SPORT, three teams added to Proviso West tourney
See The teams added are St. Pat's, Thornton Fractional North and Morgan Park.
I'm impressed with the information on the tournament website, but the color scheme and graphic design could be better.
I'm impressed with the information on the tournament website, but the color scheme and graphic design could be better.
It is a great thing that other schools are added to the holiday tournament. The only one critical thing that needs to change is the coaching staff from top to bottom. It was a greta thing that Coach Mark Schnider is back at the helm. Now it is time to eliminate the poison of the program. Mr. tommy miller has destroyed the basketball program at Proviso west. Students have transfered at a alarming rate for the past three years due to Millers unproffessional behavior as well as his lack of coaching skills. Miller is a cancer that needs to be cut out. He is a "House Nigga" fit to be tied. He sold out Chris Head to get the job and now he has the loest success rate for college athletes in the conference. How many student athletes has Miller gotten to a D1 or D2 college? Why has he flocked to the suburbs to coach basketball? Does anyone know? why doesnt Miller coach where he works at in Chicago Public School Basketball? Why cant he coach at the college level anymore? Parents need to ask these questions before tey go applauding new schools to the tournament.The student athletes deserve better. Keep up the good work coach Schnider and please overhaul the coaching staff. Lets really make West the Best.
Thank you very much
Booster club Parent 2006
Anonymous, at 2:23 AM, February 06, 2006
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Anonymous, at 7:48 PM, February 06, 2006
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Anonymous, at 8:03 PM, February 06, 2006
Pick a pseudonym. I delete posts under "anonymous" because it gets confusing with more than one "anonymous".
If I deleted your posts and you need to recover them email me, RadioNyberg circled "a" Yahoo spot com. I can recover some of them.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:37 PM, February 07, 2006
Dear Readers of this site,
How dare you talk about Miller when you don't know the man. Is it because your child didn't make the team? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
PW Booster Club, let's look at your members. First, you have people on your board who don't even have kids in the school. Do they hold a vested interest in your school? No. Here's what drives them.....MONEY. Rumor has it that one of your members use to give money to one of her four boys on the sly as she was working for the Spartan Booster Club. Another member supposedly had money burn in her house when it caught on fire. What was money doing in her house? And guess what........It was from that same Booster club. So if these things happened to the Spartans they can happen to the Panthers. If there's any house that needs to be cleaned, it's the ones that sell the hot dogs.
209 Sucks........your grammar sucks. You need Hooked on Phonics. ASAP.........
A Soon to be Panther Parent
(Get ready Boosters cause I'm bringing a Posse)
Anonymous, at 1:10 PM, February 09, 2006
anon 8:22, did you read my explanation of why I delete comments under anonymous?
Carl Nyberg, at 3:07 PM, February 09, 2006
An avid reader of the Blog states,
The teachers that can't pass state test need hooked on Phonics, but I am sure Wallace and Welch will cover that up.
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM, February 10, 2006
Hey 209suck, ease up off Miller and his family. If you do not like what the man is doing as coach or elected offical - go to the poll in March. Miller is not the problem, the five Italian Mayors in this area are the problem. They are controlling communities that are heavily populated by black folks. We, NEGROS, HELP THESE PRESENT DAY SLAVE OWNERS REMAIN IN OFFICE. I am going to challenge you my brother, instead of verbally beating up brother Miller why don't you spend some time if you have not already, getting our lazy brothers and sisters out to vote. I am assuming that you are a taxpayer in Proviso, if so it looks bad when you say 209suck. When you say that, do you know you suck. You pay taxes in order for the school to operate. D209 is us - the parents, taxpayers, students - DUH, WE ARE THE STAKEHOLDERS.As for your comments about folks kissing ass, I am sure you kissed a little ASS in your day. how about when you was pulled over by a cop; when you sweated to get that new job, promotion, car loan, mortgage loan. You have kissed some ass and as you read this you may be kissing ass NOW.
Anonymous, at 2:08 AM, February 11, 2006
Dear 209sucks, you suck! Get a grip!Take a look in the mirror knucklehead. Check your closet Knucklehead. You have Tommy Miller on the brain. Did he beat you out of the coaching job. Are you mad because that (coaching at West) was your dream job. Are you part of the Karen "I do not have a clue" Yarbrough campaign.
Anonymous, at 5:48 PM, February 12, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:28 PM, February 12, 2006
Don't post under "anonymous". Use a pseudonym. I have this rule because it makes long discussions much easier to follow.
I don't like deleting stuff that people have obviously put significant work into, but if I don't delete stuff people don't follow the rules.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:35 PM, February 12, 2006
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