MEDIA, populist journalism
Declaration of Principles
I’ll provide the people of this city with a daily paper that will tell all the news honestly.
I’ll also provide them with a fighting and tireless champion of their rights as citizens and human beings.
This quote is from a famous American newspaper publisher.
It seemed appropriate to discuss it on Proviso Probe.
The quote resonates with me because I have also tried to be an advocate of integrity and uplifting the human condition as the publisher of Proviso Probe. I want Proviso Probe to help bring about better schools, better government and more abstractly to build a positive identity for Proviso residents.
And like the publisher who wrote the quote, I have sought to build a base of fans who like me as well as Proviso Probe and my writings.
The publisher who wrote this declaration of principles succeeded financially, but the review of her/his life was mixed. One of her/his friends criticized her/him for lacking principles other the vanity of wanting the love and approval of all.
Wasn't that "newspaperman" Charles Foster Kane?
And isn't he a fictious character from the greatest film of all time - "Citizen Kane"
And has Nyberg completelyl lost it?
Anonymous, at 2:10 PM, September 01, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:43 PM, September 01, 2006
The last paragraph sums it all up.
Anonymous, at 12:38 AM, September 02, 2006
Hey lay off Nyberg...I happen to enjoy the Probe and his writing.
Anonymous, at 8:06 PM, September 05, 2006
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