M06, Yarbrough announces for State Rep [7thRep]
For coverage see Pioneer Press (John Huston) or Forest Park Review (Seth Stern). Suburban Life (Megan Brody) has coverage of Welch's campaign, but Karen Yarbrough didn't return Brody's phone calls.
Chris Welch and Eugene Moore and one and the same, truely corruptible polticians who are only out for themselves and not their communities! Karen and Pasquale will beat them silly this upcoming March and that will be the end of those monsters!
Anonymous, at 5:43 PM, October 14, 2005
Yarbrough has to be sweating! She probably feels like she's in a sauna, or better yet in a world of hurt!Welch is going to destroy her, piece by piece, day by day, week by week! She has no record of anything in Springfield and Welch will expose her incompentency! Her best bet, is to feign an illness, and get out of the race!If her support is Pasquale, what about Phyllistine Murphy?Who will work for her? Bryant?Herrell?Dorthy Lane and Ms. Muhamed? Quit on top , lady, before you lose like you have never lost before!!
Anonymous, at 7:56 PM, October 17, 2005
Maywood the highest crime rate in the Suburbs, the highest drop out rate in the suburbs,roads destroyed, and highest taxes in the county = Yarbrough!!!
Change to better schools(see how Proviso209 has improved every year for 4 years),Roads fixed and grabaged picked up, and employees knowing that there pension wil be their when they retire = vot for Emmanuel"Chris " Welch!
Anonymous, at 8:00 PM, October 17, 2005
Welch has nothing to do with the garbage being picked up or employees getting their pensions. Crime has been an issue with Maywood years before Yarbrough took office. But I am concerned that our taxes will be skyrocketing because Welch has no explanation as to how our high schools will be funded in the very near forseeable future due in part to this $40 million dollar school. Plus, he's the president of the high school board...what's his reason for the high drop out rate and substandard perfomances by our students and his plan to correct this? Is it because that in order for one to get a teaching job at Proviso, all one has to do is "buddy up" with his pal Gene Moore instead of looking at the actual teaching experience, qualifications and credentials? If things are so much better at Proviso East and West, why the need for a new school? How come voter input was not involved? And why is Welch hijacking District 88 with his ridiculously high attorney fees.......over double the next highest school district?
Until Welch provides satisfactory answers to all these questions, my support and vote will go to Yarbrough.
Anonymous, at 4:58 PM, February 24, 2006
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