MEDIA, Trib endorses Welch [7th Rep]
Chicago Tribune endorsement:
[Welch] is endorsed in the hopes that he'll rise above all the local political squabbles.
If you want to give feedback on the endorsement, contact Bruce Dold, (312) 222-4438 or
Carl Nyberg, at 1:17 PM, February 23, 2006
I don't endorse the Tribune and I do not purchase their papers. This is just icing on the cake to not even read their papers. If they endorsed Welch then they would endorse Bull Conner's ghost.
Anonymous, at 11:59 PM, February 23, 2006
Why don't we all call and write in to the Tribune voicing our displeasure with their endorsement. Let's send them the documented facts on Chris Welch's dishonest campaign and his abysmal school board record.
We cannot afford to let Chris Welch continue to degradate our community for the financial advancement of himself, his friends and family.
Our community will continue to suffer and may cease to exist unless we take a proactive step in ridding the pariah known as Chris Welch and his board majority, and replacing them with those who want to build a foundation based on education, not construction.
This is not about politics. This is about our quality of life.
This is not about dirty money making on the backs of the tax payers. This is about saving lives and our children.
When education goes down, crime and murder go up. It is a direct correlation that should not be deemed acceptable.
I will definitely do my part to disseminate this information to the public and help put our community on the right track.
Any thoughts?
Anonymous, at 9:16 AM, February 24, 2006
"I can't believe what I read?"' "What do you mean?";"Oh my Gosh!";"The Tribune endorsed Welch"!;"the sky must be falling!"
Get over it crybabies and open your eyes, to what everyone else is saying and can see!
Welch is endorsed because he has actually done something for Proviso by building the Magnet School! Yarbrough has been in office and has yet done nothing tangible, to help her district,Maywood, or Proviso!
Name one thing she has done? Hard to think of any, I guess maybe helping the Supreme's! Yet she expects to get endorsed for doing nothing!
Did'nt Yarbrough support the Magnet School?
Did'nt she also support Welch for 209, not once, but twice?
She must of thought he was doing a pretty good job at 209 to continue endorsing him!
Why did she not attend the biggest African American event in Proviso,The NCCPA dinner? Why did her husband not attend it? Is 'nt he the only black Mayor in Proviso? Is not Mrs. Yarbrough running for office for two positions? It would have behooved her to be present , even if she had other engagements!
Welch was present , and so was Moore!
Wake up, and get to work! Rep. Yarbrough does not have a message or a plan!
Her postion is " vote for me" because Welch and Moore are bad, just won't work. Any elected official has to earn there position and run a campaign!
Mrs. Yarbrough's campaign staff appear to have no clue in Proviso Politics, and her top man,Shapiro appears to be hiding between the sheets, hoping to beat Welch and Moore on there record and not show there own record of do nothing,get along,laszie-affaire attitude of "if you don't bother me,I won't bother you" attitude!
I recently heard that this week there was poll commissioned by Democrats in Oak Park,which included Proviso and it showed Welch with an 11% lead over Yarbrough for State Rep, and Moore leading Yarbrough by 18% for Committeeman(there was a 4% margin of error in the poll)!
I would advise Mrs. Yarbrough to start working and knocking on doors and give a message of her accomplishments and future goals, or else those numbers will just get larger by election day in 4 weeks!
Anonymous, at 6:19 PM, February 24, 2006
There is a possibility that Chris Welch might "shock the world" on March 21. He got the money thanks to school vendors. I am not going to vote for him or Moore, but this controversal brother has seemingly become a threat to K. Yarbrough. As you look at this race for State Rep. what has Yarbrough done? NOTHING! I wish there were someone else running besides Welch and Yarbrough. Check this out! Lightford(State Senator), Moore, (Recorder of Deed), K. Yarbrough, (State Rep). and K Yarbrough's husband (Mayor) - All live in Maywood. One would think with all the political "juice" in one town, Maywood would be in better shape as it relates to community safety, upkeep of the town and financial stability - new businesses. This Welch guy keeps coming - taking a risk with the Magnet School - which I opposed. At least one thing we know will happen if Welch gets into office, you just want here from him during election time That is the only time you hear from Lightford and Yarbrough. lightford and Yarbrough both running to churches giving their spill on how much money they have brought back to the community. K. Yarbrough says she brought money back to the community for the cease fire program. Wow, we need a program to tell negroes to stop shooting one another. How about preventive services for the younger children. oh, I see no preventive programs for children - they do not vote. Lightford is on the Educational committee - Man, she has been helpful. Only kidding - just look at the schools in her own backyard - they have problems! Enough said. As for Welch, this guy can create some major damages if elected. What damages. But, give him time, he will find something to mees up. My advice durng this election is to Pray - because whoever gets in office, you will be not be well represented.
Anonymous, at 10:53 PM, February 24, 2006
Amen to anonymous 10:53. Carl, please do not erase this person's comments.
I hate to say it but you hit it on the head. Yarbrough vs. Welch, which is the lesser of the evil. Damn Proviso is stuck between a hard rock and a very hard place. But I am voting Yarbrough all the way. At least the community knows where she stands. Welch lies so much and is so deceitful and corrupt why would the community vote for a proven FAILURE! Remeber what he said about Manzo's idea for a magnet school. I have the political piece: It stated that Manzo wanted the school for jobs and contracts, "the magnet school is a smokescreen for contracts and political jobs." Then Welch waits two years and tricks the community and purchases a building for $40 million. Not only did he give his relatives jobs and he gave criminals and disbarred attorneys contracts. DAMN!
Stop the whining are you on crack! Because Crack KILLS. I heard Welch got to the NAACP banquet to only give out his political piece that stated that he was endorsed by the Tribune. He came when the event was over! The Wicked Witch of the West, Proviso West's principal and his Devilmother, Alexis Wallace was seen leaving extremely early from the banquet. Maybe to go and make the campaign piece copies that Welch boldly distributed at the banquet. Stop the Whining, if Welch wins state rep. Proviso will not whine they will begin to cry. Because it will be a sad day in Proviso if that crooked, lying, cheating, and corrupt little boy wins.
Anonymous, at 12:56 PM, February 25, 2006
Just in case Carl decides to erase this one from Anonymous, this will keep it...
There is a possibility that Chris Welch might "shock the world" on March 21. He got the money thanks to school vendors. I am not going to vote for him or Moore, but this controversal brother has seemingly become a threat to K. Yarbrough. As you look at this race for State Rep. what has Yarbrough done? NOTHING! I wish there were someone else running besides Welch and Yarbrough. Check this out! Lightford(State Senator), Moore, (Recorder of Deed), K. Yarbrough, (State Rep). and K Yarbrough's husband (Mayor) - All live in Maywood. One would think with all the political "juice" in one town, Maywood would be in better shape as it relates to community safety, upkeep of the town and financial stability - new businesses. This Welch guy keeps coming - taking a risk with the Magnet School - which I opposed. At least one thing we know will happen if Welch gets into office, you just want here from him during election time That is the only time you hear from Lightford and Yarbrough. lightford and Yarbrough both running to churches giving their spill on how much money they have brought back to the community. K. Yarbrough says she brought money back to the community for the cease fire program. Wow, we need a program to tell negroes to stop shooting one another. How about preventive services for the younger children. oh, I see no preventive programs for children - they do not vote. Lightford is on the Educational committee - Man, she has been helpful. Only kidding - just look at the schools in her own backyard - they have problems! Enough said. As for Welch, this guy can create some major damages if elected. What damages. But, give him time, he will find something to mees up. My advice durng this election is to Pray - because whoever gets in office, you will be not be well represented.
10:53 PM
Anonymous, at 10:49 PM, February 26, 2006
Truth Tellers of Proviso are gutless individuals who will not and does not want any comments from the citizens WHO DOES NOT WANT OR WILL NOT ENDORSE CHRIS WELCH. This site is the product of Ron "RC" Anderson-he is the only one besides Miller that would sing the praises of Welch (toooo bbbbe sevvvi
Anonymous, at 11:14 PM, February 27, 2006
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