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Proviso Probe

Thursday, December 29, 2005

M06, GOP committeeman candidate screws-up

Pioneer Press (John Huston):
Proviso Township Republican Committeeman Rick Klaczynski said he had every intention of running for re-election, but got tied up at work as he watched the deadline pass.

How do you say "pathetic" in Republican?


  • Rich Klacznski is a coward and Manzo is all washed up! Those two want a be's and has been's, who never achomplished nothing in goverment are just a bunch of old ladies complaining, corruption, here, corruption there..!
    Both of those two clowns are king of corruptions, and both wish they could be like Chris Welch and Eugene Moore! What an excuse for not running, what next, do they really control Kathy Ryan!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:26 PM, December 30, 2005  

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