ED, Davis/Yarbrough west sub educator meeting
What can I say?
Davis & Yarbrough kicked-off the meeting. And then the superintendents spoke. Then audience members chimed in.
Oh, why hold back? I had a quibble with most of what people said.
Dr. Sue Bridge started off with the Oak Park liberal bullshit about agonizing over the learning gap. Dr. Bridge, how many years has Oak Park had a gap? Have you made progress? Do you understand what causes it? I'm getting tired of seeing affluent, educated "White" liberals try to outdo each other at handwringing. It's... offensive.
Dr. Willie Mack said some stuff that resonated. That's probably why District 88 isn't renewing his contract.
Libka prefaced his remarks by saying he "had not expected to speak." The meeting had the same format as the previous meeting in early 2004. I covered it for the Forest Park Review. It was the first time I met Emanuel Christopher Welch. So, if Libka has a beef with someone for sandbagging him, he should complain to Welch.
Also, three superintendents spoke before Libka. The guy should be able to adlib about his fucking job without notice, but he had the time provided by the three previous speakers to compose a couple thoughts.
Last time I saw Libka he was whining that people criticize him because it's a way of going after Welch.
Libka also made a fool of himself by mispronouncing "collegiality". He pronounced the "g" as in "gas" instead of as in "giant". It would be less embarassing if he had hit the word by accident. But he used it in describing his priorities for District 209. He wants to promote "collegiality" among teachers and staff. If you worked for Libka, how would you feel? You're working for an educator that can't correctly pronounce words that are supposed to be his priority agenda.
Dr. Phylistine Murphy complained about parents disagreeing with teachers and staff in front of students. She said the adults should present a unified front to the students.
Blaming parents was a common theme throughout the meeting. But Murphy almost made students sound like prisoners or the enemy.
Cynthia Broughton has a line, "It's turn around time in District 89." She advocated teachers loving students. Broughton seems like more of a passionate leader than a wonk.
I have much respect for Dr. Randy Tinder of Forest Park. He said the following of the No Child Left Behind Act:
He's right. Different parts of the GOP want to destroy public education for different reasons, but it's the party's consensus agenda.
However, I disagree with Tinder's thesis that unequal funding is the problem. Riverside-Brookfield spends less per student than District 209 and gets better results.
Mr. Jordan (?) of Lindop School District built on the education funding theme. He blamed tax caps and salaries. He didn't blame health care costs.
From the audience Barbara Coles made a good point about NCLB. It has raised the visibility of problems in education.
And on a humorous note, a woman who is a crossing guard at Circle and Jackson in Forest Park spoke. She wasn't holding the microphone close enough to her mouth. Congressman Davis told her, "Hold it like you're being intimate with it." She responded, "I don't have much experience with that."
I was neither impressed with the solutions advocated nor the understanding of the problems in education.
Davis & Yarbrough kicked-off the meeting. And then the superintendents spoke. Then audience members chimed in.
Oh, why hold back? I had a quibble with most of what people said.
Dr. Sue Bridge started off with the Oak Park liberal bullshit about agonizing over the learning gap. Dr. Bridge, how many years has Oak Park had a gap? Have you made progress? Do you understand what causes it? I'm getting tired of seeing affluent, educated "White" liberals try to outdo each other at handwringing. It's... offensive.
Dr. Willie Mack said some stuff that resonated. That's probably why District 88 isn't renewing his contract.
We are up against forces that do not have children uppermost in mind....
Don't go into the board room looking for peace; look for justice for the children.
Libka prefaced his remarks by saying he "had not expected to speak." The meeting had the same format as the previous meeting in early 2004. I covered it for the Forest Park Review. It was the first time I met Emanuel Christopher Welch. So, if Libka has a beef with someone for sandbagging him, he should complain to Welch.
Also, three superintendents spoke before Libka. The guy should be able to adlib about his fucking job without notice, but he had the time provided by the three previous speakers to compose a couple thoughts.
Last time I saw Libka he was whining that people criticize him because it's a way of going after Welch.
Libka also made a fool of himself by mispronouncing "collegiality". He pronounced the "g" as in "gas" instead of as in "giant". It would be less embarassing if he had hit the word by accident. But he used it in describing his priorities for District 209. He wants to promote "collegiality" among teachers and staff. If you worked for Libka, how would you feel? You're working for an educator that can't correctly pronounce words that are supposed to be his priority agenda.
Dr. Phylistine Murphy complained about parents disagreeing with teachers and staff in front of students. She said the adults should present a unified front to the students.
Blaming parents was a common theme throughout the meeting. But Murphy almost made students sound like prisoners or the enemy.
Cynthia Broughton has a line, "It's turn around time in District 89." She advocated teachers loving students. Broughton seems like more of a passionate leader than a wonk.
I have much respect for Dr. Randy Tinder of Forest Park. He said the following of the No Child Left Behind Act:
The goal of this law is to destroy public education.
He's right. Different parts of the GOP want to destroy public education for different reasons, but it's the party's consensus agenda.
However, I disagree with Tinder's thesis that unequal funding is the problem. Riverside-Brookfield spends less per student than District 209 and gets better results.
Mr. Jordan (?) of Lindop School District built on the education funding theme. He blamed tax caps and salaries. He didn't blame health care costs.
From the audience Barbara Coles made a good point about NCLB. It has raised the visibility of problems in education.
And on a humorous note, a woman who is a crossing guard at Circle and Jackson in Forest Park spoke. She wasn't holding the microphone close enough to her mouth. Congressman Davis told her, "Hold it like you're being intimate with it." She responded, "I don't have much experience with that."
I was neither impressed with the solutions advocated nor the understanding of the problems in education.
Carl, I think you may have jumped the shark on this one
The Naval officer who you now resemble the best is Captain Queeg
"Where's My Oranges, Where's My Oranges"
"Lipka can't prounce a Word, Lipka has terrible Diction"
Anonymous, at 7:22 AM, November 30, 2005
Yarbrough has done this dog and pony show for at least the last three years, and you're right, she still doesn't have an understanding of the issues effecting our schools. I saw Welch's platform on cars after the event, and he clearly understands the issues. We don't need to raise taxes. Just enforce the laws already on the books. If lottery money is suppose to go to education, then it should go to education.
Anonymous, at 7:47 AM, November 30, 2005
You clearly don't understand the plight of education in our communities. When parents are sending kids to schools unprepared, school districts like ours have to be parent, teacher, baby sitter, etc. That means before school programs, during school programs and after school programs cost money. Mandatory tutoring, summer school, etc all cost money. Kids in Riverside-Brookfield have parental involvement at home because both parents are not working two jobs just to make ends meet. Kids in that district come to high school prepared. If you are going to criticize the problems, you should understand them. After reading Welch's platform, I think Welch clearly understands the issues effecting education and you and Karen do not.
Anonymous, at 7:52 AM, November 30, 2005
Carl, Did you read the Forest Park Review today? How can Proviso High Schools prepare kids to test well when they have children reading, speaking and doing math at 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade levels Carl. The numbers don't lie. The only way for the high school to stay away from the blame game is to have the money to deal with the problems. Those kids need extra help where ever they can get it. They also need more money to attract more experienced teachers Carl. For someone who claims to be so intelligent, you really don't know diddly.
Anonymous, at 10:03 AM, November 30, 2005
What would happen if District 209 got more money? Would Moore's EMM commission double? Would Nunzio get to log another $30,000 per year of overtime? Maybe a few more Welch, Sloan, Henry relatives could be given $46,000/year jobs?
What's the lottery money used for now? Are you willing to cut those programs to send more money to the cronies Eugene Moore?
People who say there's a money-for-nothing solution are usually ignorant liars or dishonest fools.
I don't understand the problem? There was tons of consensus to blame the parents in that room. What has your solution of blaming the parents achieved?
What is your evidence that Proviso needs more money to retain teachers? Has Proviso surveyed its teachers or former teachers on what did and didn't provide job satisfaction?
Carl Nyberg, at 10:21 AM, November 30, 2005
BTW, I'm revising my opinion of Cynthia Broughton's presentation.
Her goal of getting all 3rd graders at or above grade level seems specific enough to be possible. Her plan for District 89 made at least as much sense as any of the plans articulated for the other districts.
Carl Nyberg, at 12:31 PM, November 30, 2005
Anonymous, at 3:54 PM, November 30, 2005
Are you aware that Charles Flowers paid Arnie Bryant $5,000 for "advertisements" on his radio show while he was Board President in District 89? Are you aware Theresa Kelly did the same thing in District 209? Are you aware that Arnie Bryant's close, personal friend Trudy Luckett works at Proviso and was hired by Mrs. Kelly. She is extremely incompetent, but former Superintendent Greg Jackson just shuffled her around from department to department. Are you also aware Arnie Bryant's brother Ron Bryant worked for Proviso, but once Jackson was let go, he walked away because he knew he was also incompetent? Are you aware that Mrs. Kelly's god daughter is Proviso West English teacher Ami Relf? Are you aware that Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Relf take extravagant trips at district expense every year? They just got back from Detroit Carl, and they didn't file any reports or anything. Are you going to report this information Carl?
Anonymous, at 4:35 PM, November 30, 2005
Looks like we all have been wrong these past months?
I for one was not aware that T. Kelly did all these things!! Did you know Carl?
Thanks to the real truth by "the real truth" we now know that we "all" been misled by Ms. Kelly.
When I see her on the street, at church and at 209 Board meetings, the only descriptive words that will keep repeating themselves in my mind over and over and over again, explaining Kelly’s character in my mind will be…
Corruption, Dishonesty, Fraud, Unscrupulous, Deceitful
What a terrible disposition to go through life with!
P.S. Ms Kelly, Can you get me a job too?
Anonymous, at 6:42 PM, November 30, 2005
By the way Carl, you demeaned Libka so much about his speech on Tuesday, are you going to write about how Yarbrough lied about being on the Education Committee when she took a trip to Italy? She has never served on the Education Committee, and she blatantly lied at the Town Hall meeting. Is that the kind of person we want serving us?
Anonymous, at 10:26 PM, November 30, 2005
Usually I expect, but never appreciate or respond to
solicitation placed under my windshield.
Often, inexperienced businesses try to lure customers
to their establishments with a "to good to be true"
promotional offer.
Last night, I returned to my car to find a "flyer"
stuck in my windshield, which I ignored until this
morning (I also noticed them on other cars). Upon
closer inspection it was a brochure for Emanuel Chris
Welsh for 7th State Rep. This is probably not news to
you and was probably the topic of "brief" discussion
already, but I was ticked.
Candidates are asking for the people's trust and
endorsement. I respect candidates that look you in
the eye and shake your hand and state their intention
(in broad day light); I will even give a look to a
candidates mailer.
We all have enough people wasting our times (like mine
today, but that is another story),but when a candidate
for office shows up to a education meeting late, I
give them the benefit of the doubt that they were
running from another meeting not hanging out in the
parking lot under the cover of night putting campaign
flyers on windowshields.
Anonymous, at 10:44 PM, November 30, 2005
Thanks for the low down “The Real Truth”
You sure opened our eyes!
Corrupt, Dishonest, Fraud, Unscrupulous, Deceitful
My goodness!!! What's next? Are we going to find out that T. Kelly has been fooling "around" with that xenophobic Frank Yanez from Melrose Park?
Is that her Melrose “connection”?
How about a job for “ME” Mrs. "willing to take $$ From the public any time" Kelly?
I may not be a neighbor or relative but at least I'll promise to show up for work!
Anonymous, at 11:00 PM, November 30, 2005
Carl, does anyone on this blog tell the truth?
Some of these comments are so stupid so I guess they come from stupid people.
A jackass can research and find out the truth but, an asshole just tells lies.
Fact: Flowers never paid Bryant for a damn thing.
Fact: Yarbrough served on the Education Committee for two terms-(Even I know how to look that up)
Fact:Ami Relf is not Kelly god-daughter-- but the principal at west is Chrissy Welches
Fact: Kids are failing at 209/East and West (I can read too)
Fact: Nobody gives a damn about the kids at east or west or some of that $14,000 per child would be spent on them in step of Moores insurance contract for doing nothing and jobs and contracts for outsiders like Bruno.
Welch is a fraud and drug the district down to an all time low. I try not to be negative but this is positive compared to what I've read here.
Anonymous, at 11:09 PM, November 30, 2005
Hey Carl, the schools are such a mess in Proviso! Proviso was such a great school when Manzo ran the board, the test scores were higher by a large percentage, people were happier, and you had stable administrators in charge! Manzo brought in qualified indivduals and allowed them to do there work without interfering! All the policies created under Manzo, are the only things working currently in Proviso, eventhough Welch has tried to destroy his legacy! Welch wishes he can be like Manzo, but he can never be, because Mike had brains,looks, charisma, and most inportantly he cared about 209 and the children! Welch is fat,bald,corrupt and stupid! Hey Welch that is not a good way to go through life(Fat,Bald,and Stupid)!
Anonymous, at 9:41 AM, December 01, 2005
Let's draft Mike Manzo to come back to Proviso! I agree with the previous blogger. He did care about the kids and wasn't a tyrant as President. Under Manzo and company the test scores weren't in the toilet and he did want to build a Magnet school(15K) but not at the whopping 40K price that Welch did. Welch through his arrogance, lack of leadership and greed cost the taxpayers an extra 25K for he and Moore's cronies.
Manzo could turn this thing around if given the opportunity.
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM, December 01, 2005
Settle Down Yanez
Take the Little Yellow Pill now
Anonymous, at 10:46 AM, December 01, 2005
Everbody Hates Chris said:
Chris are you mad that Yarbrough has so many people in her corner. Why are you throwing stones at others. People that live in glass fragile houses should not throw stones. Did Daniel and Ashley get their $82,000 check for one month worth of work? Did Moore get his $160,000 payment. Chris people see right through you. What about your brother working at West as a janitor. I just got information that he has a "tainted" background (former criminal), and also your tattoo neck wearing cousin who is a security gaurd at Proviso West. I came to a board meeting and was shocked to see that Proviso hires former expelled students. Maybe the community needs to check if she graduated from Proviso or was expelled! These people are in contact with children daily, but maybe they have turned their lives around. NOT! What about your cousin who is now in hiding? Didn't she work at West as a security guard. Or let's not forget the cafeteria worker. Is that all you can do is get menial jobs for your relatives. Oh, I forgot Alexis "Racist" Wallace is the principal and her sister is the Head dean. The Hispanics are coming for them, let's see what you do to rescue them from this one.
Chris Everbody Hates you including yourself. A person that acts like you and does the dirty things you do must can't like themselves.
Give it up chump, you are an amateur in this game. You are just being used and abused, similiar to how they will treat you in jail. Go take your Prozac and your Midol. Maybe that will lessen the butty smacken you gone get in March!
WHO HATES CHRIS? and the crowd responded "EVERBODY DOES"!
Anonymous, at 11:28 AM, December 01, 2005
If you're going to allege criminal activity you need to back it up with details.
If you're going to allege someone is involved in an insurance scam, you need to provide details that can be independently confirmed or refuted.
I will delete posts that make baseless allegations of criminal activity.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:37 PM, December 01, 2005
What is sad is that Welch has so many demons that he is fighting that he doesn't know where they are coming from, because he has done so much malicious harm to others. The people in the community have woke up and now realize the harm he his done. I will pray for the lost soul and hopes that he ask for forgiveness. If it is in jail or hell I hope that he ask for forgiveness. "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you" I guess Welch was not taught that golden rule. Or better yet "people that live by the sword die by the sword".
Let us bow our heads in prayer for Welch and hope that he does not win the election for state rep in March.
Anonymous, at 7:11 PM, December 01, 2005
Comin4YA said,
Comin4Ya2 please try and get an original name and don't bite off of the original COMIN4YA! I bet you are a Welch lover and were on last month's district 209 agenda. What job did he promise you! How much do you make? Are you a janitor or security? Maybe you are his Fluky God Mothers Wallace's next relative that will be put on the agenda. Hurry up and tell Welch to hire everyone he can before March adn don't forget to pay those advertising bills.
Anonymous, at 7:16 PM, December 01, 2005
Carl, you are so obvious. Do you know your support for Yarbrough actually turns voters away from her? Did you know that deleting comments about her, Kelly and Flowers lessens your credibility? Did you know that Yarbrough is really being investigated? Did you know that Kelly did hire her son Dwon Kelly to work at Proviso while she was board president? He worked at the Christmas tournament and was paid to work PE and PW Homecomings a couple years ago? $14,000 for four hours of work. Are you aware that Kelly's next door neighbor Ronald Craine works for Proviso West as a janitor? Craine's wife worked with Kelly at Commonwealth Edison? Are you aware the Proviso West Night Security Manager Luther Curtis also has a Kelly connection? His wife worked with her at Commonwealth Edison also. Are you aware that Kelly's god daughter is PW English Teacher Ami Relf? She was fired in District 88 because she is incompetent, but now she's a tenured teacher in 209. Are you aware Relf is paid a stipend for work that she never does? Are you aware Kelly has taken over 25 trips at tax payer expense, and she has taken Relf, Arbdella "Della" Patterson, Greg Jackson or Kelvin Gilchrist with her on most of them? Are you aware Kelly doesn't submit receipts? It seems all of the people who are corrupt, unethical and deceitful, including you Carl, are with Yarbrough. Go Yarbrough.
Anonymous, at 12:34 PM, December 02, 2005
Real Truth,
You're an asshole.
You don't even care what's right and what's wrong. Most of the stuff you allege--even if true--is neither illegal nor unethical.
If you have information, send it to me. But I'll bet you're full of shit.
Carl Nyberg, at 2:56 PM, December 02, 2005
Don't pass rumors of infidelity.
They will be deleted.
Carl Nyberg, at 3:16 PM, December 04, 2005
Hey Arnie, the truth hurts, doesn't it? If you can't stand the heat, get out the kitchen. Is your lover Carl going to always delete truthful posts about you? You two are a perfect match for you.
Anonymous, at 9:27 PM, December 04, 2005
Hey Yanez, Arnie, Wicks, Dorris, Graham, Trottie, Della, Charles, Lucille and Amy, you all are so pathetic. Get a life and stop picking on Welch because he didn't give you what you wanted. You are all losers and you are working for a loser. Go Yarbrough.
Anonymous, at 2:53 PM, December 05, 2005
hey five head. you are going down in more ways than one. you will regret the decisions you have made. punk.
Anonymous, at 4:12 PM, December 05, 2005
crome dome you are a loser. you have no idea who this is, and i'm comin4ya2 punk!
Anonymous, at 4:13 PM, December 05, 2005
Read the entry about spin-off pseudonyms.
I'm going to enforce it because it's hard to tell the difference between all the similar pseudonyms.
Carl Nyberg, at 11:14 AM, December 06, 2005
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