how the powerful evaluate elected officials
Let’s assume society’s truly powerful have cheated somewhat to accumulate power.
Now let’s assume you are one of these elites. Picture yourself being Don Vito Corleone.
What would you want from an elected official?
The powerful don’t particularly want to run everything, but they want to get their way on the stuff that’s important to them. These are the qualities I figure a powerful person would want from an elected official.
The ideal elected official would be
* Stupid
* Venal
* Vain
* Cowardly
Here’s the scoring scheme I created for each category.
Courage -3 to +3
Venality 0 to 6
Vanity 0 to 6
Intelligence 1 to 7
Feel free to grade Proviso elected officials in these areas.
Now let’s assume you are one of these elites. Picture yourself being Don Vito Corleone.
What would you want from an elected official?
The powerful don’t particularly want to run everything, but they want to get their way on the stuff that’s important to them. These are the qualities I figure a powerful person would want from an elected official.
The ideal elected official would be
* Stupid
* Venal
* Vain
* Cowardly
Here’s the scoring scheme I created for each category.
Courage -3 to +3
Venality 0 to 6
Vanity 0 to 6
Intelligence 1 to 7
Feel free to grade Proviso elected officials in these areas.
Picture yourself in a liberal suburb, and you hold deep prejudices against successful people. Let's assume you are one of these people...anyways, what do you want from your blog?
The ideal blog would...
*Make wild sweeping generalizations about people you only know the most superficial things about.
*Provide a forum for irresponsible rumor mongering.
*Achieve a stratospheric level of self-righteousness by assuming the worst of others.
Feel free to grade this comment.
prejudice [0-6]
rumor [-3,3]
self righteousness [0,9999]
Anonymous, at 5:24 PM, September 06, 2005
Chris Welch courage =1,venality=0,vanity=6,intelligence=0(stooge for Moore,Bruno and Serpico); Dan adams is a 0 in all categories, Matlock is a 0 also in everything, and Sue Henry(Moore's cousin) is a flat 0! These four have ruines Proviso beyound compare and Welch will be a resident of a federal jail soon!!! Flowers,courage=3,venality+2,vanity=1,intelligence=3,Marino,courage=3,venality=0,vanity=o,and intelligence=3! P{roviso Township, Ryan,courage=1,venality=1,vanity=1,intelligence=0,Martinez,courage=3,venality=1,vanity=1,intelligence=3,Williams,courage=1,venality=1,vanity=1,inteligence=2,Gillian,courage=2,venality=2,vanity=2,intelligernce=2,rivers,courage=1,venality=2,vanity=3,intelligence=0,Sloan,courage=-3,venality=3,vanity=3,intelligence=-3.
Anonymous, at 8:56 AM, September 07, 2005
Sloan=-3 intelligence,-3 courage,+3vanity, corrupt,no good, lazy,stupid!lIAR, LOVES MAYWOOS AND WANTS GENE MOORE TO BE MAYOR OF WESTCHESTER!
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM, September 07, 2005
Most people in Proviso do not know how corrupt their elected officials are! The worst example is Don "Melrose Park" Sloan,Township trustee, who under convicted Supervisor Taddeo, allowed the township to be plundered, and now he again gets elected, thanks to Melrose and Maywood, not to his beloved town Westchester , who knows him and voted against him, but now that he is their, his first move is to create an unneccessary postion, called a mayoral Liasion for $12,000, and tries to appoint his buddy!Even though he was elected by the mayor's colition, and even though the mayor's are against this postion, he would rather take care of "Maywood Tommy", then help the seniors with a handyman program!Sloan represents"bad goverment and should be swept from office"!
Anonymous, at 2:52 PM, September 07, 2005
Who is more pathetic, Don Sloan or Chris Welch? They both are blowhards, and are do nothings, trying to make a buck off the taxpayers!Sloan can't win an election in his own home town of Westchester,because he is considered a joke, and has to sell his a--,to Meolrose Park and Maywood, and he has always voted against Westchester whenever he is told to! I guess Sloan wins by default for being the most pathetic of them all!
Anonymous, at 2:57 PM, September 07, 2005
Gene Moore is truely the most corrupt and despicable poltician in Proviso. With his girls,Chrissy Welch, Brianna Cross and Donnie Sloan,he has recieved insurance commissions from the broke school districts of Proviso 209, district 89 and district 88!He will saoon be running Proviso Township thanks to his faithful supporters, of corrupt minions!
Anonymous, at 3:02 PM, September 07, 2005
Hey Carl is it true that every poltician,Moore , Welch and Sloan double crossed Mary Herrell and Tina Alcaraz, in the last election, where Herrell's ticket won, except her, and Alcaraz's ticket won except her? I heard if you look at the numbers from Westchester you could really see the drop off!
Anonymous, at 3:06 PM, September 07, 2005
Don Sloan recently was rebuffed at the Township meeting by all the other trustee's and by the colition of Proviso Mayor's for trying to create a ghostpayroll job! I thought Sloan was the "go to guy", and that his word was golden!I guess nobody cares what Sloan says or does! The other trustee's showed him that they won't tolerate corrupt and bad goverment, and the all the Proviso Mayors actually got together to reprimand this cowardly and dasterdly act by Sloan! Bravo to the other Trustee's and Mayor's for stoping the blantant and arogant move from Sloan to steal from the taxpayers!
Anonymous, at 3:11 PM, September 07, 2005
Geno Moore-
intelligence -00
=Vain -10
How did this guy ever get to the recorders office anyway? Have you ever had a substantive conversation with him?
What an empty wagon!
Anonymous, at 10:21 PM, September 07, 2005
Stop attacking Don Sloan! I know Don Sloan and hew truely cares about Proviso!Mr. Sloan brought to Proviso the Magnet School, gave us Chris Welch(He actually founf him and recruited him to run for 209),supports senoirs programs and is fighting that do nothing Supervisor Kathy Ryan!Mr. Sloan helped make it possible that Mayor Gattuso of Westchester was elected, and without Don Sloan's support,some other mayor would have been elected!Don Sloan is proud to say that Gene Moore is his friens, and deserves his commision from Proviso!Don Sloan is also proud of his friend in Melrose Park,as well as Anthony Bruno!He has stood up to the Republican committeman and to Tony Peraica, because he believes in Martin Luther King and the NCCPA!
Anonymous, at 12:23 PM, September 10, 2005
Surely anonymous 12:23 is providing a joke for the blog today. Every person named with exception of Paul from Westchester lacks intergrity!
Thanks for the chuckle!
Anonymous, at 2:08 PM, September 10, 2005
Two Questions: How did my name get attached to a short question about a possible new township position located in Bellwood. (I ask this because I did not write it and I thought that those of us who sign our names had passwords and no one could use our name unwittingly?) By the way, I enjoyed reading all the answers to the question as I knew nothing about it. Second question is: WHY< WHY< WHY is everyone anonymous and everyone seems 100% on one side or another (one reason I do NOT listen to talk radio is, as with all of these anonymous writers, everything is absolutely clearcut in a real world that is usually shades of grey!!) Gary Woll
Anonymous, at 4:11 PM, September 10, 2005
I deleted the comment in question. I will delete all posts spoofing someone's identity.
I would prefer people create screen names for clarity.
Carl Nyberg, at 4:45 PM, September 10, 2005
Melrose Parks Finest....Donkeys
Gene Mo...Just Stinks period --100gb worth of do do...
Chris Welch..transgendered
To be determined after parole...
Ralph Conner
Next Player of the Year Award Recipient
Grady Rivers
Shady Grady hiding behind brother's fame....
Sue Henry
Foot solider for Moore, bringing the jobs to the family and friends
Wanda Sharp
Can be bought and sold to avoid litigation, a waste of taxpayers voice......
Cheryl Washington..awaiting her floor washing orders...
Anonymous, at 8:09 PM, September 13, 2005
Manzo - Bad hair piece. Girly man. Will enjoy wearing orange in the federal pen.
Yanez - Bad hair. Needs to borrow Manzo's hair piece. Needs to see a dentist. Needs to get a real doctorate.
Nyberg - Weirdo who needs to get a life.
Woll - old man who needs to get out of the way. Destroyed Maywood.
Anonymous, at 12:48 PM, September 14, 2005
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