INTERNATIONAL, Palestinian Refugees: Rights vs. Realities
Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine is hosting a forum at the Oak Park Public Library on Sunday.
From the announcing email:
From the announcing email:
Sunday, March 5, 2006
Oak Park Public Library
Veterans Room
834 Lake Street
Oak Park
Sponsored by Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine
Information: 312/427-2533x18 or
With the election of Hamas to the Palestinian Parliament bringing the issue of Right of Return into sharp focus, Nadia Hijab will provide a timely overview of the history and legal framework relating to the situation of Palestinian refugees today. She’ll address key questions—What are the financial as well the political implications of the Right of Return for the state of Israel? How does the Right of Return relate to the nature of the state and the Israeli Law of Return? Hijab will also discuss positions of Palestinian and Israeli political negotiators and contrast this with the evolution of movements among Palestinian refugees and exiles to press for their
rights, as well as the positions of Israeli human rights advocates. Hijab will conclude by focusing on strategies for resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that fulfil human rights.
Nadia Hijab is an author and expert on the Middle East and Senior Fellow at the DC-based Institute for Palestine Studies. She also serves as co-chair of the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation. She co-authored Citizens Apart: A Portrait of Palestinians in Israel. Hijab worked with the United Nations from 1989 to 1999.
I'm so jealous. Wished I lived closer to "civilization." I hope you'll report on this.
K3KVE, at 3:55 AM, March 04, 2006
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