M06, Lula Greenhow letter on Welch-Yarbrough race [7th Rep]
Lula Greenhow had a letter published in Pioneer Press. What are her strongest points? What are her weakest points?
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Anonymous, at 3:26 PM, February 16, 2006
No gratuitous references to people's sex lives.
Carl Nyberg, at 3:40 PM, February 16, 2006
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Anonymous, at 11:07 AM, February 17, 2006
Please don't post under "anonymous". It's confusing if more than one person does it, so I delete "anonymous" posts.
The allegation has been made that Greenhow's daughter received a job working for a Moore ally.
Is this true?
Carl Nyberg, at 4:26 PM, February 17, 2006
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Anonymous, at 7:18 PM, February 17, 2006
I've been out of town but tonight I caught up on mail, ect. and read Ms. Greenhow's piece. While Ms. Greenhow and I have been in opposite political camps for over two decades, I respect her right to make her comments and I find it sad if they were anyway related to her daughter's new job. However, she suggests that Ms. Cole's letter wanted to stop people from running against State Rep. Karen Yarbrough. Come on Lula, where in the whole wide world did any of us, you included, ever suggest that we were against Chris Welch, and the infamous Gene Moore who you forgot to mention, because we think they do not have the right to run for office. Of course Barbara Cole, and I did not have to ask her, and I and everyone else who thinks Chris Welch, and Gene Moore are NOT the right people to be in the offices they hold and/or seek ABSOLUTELY believe they have every right to run for those offices. Finally, I challenge Ms. Greenhow, as I have everyone else, so far not ONE taker, to indicate one FACTUAL error in my list of charges against the Moore/Welch cancerous biopsy on the body politic that I have openly published in my monthly newsletter???
Anonymous, at 10:58 PM, February 18, 2006
No posting under "anonymous"; choose a pseudonym or use your name.
Carl Nyberg, at 11:27 AM, February 19, 2006
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