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Proviso Probe

Monday, November 28, 2005

CRIME, Nowakowski disappearance [M]

Chritina Nowakowski, aka Christina Esparza, is still missing.

From the comments and the email exchanges and phone calls, there are many allegations of abuse against Paul Esparza. One family member said Christina Nowakowski tried leaving eight or nine times between 1968 and 2000.

Paul's defenders claim there was no abuse, attack the family members making allegations or cite the abusers seeking financial assistance from Paul.

The discussions have generated many comments. The October 26, 2005 entry generated six comments. The October 28, 2005 discussion generated four comments. The November 7, 2005 discussion generated 226 comments. And the November 13, 2005 discussion generated 19 comments.

I've made it so none of these threads can take new comments. Instead new comments should be made under this entry. The thread with 226 comments became unwieldy.

I request that people use a pseudonym when posting to Proviso Probe. If people use "anonymous" it gets difficult to follow the discussion. I haven't enforced this rule in the Nowakowski discussions, because I know many of the people posting are her relatives and unfamiliar with how blogs works.

But please try to make an effort to include a pseudonym when you post your comments. Thanks.