District 209 critics attempt to organize
Bill Kirchner, a Forest Park resident who was on the recently dissolved Proviso Township High Schools advisory committee, is organizing a meeting of citizens, parents, taxpayers, etc. to discuss District 209 issues.
Where? Forest Park Public Library, Jackson & Des Plaines, northeast corner
When? Wednesday, August 8,6:30-8:00 6:00-8:30PM
The core group of people organizing the meeting are the recently dissolved advisory committee and the recently dissolved committee organizing the foundation. Both groups were selected by former superintendent Stan Fields, so it will be interesting to see how these pro-Fields critics of the school board work with the anti-Fields critics of the school board.
According to Kirchner, someone from the core group is already in contact with the Illinois Superintendent of Education. The office of the superintendent has indicated an openness to get involved in Proviso Township High Schools, perhaps in a way adversarial to the board of education, if the superintendent receives a written complaint with specific and serious charges.
So, if you want the superintendent of education to get involved, come to the meeting with your complaints of misconduct and mismanagement made as specifically as possible, in writing, so they can be combined into a single list.
I don't know anything about the Illinois Superintedent of Education Christopher A. Koch, EdD, but I'm glad Sen. Kimberly Lightford was not appointed to this position. I strongly suspect that she would have bent over backwards not to rock the boat for board president Emanuel "Chris" Welch and his political allies.
[UPDATE: Below is an outline of a grievance to be submitted to the Illinois superintendent of education. Please try to fit your grievances against District 209 and the board of education into these areas.
[End update]
Where? Forest Park Public Library, Jackson & Des Plaines, northeast corner
When? Wednesday, August 8,
The core group of people organizing the meeting are the recently dissolved advisory committee and the recently dissolved committee organizing the foundation. Both groups were selected by former superintendent Stan Fields, so it will be interesting to see how these pro-Fields critics of the school board work with the anti-Fields critics of the school board.
According to Kirchner, someone from the core group is already in contact with the Illinois Superintendent of Education. The office of the superintendent has indicated an openness to get involved in Proviso Township High Schools, perhaps in a way adversarial to the board of education, if the superintendent receives a written complaint with specific and serious charges.
So, if you want the superintendent of education to get involved, come to the meeting with your complaints of misconduct and mismanagement made as specifically as possible, in writing, so they can be combined into a single list.
I don't know anything about the Illinois Superintedent of Education Christopher A. Koch, EdD, but I'm glad Sen. Kimberly Lightford was not appointed to this position. I strongly suspect that she would have bent over backwards not to rock the boat for board president Emanuel "Chris" Welch and his political allies.
[UPDATE: Below is an outline of a grievance to be submitted to the Illinois superintendent of education. Please try to fit your grievances against District 209 and the board of education into these areas.
I.D209 board members have used their positions to advance their personal interests
II.D209 has taken actions that cost the taxpayers money but failed to deliver value
III.D209 has harmed the education of students
IV.D209 has engaged in other unlawful behavior
V.D209 board members have engaged in other illegal or unethical behavior
VI.The normal checks and balances have broken down at D209
VII.School board elections have not been conducted in a free and fair manner or in compliance with Illinois election law.
VIII.Political campaigns connected with school board president Emanuel “Chris” Welch have raised an unprecedented amount from school vendors, creating the appearance of kickback campaign contributions.
IX.The board of education has consistently failed to deliver and implement either a plan to improve test scores or eliminate deficit spending
X.Because of the ongoing federal criminal prosecution we suspect the board president and other key District 209 leaders are focused on saving themselves in the next few months, not improving the district's fiscal outlook and test scores in the next few years.
XI.D209 has taken actions that generally reflect incompetence of the board or administration.
XII.D209 provides information that is inaccurate, withholds information that is important, refuses to answer relevant questions or otherwise makes it difficult for citizens to know what’s happening in the district
[End update]
Labels: Bill Kirchner, District 209
Here are my problems with this process. Don't you think any dialogue between the community and the board will be obscured by usual streams of lies and smokescreens from the mouths of the board president, the board secretary and the most recent board member? I also don't have any confidence in Theresa Kelly having any clue about what's going on because she was a total dizt when she presided over running Proviso schools into the ground. Danny Adams may be the x-factor on the side of reason but he won't speak his true mind in public. Bob Cox may be too new to provide meaningful insights.
If you connect the dots it's obvious Chris Welch and Gene Moore got fed-up with Stan Fields fighting them on their political hirings and sweetheart contracts. Fields, like Cox, probably went along for the ride early on when they believed the bullshit Welch was feeding them about him (Welch) being the victim of unfair persecution and personal attacks. My guess on what happened was probably Fields pushed back on Welch for the patronage and politics getting in the way of Fields plan to improve the schools. Everyone's heard you don't push Welch and boss Moore. Fields then got 86'ed along with his big plans for Proviso. Enter Libka (are you kidding me??) and the Moore mob has its boy back to serve their interests.
I won't waste my time talking to this bogus board. I want to see them all removed by the state. Give back the support of our teachers and students that Fields supported.
Anonymous, at 10:59 AM, August 07, 2007
The only marked improvements in recent years in District 209 was under Theresa Kelly's tenure as board president.
Ask the Illinoins State Board of Education...
They gave her an award for it...
Anonymous, at 11:32 AM, August 07, 2007
Instead of focusing on the who of the situation try to focus on the what of the situation.
Carl Nyberg, at 11:41 AM, August 07, 2007
steve said: And wasn't it Teresa Kelly whose relative played at one of Proviso East's dances? From what I understand, Kelly told the principal to cancel the band they had hired and hire Kelly's relatives instead.
Oh and wasn't it Teresa Kelly who hired the infamous Chris Head. How much did that cost the dist. in lawsuits..hmmm..let me see, Mark Schneider got a nice chunk as well as the person Head replaced in the camera room.
Teresa Kelly is just like all the rest of them, a crook!
Anonymous, at 1:17 PM, August 07, 2007
This situation surpasses typical irony...
Bill Kirchner’s quest to revenge the ousting of his friend Stan Fields will prove to be a public embarrassment for him and his team. Stan Fields, by his own free-will chose to be a political hack for Eugene Moore and Chris Welch….and now that he’s canned…Bill wants revenge. Go figure…
Stan Fields helped Chris Welch facilitate each and every action that is outlined in the grievance to be submitted to the Illinois Superintendent of Schools. He too is guilty of the exact same thing Bill is accusing the school board of doing. As Superintendent, Stan walked lock-step and hand in hand with Welch and Moore. He assisted in hiring known political hacks…such as Carla Johnson. He helped Moore, Welch and Sue Henry bring in Brian Cross in a way that gives new meaning to impropriety. Stan gave a no-bid contract to his friend Scott Schroeder at Technivista, which for the year, will cost taxpayer $500,000 to 1.2 million. Stan has refused to give full disclosure or we would know the true cost of the contract and maintenance.
Stan Fields has been a player in the Moore and Welch camp from the day he started…and now that he is no longer welcomed and needed by these crooks, we should expunge all of his wrong doings and march to glory in his name! I think not!
This couldn’t have happened to a more deserving and corrupt individual. If I was Bill…I would fall back and chill. Bill…please realize that once your hand is played you will not be able to pull it back. You will be haunted by the substandard moral and ethical challenges that will be attributed to you based on your relationship with Fields.
In the end…Do you really want to be known as the man who stood up and fought for a felonious individual? If so, please continue your course…In the end, I enjoy watching people eat crow!
Anonymous, at 4:05 PM, August 07, 2007
Your facts are wrong...but thanks for playing...
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, August 07, 2007
I think Bill Kirchner is naive. He does not see that Stan Fields was using him and the entire "advisory committee" as a sham for legitimacy. Stan Fields is just as bad as Welch, Moore and Serpcio. I saw Stan Fields at regular meetings with Welch and Serpico at the Golden Steer in Forest Park. They always huddled up in a corner, and appeared to be cutting deals. It also appears that Fields got his way just as much as Welch. Fields got to hire all of his friends and cronies like Scott Schroeder and Glen Gerard, and Welch got to hire his family and girlfriends. I think he has six or seven working at Proviso. Fields does too. Fields was often seen with his gorgeous secretary Sharon leaving the office or not leaving the office. Fields is just like Welch. A crook. And Bill Kirchner and his posse will all have egg on their faces.
Anonymous, at 4:26 PM, August 07, 2007
Theresa Kelly had her nephew's serve as DJ's for the dances at East and West. The Student Council did not have the money to play that price, so it came out of the principal's budget...Oh, these were the same boneheads that destroyed that fencing around the track which had to be replaced.
Good try...don't let the door hit you as you collect your prize for being...wrong.
Anonymous, at 8:58 PM, August 07, 2007
The following post has information that is useful, although the original version of the post was under a name that was disrespectful of a public figure.--CGN
I think people are getting off focus. Bill Kirchner and the supt. advisory committee was useless and did nothing to improve Proviso or stop the illegal actions of Board President Welch or Stan Fields. How long has this committee been in existence and why was it not open to all parents and citizens of the community?
Kirchner is making a big mistake! What will happen is that parents and citizens will attend this meeting and attack the advisory committee.
This advisory committee included mostly relatives or workers of Gene Moore. Take Curtis Montgomery,(brother of former asst. principal at West, Frank Montgomery)he is a relative of Gene Moore and his daughter works for Moore at the Recorder's office. Did she attend Proviso? No, she went to a private high school. What about Quinton Woods? Also, a worker for Moore at the Recoder's Office. So my point is, I question the integrity of the people on this "made up" advisory committee. Let's not forget Larry Howard and his wife. Now they are mad because Moore and Welch used them both and now have thrown them away like garbage, similar to how they treated Fields. Where were Mr. and Mrs. Howard when Fields spent $500,000 on a website or Gene Moore was getting paid over $200,000 on brokerage fees? That entire advisory committee, besides Dr. Sykes and Babara Cole, ARE FULL OF IT!
I agree, the firing of Stan Fields was needed, but the problem goes much deeper than Fields. It dates back to when the community elected Welch in 2001. Welch has been instrumental in the firing of three supts. at district 88, two in district 89, and now three in 209. I didn't graduate from Harvard, but CONNECT THE DOTS PEOPLE! Welch is the PROBLEM! He has done nothing in his tenure as a board member and lawyer for 88 and now 89. HIs focus has been on jobs and contracts.
Welch HAS NO SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The State Board of Ed. needs to CLEAN HOUSE with WELCH first, then HENRY, and make their way to CROSS, ADAMS, and FOREMAN!
Cox seems to see the light and Kelly has always shined a light upon Fields, Libka, Welch, and the board majority's unethical, immoral, and yes ILLEGAL actions.
Let's not get it twisted!
Carl Nyberg, at 10:22 PM, August 07, 2007
Carl the last point hit it on the head. Stan Fields is nothing more than a hack. Let's use our bullets for someone who should matter. Fields came in here on a 4-3 vote. That vote is a clear indication that it was a brokered political deal. He then said he would unite the board, and all he did from the first meeting on was pick fights with Kelly and Flowers. Fields then got all of his friends from Mundelein contracts. Let's count them: 1) Technivista (Scott Schroeder), 2) Foundation Consultants (Glen Gerard), 3) Xerox Corporation, 4), Attorney A. Lynn Himes, 5)and many others that are currently doing all the renovation work at East and West. Did you know that Schroeder's wife was on the Mundelein board when she and Fields gave Schroeder the contract to build Mundelein's website? Did you know the community was in such an uproar after that that Schroeder's wife resigned from the board? Come on people. Controvery follows Fields. Stop wasting your time and energy on this clown.
Anonymous, at 11:01 PM, August 07, 2007
Ummmm...Theresa Kelly Dosen't a have nephew...
Try again please...
Anonymous, at 6:39 AM, August 08, 2007
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