ED, Proviso Insider blames elemtary schools for high school's shortcomings [D88, D89, D209]
Proviso Insider regurgitates Proviso Township High Schools' all purpose excuse that its failures are really the failures of the elementary school districts.
What do you notice about the districts that are the "worst prepared"?
District 88 and 89 are the ones that "the mayors" are complaining about Rep. Karen Yarbrough trying to "take over the world".
The usual suspects (Chuck Baxter, Anthony Bruno, Bennie Mazzulla, Eugene Moore, Emanuel "Chris" Welch, Frank Pasquale, Ron Serpico and perhaps Claude Porter) have a bunch of patronage, contracts, legal bills, land deals, etc. from two school districts, District 88 and District 89.
And these school districts, the most political school districts in Proviso Township are the weak sisters feeding into Proviso Township High Schools, District 209.
Proviso Insider--who many suspect is District 209 board president Chris Welch--blames two elementary school districts for the shortcomings at the district he has run for years. Proviso Insider neglects to mention that Welch's allies control Districts 88 and 89. And Proviso Insider neglects to mention that s/he's opposed to changing control of the weak school districts.
So Proviso Insider wants to blame District 88 and 89. But Proviso Insider doesn't want to change the status quo at either district.
Proviso Insider wants the elementary schools to keep failing so Welch can keep pointing his finger at the elementary schools and shirking responsibility while the politically connected continue to milk the system for jobs and contracts.
The Insider has learned that the feeder schools to Proviso Township High Schools, District 209, are sending students to high school reading way below grade level. Out of a possible 1600 students preparing to enter the high school in August 2007, 1400 students are reading at 3rd, 4th or 5th grade level. The worst prepared students are coming out of school districts 88 and 89. Sources say a report detailing the inept performance of the feeder school districts will be released next week.
What do you notice about the districts that are the "worst prepared"?
District 88 and 89 are the ones that "the mayors" are complaining about Rep. Karen Yarbrough trying to "take over the world".
The usual suspects (Chuck Baxter, Anthony Bruno, Bennie Mazzulla, Eugene Moore, Emanuel "Chris" Welch, Frank Pasquale, Ron Serpico and perhaps Claude Porter) have a bunch of patronage, contracts, legal bills, land deals, etc. from two school districts, District 88 and District 89.
And these school districts, the most political school districts in Proviso Township are the weak sisters feeding into Proviso Township High Schools, District 209.
Proviso Insider--who many suspect is District 209 board president Chris Welch--blames two elementary school districts for the shortcomings at the district he has run for years. Proviso Insider neglects to mention that Welch's allies control Districts 88 and 89. And Proviso Insider neglects to mention that s/he's opposed to changing control of the weak school districts.
So Proviso Insider wants to blame District 88 and 89. But Proviso Insider doesn't want to change the status quo at either district.
Proviso Insider wants the elementary schools to keep failing so Welch can keep pointing his finger at the elementary schools and shirking responsibility while the politically connected continue to milk the system for jobs and contracts.
Labels: District 209, District 88, District 89, Emanuel Chris Welch, Proviso Insider
The control of District 88 is somewhat murky.
Many people have been fired, including Chris Welch, who was racking up immoral legal bills ($200,000 in six months).
Sometimes Welch allies get fired. Sometimes Welch independent people get fired.
However, the general truth is that Welch and his allies have made a ton of money off District 88. And the complicated school rebuilding scheme involving TIF districts and land swaps has the potential to score people like Anthony Bruno a bunch more money.
Carl Nyberg, at 12:11 PM, February 17, 2007
Chris welch needs to go jump in a lake. But i will leave what i really think and fill about him on the Proviso Highlighter
Anonymous, at 12:24 PM, February 17, 2007
See Welch knows that he is at the center of attention, involving the misguided direction and misuse of funds concerning education in Proviso Township: So now is not the time to blame other people, becasue the true blame is on Chris Welch when he used political favors to fill certain peoples wallets up, on the expense of PROVISO TOWNSHIP CHILDRENS EDUCATION!
Anonymous, at 12:30 PM, February 17, 2007
Carl, your story makes no sense. Everyone knows Chris Welch was fired as lawyer in SD88. If his allies were in control of SD88, he would still be there. The truth of the matter is that Rep. Karen Yarbrough and Danny Davis were running these schools for the past 10 years, and Welch and the Mayors kicked them out. Now, Yarbrough and Davis want the schools back. Why? Contracts and jobs. SD88 and SD89 have been feeding Proviso crap for the past 30 years. Is Welch the blame for that too?
Anonymous, at 1:47 PM, February 17, 2007
The situation at District 88 is more complicated.
Board member Marilyn Thurman is running her own agenda, so occasionally she votes against Welch's interests.
But board members Ron Anderson and Tommie Miller and clearly Welch allies. Ron Anderson has been friends with the Welch brothers back into high school. He's been arrested with Billy Welch in the past. And didn't Ron Anderson get the soft drink machine contract at District 209?
Tommie Miller is a frat brother of Welch. Miller and his wife, Marcia Watson, work at District 209. When allegations surfaced that Miller had sex with student athletes in past coaching jobs, why didn't District 209 investigate?
Put those three together with board member Maria Castrejon who does what Stone Park Mayor Bennie Mazzulla says, you have a basically pro-Welch majority.
However, he was fired for running up absurd legal bills. But Pasquale, Bruno and Chuck Baxter still have their interests protected.
The fact that Nichelle Rivers did fire Welch shows how weak and ineffective Stan Fields is.
Nichelle Rivers has been cutting political waste in District 88 even though her board has a number of pro-waste members.
Stan Fields has had the courage to deplete the paper inventory at District 209. I'm underwhelmed.
Carl Nyberg, at 3:28 PM, February 17, 2007
By the way, what is the evidence Rep. Karen Yarbrough or Congressman Danny Davis were running any school district?
What years did Davis and Yarbrough control these districts?
And what contracts did they provide to their political supporters?
Who were the unqualified or inappropriate Davis or Yarbrough people who got jobs?
Carl Nyberg, at 3:30 PM, February 17, 2007
Blaming the victims is old. Try something new. I hope every kid that graduates from these schools comes back and sues the district for neglecting to teach them.
Nyberg your blog is clogged with all this school stuff. Why? I mean it appears that most of the posts are concerning the schools, Welch etc. I've been blogging a little over a year and have tried to post on all types of issues but the schools trump everything.
I live in Bellwood and know the inner workings there. I agree with some of what I have seen written here about our problems. But, many of your audience are not. I see absolutely ridiculous statements made about the Mayor. the trustees, espeically Phillastine that simply are not true.
I'm no stooge for Frank, when he's wrong like on this land grab thing-- I tell him. But, frankly, Frank has done a good job in Bellwood and yes we are better than we were four years ago.
Anonymous, at 3:39 PM, February 17, 2007
Oh please "ab of Bellwood" shut the hell up, because you are a flunky for Bellwood Mayor Frank Pasquale. A blind person could see throughout the mess that has been going on with Frank and Chris and Murphy.. If you cant see it, then you are EITHER stupid or just plain out ignoring it.. Lets cut to the chase, all of these individuals are using politcal tactics to take care of eath other while using school funds. Murphy is a nice person, but basically has her hands tied into doing what Chris says, thats why Chris can blamed her for low test scores at Proviso East as an Assistant Superintendent, but at the same time put her in a position that control jobs as the Proviso East Hight School Human Resource Director, to do his bidding! So give me a break, and before you make a statement like that do your research...
Anonymous, at 4:56 PM, February 17, 2007
Even if the grammer schools are to blame for the low test scores at the high schools, Welch has done NOTHING to deal with these students shortcomings. Welch is concerned only with contracts, jobs, and money.
Applying for a position at Proviso is so political. Once a job is posted, they take people through the interviewing process but they already know who will get the position. Not until the following board meeting, you find out the person that is hired for the position is a baby mama of welch's brother or one of his many dysfunctional relatives or friends.
People it is time to shut this patronage hiring down. It is time to vote people in office that is sincere about educating our kids. Welch doesn't have any kids. He is using Proviso as a stepping stone to his ultimate goal to be a state representative or senator. Proviso helps him to pay for his campaigns by taking kickbacks.
Welch has no class. He continues to disrepect Kelly with his verbal attacks at board meetings. He is nasty and arrogant. He is a BULLY. He is the worst "leader" that Proviso has ever seen. Proviso is at its lowest state ever in history because of this JERK.
With Welch having majority board, what has he done to improve Proviso? The only improvement I see is his and his friends pocket books.
Good story Carl.
Anonymous, at 6:08 PM, February 17, 2007
This is ALL BULL! Proviso has Reading classes that all Freshmen must take. This started about five or six years ago under Dr. Gilchrist. Has anyone looked at those scores? Let's examine the Reading pre and post test of Freshmen at Proviso. The Reading classes at Proviso have done NOTHING! The students have not moved an inch; they are stagnant. At Proviso West there were Reading teachers teaching Reading who could not pass the state's required Reading examine for teachers. What is wrong with this picture?
Well, for one it is the TEACHERS and THE CURRICULUM! The curriculum is out dated and does not target the population of students at Proviso. The teachers don't have the training to teach children how to read, but the blame does not rest with the teachers. Proviso does not want their teachers to obtain training and attend conferences. The institute days and inservices are useless and don't address the needs of the students or teachers. Institute speakers and presenters are hired just like the contractors and other patronage workers. It's not what you know, it's who you know. Under Libka, every institute speaker was in some way affliated with him. He was giving his Concordia friends and buddies free money. Proviso does not even have a Supt of Curriculum; they have not had one in two years. The Supt. of Curriculum is more important than the Supt. Look at the data if you don't believe me; Proviso has Reading classes but they are not doing JACK!
I don't buy that garbage that it is the feeder schools' fault. Okay, they share some of the responsibility, but Proviso does too. Let's not keep playing the blame game. Let's get all the schools together and start educating kids. But as long as someones godmother, baby mother, girlfriend uncle, sister cousin, brother daddy are getting jobs at Proviso we will continue to be in a "COUNTY" like state. We have many adminstrators that are not qualified to hold their positions, and they become politicans instead of educators.
Proviso is not in the business of educating students. Chris Welch does not care about innovative educational methods to teach our children. Welch, Madlock, Henry, and Adams wouldn't know what the hell cooperative learning, intergrated curriculum, differtiated instruction, or multiple intelligences are. They don't care about education period; they care about JOBS AND CONTRACTS. They should attend conferences and trainings, because they have no idea what is going in education and for the most part what is going on in 209. But do they care?
I applaud Kelly and Flowers for attending conferences because they are staying current with what is going on in education. Because it is obvious that they can't rely on the Supt. and Assistant Supt. (we don't have one) to do it. Most school board members that represent schools that are meeting or exceeding the state standards attend trainings and conferences.
It seemed when Manzo was kicked out of Proviso we were moving in the right direction, but the community went 50 steps back with Welch and Moore. They are doing what Manzo did but 100 times worse.
Let's cut the bull and begin to work for students. What District 88, 89 and 209 need to do is consolidate the districts. All three schools need to begin to communicate and REWRITE and REWORK the curriculums. Let's see if Rivers, Broughton, and Fields can do that without being bullied by their board members.
what-about-the-kids, at 9:27 PM, February 17, 2007
Sorry, Murphy is not nice. She is an evil, phony, lying ass bitch. She does what ever Welch tells her to do. Murphy is the Director of Human Resource and she has hired over 12 incompetent and unqualified people for Welch. Don't believe me look at the minutes of the board meetings. She recommended that the board minutes not include a person's job history. Welch had been hiring his friends and family all this time and it showed their job history, but Millie Jackson stopped that shit because she knew it would come back to haunt her. Also, she is the reason why we had Libka for one year. It was her recommendation that Libka be the CEO. Don't belive me ask her. Throw some D's ON THAT!
Hey, Chuck Baxter I thought you ran Millie out of town? She needs to GO! Come on Baxter get from under that rock and and clean house.
baxtersupporter, at 9:39 PM, February 17, 2007
How is Bellwood better now? Higher crime, no economic development, high taxes, failing schools, corruption, nepotism, cronyism, civil rights violations, bad services. Pasquale is a bad mayor and a bad person.
Anonymous, at 12:56 AM, February 18, 2007
Chris Welch the Insider obviously don't know that people can see through the bullshit he is posting on the Insider. First, he blames the elementary schools for the high school's shortcomings. Second, he post a story announcing Fields new educational plan. Third, he list the candidates that he is secretly supporting as well as Bellwood Mayor. This asshole thinks everyone is stupid.
I'm not voting for any of those candidates. He has put our schools in the gutter. He robbed the elementary schools with his high attorney fees and rebuilding schemes. He robbed the high schools giving his contractor friends $40 million. April can't come fast enough.
Anonymous, at 7:33 AM, February 18, 2007
Anonymous, at 8:23 AM, February 18, 2007
Refer to anon above as "Have you had enough".
Please incorporate a pseudonym into your post.
Carl Nyberg, at 8:45 AM, February 18, 2007
The variable you are all forgetting is the inner city kids that use their relative’s address from Bellwood and Hillside and so on. The tax payers locally are paying to school inner city kids. If you don’t believe me go to the CTA stations at Pres. St. Lukes Etc... You will see kids getting off the train wearing proviso student ID’s. I have seen it with my own eyes. The either get expelled from their inner city schools or parents want them to get a better education than they can get in the inner city. Along with that you also import inner city problems. The school district (209) won’t do anything or even acknowledge about it because numbers means money. So while you’re looking at the local schools for failing look closer to the city to.
Anonymous, at 9:53 AM, February 18, 2007
In the know, do you have evidence of your claim?
How many District 209 students live with both of their parents?
So if a large percentage have parents that don't live together, how many of these students have at least one parent who lives out-of-district?
The idea that there are a bunch of West Siders cheating their way into District 209 seems suspect.
When District 209 ranked 90th of 90 high school districts in the Chicago area one of the districts ahead of District 209 is Chicago Public Schools.
Cheating to get into OPRF, RB or York makes sense. I don't see District 209 being enough of an improvement to bother to cheat for many students.
Carl Nyberg, at 9:58 AM, February 18, 2007
I just have some questions?
Why would Bellwood Mayor Frank Pasquale support the same people with political ties to Chris Welch, (who is currently the School Board President for District #209). The listed School District Candidates that he support for districts #88 and #209 are the same people associated with Chris Welch!
As a Bellwood Resident, I want to know are we moving backwards or what?
Why would you support people who are associated with Chris Welch, who have been exposed as using political tactics to bring our childrens test score down to the lowest point ever, ranking in last!
Can somebody answer
Anonymous, at 11:38 AM, February 18, 2007
Why is there no opposition to Frank Pasquale's ticket for the village of Bellwood? Why does Pasquale get a free a ride from the black political leaders in Bellwood and Maywood?? Who's pocket is he linning in the black community to keep every "so called leader in the black community" to be quite and to not put up any opposition???
Barack Obama may get elected for President of the USA, but in Bellwood it appears 1950 Selma and Montogemery still exists!!!!
Shame on Bellwood and its black voters for keeping Pasqaule,Lezza,Bruno,Herrell and Sei in Power.I don't endorse David ireland, because he is Chris Welch,Gene Moore Protege, but what is happening to the black leadership in Bellwood and why is Maywood so silent about this travesty and lack of leadership in Bellwood?
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM, February 18, 2007
Do I have proof, No not factual proof. I know what I have seen, as well as what an aquantance who works at the hospital has told me he has seen day after day (Proviso ID's on student's getting off the train). I also have talked to police and firefighters in Hillside that when student give their home numbers they give a 773 area code and a Hillside or Bellwood address. I know with cell phones it doesnt mean as much these days but. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck chances are pretty good its a duck.
Anonymous, at 12:28 PM, February 18, 2007
I have three student who have told me they take the train in from the city. If you want prove yourself, go stand outside the Forest Park Train station between 7 and 9 in the morning (or the Oak Park station at Harlem Ave.)
I have filled out more than twenty residency checks over the years. The last one was found to be living on the westside. The Attedance Office, which I believed to have been created to deal with this mess, has done absolutely nothing.
Anonymous, at 1:00 PM, February 18, 2007
Hey "jim from bellwood"
you are not moving backwards my friend. Mayor Pissqualle may be supporting a new team for Welch but the real "BELLWOOD FIRST" team are supporting the board members who have been doing an outstanding job in sd88. That is Ms. Dorris , Mr. Wicks and Dorothy Smith will join them on the board in April. Just ask Mayor Pissqualle why he wont support the BELLWOOD FIRST original incumbant school board members. Make him explain it to the public at his monday night meetings in front of the Dorris and Wicks supporters at BELLWOOD FIRST. He cant give you a reason because he is back in bed with Welch and Moore trying to run ramshot in the SD88. Dont worry the real BELLWOOD FIRST PARTY wil be voting for ..
Antonette Dorris
Dorothy Smith
John Wicks
VOTE ON APRIL 17, 2007
Anonymous, at 2:01 PM, February 18, 2007
1. If a family claims to be "homeless" the district cannot legally pursue a residency challenge.
2. If a student has a parent on the West Side, but a legal guardian in Proviso Township this would explain students commuting from the city on some days.
I remember talking to Gilchrist about the residency issue. He admitted that it was an indirect way to get rid of students who were discipline problems.
Proviso has plenty of homegrown discipline problems. Instead of blaming the West Side maybe Proviso should spend its energy enforcing effective discipline policies on the students who do attend.
Carl Nyberg, at 2:02 PM, February 18, 2007
We have students at Proviso East and West who grew up in Proviso Township their whole lives and come to school and run a muck and cause chaos. Proviso can't blame their problems on the West Side. The West Side has not destroyed Proviso schools, Proviso politicans destroyed Proviso schools. It's all about money and ain't a damn thing funny.
I was born and raised on the West Side and am proud of it. The people of Proviso Township could learn a few things from the West Side, because Proviso Township consist of NEGROES that think they have hit the jack pot and ain't hit shit. People from Proviso Township think they are middle class; they might be finacially, but they are not mentally. Look at Chris Welch. He has the bank account to put him in the upper middle class bracket, but he comes from a family of thugs and illiterate people. His father is uneducated and his mother is a LPN (she wipes sick peoples' asses). He is the first from his family to graduate from college, but his low class mentally has not changed. Proviso Township is a ghetto with grass and continues to produce disgraces like Gene Moore, Sue Henry, Lula Greenhow, Kimberly Lightford, Ron Anderson, Jamie Hixson, Chris Welch, Shriley Madlock, Ron Serpico, Lequita Neely, Grady Rivers (he don't even send his kids to district 89 with his fat greasy ass is the President of the board).
The West Side keeps it REAL and Proviso Township STEALS!
keepitreal, at 3:55 PM, February 18, 2007
To Jk of Bellwood,
I resent your personal attack. It is my opinion that I put forth here and I am sorry you do not share it. I try to elevate the conversation here by adding my point of view. You on the other hand simply attack those you do not agree with.
Sad commentary. I hope that you are not a parent. You are not a good example. (my opinion)
This thread is discussing the blame game. Get in on the conversation.
Anonymous, at 9:02 PM, February 18, 2007
ricky says: When I worked at Proviso there were at least 2-3 kids in every class who told me they lived in Chicago. Their "fake" address was with an auntie or other relative in Bellwood or Maywood. Mostly these kids were not trouble makers. The problem is that the taxpayers are paying to educate kids who don't live in the township. These kids may also be increasing class sizes. Oak Park does some real strict residency checks. Proviso should too.
As to Proviso's curriculum, many of the lower level classes have been dropped. The current thinking is that if we put 4th grade readers in a social studies class with 9th grade readers, the 9th grade readers will up the level. What a crock! Proviso needs to go back to tracking to serve lower level kids. They need to add a basic math class to bring up kids skills. Reading used to be required across the curriculum. Every day 5-10 min. were set aside in EVERY class so students could read. But, I agree with other posts. Proviso hasn't been about education in a long time. It is about politics and who can get contracts.
Anonymous, at 5:35 AM, February 19, 2007
To "Ab of Belwood"
Im sorry that you resent my comments. Hoewever, I must say that the truth is the truth, and if the shoe fits then wear it!
How can you or any one else knowingly support anyone associated with Chris Welch?
I am a parent who lives in Bellwood and have lived here for a long time; which gives me a right to state my opinion, especially when it involves corrupting education!
So as I get into the conversation, as you call it "blaming" someone, I must start with blaming you, Mayor Pasquale, Chris Welch, and their other associates for thinking that its ok to allow politics to distruct our CHRILDRENS EDUCATION!!
Anonymous, at 7:37 AM, February 19, 2007
To: what-about-the-kids:
From: Spongebob Squarepants
I don't remember the last time I saw either Flower or Kelly reporting back to the teachers on the latest in educational practices that they learned at a conference. I don't remember either of them coming into my school for the purpose of communicating anything to the teachers. Have they made any presentations at Institute Days? No.
I have a couple of conferences I would like to attend that would provide me with tools to take back to my room, and those conferences are in the Chicagoland area. How about they swing a few hundred dollars my way?
Anonymous, at 8:16 AM, February 19, 2007
Let's give credit or blame where credit or blame is due. The Insider is correct. The academic garbage that districts 88 and 89 feeds into Proviso is irrefutable and presents a daunting maybe insurmountable task to Proviso teachers and administrators. Can this garbage be recycled? Idealistically, yes. Practically speaking, not given the current financial circumstances in Proviso.
Money was misspent on PMSA. This money could have been devoted to developing programs to help bring districts 88 and 89 students more up to speed. Although the Insider was right about the negative impact that students from 88 and 89 have on Proviso's standings, administrative decisions at Proviso have done nothing to improve the situation and may have made it worse.
Anonymous, at 8:49 AM, February 19, 2007
To Anon: Feb 19, 07 8:16 am
Oh, we didn't know you needed one on one instruction. We'll ask them to take a special trip to come see you...whoever you are.
Maybe you should attend a board meeting...you know...the ones regarding your schools. Maybe you'll learn something.
Also, do you get paid for being a teacher? Looks like you already received your couple hundred bucks.
You might want to keep your ignorance inside your classroom.
Anonymous, at 8:59 AM, February 19, 2007
The creation of PMSA was a shining example of administrative short-sightedness combined with pure greed.
PMSA expenditures have been huge and benefit only a fraction percentage-wise of Proviso's students. Why fling money at students who are doing well when several blocks away from them are students who are strugging to keep up: students who are more likely to drop out and become a burden on our society? Aren't these students worth the extra effort and money that has been bestowed upon our supposedly more gifted students who are much more likely to succeed without an entity such as PMSA?
With PMSA came contracts, opportunities to hire friends, relatives, and associates, and all sorts of other avenues through which monies could be disbursed to a privileged few. There's the greed. And it flies in the face of what the majority of our students need most --- enhanced resources and programs.
Anonymous, at 9:34 AM, February 19, 2007
To: Clueless in Homeroom (what an understatement)
From: Spongebob Squarepants
I don't need one-on-one instruction from Dr. Flowers or Ms. Kelly. Common practice has a person who is paid to attend conferences give a presentation or workshop to his or her peers upon returning. That serves two purposes: First, so the attendee doesn't "skip out" for an afternoon at the mall or at home; and second, so the money is well spent and the infomation is passed along to other workers who have similar jobs. This is at least how its done in the white collar, professional world where I come from.
I don't mean to disappoint you, mindful citizen, but I have attended many a board meeting. Often times, I was the only teacher who was not a union exec board member and was asked by the same people, "Why are you here tonight?" When I replied that I felt teachers should show interest and concern in their district, the eyebrows shot up. You will see me tonight as a matter of fact. Will I see you?
Finally, yes I am a teacher. While I am quite happy with my salary, the fact is that there are conferences that teachers choose to attend for professional growth and continued education. When I am renewing my certificate, I am more than happy to fork over money to attend. However, when it is a conference that I am asked to attend, and with the understanding that I may be asked to present information I learned at an Institute or Professional Learning Community meeting, then I believe that the school should pay for my attendance.
By the way, you never answered my earlier question. Who actually benefits from Ms. Kelly or Dr. Flowers' information from the conferences if they don't present information they've learned? I'm not talking in a 3 minute byte at the school board meeting - that's like show-and-tell thinking.
Anonymous, at 9:57 AM, February 19, 2007
To Anon:
Your clueless shortcomings are endless.
Here's just a few examples.
Have you heard of the Dad's Club? How about the National Algebra Project? How about the safe school initiative which gave grant money, not only to district 209, but to the Proviso Community which included money for the police? Ok, how about the idea to found and create the Proviso East Alumni Wall of Fame, which included speakers and scholarships for District 209 students? These were all from the conferences and hard work of Theresa Kelly.
Dr. Flowers delivered a detailed analyisis of his conference attendance at the first board meeting that followed. If you missed it...then you didn't attend the meeting. Guess it wasn't important enough.
Please, Please, Please (not to quote the great james brown) do your research about those you criticize. You may realize your criticism is unfounded.
Your focus should be on those who have done absolutly nothing to advance the educational process of this district...not those who actually have a track record of educational initiatives and recognized national programs.
You sound more bitter than concerned...what gives?
Anonymous, at 12:13 PM, February 19, 2007
To "Still Clueless in Homeroom":
As compared to those who have done absolutely nothing to advance the educational process of this district, Teresa Kelly's accomplishments stand out to some degree. What stands out more clearly is that her contributions to the district are a mere pittance given the number of years that she has served on the board. A number of people wonder if these trips to educational conferences in places such as Orlando and San Francisco serve more of a personal than a professional purpose for her. These same people probably believe that she is an unscrupulous user who takes loaves from the district and throws back crumbs to it in return.
Anonymous, at 1:08 PM, February 19, 2007
Oh ye of Disneyland intellect...I am so glad that we can agree on something:
"Teresa Kelly's accomplishments stand out"!
Could not have said it better myself...
Anonymous, at 2:43 PM, February 19, 2007
Anonymous, at 3:27 PM, February 19, 2007
rick says: pleeease, What has Mrs. Kelly done> She has filled Proviso with her clout friends too. The dad's club was a failure, mandatory summer school is a joke (kids no longer worry aboiut failing 'cause they can go to summer school for free). About the only thing she did with any merit was take your parents to school day. She hasn't really added much to Proviso.
Anonymous, at 4:44 PM, February 19, 2007
To Disneyland Intellect what in the hell has Welch done in his six years? Now I did once support Welch, but those days are over. He has let people see who he truely is and what he is about. I wish the community could sue him for lying to us. He always wants to sue somebody; we need to get together and sue the living shit out of him.
Have you ever thought that Kelly's first four years were fighting with Manzo and not being apart of the board majority? What about now with Welch and his gang stealing and giving out jobs to family and friends? For the year and a half she was the President she made more educational initiatives than WELCH! She introduced the district to the Dad's Club and what has Moore and Welch done with the Dad's Club. ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING! While Fields is screaming at Kelly about the Alumni Hall of Fame, let the public see the accounts of the Dad's Club ran by Gene Moore's fat FLUNKY Larry Howard.
I don't know why Kelly wants to stay on 209's school board; all that board is gone give her is high blodd pressure and a headache. And that young fool Chris Welch talks to her so bad. I have a bump on my ass older than him; he must was raised by wolves. Well, they say his daddy cheated on his mother and got a son that is 10 years old and his family is all uneducated thugs and hoodlums. So the little punk don't know any better.
Chris Welch, Sue Henry, Dick Adams, and Stanley Madlock are not concerned with education, but Mrs. Kelly continues to fight for what is right and I applaud her for her effort. She got my vote on April 17, 2007 and this time Gene Moore can't tell me who to vote for. I listened to that asshole for 20 years and it is NOW TIME FOR A CHANGE! I don't care if Gene Moore is my cousin, when you are WRONG YOU ARE WRONG! Saving the lives of the kids in this community is THICKER THAN BLOOD!
Gene_Moore_Needs_a_Wake_Up_Call!, at 5:57 PM, February 19, 2007
Spongebob is sorry...
I forgot about the great success of the Dad's Club and how it shines in...at...where is it at exactly?
The Proviso East Wall of Fame...yeah I heard the title "The Proviso East Wall of Fame" is finally on a wall somewhere...
I'll give someone credit for finding out about grants to support the National Algebra Project, etc. But lets not forget that to get a grant, you have to write a grant proposal, and...?
I digress to your profound belief that we have fine leadership on the BOE. Better yet, why should I care? I'm just responsible for the education of 150+ students everyday.
Again, my deepest apologies,
Anonymous, at 6:11 PM, February 19, 2007
To "Gene_Moore_Needs_a_Wake_Up_Call":
Why the need for comparison between Chris Welch's performance and Teresa Kelly's performance? To show that one's performance is worse than the other one's? The fact is both individuals operate from the same frame of reference --- "What's in it for me and mine?". Both bring their uniquely parasitic desires and behaviors to the district and both short-change the students and the voters at almost every turn in the road with not the slightest hint of compunction or guilt.
You said, "I don't know why Kelly wants to stay on 209's school board ...?". Perhaps we should start with the numerous perks she receives including all-expense- paid "educational sojourns" to locations such as Orlando. Or perhaps so that she can show off her latest road-kill wig while riding in a Maywood police car during a community celebration.
You can make all the excuses for her that you like and you can cast a vote for the blood-sucker to stay on the board, but Teresa Kelly is not capable of nor will she make any significant and enduring contributions to the children of district 209; she's much too concerned about grabbing anything within reach of her outstretched hands.
Anonymous, at 8:34 AM, February 20, 2007
Sponge Bob,
Phil Jackson didn't score a single basket during the Bulls championship run. He didn't dribble a basketball, create an assist...he didn't even block a shot. But, as the coach, his leadership and guidance led the team.
Theresa Kelly, didn't "write" the grant...but she located, networked and led the team through the process as president of the board. She instituted programs that are nationally recognized and District 209 benefited from her aggressive leadership.
Theresa Kelly is not an island all to herself. It takes a leader, a unified effort, a plan and the dedication and hard work to complete that plan and attain goals.
I applaud Theresa Kelly for her efforts. As voters, we have invested in her and in turn our students and community have received over $7.5 million dollars in grants, programs and services. That is definitely commendable regardless if you measure her accomplishments against Chris Welch and his do nothing majority or against other board members across the state. The numerous awards that Theresa Kelly has received for her service to the community are a testament to her work and dedication.
Chris Welch and his do nothing majority have effectively mismanaged and bastardized all of these valuable programs, when Chris Welch became board president. If you open up the books, you will find this to be self-evident. There is a reason why the district has not allowed closed session board meeting minutes to be released to the public for at least the last year and a half. This is not a National Security issue…but Chris Welch is definitely hiding something from the citizens of this district.
The reason we are ranked dead last...90 out of 90 school districts, is because of the poor leadership by Chris Welch.
I challenge Rick to list all of the initiatives, programs and grants that were introduced by Theresa Kelly during her tenure as school board president. I'm sure that will be a stretch for you due to your lack of research skills...but I have faith that you can complete this task satisfactorily.
Rick...research and stats are well respected in an intelligent discussion...speculation is not.
Get your mind right!
Anonymous, at 9:30 AM, February 20, 2007
Grabbing 7.5 plus million for the students and citizens of district 209 is a great use of out stretched hands.
It's funny witnessing someone trying to find the bad in Theresa Kelly giving back to the community. It's illogical and self-defeating
Oh, and I'm still waiting on that list. Maybe outstrecthed hands can help.
Anonymous, at 11:52 AM, February 20, 2007
Dr. Fields got the proper bead on Teresa Kelly relatively quickly. I imagine it didn't take him long to figure out that she has been and likely continues to be in it exclusively for herself. It has been alleged that Teresa Kelly has repetitively e-mailed and called him to make sure that she could piss away more taxpayers' money by attending another "educational conference" some place where it's warm and sunny. When called to task by Dr. Fields, she was unwilling or unable to properly account for monies earmarked for the "Wall of Fame". Now that she has had ample time to "cook the books", she's hot on the trail of Dr. Fields to disclose where the monies have gone.
And, talk about illiterate. Teresa Kelly is a fantastic role-model for those who wish to speak inproper English, for those who feel that there is no need to think and express themselves logically, and for those who are comfortable mistaking irritation for insight.
The only board that Teresa Kelly should be sitting on is a picnic bench in a warm and sunny climate far removed from any situation in which intelligent decisions are made.
Anonymous, at 12:32 PM, February 20, 2007
Permanent vacation:
I think that statement sums up your grey matter status!
The quote on the Proviso Insider that was written in an email to and about "lil man" Stanly Fields from Theresa Kelly is an extremely powerful and intelligent statement. I can totally understand why Stanly is running scared. Actually, Stanly is so flustered that he sent the email to his boss, the Proviso Insider, who in turn made it into a posting. I asked the Insider to post the full letter...apparently he won't because it's too direct, embarrassing and detrimental to Stanly and his far from satisfactory image in the community. Here's the quote as listed by the Insider:
“Your aloof attitude pertaining to necessary District 209 business speaks volumes about your lack of responsibility regarding your job duties and your lack of ability to uphold the character and the ethical and moral standards that are required of the office of the Superintendent”.
That is a dynamite statement! I must say, this is far from illiterate! This is poetry in motion, at it’s best. Makes me wonder who really has the PhD, Stanly or Theresa Kelly. I’m just chomping at the bit to see the remainder of the emails.
I find your comments laughable at best. Written like a true Welcher…not that you are Chris Welch…nah…of course not.
Nakita Johnson and Stanly has, and always had access to the financial statements regarding the wall of fame, because the books are kept in the business office. They were in the possession of Nakita Johnson during the meeting, but you know that already. Why didn’t Nakita fess up…or was she part of the grandstanding and unprofessional and immature behavior that resonated from Stanly Fields and Chris Welch?
The Wall of fame is in good financial standings and growing thanks to the hard work of the people who founded, created and continue to work aggresively on this wall of fame. Theresa L. Kelly and Pam Marine.
The financial standing of the wall of fame can be confirmed with a phone call. Then again, that’s considered research…that may be too much for you to handle. How many scholarships were given out to students in the name of the wall of fame? How many people were inducted? Did these inductees address the student body? Talk to me man!
Theresa Kelly continues to do great work for the community! She has my vote…and many others!
I would like to see how Stanly weathers this storm known as Theresa Kelly. I predict that he will lose everything he worked so hard to achieve in his war with Kelly…including his freedom.
Anonymous, at 1:36 PM, February 20, 2007
To "lil man and his boss":
You would have us believe that Teresa Kelly wrote this to Dr. Fields, "Your aloof attitude pertaining to necessary District 209 business speaks volumes about your lack of responsibility regarding your job duties and your lack of ability to uphold the character and the ethical and moral standards that are required of the office of the Superintendent”?
Teresa Kelly is barely capable of coherently stringing two words together much less composing an e-mail such as the one above. It may have been sent by Teresa Kelly but certainly not composed by her. You ask for research or documentation as to my contention? Have you attended a board meeting at which she's spoken? She is a complete embarrassment to herself, but more so, to District 209. How ironic that a school district that desperately needs intelligent and selfless leadership is saddled with an utterly narcissistic board member whose IQ probably would qualify her for, were it not for her age, placement in a TMH classroom --- and that's giving her the benefit of a real doubt.
You, too, seem to be playing with less than a full deck. "Nakita" is properly spelled "Nikita" and "Stanly" is properly spelled "Stanley". What? Such simple correct spellings elude a person with such a bent toward research and documentation such as yourself?
As for "Stanly", he's a breath of fresh air as opposed to the stale fart that is Teresa Kelly. Dr. Fields was correct in focusing in on her and cutting her down a few notches. Although a legend in her own mind, Dr. Fields brought her down to a level which was, dare I say, commensurate with her IQ.
Moreover, District 209 didn't become a loser overnight and you can't place all of the blame of Mr. Welch. When Teresa Kelly was board president, the academic standing of our students was equally poor. In fact, a good argument can be made that, during Teresa Kelly's tenure as board president, the stage was being set for an unequaled decline in student performance.
Anonymous, at 6:23 PM, February 20, 2007
Pamela says: Throw all the bums out! I wouldn't reelect ANYONE who was formerly on the school board. All these guys have their hands in the till. The worst are Kelly and Welch. How many of their relatives and friends have jobs at the high schools? Why do you think the 209 race is glutted with people? Because everyone knows there are patronage jobs to be had..Certainly everyone knows that school board member is not a paid position, so there must be some reason there are so many people running. The sad thing is that none of these people really care about education, they only care about employing their relatives and friends.
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM, February 20, 2007
Thank you for pointing out the misspellings of Nakita and Stanly. I try to make it a common practice to misspell the names of those I do not respect.
Now, to start this piece with the outstanding quote that the Proviso Insider was so fond of, he featured it in his posting. The Proviso Insider stated that this quote was emailed to “lil man” Stan from Theresa Kelly, chastising him on his lack of ethical and moral standards. Want to see it…here it goes:
"Your aloof attitude pertaining to necessary District 209 business speaks volumes about your lack of responsibility regarding your job duties and your lack of ability to uphold the character and the ethical and moral standards that are required of the office of the Superintendent".
This statement is straight fire! Powerful! No wonder “lil man” Stan ran crying to the Proviso Insider…and just like a good daddy, the Proviso Insider consoled him by resting “lil man” Stan’s head on his bussom. Don’t worry “lil man” Stan…It’s ok…daddy will protect you from Theresa Kelly.
Ah…the beauty to kill 2 pigeons with one stone …“Pamela” and “Special Head”, both are devoid of credibility…but they do have a disturbing active imagination. I’ll make this simple for Pamela, so that she can understand…I would hate for her to lose the meaning if I use multi-syllabic words. Please name Theresa Kelly’s relatives. Please name which jobs she has given out and to whom. Matter of fact; since your knowledge is vast on all things 209…please do the same for Chrissy Welch, Uretha Sue Henry, Shirley Madlock and Charles Flowers. Speculation is not respected…just facts.
Now, to “Special Head” and his other various listings about Theresa Kelly…Your comments lack basic credibility. Your focus is all wrong…so wrong that you combine contradicting statements. First you stated that Theresa Kelly “cooked the books”, then you do an about face and say she’s “illiterate”. For the sake of your own argument, you can’t have it both ways. I have never heard of an illiterate person with the capabilities of “cooking the books”. This is a serious flaw in your argument. Let’s be real…you can’t have it both ways, so stick to one and focus on your smear campaign. Focus man!
Your argument is opinionated with out an ounce of truth.
Chrissy Welch has done an absolutely horrendous job as the President of district 209. He has brought our students to a new overall low. The lowest test scores in a decade…the lowest graduation rate in a decade…the highest deficit in a decade…The most relatives and brother’s baby mommas employed by the district in a decade…the most patronage jobs in a decade. With that said…here’s a great statement for you:
A good education does not always make a good leader. Chrissy Welch is a lawyer…Chrissy Welch is a sub-standard leader. “lil man” Stan has a PhD…”lil man” Stan is a poor leader. Theresa Kelly is not a lawyer…Theresa Kelly does not have a PhD. Theresa Kelly is a good leader. Theresa Kelly led the district to grants totaling 7.5 million dollars in money, services and programs. Theresa Kelly led the district by bringing in nationally recognized programs. Theresa Kelly lead the district to higher test scores, higher graduation rates, higher daily student attendance and greater community involvement.
I am not surprised that “lil man” Stan and Chrissy…are pissy that Theresa Kelly is not afraid to fight the good, intelligent and moreover, the right fight!
I will end this with the famous quote about “lil man” Stan by Theresa Kelly:
"Your aloof attitude pertaining to necessary District 209 business speaks volumes about your lack of responsibility regarding your job duties and your lack of ability to uphold the character and the ethical and moral standards that are required of the office of the Superintendent".
Nuff said!
Anonymous, at 10:46 AM, February 21, 2007
To: Get Shorty
That's funny man!
"lil man" Stan...that's a classic!
Anonymous, at 11:05 AM, February 21, 2007
To Get Shorty:
Many of the statements that you make and most of the arguments that you advance reveal a cranium in search of a smattering of grey matter. It's not surprising that you're a Kelly supporter because your operational intellectual levels are similarly rock-bottom. Your posts are great though, in one sense, because I think they lend impetus to others to not vote for Kelly --- if you can partially judge a candidate by her supporters. So, keep them up!
Here are some pearls of your profound wisdom. "First you stated that Theresa Kelly 'cooked the books', then you do an about face and say she’s 'illiterate'. For the sake of your own argument, you can’t have it both ways. I have never heard of an illiterate person with the capabilities of 'cooking the books'". Arise from the dead, Get Shorty. You make it sound like "cooking the books" has to be an exercise in quantum physics. Even a Cro Magnon woman like Kelly can manipulate funds on a small scale. However, knowing her, she probably had the help of someone whose skill level exceeded hers, i.e., fourth grade arithmetic.
"Chrissy Welch is a lawyer…Chrissy Welch is a sub-standard leader. 'lil man' Stan has a PhD…'lil man' Stan is a poor leader. Theresa Kelly is not a lawyer…Theresa Kelly does not have a PhD. Theresa Kelly is a good leader". You've certainly made your case for Teresa Kelly being a good leader by stating that she's not a lawyer nor does she have PhD. What you failed to mention is that Teresa Kelly hasn't got the capacity to ever become a lawyer or to get a PhD. Lacking the capacity to excel at anything professional or academic, she does excel at bloating herself on district-sponsored trips and other perks.
Her reign as school board president was severely flawed as well. The Proviso students during her tenure performed very low academically as well. In fact, I believe that Teresa Kelly's legacy to Proviso was that she left the district ill-prepared for the future. She set it up for Mr. Manzo and Mr. Welch to struggle to get things right. What we don't need is Teresa Kelly anywhere near our kids again.
Anonymous, at 12:16 PM, February 21, 2007
I laughed my ass of when I read this awhile back on the Probe. I think it was written by Steven or Proviso Guru.
"It’s my opinion that almost the entire District 209 board needs to go including the board president. However, I would like to focus on Theresa Kelly whose limited usefulness to the district is long passed and is now far exceeded by her stubborn insistence upon and extraordinary degree of avarice and entitlement. The proven theories of Galileo and all subsequent astronomers notwithstanding, the world revolves around Theresa Kelly, according to Theresa Kelly.
Theresa Kelly should take another Proviso-funded trip to Disneyland and stay there permanently with her intellectual cohorts, Mickey and Daffy. It would be well worth it to District 209 and its constituents to get her the hell out of here for good. She is a parasite whose chief concern seems to be what the district can do for her rather than vice versa. Her tenure as a board member has been long overdue to end and should come to an abrupt halt just as soon as possible. Rather than a gold watch, I would suggest that the district honor her departure by giving her several gallons of gift-wrapped embalming fluid (which, judging by her frequent “Night of the Living Dead” appearance, she has already been consuming on a regular basis) as an act symbolic of her contributions to District 209 and its students over the last several years.
Additionally, I propose that Theresa Kelly’s photo, with wig customarily misaligned and eyes customarily askance and clouded, be posted on Proviso East’s “Wall of Shame”. In keeping with the tradition that Theresa Kelly has established, the location of the “Wall of Shame” can be kept a secret as well as the costs of implementing and maintaining it.
If I read the tone of District 209 constituents correctly, her departure will create little "public skeptical"; for all intents and purposes, the dimly lit light has been on and flickering but no one has been home for a very long time"!
Anonymous, at 4:31 PM, February 21, 2007
To Lost Ass
That's sad dude...terribly sad. Are you so infactuated by "Steven" that you would impersonate yourself as "Steven" in hopes that someone might actually believe it? That sounds like something "lil man" Stan would do.
I remember that post...I remember thinking...that doesn't read like "Steven". It just didn't match the quality of the comments "Steven" usually writes. "Steven" is very well written...this comment that you posted is not. Actually, it reads very similar to the comment titled "cut from the same cloth".
Y'all figure it out...
Hmmmm....nope...can't pull a fast one here dude! keep it movin!
As I mentioned before, facts are respected...speculation is not.
As far as your argument is concerned...you have not presented one fact to support your case.
That said, I will leave you with my earlier post...Enjoy!
Now, to start this piece with the outstanding quote that the Proviso Insider was so fond of, he featured it in his posting. The Proviso Insider stated that this quote was emailed to “lil man” Stan from Theresa Kelly, chastising him on his lack of ethical and moral standards. Want to see it…here it goes:
"Your aloof attitude pertaining to necessary District 209 business speaks volumes about your lack of responsibility regarding your job duties and your lack of ability to uphold the character and the ethical and moral standards that are required of the office of the Superintendent".
This statement is straight fire! Powerful! No wonder “lil man” Stan ran crying to the Proviso Insider…and just like a good daddy, the Proviso Insider consoled him by resting “lil man” Stan’s head on his bussom. Don’t worry “lil man” Stan…It’s ok…daddy will protect you from Theresa Kelly.
Ah…the beauty to kill 2 pigeons with one stone …“Pamela” and “Special Head”, both are devoid of credibility…but they do have a disturbing active imagination. I’ll make this simple for Pamela, so that she can understand…I would hate for her to lose the meaning if I use multi-syllabic words. Please name Theresa Kelly’s relatives. Please name which jobs she has given out and to whom. Matter of fact; since your knowledge is vast on all things 209…please do the same for Chrissy Welch, Urethra Sue Henry, Shirley Madlock and Charles Flowers. Speculation is not respected…just facts.
Now, to “Special Head” and his other various listings about Theresa Kelly…Your comments lack basic credibility. Your focus is all wrong…so wrong that you combine contradicting statements. First you stated that Theresa Kelly “cooked the books”, then you do an about face and say she’s “illiterate”. For the sake of your own argument, you can’t have it both ways. I have never heard of an illiterate person with the capabilities of “cooking the books”. This is a serious flaw in your argument. Let’s be real…you can’t have it both ways, so stick to one and focus on your smear campaign. Focus man!
Your argument is opinionated with out an ounce of truth.
Chrissy Welch has done an absolutely horrendous job as the President of district 209. He has brought our students to a new overall low. The lowest test scores in a decade…the lowest graduation rate in a decade…the highest deficit in a decade…The most relatives and brother’s baby mommas employed by the district in a decade…the most patronage jobs in a decade. With that said…here’s a great statement for you:
A good education does not always make a good leader. Chrissy Welch is a lawyer…Chrissy Welch is a sub-standard leader. “lil man” Stan has a PhD…”lil man” Stan is a poor leader. Theresa Kelly is not a lawyer…Theresa Kelly does not have a PhD. Theresa Kelly is a good leader. Theresa Kelly led the district to grants totaling 7.5 million dollars in money, services and programs. Theresa Kelly led the district by bringing in nationally recognized programs. Theresa Kelly lead the district to higher test scores, higher graduation rates, higher daily student attendance and greater community involvement.
I am not surprised that “lil man” Stan and Chrissy…are pissy that Theresa Kelly is not afraid to fight the good, intelligent and moreover, the right fight!
I will end this with the famous quote about “lil man” Stan by Theresa Kelly:
"Your aloof attitude pertaining to necessary District 209 business speaks volumes about your lack of responsibility regarding your job duties and your lack of ability to uphold the character and the ethical and moral standards that are required of the office of the Superintendent".
Nuff said!
Anonymous, at 5:57 PM, February 21, 2007
In April we're sending Stanely back to his hometown, REDNECK, USA. Let's throw his a going away party at 209's March meeting.
lil_man_stan_is_a_redneck, at 7:20 PM, February 21, 2007
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