GOV, Monday's board meeting [D209]
Proviso Probe covered the meeting.
But you can get other perspectives from Pioneer Press (John Huston) and Forest Park Review (Seth Stern).
Pioneer Press:
Forest Park Review:
But you can get other perspectives from Pioneer Press (John Huston) and Forest Park Review (Seth Stern).
Pioneer Press:
The District 209 School Board was scheduled to vote on switching its attorney Monday night, but minutes into the meeting the item was yanked from the agenda.
It was a Melrose Park-centered issue.
Board member and Melrose Park resident Gary Marine admitted placing the item to replace the law firm of Odelson & Sterk, which has represented the District 209 Board since 2001, with Giglio & Del Galdo -- village attorneys for Melrose Park.
Marine is also employed by the village of Melrose Park.
Forest Park Review:
Out of the 66 items on the agenda at the Proviso High School District 209 school board meeting Monday night, the one that drew the most attention was the one that was not even voted upon.
That item was a proposal to remove the law firm Odelson and Sterk as the school district’s general counsel and replace them with the firm Giglio and Del Galdo, LLP.
At the outset of the meeting, after emerging from a closed session meeting that lasted nearly two hours, board President Chris Welch announced that the item had been pulled from the agenda at the request of board member Gary Marine.
Over Marine’s objections, Welch said that he would allow public comment regarding the issue during the portion of the meeting typically reserved for comment concerning items on the agenda. Burt Odelson of Odelson and Sterk then proceeded to blast Marine, who requested that the item be placed on the agenda in the first place.
Having a phone is what all board members have in 88, 89 and 209. even trustees have phones. The trustees in Bellwood are given free gas. It comes with the territory. It is apart of the position.
I don't see people upset about LIBKA EMBELZELLING $9,000 from the district to pay for his schooling. He is not certified to be the CEO, he does not have the education, smarts, the know how, and is JUST A BIG DUMB ROCK! He did not get board approval to to go to the bank and withdraw $9,000.
This is just another example how Welch will jump for Whitey at the expesene of his own people. Libka is a under cover racist and Welch knowningly supports him.
Anonymous, at 10:11 PM, April 27, 2006
Easy, Easy, Take Her Easy
Cut the Racist Crap Please
Anonymous, at 11:50 PM, April 27, 2006
ginko says: Seems to me the school functioned better when the Board was WHITE and most of the people running it were WHITE. Play the race card if you want, but keep that in mind. All the people who are screwing up Proviso seem to be BLACK. Hmmm.
Anonymous, at 6:43 AM, April 28, 2006
Dear Anonymous6:43
UR right. Hey, I am black.But, guess what black folks aint running nothing yet, it is still "You People"-the white boys. The problem is when you all were running it, your children were in the schools and the majority of you all were still living in the community. Now, you white boys are just pimping the community. Until, you guys get the hell out of OUR community and go some where like Elmhurst - across the expressway- maybe we want have the Libkas, the Pascales, the Serpico all the white boys who have a bunch of house niggers helping them. Because, I know and you know and everybody reading these comments know, that the white boys do not give a shit about blacks, they are just in the neighborhood to get their hands on some contracts/jobs. I call these white boys, reject white boys, because they could not pull that shit in white communties -like Elmhurst. Black folks need to wake up and recognize and get these crackers out of our business. Hey, Carl, don't your hippy ass delete this.
Anonymous, at 9:43 PM, April 28, 2006
Wow that was really Disgusting
It proves the mentality of some folks
It's truly quite a shame
It's really Shameful how some people have to stoop to that level
Anonymous, at 10:21 PM, April 28, 2006
My guess is that the "racist crap" seen here and on other blogger sites simply enables the discontented to vent what is a serious case of anger and frustration, the kind that warps and negatively alters many of relations and responsibilities we share in relations towards others.
It's almost as if such people are borderline pathological, taking what's happening inside their own heads to be reflective of the actual reality in a situation. I think they're sick.
The tendency may be that they see themselves as right or justified in their views. Most their protestations are absent of any logic, even utterly ridiculous, yet they do get the benefit of speaking their mind.
However misguided, these virtual "drive-bys" offer the advantage of the precluding more serious activity on the part of the "perp". In that respect I appreciate venues such as Proviso Probe.
Anonymous, at 8:07 AM, April 29, 2006
From the Chicago Tribune editorial
Ryan has claimed all along that he did nothing wrong, and that he knew nothing about the crimes of his compatriots. His evident attitude toward his own corrupt acts mirrored the phrase his lawyer frequently used during the trial's closing arguments: "Who cares?" Twelve jurors cared. Twelve jurors, acting for the 12 million people of Illinois. Twelve jurors devoted to the notion - plainly novel to Ryan - that citizens are entitled to the honest services of the public officials they elect to office.
Lead Prosecutor Patrick Collins
"Whether you're the dogcatcher or the governor, you are elected to do work for the citizens," said lead prosecutor Patrick Collins in another post-verdict news conference. "This duty of honest services is not something it takes someone with a law degree to understand. Public officials have a duty of honest services; that is, to serve the people and not their private interests. And anybody who hears this, if they want to serve their private interest, they ought to go get a job in the private sector."
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM, April 29, 2006
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Anonymous, at 7:05 PM, April 29, 2006
If Welch, Serpico and Moore are corrupt, what are Flowers, Kelly, Marine and Yarbrough? Didn't Flowers hire all of his cronies when he was President of SD89? Didn't Theresa Kelly do the same when she was President of SD209? Didn't Gary Marine just try to hire the crooked attorneys from Melrose Park? Did he do that in order to keep his high priced job in the public works department or was he promised kickbacks? Didn't Yarbrough get the insurance contracts in SD88 and at the Township? Come on you biased people. If you're going to report, report it on both sides.
Anonymous, at 7:54 PM, April 29, 2006
Hey Friend Of Proviso, you are a riot guy!! But you messed up on your rediculous post. Yarbrough did not and does not have any interest in the Township boards or School boards with any insurance contracts. It is the God Father of "Steppin At Club 209",Mr. Moore who was given the insurance contract at 209 and it was Mr. Moore who was found guilty of "CHURNING" funds from one account to the next to collect on the commission from each internal transaction. Read the papers they will tell you who has the insurance contracts, everybody knows execpt you I guess.And to let you in on another little secret, it was Chris Welch Childhood pal who got the construction contracts in SD88 and SD89, Criner construction from Hillside Il.Catch up will you???
Anonymous, at 8:57 PM, April 29, 2006
Chris Welch will be running a slate of candidates for the next school board election...
Ready to get the word out?
Anonymous, at 11:39 PM, April 29, 2006
Ms. Kelly I am still waiting for your response to the questions posted.
Anonymous, at 11:47 PM, April 29, 2006
7.5 million!
Anonymous, at 12:10 AM, April 30, 2006
To the folks who made the comments about my comments. Get a life! The truth hurt. I do not care what you call me. Hey wtf, you are disguising. Go to hell with your other KLAN members.
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM, April 30, 2006
It is refreshing to know that the readers of this blog are aware of the deception and diversion being played out by Chris Welch.
This should show us that we have to be more vigilant than ever when it comes to working for the best interest of our children and our community.
This is a wake up call!
In the past, we paid little attention to the school board and politics that affect our community and the everyday lives of our children. We have learned that this is not the proper way to go through life.
When we turn a blind eye to politicians whose interests are self-serving we end up with 40 million dollar back door deals, out of control construction costs, under qualified relatives and friends controlling positions of power and systematic presidential impropriety.
The question is, now that we know the above to be fact, how do we go about creating change and reclaiming our communities?
We have to galvanize our base and take grass roots, commonsense approach. We have to literally touch every citizen in the community and appeal to their sensibilities and their thirst for progress.
We cannot afford to let this opportunity pass us by. Our work has only just begun, but unified and determined, we will make a difference in Proviso Township!
Anonymous, at 10:34 AM, April 30, 2006
To our time has come, I agree with you that we,the community of parents,all the residents of Proviso and the taxpayers have been taken advantage for way to long,by these people who talk out of both sides of there mouths.
We need to either elect individuals who's sole purpose is the betterment of education for all the students and we need to pass a resolution or a law that there be term limits on anyone's involvement.
No more abuse of our tax dollars,we need answers,from Welch on why he needed to pass a back door referendum and we need Kelly and Flowers to answer why they arein favor of the taxpayers paying for the cell phones, and why do they think it's important to take so many school convention trips annually,without having a way to show the taxpayer where and how our money is being spent!
Also why do we need to have board members on the board longer than two terms?
No more politicians on school boards should be the motto!
We should ask Mr. Welch to please hand over all the travel expenses of each board member with all expenditures itemized as well as the costs,bills and number of calls each board member has made monthly ,so we the taxpayer can decide if this is where we want our money spent!
Also I have not seen a response to the questions asked of Ms. Kelly. Does she think that she does not have to answer to the taxpayer?
What about Flowers with his use of a Blackberry phone? he has yet to respond.
That attitude of disdain and disrespect to the voters,parents and taxpayers may play in Maywood, but the rest of the township is offended and wants a response,if not we will wait until election day to give you are response!
Anonymous, at 11:40 AM, April 30, 2006
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Anonymous, at 6:43 PM, April 30, 2006
when will kelly respond said...
To all of Ms. Kelly's supporters,please see what is wrong with your defense of her. Nobody is putting her down, we all fought to eliminate Moore and Welch, but now how can we with good concious stand here and allow Ms. Kelly to slip down the slope of cronism,and the slope of petty corruption?
She needs to answer the questions, regarding cell phones being paid for her and the other board members by the district as well as the abuse of school trips!
Why are you individuals against her responding?
Does it not appear hypocritcal on our part, if we attack the oppostion for there misdeeds, and yet keep quite about Ms. Kelly and Mr. Flowers also taking advantage of there postions?
It appears to me that neither side has the interest of the children,parents and taxpayers in mind.The only interest is "who becomes the house Niggar" for the MAN!
Maywood reminds me, as well as 209 ,of the same politics of Sudan, where the oppostion party is only interested in killing there enemies and not doing anything for there country!
No wonder the white communities of Proviso do not want anything to do with the black community.
Who could blame them, when neither black faction at 209 will fess up to all the shenagans each pulls on the taxpayers!
Kelly and Flowers are no different from Moore and Welch,the only difference between both of these gangs of thieves is who'll be allowed to steal!
Kelly and Flowers should wear a bandana along with there supporters with the colr red,so everyone knows that they represent the bloods, and Welch and Moore and there supporters should wear blue bandanas representing the cripts!
Anonymous, at 9:33 AM, May 01, 2006
There are 2 things that are guaranteed in life. That’s death and taxes. We will be paying taxes all our lives regardless of who’s in control. I am all for conscious spending of my tax dollars for and by my elected officials. All I ask is to be able to see measurable results. Theresa Kelly has showed us all results to the tune of 7.5 million dollars. 7.5 million dollars is an extremely generous return and more than covers her travel costs and cell phone bills. This is not frivolous spending.
I don’t understand why someone would try to ignore these results and choose to wallow in the pettiness of knick picking and politics. This is a total witch-hunt and an utter waste of time. I do not blame Theresa Kelly for not responding to this nonsense. I would rather have her to continue working to improve my district than answer these ridiculous charges on a blog.
Anonymous, at 10:16 AM, May 01, 2006
Don't be a hypocrite said...
To Death and Taxes......
I applaude you and Ms. Kelly for getting the 7.5 million grant for Proviso.Great Job!
Now does that change anything about the issue that the taxpayers want a response from her and Flowers? Your spin cannot avoid the questions.Your spin is like comparing apples to oranges,it's two different things!
Continued Deception,lies,spins,rantings ,changing the subject,personal attacks on others to deflect from what is being sought and what is needed for your redemption, Ms. Kelly and Mr. Flowers won't answer.They both refuse to respond to the taxpayers. There behavior is the equivalent of "His and her Royal Majesty", refusing to answer the questions of the peon taxpayers!!!
They behavior and there reaction has shown there discontempt towards others,especially the tax payers and voters.What a way to show leadership and moral rectitude!
There will never be hope for black america with leaders like these who skirt the questions of there corruption and yell and blame others for there problems!
Just like Marion Barry when caught on videotape smoke a crack pipe with a prostitute,and blaming the media and whitey of trying to set him up, Ms. Kelly and Mr. Flowers are no better.
And just to think ,that all they had to do was answer the questions?
Anonymous, at 12:44 PM, May 01, 2006
Ignorance does not garner a response, but thanks for playing...
Anonymous, at 1:02 PM, May 01, 2006
I had no idea that Chris Welch was this desperate.
Sir, your obession with Theresa Kelly is going to drive you insane!
Here's a perk that is needed a.s.a.p...
We need to be able to send Chris Welch for a psychological examination!
...Like yesterday! Don't worry...the taxpayers will be more than happy to foot this bill.
Now, that's a step in the right direction!
Anonymous, at 1:18 PM, May 01, 2006
2:125 Board Member Expenses
Thersa and Charles,
1.Board members may not receive compensation for their services.
Now return those Blackberry phones back to the school!
2:125 Board Member Expenses
Kelly and Flowers,
1.Board members may not receive compensation for their services.
"I suppose only us,Thersa and Charles,should be expempt from the rules";"We don't have to answer any questions,were above the law";
"Just scream Chris Welch and hopefully we can deflect the question,";"Who cares every other board member has a phone";"Welch lied to us by passing a backdoor referundum and refused to ask the taxpayers,but Mr. Flowers and Ms. Kely are you two not fleecing the taxpayers with the use of cell phones being paid for by the taxpayers?"
2:125 Board Member Expenses
1.Board members may not receive compensation for their services.
I can NEVER,EVER TRUST a word from the mouth of FLOWERS and KELLY!
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM, May 01, 2006
Indeed...Chris welch is a sick puppy!
Awwww...He just needs a hug!
Poor baby!
Anonymous, at 2:42 PM, May 01, 2006
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Anonymous, at 2:57 PM, May 01, 2006
I’m sorry, is it just me or does anybody else find Chris Welch’s obsession with Theresa Kelly eerily disturbing?
I think he has truly lost his mind!
Oy vey!
Anonymous, at 3:03 PM, May 01, 2006
Third Time
Bring it down, or I will charge you three times for the use of this story
Anonymous, at 4:07 PM, May 01, 2006
Russ, I'm pretty sure the person plagiarized the story out of ignorance, not that this is much of an excuse.
If you see anyone doing this, please contact me. It's against the blogging code to plagiarize so I don't tolerate it on Proviso Probe.
Carl Nyberg, at 4:19 PM, May 01, 2006
It was not ignorance Carl
This fine fellow stole my story and then added his own paragraph at the end
I invite you to read the story fully and then compare and contrast the two...
You will see a difference in my last paragraph vs. this persons
That is what Irks me so
I apologize for my anger in one of my other comments
But, as I stated previously, it's one thing to steal my work, it's fully another to steal my work and then edit it for your editorial satisfaction
Thank you for fixing this
Anonymous, at 4:24 PM, May 01, 2006
Russ, I'm sorry.
Stealing and modifying is exceptionally bad form.
Carl Nyberg, at 4:28 PM, May 01, 2006
Does it matter what Triple "t" wrote? S/he is full of shit.
The mildly altered plagiarizing is a highly dishonest way to do business.
Carl Nyberg, at 5:06 PM, May 01, 2006
To the 209 board,
Break up Proviso 209 into academies of 500 or fewer students. The teachers will recognize all the students and the principal will know all the parents and the names of the students.
These are schools built on principles that can be applied anywhere - the new three R's, the basic building blocks of better high schools:
The first R is Rigor - making sure all students are given a challenging curriculum that prepares them for college or work;
The second R is Relevance - making sure kids have courses and projects that clearly relate to their lives and their goals;
The third R is Relationships - making sure kids have a number of adults who know them, look out for them, and push them to achieve.
Anonymous, at 7:35 PM, May 01, 2006
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