are one of those political hacks you try to demean.
Oh, I thought maybe you retired, but I see you.
Anonymous, at 10:34 PM, February 14, 2006
joe said I'm with Ms. Coffee. You should see night school. The absenses are alarming. Whydoesn't Proviso do what other schools do? If you miss too many days they put you in a study hall. If you fail a class twice, there is no free summer school, you must pay to repeat the class. Proviso should no longer be the neighborhood babysitter. Maybe if we enforce some of the rules, the kids would start to conform. There are no problems at PMSA with kids getting to class on time. Why? Because they know they must. As to unqualified teachers...I thought that if they had unqualified teachers they had to tell the parents. Doesn't the NCLB require that?
Anonymous, at 7:50 AM, February 15, 2006
This is way cool!
I read all the postings.
And the winner is:
Beneath the surface!
Beneath the surface presented a tremendous amount of clear and concise information regarding Chris Welch, Alexis Wallace and Theresa Kelly. I was extremely impressed by the inside scoop and the challange to check the facts.
This information seems to be true and if so, it is extremely damaging to Chris Welch and Alexis Wallace.
It is hard for me to side with most of the postings because they seem to be uncreative ramblings that are devoid of facts.
I am shocked! I finally found someone who is well written and actually knows how to form and win a debate. There is intelligent life in Proviso Township! Go figure.
Beneath the surface, why are you not running for office?
Keep sending the inside info and facts. It makes for good intelligent reading.
Anonymous, at 9:36 AM, February 15, 2006
I wondered how DUMBASS ALEXIS WALLACE got her job. I want to hear more! Can we keep this topic and keep the postings?
I want to know more.
Anonymous, at 3:24 PM, February 15, 2006
Please Don't Delete this should answer your question,
Dumb ASS Alexis got her job, her siter's job, Miller's job, Thomas job, her A-TEAM (Walton, Curtis, Gale, Watson, and the white boys) by kissing ASS! She kisses WELCH ASS! Also, by making phones calls to voting parent for Welch and copies for his campaign. If you look at the Welch's campaign piece the students in the pictures are all closely connected to Wallace or one of her DUMMIES. It is sad the way they use children for their own selfish purposes
Anonymous, at 3:36 PM, February 15, 2006
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