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Proviso Probe

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mike Manzo's video advertisement

I'm not sure why, but this ad caused me to laugh really hard.



  • Why is Manzo now trying to act like a Republican?? Did'nt he always suppport Democrats, such as his key support,along with Peraica of Charles Flowers,the corrupt head of Cook County Regional superindetendent of Schools? Did'ne he also support Democrat , Jesse Matinez for his run for Mayor in Melrose park?/
    He also ran as a Democrat on Convicted Felon, ex Mayor of Melrose Park, Auggie Taddeo's ticket.
    And is he still registered to vote in Melrose park? Why was his Insurance agents license taken away from him indefinatly?? Was it for corruption, when he was Board president at district 209???
    Manzo, your a RHINO, and a dumb one too!

    By Anonymous manzo is a liar, at 4:38 AM, December 11, 2009  

  • Why is Manzo attacking Nybo? Well, everyone knows that he supports ,Brian Sheehan, and that he is in the race to attack,Chris Nybo, so as to make Sheehan look like a honest politician.
    Wnder who paid for his commercial? Manzo has no money, but Sheehan sure found a ton of money to run for a $60,000! i bet Manzo's commercial was paid by sheehan or his allies.
    Manzo has no respect for himself or for voters.Manzo is doing sheehan's dirty work, against Nybo, because he is trying to land a job with sheehan(if he wins, and he is the favorite) , because he knows Peraica's days are numbered!

    By Anonymous Manzo is a liar, at 4:44 AM, December 11, 2009  

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