ETHNICITY, Latinos Unidos con Voz [D209]
From Gary Woll's newsletter:
Do Latinos think Alexis "You're a Racist" Wallace is unfair to Latinos?
Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, Latinos Unidos con Voz will meet at 7:00 at St. Paul School, 10th and Lake, Melrose to hear parents concerns about District 209 (H.S.) Latinos One United Voice board members will then present these concerns to the District 209 administration.
Do Latinos think Alexis "You're a Racist" Wallace is unfair to Latinos?
Here's why I think this Blog is a Crock Of Shit, You let people go after welch and others like Wallace and call Welch an Uncle Tom
But god forbid anyone say anything about your sacred cows like Yarbrough or Flowers
Impartial Journalist My Ass
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM, November 01, 2005
Let's not make assumptions about the identities of people posting under pseudonyms.
This becamse the subject of a mostly pointless pissing match in Forest Park. See Marcy Wozniak's letter to the Forest Park Review.
anny_mus, where did I claim to be impartial. I'm very much opposed to stealing from the public, and I make no bones about it.
Did you read my back-and-forth with Karen Yarbrough? I intend to get back to it and criticize her some more. But Moore, Welch and their cronies keep doing stuff that's a higher priority.
Even when I get annoyed at Yarbrough, she does have the decency to respond under her own name.
I know Welch reads this blog. Why doesn't he defend himself under his own identity? Is it because so much of his conduct is indefensible?
Carl Nyberg, at 10:28 AM, November 02, 2005
I attended the meeting tonight and was greatly impressed by Mrs. Tapia and her organization! Bravo for speaking out! Of course,Welch did not attend and sent his minions(Libka,Wallace and the janitors) to try to attack the hispanic community! One janitor said to the crowd that , "If you learned english maybe they would help you". That stupid comment was refuted, and Welch's disrespect towards the hispanic community was shown!Welch and Moore don't care about the hispanics and it was evident in there not being present and in their janitors comments to the parents of 209 children!It was a shame that no Mayor showed up from Melrose Park, from Stone Park or Bellwood or Maywood! That just shows the disdain towards hispanic that these polticians have!The hispains will work against Weloch and Moore and any hispanic who works for them will be identified as a traitor!
Anonymous, at 9:32 PM, November 02, 2005
Mrs. Tapia and Latinos Unidos con Voz, appears to be the first truely Independent organization of Hispanic empowerment in Proviso! Mrs. Tapia is smart and very driven and will lead the hispanics toward empowerment and success. Warning to all the poticians in Proviso, She will be a major player in Proviso and in the state!
Anonymous, at 9:36 PM, November 02, 2005
As far as the Mayors attending, while I had hoped to go, not being a Mayor, but curious and concerned, babysitting two little grandsons in Bartlett intervened. However, to the best of my knowledge, the Mayors were not invited, as this was, according to the way I read the announcement, as a way to record Hipanic concerns about 209 to present, not to the Mayors, but to 209 administrators/board members. I am sure some of the Mayors would have made every attempt possible to attend if they thought that this what the organization wanted at this particular meeting. Viva la raza! Legitimate power goes to those who truely represent the people and I wish them well in organizing the growing numbers of our Proviso Hispanic community.
Anonymous, at 10:45 PM, November 02, 2005
I have fond memories of working with Connie Tapia in Yarbrough's '98 campaign.
Did someone at the meeting really say the problem is that Latinos need to learn English? Who was this person? Why was he there?
Carl Nyberg, at 10:15 AM, November 03, 2005
Yes, Carl, someone(Welch's janitors from 209 who happen to also be hispanic) stated that hispanics should learn english if they want services!The guy who said it spoke english like Ozzie Guillen!I can't believe what lack of respect Welch shows hispanics! Also where was Dan Adams ? Is he not a representitve of Melrose Park? He better just resign his post, or else!
Anonymous, at 8:34 PM, November 03, 2005
Don't post as "anonymous". Pick a pseudonym.
Someone posted that it's not Connie Tapia, but Attorney Delores Tapia Reyes from Melrose Park.
Carl Nyberg, at 1:25 PM, November 04, 2005
Miss Tapia is not a true latino!She is a stooge for Yarbrough and for Pasquali! Her board of directors are a buch of nobodies who can't do anything or can't inflence anything. She should learn english along with all her illegal alien clientale, and should get a real job!Also she should tell those parents, that there kids are gangbangers, and to stop ditching classes and try to get an education, that we LEGAL residents pay for them. I want all those little brown gangbanging children to just stop whining and go back to Mexico or wherever else they came from!Tapia and her group are insignificant and they could leave if they don't like Proviso!
Anonymous, at 4:21 PM, November 04, 2005
hey chico - i see that is exactly what you are "little." be a real man and so that we can put a face the prejudice that exists.
Anonymous, at 6:25 PM, November 04, 2005
This event was nothing but political smoke and mirrors. What gave it away? Karen Yarborough literature in English and Spanish present at the meeting. Barbara Cole present at the meeting. Or other members of Nomco, an organization run by Yarbourough, present. Come on Karen, stop throwing rocks and hiding your hands. You are a coward.
Anonymous, at 8:18 PM, November 04, 2005
Chico and the man is one of the most blatant racists I have ever read. In all of her little weight, Rosa Parks would have walke all over the so-called Chico. And so would/will Ms. Tapia who, by the way, is NOT Connie Tapia from the MAywood Library Board. How racist is Chico, let me count the ways. By and large the Proviso area burgeoning Hispanic community is hardworking, family-centered, have traditional values, all of the things that should, and does for most of us, want to welcome them to be our neighbors not only in their location but in their pursuit of better schools and becoming bi-lingual!! Oh well, while it is much more difficult to debate someone who you think is, at least partly right, it is also important that we not let the Chico's of the world ever go unanswered even though with their ignorance about 110% wrong. Viva la causa.
Anonymous, at 8:24 PM, November 04, 2005
I am so tired of you Gary Woll. You have been a Maywood trustee for more than twenty years, and Maywood has constantly been declining. You are nothing but a racist yourself parading around like you care about a black community. If you care so much about black people and the community they live and the schools they go to, why did you work in Elmwood Park for so many years. You are a phony just like Karen. Karen lived in Oak Park all those years and moved into Maywood only to pretend like she was one of us. Both of you are phonies, and quite frankly, both of you are racist.
Anonymous, at 11:25 PM, November 04, 2005
How is it sinister to pass literature at a community meeting?
Carl Nyberg, at 4:07 PM, November 05, 2005
Mr. Woll,
I got some shocking news today. I heard that you support Libka, and that you believe that he is doing a good job at Proviso. Is that true? You have a right to your opinion, but what makes you support him?
I personally think he is a the dumbest Supt. Proviso has ever had, and he can't fart without Welch giving him permission to.
But what do you think about Libka as Supt.?
Anonymous, at 1:10 AM, November 07, 2005
Comin4ya. I am not surprised Gary Woll supports Libka but not Welch. Libka's White and Welch is black. If you pay attention long enough, you will really see what Woll is all about. That's why he never taught at Proviso or any of the public schools in Districts 89 or 209. But mention Walther Lutheran or Elmwood Park to him, and he talks for hours.
Anonymous, at 10:37 AM, November 07, 2005
I don't think race matters. Welch could be pruple or pink and I would not support him. Most people in Proviso feel the same way. It is not fair to say that Woll is not supprting Welch because he is Black, but it is fair to say that he is not supportive of Welch because Welch is a lying stealing crook that needs to be ran from Proviso.
Welch is ruthless and his short reign is up! He steals from the community, our children , and now through the health insurance at District 209. Tired of Gray Woll needs to be changed to Tired of Chris "Booty-tweazers" Welch. I see you Welch, but I like ladies.
Comin4Ya in 2005
Anonymous, at 6:33 PM, November 08, 2005
I can't believe that the 209 supporters, (chico and the man) would get on this board and write the things he did. This is what 209 is all about and this is why everyone is flocking to Yarbrough. Not one week goes by that hispanics don't get insulted infront of their children at one of the high schools. The tide is shifting here in proviso and changes will be made.
Anonymous, at 3:47 PM, November 24, 2005
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