ED, Dr. Kelvin Gilchrist fired [D209]
According to a reliable source Dr. Kelvin Gilchrist has been put on "administrative leave" by District 209--presumbably this is a preliminary step to the board firing him. Gilchrist was the deputy superintendent responsible for being Emanuel Christopher Welch's public whipping boy on the issue of low test scores.
Any information or speculation on why Welch would want Gilchrist fired now?
Any information or speculation on why Welch would want Gilchrist fired now?
Don't post under "anonymous" or I delete 'em.
Carl Nyberg, at 4:40 PM, January 04, 2006
ok, i'm Ms.Coffee In my opinion, Gilchrist has done more to ruin Proviso than any other person. He got rid of tracking, so you have 4th grade readers in with 9th grade readers. He got rid of special ed and threw all those kids in regular classes so they could fail. He instituted the grading policy that makes it possible to pass without coming to class for a whole semester. He also had some problems with the ladies and was the subject of at least 2 sexual harassment claims
Anonymous, at 7:22 PM, January 04, 2006
Greg Jackson
James K. Graham
Dr. Willie Mack
Dr. Kelvin Gilchrist
What’s the pattern here?
Does Welch allow any Black men—Black men who aren’t toadies--to keep their jobs?
Carl Nyberg, at 9:07 PM, January 04, 2006
Ms. Coffee, why is Gilchrist being shown the door at this time?
Is Gilchrist less competent at his job than Bob Libka is at his job?
Did the board of ed sign off on the policies to which you object? Are you in favor of dumping Welch and his three rubber stamps?
Carl Nyberg, at 9:10 PM, January 04, 2006
Anon. 209 employee said:
Once "MOORE" Welch is up to the old "politricks". Chris needs to man up and do what is right for children. It is not all about the iron fist. Those days are over and the final nail will come in March. This shit has to stop. why Chris? just Why? is it scare that Yarbrough is puttin in you and your dads heart. in case you dont know your real dad it "eugene " you know the one whos tit you sucked all the way up the slimmy political ladder of bullshit politics. the connection Carl is all of those strong black men are not ass kissin bootlickin houseniggas like the rubberstamps in 209. get a life Welch before you end another. Our children are at risk here and i look at them everyday in the halls of this jungle you call a school.
Anonymous, at 10:18 PM, January 04, 2006
Ms. Coffee says: Yes the Board of ed. signed off onGilchrist's plans. He is a master salesman. The Board, much like a CEO takes advice from their underlings. The only person on the board who ever had teaching experience was Imoni Baxter. She objected to some of Gilchrist's ideas, but she was not always with the majority. As to why they're firing Gilchrist now, it's a mystery. He is going to retire at the end of this year. Perhaps he's already 55 and they're going to get him out a few months early. Who's Gilchrist's clout? Gene Moore?
Anonymous, at 7:54 AM, January 05, 2006
an ex- battered woman said...
I will never allow myself to battered by Welch and Moore again said...
Why does Welch and Moore hate women so much?
Why do Welch and Moore always attack women?
Why do Welch and Moore try to destroy Black Women?
Look at there records,
1.Welch and Moore perpetual hate and perpetual war with Karen Yarbrough?
2.Welch and Moore's hate for I. Nicole Trottie!
3.Welch and Moore's hate for Theresa Kelly!
4. Welch and Moore's hate for Wanda Sharpe!
5.Welch and Moore's hate for Lightford!
6Welch and Moore hate Mary Mitchell's guts!
7. Welch and Moore even hate white and latina women,look how they double crossed Mary Herrel and Tina Alcaraz!
This pattern of abuse, of hatred for Women, especially strong,Intelligent women is rooted in there beliefs that women are to serve them or should be subserviant!
Noticed how Both Moore and Welch attended the Pimp ball last year in Maywood and this year refused to protest there presence in Maywood!
Noticed how Welch treats the women 209 board members? Even his own allies Matlock and Henry barely get noticed by Welch and have there ideas disregarded by Welch!
Noticed How Welch has refused to name a women President or vice-president of the Board at 209!
Coincidence? I don't think so,Those two individuals are angry and bitter men, who hate women, who would not tolerate a women telling them what to do, and who are probably extremely dangerous when alone with women,especially women who are in relationships with them!
As March 2006 will be the honorary month for Women's Independence, right to vote and the Month for Battered Women's awareness month, please remember to go vote against these Women haters, who are named Chris Welch and Eugene Moore!
6:04 PM
Anonymous, at 9:50 AM, January 05, 2006
why chris,
you look like you are spamming the threads with the same post.
just don't do it. OK?
Carl Nyberg, at 12:03 PM, January 05, 2006
Forest Park Review (Seth Stern) covers Gilchrist being put on administrative leave.
Proviso High School District 209 Deputy Superintendent Kelvin Gilchrist has been placed on administrative leave and ordered to remain at his residence within reach of his home telephone during working hours until further notice.
[Gilchrist] will be allowed to enter Proviso property to retrieve his belongings only in increments of one hour, and only while directly monitored by Libka.
What a place!
Carl Nyberg, at 3:04 PM, January 05, 2006
Welch has to appear that he is proactive in educational matters. Proviso's dismal test scores and being on the academic watch list ever since Welch has been in the majority, mnakes it extremely embarrassing as well as ridiculous to have him run for State Rep. as the education canidate!
Everyone knows that Welch has ruined the little professionalism at Proviso with his politics and hirings of all his relatives and friends.
Welch is postioning himself to say he did not know what was going on at 209 and decided to make changes to change the outcome and future results of test scores at the failed 209 school district!
What is amazing is that Welch would destroy somebody's career and life's work for poltical gain!
Welch will be destroyed somewhere ,somehow, because living like he does and hurting others, especially hurting simeone's livelyhood is wrong and dangerous!
I am sure that the feds will look at this along with his previous works and doings , and will indicted him not only for Conspiracy with Moore and the rest of his 209 majority, they will also prosecute him for wire fraud,mail fraud,obstruction of justice,racketeering and coercion with Libka and the 209 allies! that sentance will bne at least 10 - 15 years!
Anonymous, at 3:56 PM, January 06, 2006
Life Long Leader of Truth comments...
What goes around comes around..live by the sword die by it..
Anonymous, at 1:50 AM, January 07, 2006
from ms. coffee to crome dom...I am not wallace,but i do know a lot about proviso. ia am not anti welch or libka. give libka a chance. he is a really nice guy caught in a web of politics. gilchrist had his chance to improve the schools,but he didn't. He implemented one plan after another and never made any progress. As far as I'm concerned, Welch made some good decisions on Jackson and Gilchrist.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM, January 07, 2006
ms. coffee says: Let's see, lets go back over some superintendents at proviso. Jack stanley,greg jackson were business managers...hmmm.wonder why that's important. what about that idiot before jackson. He had all the certification and didn't know anything. is your memory so short you don't remember when becky montoya had to cover for Crawford who was not qualified. besides, you can have all the degrees in the world and still not be too smart. who were these idiots who wrote the nclb law? I'm sure they all had fancy degrees, but lacked brains.Libka has ms Murphy if you're worried about certification. I'm sure she'll do a better job than Gilchrist with his shop degree.
Anonymous, at 8:36 AM, January 08, 2006
anonymous 8:36 I agree about ms Murphy but why not her for superintendent since she has the designation? why was Libca chosen if Murphy was available?
I don't know Libca, but rmember some of those other superintendents who were there. Crawford's credential came under fire and he was terminated or released.
Gilchrist was a self--absorbed arrogant ass.
Anonymous, at 10:53 AM, January 08, 2006
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