ED, Westchester schools meet NCLB standards [D 92.5]
Proviso Herald (Chris LaFortune):
Does this mean the No Child Left Behind Act is working for Westchester elementary schools?
Westchester elementary schools achieved yearly progress targets set under No Child Left Behind on state tests last school year.
Schools are still waiting for state report card data, Westchester School District 92 1/2 Superintendent Myra Sanders said, but the district was notified it and its schools met progress targets on last spring's Illinois Standards Achievement Test.
On the 2006 ISAT, at least 47.5 percent of students tested needed to meet or exceed state standards in math and reading to make what is termed "adequate yearly progress" under No Child Left Behind.
Does this mean the No Child Left Behind Act is working for Westchester elementary schools?
Greetings, Was not too sure where to stick this, maybe you can touch on the subject. There is supposed to be a "Social Club" opening in Westchester by Michael Manzo on the former site of Cafe 38. Any idea what a "social club" might entail?
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM, January 25, 2007
If it has anything to do with Manzo, it can't be good. He is a liar, a cheat, and a thief.....good luck Westchester in trying to deal with him again. this guy needs to get a real job or go behind bars (Real Metal Ones) not his former failed attempt of Cafe 38 BAR.
Anonymous, at 3:28 PM, January 25, 2007
this does not mean that NCLB is working for Westchester. NCLB is terrible legislation throughout the Nation. This simply means that Westchester does not have as many or almost none of the many sub-groups that our inner city schools and larger Villages with a more diverse student population. Case in point, Oak Park just went on the list due to one of the many sub-groups.Not to put down the great job Westchester Middle is doing with children. Keep up the good work.
Anonymous, at 4:19 PM, January 25, 2007
Don Sloan, why in the hell are you so mad with Mike Manzo? Is it because he refused to give your wife a six figure job at Proviso 209 when he was board president?
Why did your best friend and ally, Chris Welch not give your wifea six figure salry job? Yes, we know he took care of you by hiring your best friend, and your nephew and a few other family members and friends at 209, but jeez why are you so up in Manzo's bussiness???
Manzo owns a bussiness in your "changing town", which is becoming more and more resembling Bellwood, than Elmhurst, and yet you attack him for trying to make the town a bit better. At least Manzo did'nt try to get ordinances changed in Westchester,like you and Angelo and Donny Luciano and Paul Gattusso tried to do, so Melrsoe Park and and Bruno and Serpico could then open up and Adult bookstore and Strip joint!
Hey, Sloan, Manzo did'nt even try to open a "Sloanie's" stand in the Westchester fun fest like you or any other funfests, such as Melrose Park, just like you have!
Sloan, grow up and learn to shut up, also stop trying to defeat Vicink and Mazzullo and Yarbrough and Fox,Casey and Genova, because your only worth 7 votes in Westchester!
Anonymous, at 7:01 PM, January 25, 2007
Ms. Coffee says: Did you see the President's speech? Nancy Pelosi was sitting behind Bush when he asked for reauthorization of NCLB and school choice. She wrinkled up her face and she didn't clap. Maybe our new Democratic congress will put a stop to the NCLB. The law doesn't give schools any credit for progress, only if they reach the goals. Also, as "Ihate NCLB " said, one subgroup can trash a whole school.
Anonymous, at 9:51 PM, January 25, 2007
You couldnt be more off base.....I actually do know who Don Sloan is and he isnt me.
First, I'm a woman, second, I know plenty of people in town,some of them go into CAFE 38 (when it was open) and could NEVER order food...they didnt serve any. they only served alcohol. If thats not a bar, what is..??? Manzo tries to skirt around any legal means he can to get his way and he gets caught. He has been that way since (and here is a CLUE) I WENT TO HIGH SCHOOL WITH HIM. He is full of himself and his hairpiece.
Do something honest in your life Michael...or at least try. BTW, what kind of "social club" are you looking to open???? Are women aloud? Probably not.
Also, MIKE - didnt your father work for 209 at one point in time....I bet it was OK for him wasnt it?
Very two-faced.
Anonymous, at 11:17 PM, January 25, 2007
honestly, why do so many people in westchester have a problem with there actually being a bar in town. now i understand that its currently not allowed and i also understand that some people might not like mike manzo but who really walked in there looking for a good meal? i mean people act outraged about them not serving food but then these same people will be at edens all night drinking or go to palmers in lagrange and only get drinks when it is supposed to be with a meal. whats the big deal if westchester actually had a bar or two in its town? they love comparing themselves to lagrange and elmhurst and will go there for drinks but as soon as someone wants to do that in their town its an uproar. liquor tax is a great source of revenue for communities and it does not automatically mean problem places if governed correctly. additionally, does anyone know what happened to the westchester blog?
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM, January 26, 2007
Don't post under "anonymous"; use a pseudonym. You've been warned.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:04 AM, January 26, 2007
Carl, I am having a problem getting a psuedo-name / identity- it is a computer iassue on my end...please post this and I will try to do it when I get home tonight - I promise....Thank you.
Strictly my opinion: It isnt as much that Mr Manzo had a bar....it is that he LIED about what it was to the village, he lied about serving food (which is what the Liquor License REQUIRES)and then he blames everyone else for him problems. If all of the other restaurants in town (Rockys, Giordanos, etc) have to follow it and dont have a problem doing so, why is he above it all? He's NOT.
He just wants to do whatever HE wants to do. Melrose Park wouldnt let him do it either, thats why he left. Westchester shouldnt either.
He is like a spoiled brat who always wants to get his way...time for him to grow up. I, personally, have no problem with a local pub or two to go to, but DONT LIE.
Anyone who supports HIM or GETS supported by him are part of the same...REMEMBER: Sleep with the dogs and you will get fleas.
Anonymous, at 10:29 AM, January 26, 2007
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