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Proviso Probe

Thursday, November 10, 2005

ED, "adequate yearly progress" means what? [D89]

Pioneer Press (John Huston) covers the "Adequate Yearly Progess" marks, but I'm somewhat confused.

Is AYP a standard determined by the past year's results? How is it calculated?


  • Hillside's only prob is that the disabled kids aren't scoring high enough.

    Maybe it's because... they're disabled?

    But maybe I'm the one missing something....

    By Blogger Carl Nyberg, at 6:16 PM, November 10, 2005  

  • This whole NCLB law is ridiculous. Take as an example physical education. The NCLB law states that EVERY child will meet standards. Could every child climb a rope to the top of the gym? Could every child hit 5 strikes in a row? Of course not. How can a law expect ALL children to reach the top? ESL and special ed. kids will always have lower scores. Suppose a kid just moved here from Mex...How high do you think he could score on a test in English?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7:43 PM, November 10, 2005  

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