ANNOUNCEMENTS, West Suburban Journal & Tuesday night drinking
Starting today I have a weekly column in West Suburban Journal, a free newspaper that covers much of Proviso Township.
My first column challenges people to imagine the best case and worst case scenario for Proviso Township seven years in the future.
On Wednesdays I usually participate in Drinking Liberally. But it's a long haul back from the Red Lion every week.
So I'm going to start a weekly drinking group that hopefully will evolve into its own Driking Liberally chapter. The first meeting is Tuesday at Goldyburgers, 7316 Circle in Forest Park, 7:30-10:30. It's about 1 1/2 bocks from the Harlem Green Line.
My first column challenges people to imagine the best case and worst case scenario for Proviso Township seven years in the future.
On Wednesdays I usually participate in Drinking Liberally. But it's a long haul back from the Red Lion every week.
So I'm going to start a weekly drinking group that hopefully will evolve into its own Driking Liberally chapter. The first meeting is Tuesday at Goldyburgers, 7316 Circle in Forest Park, 7:30-10:30. It's about 1 1/2 bocks from the Harlem Green Line.
For those of you that are worried that I've forgotten about Chris Welch as I've gotten more involved in the allegations of police abuses in Forest Park: fear not. Welch and Roche got some pre-holiday weekend reading today.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:55 PM, December 29, 2005
You My Friend Remind me of Don Quixote, Always Chasing Windmills
Anonymous, at 5:57 PM, December 29, 2005
I noticed the IRS had Proviso Probe come up in a Google search of "august taddeo".
This brings me to a confession.
Dear Committeeman Eugene "Gene" Moore,
If the IRS starts hassling you about EMM revenue, I might have had something to do with it.
I figured if the company (EMM) wasn't properly registered and you were real secretive about it, you might be neglecting to report the income on your taxes.
Since the IRS gives a cut of the action to tipsters, I figured I deserved the D209 money you "earned" as much as you did.
Happy New Year to all, including Welch, Roche and Moore.
Carl Nyberg, at 6:04 PM, December 29, 2005
We always knew you were ONLY in it for the $$$$ How Much Is Karen Paying You??
And why isnt' it reported on her D2's?
Anonymous, at 6:05 PM, December 29, 2005
209 Sucks has Chris Welch and Theresa Kelly confused. Theresa Kelly gave out 25 tickets to the Holiday Tournament. She gives out tickets to that tournament the way she takes trips at District expense. Over and over again.
Anonymous, at 10:36 AM, December 30, 2005
It is with a similiar or like mind-set that one believes another can be bought or corrupted in exchange for personal or professional gain.
"as your point is", although it may be difficult for you to phathom, their are those who can not and will not be compromised in their truth and integrity,
My point is...that baffles you, does it not, ECW?
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM, December 30, 2005
Nicole that would be fine and dandy if carl didn't admit he had his hand out
Your friend is a hustler a gun for hire that's all he is or ever will be and our community is worse for it
Anonymous, at 1:14 PM, December 30, 2005
It's interesting. The people who seem to be screaming the loudest, Nyberg, Trottie, Bryant, etc, seem to be the ones with their hands out. Nyberg is upset because no one wants to drink with him. Trottie seems to be upset with anyone and everyone who won't buy over priced ads in her newspaper, and Bryant seems to be upset because he wants to be the Black go to guy and he wants everyone to buy $5000 ads on his horrendous radio show. Well, guess what Nyberg, Trottie, Bryant, all three of you are failures and no one would ever want to be a part of anything the three of you are a part of.
Anonymous, at 1:26 PM, December 30, 2005
Gold digger is write. Kanye West was writing about L. Nicole Trottie. She has tried to hook up with every politician in Proviso trying to start her crappy paper. She went to Serpico, Pasquale, Bruno, Welch, Wiley, Yarbrough, etc, and the only idiots who still support her are the Yarbroughs. Why? Because she is nothing but a user and she has no credibility. The Village of Bellwood won't even allow her to put her papers inside the Village Hall any more. Why? Ask her for a rate card, and L. Nicole Trottie tries to charge you the same rate as Pioneer Press. Trottie. You are a joke. Want to know why? Here's a hint: You were fired from Pioneer Press for a reason. Answer: Cause you are an idiot. If your paper is around another year, I truly would be surprised. You started in color. Now you are black and white. You had more pages. Now you have less. You had real, credible sponsors. Now you have Nyberg and Arnie Bryant. Sounds like trouble to me. You have made some real enemies, and your paper is going down.
Anonymous, at 1:44 PM, December 30, 2005
Gunning for you five ahead, a.k.a Welch, you sound bitter. Is it something that I said?
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, December 30, 2005
Oh, you say I have enemies??? Fair enough. The beholder of the footstool always does.
Anonymous, at 2:14 PM, December 30, 2005
I like the West Suburban Journal newspaper. I wish it was more pages though but it is a start and I like it.
Anonymous, at 4:35 PM, December 30, 2005
How on earth could you ever confuse Kelly with Welch unless what I read about Welch is true? Transgendered?
Anonymous, at 4:38 PM, December 30, 2005
Why shouldn't people in local media make money for their work?
I've decided that I will endeavor to be fair to Welch, Moore, Stroger, etc.
If I ask Manzo, Yarbrough or Peraica for a contribution, I will extend the same opporunity to their political adversaries.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:20 PM, December 31, 2005
Making enemies isn't necessarily a bad thing in the newspaper business.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:22 PM, December 31, 2005
Well we are glad you admited that you are a straight up hustler
A Mercenary of sorts...
No Wonder your Credibility is crap
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM, December 31, 2005
Whom have I hustled? How have I hustled my marks?
Carl Nyberg, at 7:18 PM, December 31, 2005
Carl, don't let em get to you. It's funny how Chris calls into question everyones integrity while hiding behind his psudo name(s).
If he's so dead-on the truth, why the anonimity?
I'll tell you why... because he'd be slapped with a legit defamation suit.
Hum, what would you do with your settlement, Carl? I'd reinvest mine into D209 so the kids could go to the Liberty Bowl on Welch's expense rather than tax payers money.
Anonymous, at 10:51 AM, January 01, 2006
Happy New Year to everyone! But I still didn't get my 2005 number one wish. To be sued by Chris Welch. As a matter of FACT, everything I have written in my newsletter, has NOT once been challenged as to the FACTS. That is entirely different from disagreeing with the opinions and interpretations derived from those facts. Carl, Nicole, Barbara, Arnie, and many others, keep up the probing of Chris Welch, Gene Moore and, yes, ME and the Yarbroughs throughout the 2006 year and all of Proviso will be served well.
Anonymous, at 11:32 AM, January 01, 2006
Why does Welch and Moore hate women so much?
Why do Welch and Moore always attack women?
Why do Welch and Moore try to destroy Black Women?
Look at there records,
1.Welch and Moore perpetual hate and perpetual war with Karen Yarbrough?
2.Welch and Moore's hate for I. Nicole Trottie!
3.Welch and Moore's hate for Theresa Kelly!
4. Welch and Moore's hate for Wanda Sharpe!
5.Welch and Moore's hate for Lightford!
6Welch and Moore hate Mary Mitchell's guts!
7. Welch and Moore even hate white and latina women,look how they double crossed Mary Herrel and Tina Alcaraz!
This pattern of abuse, of hatred for Women, especially strong,Intelligent women is rooted in there beliefs that women are to serve them or should be subserviant!
Noticed how Both Moore and Welch attended the Pimp ball last year in Maywood and this year refused to protest there presence in Maywood!
Noticed how Welch treats the women 209 board members? Even his own allies Matlock and Henry barely get noticed by Welch and have there ideas disregarded by Welch!
Noticed How Welch has refused to name a women President or vice-president of the Board at 209!
Coincidence? I don't think so,Those two individuals are angry and bitter men, who hate women, who would not tolerate a women telling them what to do, and who are probably extremely dangerous when alone with women,especially women who are in relationships with them!
As March 2006 will be the honorary month for Women's Independence, right to vote and the Month for Battered Women's awareness month, please remember to go vote against these Women haters, who are named Chris Welch and Eugene Moore!
Anonymous, at 5:19 PM, January 03, 2006
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