OPEN, what's on your mind?
Use this entry to discuss topics that don't fit into another discussion.
Exception: I've got a one week moratorium on discussing Esparza-Nowakowski internal family stuff.
Exception: I've got a one week moratorium on discussing Esparza-Nowakowski internal family stuff.
I have been asked to remove a comment in the Esparza-Nowakowski feud.
My philosophy has been to enforce the rules at the time of the post. For example, after I said no Esparza-Nowakowksi family stuff I'm deleting everything.
Before this point I'm leaving stuff up.
I have been asked multiple times to remove one post. What do people think? Leave it up? Or take it down?
Carl Nyberg, at 10:32 AM, February 01, 2006
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous, at 2:28 PM, February 01, 2006
Comments deleted for being under the label "anonymous". Please use a pseudonym.
Carl Nyberg, at 8:37 AM, February 02, 2006
Here is the story about the comment Carl is mentioning.
I find it very interesting that he can delete what ever he wants. He chooses to be a jerk. The author of the comment has asked him to delete it. Carl won't.
How do you think this should be handled?
Any ideas intelligent people?
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM, February 02, 2006
Chris' mother said take it down.
Anonymous, at 9:26 AM, February 02, 2006
sues isp is NEVER chicago
computer is connected through LA GRANGE
Anonymous, at 9:46 AM, February 02, 2006
Grandma said delete it I NEVER SAID THAT ABOUT MY SON!
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM, February 02, 2006
No sexual orientation stuff unless it has direct bearing on something that's news.
Carl Nyberg, at 2:04 PM, February 02, 2006
Anonymous, at 2:19 PM, February 02, 2006
James said ...What's up with the grade changing at Proviso. I hear they're changing all the special ed kids grades from F's to incompletes. Why? Shouldn't spec. ed kids have to earn a grade too? Or is Proviso the diploma mill some people say it is?
Anonymous, at 6:28 PM, February 02, 2006
You Forgot to Delete one on the Sign Post carl
Anonymous, at 10:49 PM, February 02, 2006
Thank you 209sucks. You are so right on the money. Welch will probably try to get that money from Bellwood School District 88 where he is the board attorney and controlling factor with the current board majority. He will manipulate his foot soldiers along with that "puppet of a superintendent" Starsiak,(who quit the first or second day on the job)to introduce, promote and sign any and everything under what they will say is in the best interest of the children of school district 88, when what they are really going to do is line their pockets with the kick backs received from the contracts given. Only the voters of this district can make the necessary changes that will positively affect this community. People open your eyes and see the devil for what he really is. In evil there is always division but in good you see unity, growth and laughter.
Anonymous, at 1:25 PM, February 04, 2006
Thank you 209sucks. You are so right on the money. Welch will probably try to get that money from Bellwood School District 88 where he is the board attorney and controlling factor with the current board majority. He will manipulate his foot soldiers along with that "puppet of a superintendent" Starsiak,(who quit the first or second day on the job)to introduce, promote and sign any and everything under what they will say is in the best interest of the children of school district 88, when what they are really going to do is line their pockets with the kick backs received from the contracts given. Only the voters of this district can make the necessary changes that will positively affect this community. People open your eyes and see the devil for what he really is. In evil there is always division but in good you see unity, growth and laughter.
Anonymous, at 1:26 PM, February 04, 2006
The dirty politics in proviso township are legendary. With a guy like Sloan who can never tell a joke without using the "n" word and doesn't pay his real estate taxes, what hope do we have for any kind of imporvement when he gets elected????
Anonymous, at 2:45 PM, February 04, 2006
Tired of Shirlee "THE AIR HEAD" Madlock says,
Madlock does not use her own mind. She has the brain the size of a pea. I was not at the meeting, but to my understanding she asked Welch could she leave the meeting. She gets his approval for every vote. If she had paid attention during the meeting she would have known she could leave. She is a disgrace to the community. She even voted to fire a lady and she was not there during closed session to discuss the matter. Does this lady have a conscience? She has done nothing on the board but fire people and look like a fool. All Shirlee "The AIRHEAD" Madlock is a guranteed vote for Welch. Does Welch drug these board members? What is Madlock getting out the deal? I heard she was once a love interest of Welch. Welch would feel on a 100 year old lady's butt if he could get her vote or her support. It seems like Madlcok is getting nothing, because her weave needs redone. Madlock is a disgrace to the feminist movement.
She did not even send her child to Proviso. Why is she setting the rules and regulations for the children of our commmunity. She
needs to go on Madison and Pulaski with that tired weave of hers and buy her some more hair. She looks like a drag queen on crack or Lil Kim's grandmother. Does she have an Adams apple? The people in the community have been fooled by the man Shirlee Madlock. Please people who read this blogger let's vote these people out of Proviso. Madlock and WELCH GOT TO GO!
Anonymous, at 9:59 PM, February 04, 2006
Can I suggest a new topic for discussion? I would like to discuss Maywood preachers and the effect that they have on the community and politics.
I have noticed that many of our religious leaders campaign and put their support behind political candidates, in particularly Reverend Porter and Reverend Sykes with their ringing endorsements of Gene Moore and Chris Welch.
I feel that with any religious leadership role, besides their responsibility to God, there is an inherited responsibility to your fellow clergymen, congregation and community. This responsibility is directly related to accountability that seems to be lacking amongst the above-mentioned candidates as well as the above-mentioned men of the cloth.
I would like to know what your bloggers feel about this convoluted subject and the effect it has on the community?
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM, February 08, 2006
I must give Chris Welch and Moore alot of credit. They continue to be consistent in taking advantage of the taxpayers and the students of D209,D88. Regardless, on what is said in this blog, they are going to go down swinging in this campaign, because they owe to many people. What Welch and Moore are going through could be considered a sequel to "THE FIRM" OR "NO WAY OUT". It is not that they WANT TO RUN FOR OFFICE THEY HAVE TO. I am sure that people have damaging information on the two bozos, if they do not deliver the bacon, which could put them in front of Judge. Chris has become a major disapointment for the Proviso community. So young, so educated, but soooooooooooooo DUMB! One day someone is going to wake him up and say son, why, just why did you hurt your own people, sacrifice them for five pieces of silver - the five pieces are greed, power, booty,booty and more booty. The election is right around the block and it is time to stop the CIRCUS. VOTE ! VOTE! MARCH 21, 2006
Anonymous, at 10:49 PM, February 08, 2006
I have been trying to understand Chris Welch for the last four years, so I went to the dictionary. I look up the word "Welch". When I got to the word it told me to see "Welsh". Well, I finally see the light about who Chris is. According to the dictionary, Welsh mean to avoid payment, , to break one's word/promise, renege. There is nothing wrong with Mr. Welch, he is just living up to his name. He is just a WELC(S)H.
Anonymous, at 11:05 PM, February 08, 2006
Wow...I was hoping someone was going to make the "what's in a name" correlation to Mr. Welch!
Let's view the exact definition:
welsh (wlsh, wlch) also welch (wlch)
intr.v. welshed also welched, welsh·ing also welch·ing, welsh·es also welch·es Informal
1. To swindle a person by not paying a debt or wager.
2. To fail to fulfill an obligation.
With this in mind...who the cap fits, let him wear it! So from here on out, let's call a spade a spade and a Welch a welch. It is very obvious now that our community has been welched by the Welch! Let's be realistic,nobody likes a Welch!
Our community has been swindled and Mr. Welch has failed to fulfill an obligation to our children, township and community!
Reverend Sykes and Reverand Porter, you should be proud...feeding your congregation poison by introducing, campaigning and endorsing a Welch!
Anonymous, at 7:51 AM, February 09, 2006
Chris My Love,
I'd like to let you know that all of our friends came though for us. They worked very hard and quietly put the word out not to vote for Gene Moore and to support Karen Yarbrough. They were successful in getting Yarbrough the 4,000 votes she needed. Moore has done everything to hurt our family, and because of that, he is no longer the committeeman of Proviso Township. I promised you 4 years ago this would happen, and I make this promise to you now; The wheel will turn full circle next year. For everyone that was involved with hurting our family with their lies and fabricated stories; it will all end in the next primary election. I've been meeting with all our friends downtown and they are very supportive of our family, and are very disappointed in the path that Moore and his cohorts have chosen, by turning the political arena into his own personal vendetta. Everything is okay,
It's time to plant your garden, Spring is here.
All My Love,
Anonymous, at 4:04 PM, March 29, 2006
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